No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 264: Talk Between Men

Chapter 264: Talk Between Men

Back in China, I sighed at the situation in front of me.

"You leave for a moment and come back with another woman" – Lin Ruoxi looked at me with bitterness and jealousy.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Long Aoxue and I am the wife of our husband, I hope we get along well" – Aotian spoke kindly without caring about Lin Ruoxi's look of resentment.

"…" – Lin Ruoxi had trouble getting angry due to Aotian's kind attitude so she could only focus her resentment against me. – "Explain why you have a new wife"

I shrugged. – "She wanted to be my wife and I saw no reason to refuse"

"…" – Lin Ruoxi was angry, but in the end, she sighed as she knew that arguing with me was a waste of time.

Lin Ruoxi decided to ignore me and started talking to Aotian to try and get to know each other better since Aotian will be by her side for a while.

We are currently having breakfast at Ruoxi's house, obviously, I made the food and the housekeeper was in charge of setting the table.

I like the housekeeper as she does an excellent job of cleaning the house without leaving a trace of dust, my OCD appreciates it.

After returning to China I had to make adjustments to my plans as the energy of Aotian and Gogh drew the attention of the big Chinese sects and the government.

The Chinese government took pains to hide all traces of the incident as the appearance of an Outer God would justify the intervention of the Will of the World and supernatural organizations from other countries.

Humans are selfish so the government preferred not to receive help to avoid the intervention of foreign spies or possible conflicts with the Will of the World.

Unfortunately for the government, someone leaked the news.

I left traces of energy so that spies from other countries could report what happened.

In two or three days other countries will send special agents to investigate the incident either with or without the support of the Chinese government.

I had to explain to Aotian that I am doing this to protect my harem since the government hurt one of my wives.

She wasn't against my dishonest methods, though she suggested that it was better to attack the government and cultivators directly.

I tried to tell her that it would cause a conflict with the Will of the World, but her answer was that then I must destroy the World.

This woman only knows how to use force to solve problems without measuring the danger or the consequences of her actions...

After a long conversation, I managed to convince her to let me do things my way, make the enemy destroy himself, and then attack him from behind.

Although Aotian agreed to be a spectator, she refused to enter my Core of Existence as she wants to experience life on Gaia.

The problem is that I can't register her with the Will of the World as she is technically a criminal for entering Gaia without permission so her identity is a ticking time bomb.

The only means I have to make the Will of the World not recognize her as an enemy is for her to restrict her cultivation to appear like an ordinary person, in the meantime I will find a way to register her as an otherworldly ally while hiding her true identity so that the Jade Dragon Emperor does not demand the return of his daughter.

Aotian currently has the presence of a normal woman with no supernatural energy, but her beauty is too conspicuous which is sure to cause trouble.

The good side is that she is not helpless, even without cultivation energy, her physical strength is enough to destroy a planet the size of Jupiter with ease.

Nyaruko said that Aotian is comparable to a caped bald man, I don't understand what she means.

For now, I can only prepare countermeasures for when Aotian's identity is known. I already assumed that this will be a disaster.

Despite all the future problems Aotian will cause me, she is a good wife.

Aotian used her ability to see the ways of Destiny and warned me that something very strange is happening on Gaia.

Based on that ability, China will be totally destroyed within the next two weeks.

This is not really good since my plans are to destabilize the government and then restructure it to my convenience, but the total destruction of China will cause a political, economic, and supernatural disaster that will force me to leave this world without obtaining the benefits that interest me.

The problem is that Aotian could not see who will be the cause of the destruction of China, but she is sure that I am not the cause.

For now, I will have to gather as much information to try to change this Destiny since I want to control the government, not destroy the country.

Aotian will stay by Ruoxi's side while I'm in charge of looking for information so today my wives will go to the company while I investigate this city since this place will be the epicenter of the destruction of the whole country.

"So you don't know your biological parents?" – Lin Ruoxi looked at Aotian sympathetically.

"That's right, but it really doesn't matter, my adoptive father has been kind to me so I have no regrets" – Aotian smiled friendly.

Aotian knows that she shouldn't talk about Higher Entities, but talking about her life as if she were a cultivator is fine as long as she is only with Lin Ruoxi.

Now Lin Ruoxi thinks that Aotian is a homeless cultivator that I picked up by chance. She is a kind woman so her sympathy lessened her jealousy and she started treating Aotian like her little sister.

