Nova Roma

Chapter 227 - Flavio for the world

Flavio decided not to pay attention to the event that had happened and preferred to go to a taqueria 1 to eat something before heading to buy a cell phone.

It did not take long to find a taqueria and decided to take a seat while he was waiting for his order of Tacos de al pastor 1 , while he was waiting for the news on television.

A reporter was in a street that became known to Flavio "Behind me is the place where this strange person was seen, who as if he were a superhero took a big leap to the roof of the house which is 4 floors.

This feat was recorded by the video blogger Ricardo León aka El Chencha 1 , in the opinion of this reporter this may be the birth of a true superhuman "

Flavio could see how the video looked like he jumped with burnt clothes to the ceiling to the surprise of the young man he was recording.

Then the reporter appeared "This is not all a surveillance camera recorded how the young man jumped and crashed with high voltage cables, if they have children nearby we ask you to exercise caution."

The video showed Flavio jumping and crashing into high voltage cables. "Our researchers say the person is Armando Medina.

A young student of philosophy and letters, who was abandoned after being born in a Catholic orphanage, then our correspondent will interview the superior mother Amanda, who will tell us things about Armando during his stay at the orphanage. "

The Taquero 1 took the tacos to Flavio who could only think that if on television it is news on social networks it must be a trend, which can be beneficial but at the same time dangerous.

One of the taco diners changed the channel to a Borregos vs Halcones 1 football match, a Mexican league classic and Flavio could only continue with his meal while he listens to the football match.

When he finished and prepared to leave he could see that the street was closed by a large number of police patrols and even some soldiers, Flavio knew it would be a complicated afternoon.

The soldiers and policemen in the place pointed their weapons at Flavio and at that moment the man in black left the building opposite "Armando I hope you can join us ..."

Flavio raised his hand to ask him to shut up "I told you not to mess with me and the first thing you do is stalk me after I had eaten, but your organization is an idiot or you are the idiot.

I will give 2 minutes to disappear from my view otherwise I will have to break through the good way or the bad. "

The man in black could hold his hand on Flavio’s shoulder and looked at him with an evil smile "The only one who should listen to us is you because ..."

The man in black could not continue why he realized that where his hand should be there was only a kind of energy around Flavio "Look what you made me do, I told you not to mess with me."

At that moment Flavio shouted, "I don’t care what organization or group you are, I told you to leave me alone consider this as a second warning there won’t be a third."

After this Flavio activated his field of divine energy so that all the time he stopped and with it, Flavio took advantage to disappear, when the time returned to normal the soldiers and policemen felt fear when they saw that all their weapons had disappeared, even the munition or cars were gone.

The man in black, on the other hand, held the stump of his hand with a look of fear and hate, at that moment his cell phone started ringing and with his trembling hand, he took out his cell phone and replied "Richard, the society is not happy with the approach towards Armando ... "

At that moment Richard’s cell phone exploded and his head was left with a hole that exposed his brain to later fall to the ground spilling his brain around the place.

In a dark room that was only illuminated by a computer was a young woman smoking a cigar while watching the video of the taco surveillance camera where Flavio had left and had met the man in black.

After seeing what happened in the video, the young woman smiled as she wrote a small code on the computer with which the video was uploaded to the internet and sent to different news agencies in Mexico and the world.

Flavio, on the other hand, was resting in a hotel of poor quality while charging his new cell phone, to be able to enter the internet and know what differences there were in this world with which he knew.

While he was resting thinking about his little son and wives he could hear the noise of the cell phone warning him that it was already charged.

He opened it and after creating a new account he went online to find out, the first thing he found was news reports about him.

Hundreds of media talked about Armando Medina and his danger to society or those who said that everything was a farce of some producer to create hype for his new movie.

Flavio scratched his head "What the fuck I guess I can not go through the city using my divine energy or doing supernatural stuff now I become a kind of monster.

I suppose that the human being will always like and fear the strange, but that can be beneficial for me.

