Nova Roma

Chapter 228 - A friendly hand

The next day hundreds of people from all over the world arrived in Mexico City, from members of organizations to new members of embassies from different countries.

Some spies from different nations were at the airport, all of them were in the task of obtaining the most information about Armando Medina and some others with the mission of recruiting him for their respective interests.

Flavio, on the other hand, was having a nightmare where Hellena was leaving him for Cockroach the unicorn and his children did not want to see him because they considered him useless, at that moment he woke up "Damn nightmares, I miss sleeping in the soft breasts of Miyuki or Hellena"

After taking a shower Flavio prepared to leave when his door opened and Miyuki came in. "Damn crazy, you know what you just did, the world is in chaos and you are very calm.

You have broken the balance that took millennia to complete and not only that you are bringing destruction to the capital of your country. "

Flavio yawned and stretched out his hands "Miyuki if you have only come to scold me then you can retire, I told you that I will do everything in my power to return to my home.

Every day in this place is one day less than I will see the smile of my little children or wake up in the embrace of my wives.

I don’t mind breaking the balance in this place because I’m a damn selfish person who only sees for his desires, calls me a monster or an idiot but I’m just looking to find a way home. "

Miyuki looked at Flavio with hate "You are a shit Armando, but I will accompany you as my sister is on the way and asked me to watch you so you don’t break the balance anymore."

Flavio let out a small laugh and walked towards the window "Very well Miyuki accompany me, I will break the balance more.

I will save all the children with cancer in the city and after that, I will go for some mole 1 to eat, which I have not tried for a long time. "

Miyuki could only see how Flavio jumped on the roofs and could only jump with him, after advancing for a while they reached the first children’s hospital.

Flavio entered very quietly at the hospital reception and asked about the area of ​​children with cancer, the nurse recognized Flavio as she had seen him on social networks.

With some surprise and fear, he guided Flavio through the hospital, but not before giving notice to the authorities, when they arrived Flavio could see small children completely without hair and with their small lifeless looks.

But one by one if they clung to life, doctors and nurses saw a young man and an Asian woman enter the area of ​​childhood oncology accompanied by the receptionist nurse.

The doctor in charge of the area of ​​childhood oncology approached them "You cannot be here, we are busy giving chemotherapy to small children.

Karen why you allowed these people to be in this place, call security immediately. "

Flavio took a step forward and patted the doctor "Don’t worry doctor, you better accompany me, I will show you a true miracle that will change the way you look at the world.

Doctors should take out their cell phones and initiate transmissions on their social networks so that others see what I can do. "

Miyuki looked at Flavio angrily but did not have enough strength to stop him, it was extremely rare that he could use divine energy without any restrictions.

When Flavio got to where a little girl was, the little girl looked at the young man who was facing her with a smile "Sir, are you another superhero, yesterday some of them came and told me that I would be fine.

What I can’t understand is why Mom and Dad cried at my side if the superhero told me that I would be fine. "

Flavio smiled and placed his hand on the little girl’s forehead. "You don’t have to worry, I’ll make sure that mom and dad don’t cry anymore."

At that moment time stopped and Flavio could see a skeletal hand that was placed on his "Boy you know what you are trying to do, healing a girl who is about to die is not very kind to the cycle of life."

Flavio turned to see the dead who had his oz and his black suit "Let’s make a deal I will give you a soul so that I can heal the girl that way the cycle is not altered and we can all do our job."

Death looked at Flavio from top to bottom with its empty basins that only showed a faint red color "You have the same aroma as me and you are offering an equivalent exchange, I can accept the deal but you will have to give the soul first."

Flavio nodded and used his divine energy to create a new soul, death showed surprise while its basins lit up red to a more powerful "You can create souls quite easily, you’re not a normal God but I’m just death not someone that is dedicated to judging, you can cure the girl. "

Before she left, Flavio stopped the death. "Wait, I will not only cure this little girl, but I will also be healing a few more children.

You want me to give you souls as a credit or you will come to collect when I finish. "

Death looked at him for a while. "I’ll come when you’re done, I have to go pick up a few more souls, strangely I know you don’t lie."

After this time returned to normal and Flavio could use his divine energy to heal the little girl, in just a few seconds her hair grew back and her skin regained color.

The little girl looked with surprise at the young superhero in front of her, squeezed her little hands and then felt her hair, this time it wasn’t a wig but her real hair.

Tears came out of his little face, as he felt his body recover its energy "Thank you, Mr. Superhero ..."

The little girl hugged Flavio while crying. Flavio wiped the tears from the little girl’s face. "Don’t thank me. Just enjoy this new opportunity. When you’re ready, you can ask the doctor to check you out.

Now, little one, let me heal the other little children, I’m sure they want to see their parents tell them that they will have to come to the hospital.

While more boys and girls healed Flavio the doctors were getting tears, they have been taking care of all these children but the life expectancy is very poor, many times the children only die to the area of ​​child oncology.

For his part, Miyuki had many questions, especially why at one point time stopped, there are only 3 beings that can do that The old man, death and satan.

He does not feel the divine energy of some kind so it can only be dead but he will have to ask later.

When Flavio finished the entire oncology area of ​​the hospital, more than 100 small children were jumping on the beds and others were waiting for their parents.

The doctor’s transmissions and the nurses became viral and in a short time, poor and rich people began to pack their bags to take their loved ones with Flavio so that he could cure them.

The hospital was surrounded by soldiers and police who were waiting for Flavio and his companion to try to stop him.

Flavio went out the main door of the hospital while the police and soldiers pointed at him, this time there were also reporters recording the moment, a guy dressed as a Mexican general approached Flavio.

The general approached Flavio "Good afternoon, young Armando. We would like you to join us with your companion.

The president wants to see it, I hope you can do it. "

Flavio scratched his head "I would like to, but you can tell the president that I will see him when he has finished curing the children with cancer in the city, consider it a gift from me."

After this Flavio and Miyuki disappeared and continued with his work to cure the children of a disease that they could not but with which they had to live ...

Similar to curry but more delicious the red have chocolate and the green its perfect for chicken ;)

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