In appearance, Aotian looks like a 17 or 18-year-old girl so Lin Ruoxi looks like her older sister at 23 years old.

Both women talked about their lives in a harmonious environment which gave me some satisfaction, this kind of peaceful environment helps me to put up with the stupidities of the author.

"Husband~" – Monika's cheerful voice sounded in my mind. – "I do not want to interrupt your little moment of happiness, but I recommend you to watch the news on the internet~"

I opened my cell phone and checked the trends in social networks.

Arisa was the one who taught me how to use this thing since I still think the internet is a waste of time.

It is 8 in the morning, but there are several news about strange incidents of violence.

Today at dawn a bank was robbed.

Apparently, someone leaked the video from the security camera and you can see that a hooded man broke the main doors, opened the safe with his bare hands, and finally escaped while carrying heavy bags of money.

He was nicknamed the 'Masked Hulk' because of his superhuman strength. I can tell the name as I have seen some movies during my breaks at work.

According to Nyaruko, worlds with heroes of comics also exist, although the coordinates of those worlds have not yet been found.

Many people have said that the video is false or that it is a promotion for a movie, but there are other videos and photographs of similar cases that began to occur the night before.

The government has not made official statements and the videos are constantly removed from social networks to prevent people from panicking at the appearance of criminals with superhuman abilities, but the images are published faster than the government can remove them.

One moment…

"Monika… Are you downloading the videos to repost them?" - I smiled wryly internally.

"Ufufufu, the artificial intelligences of this world are too slow~ I'm also making edits to make the criminals look scarier to encourage collective fear~" – Monika was having fun.

"Good job" – I put my cell phone away.

"Ufufufu, it's a pleasure to help my husband~" - Monika spoke fondly, a cute wife.

It's almost time for Lin Ruoxi to head to his company so I spoke to the waiting woman standing behind me. – "Xiao Bai, Aotian doesn't know much about society so you guide her so trouble doesn't arise"

Xiao Bai nodded, she takes the role of her bodyguard very seriously so she always remains alert and ready for combat.

"Won't you come with us?" – Lin Ruoxi raised an eyebrow upon hearing me. – "Don't tell me you are going to look for more women…"

I smiled wryly. – "I would like it to be like that, but I really need to fix some things, oh, one more thing, that Wang Ma accompany you to work, someone needs to take care of you so that you do not skip meals"

Wang Yulan is Lin Ruoxi's housekeeper, although her nickname is Wang Ma since she is my wife's mother figure. And no, I am not interested in adding her to my harem, she will be a babysitter.

By the way, Lin Ruoxi's mother and father are currently not in town so I haven't met them.

Lin Ruoxi looked at me in confusion at what I said, but then she seemed to understand the situation so she gestured for me to open the telepathic link. – "Is anyone nearby?"

"Yes, but don't worry, I'll take care of it, while Aotian and Xiao Bai will protect you" - I smiled with a kind expression so that she wouldn't feel distressed.

There are currently 30 special forces agents guarding this residence.

Monika managed to identify their identities based on the communications and they are not the same ones that appeared when I hit Yang Chen, but rather they are the group led by Lin Ruoxi's grandfather.

Aotian hadn't even noticed them as she considers them comparable to ants. That's the problem of overconfidence, I'll need to help her change several things in her mindset.

Lin Ruoxi sighed and nodded, that is the value of communication, she knows that in a fight it will only be an obstacle so she is willing to listen to me during situations involving violence.

Lin Ruoxi, Aotian, Xiao Bai, and the housekeeper left for the company after eating breakfast.

I put on hot water and waited.

The agents surrounded the house as a man approached the door, behind him were two special agents comparable to the elite warriors of the Ichijo family.

Before the man rang the bell, I opened the door and smiled. – "Do you like tea or coffee?"

The man stared at me while the two agents analyzed me, they even used special abilities to check if I have supernatural energy, but that was useless due to [Mythomania].

"It seems that you noticed us" - The man spoke to me with an imposing voice in an attempt to intimidate me with his presence.

I shrugged. – "I can be a simple bodyguard, but I have experience with ambushes"

"…" – The man seemed angry at my nonchalant attitude, but he kept his expressionless soldier expression.

I don't need [Character Sheet] to recognize the man, it's Lin Zhiguo, Lin Ruoxi's grandfather, leader of China's special forces, and one of Mr. Ichijo's friends.