If more people know what I am, I can call the attention of those who can help me to be able to return although it is a two-sided coin, because as I will call the attention of those who can help me and I will find people who only seek to bother but who does not risk does not win. "

A smile formed on Flavio’s face and he decided to prepare his entrance for this world to know him.

With no time to lose, he opened the motel window and began to jump between buildings to go to the nearest television station to ask for help as kindly as possible.

The news of the night of the most-watched television network in Mexico was broadcasting its news on the internet and open television, everything was normal until the reporter who was giving the news suddenly announced that Armando Medina would be in the studio giving an interview.

In all the houses of Mexico and on the internet the emotion was present, the hashtag #ArmandoMedina became a global trending topic.

Different organizations of the world, governments, and people were interested in seeing what Armando said in his speech.

Flavio was guided to a set where the presenter Ramírez was who would do the interview when he entered the set enough cameras were recording the event he sat on a small sofa.

The presenter Ramirez greeted Flavio hand "Thank you very much for allowing us to do the interview, on the internet only talk about you and your actions.

The public is divided in itself their actions with the lord of the suit were the right ones or were an act of abuse, which can you tell us about it. "

Flavio let out a small laugh "People can only see the surface of the water and on that, they base their comments.

You will see the subject of the suit belongs to an organization that does not know the name but tried to take me by force I just defended myself and left a clear message that they did not mess with me. "

The presenter Ramírez got a little nervous "I understand his point of view but how he managed to teleport without anyone noticing, surviving an electric shock or jumping without anyone noticing what was happening.

Are you a kind of superhero or a person with superhuman abilities. "

Flavio smiled and looked at the camera "None of them, I am what you call a God.

It may be difficult to explain but I am the son of the goddess Rhea and the god Apollo, I am the fruit of an incestuous relationship.

I will give you a small presentation. "

The cameras were able to record as Flavio got up from the seat and walked towards the wall of the set, where he began to walk on it while walking up to the ceiling.

From the roof, Flavio opened his hands "The physical laws that govern the world do not affect me at all."

Flavio jumped and fell on the ground without suffering any injury, after this, a kind of energy surrounded Flavio and with his hands, he began to create a small cactus that was slowly growing and placed it on the ground.

Then create a Mexican Royal Eagle which was placed on the cactus, while flapping its wings and shrieking "You can approach her Ramirez, it is not an illusion is a real being who feels, eats and shits."

The reporter Ramírez approached the Eagle and touched her with surprise "I can not only create life but also cure diseases and do a lot of things.

The reason I want to show this is to get the attention of those groups or individuals that can help me.

Of course, there is nothing free in life for those scientists I can provide knowledge that surpasses anything they have ever seen, for those who seek medicine I can give them the cure they need.

Unfortunately, as God I am, there is something that I cannot change and it is dead since the laws of death are even something that the gods have no control.

But I can make a new body for you and transport your soul to him, this body will be much stronger than the human and you can live without problems for more than 1000 years.

All I’m looking for is Sacred texts, apocryphal, tablets with prayers or anything that speaks about Wonders. "

The reporter Ramirez listened and everything Flavio said and with courage and some anger asked him "Forgive my arrogance Armando but if you are a God why you never helped the most unprotected, you know my son died of cancer but my prayers were never heard ... "

Flavio raised his hand and shook his head "Every god is different and the actions they do depend on each one of them, the functioning of faith and miracles is very complicated to explain.

But I can say something to everyone, the gods can help but they don’t do it because I would meddle in the affairs of mortals, I am a special case that I am breaking that rule because I need answers.

If you want to find me I will be in the city, enjoying the beautiful day of the dead and then in the city of Teotihuacan "

After this Flavio disappeared from the study leaving behind him a great stir worldwide ...

A place were sold tacos Tacos of spicy meat that had pineapple, very delicious if you come to Mexico try one of them ;) Just a random name for a video blogger ;p The person who makes and serves the Tacos In this world, it’s like say Chivas vs Aguilas, two teams of Mexico ;)

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