I let them into the house and the three people sat in the living room, then I poured them tea and made myself a coffee. I still don't like tea.

"Well, to what do I owe this unexpected visit?" – I spoke friendly.

"To begin with I want to know why you decided to stay to talk" - The old man spoke to me as if he were interrogating a criminal.

I shrugged. – "Well, I wanted to see if you were here to capture Miss Lin or if you were looking for me"

The old man frowned. – "Did you use those women as a decoy?"

"Of course not" - I smiled and took out a detonator. – "I am the decoy"

One of the officers quickly threw a knife at my hand, but I easily dodged the knife.

The second agent turned invisible and attempted to knock me over the head to knock me unconscious, but I easily parried his hand and with a twist of his arm forced him to kneel in front of me.

I remained seated while my right hand held the invisible agent and my left hand held the detonator.

The old man glared at me and he was about to give the order to attack me, but my words stopped him.

"Mr. Ichijo sends his regards" - I spoke with an indifferent voice as I released the invisible agent.

"…" – The old man paused for a moment and then sighed. – "That idiot… Ah, damn it, get out of here, this is a private conversation"

Four unseen agents turned off their cloaking abilities and headed for the door to exit the house as the two agents acting as escorts also nodded expressionlessly.

All of these soldiers were indoctrinated to follow orders without question, they are no different than puppets.

The old man leaned back on the sofa as if he was tired of life and sighed heavily. – "It seems that the rumors that that girl made deals with the Ichijo family were true… Damn you Issei, you promised not to cause me problems"

"I'm not here on behalf of the Ichijo family" – I spoke calmly and took off a watch while I changed my appearance and soul frequency to Luis's. – "I introduce myself, my name is Oosuki Luis and I am the husband of Lin Ruoxi"

"…" – The old man looked at me blankly and then rubbed the bridge of his nose as if he had a migraine. – "That girl married a damn brat… Did Issei say something to you?"

I nodded. – "You are my wife's grandfather, she knows it too"

"......" – The old man's face turned red with fury. – "ISSEI YOU DAMN BASTARD!!"

The old man managed to calm down after two minutes of breathing like a raging bull, he finally drank his tea to calm down.

"Good tea..." – The old man tried not to think about Mr. Ichijo to calm his fury.

"I'm glad you liked it, sir" - I made a small bow.

The old man began to study me with his eyes.

I revealed my identity since according to what Mr. Ichijo told me, the fact that I am Lin Ruoxi's husband will help lessen the old man's suspicions and hostility since he really loves his granddaughter, but he is a stubborn old man who doesn't know handle family relationships while her true wish is to converse with Lin Ruoxi to establish a true grandfather-granddaughter relationship.

In fact, the contact list Mr. Ichijo gave me included this old man's private number.

The old man sighed. – "Judging by your reaction to the hidden agents, you must already know about the supernatural world"

I nodded. – "That's right sir, in fact, I was recently involved in an incident where I was sent to another world and became what they call a Hero"

"..." - The old man frowned. – "Are you talking about the school incident?"

I nodded.

I'm not surprised that he knows about it, these kinds of incidents become known as they can lead to an increase or decrease in the supernatural power of a country.

The old man raised an eyebrow. – "Are you not being too sincere?"

"Mr. Ichijo said I can trust you and my boss ordered me not to cause any trouble, I'm just here to take care of my wife" – I spoke blankly as if my mind was more like a rational machine than an emotional person.

The old man seemed pleased with my words, but there was something that caught his attention. – "Issei not your boss?"

I shook my head. – "I work directly for the heir to the Ichijo family, Ichijo Seiji"

The old man's mouth twitched bitterly at the name.

This man has a lot of prestige among the soldiers and intelligence department so he must know that the cause of the disaster for the cultivators is the son of the current ruler of the nation.

On the other hand, the government already knows that the cultivators were brutally mutilated by the hero Seiji.

Although the Administrator was returned unharmed as he is a member of an important family from China, the other 7 cultivators are now useless vegetables.

Although their injuries can be healed, they won't be able to cultivate again since Auriel's energy purified all traces of cultivation energy. Using [Schizophrenia] to register cultivation as a disease, I was able to use Auriel's blessing as a weapon.

This angered and scared the cultivators as a single Hero was able to defeat 8 nukes.

Although Lin Ruoxi's grandfather knows that this happened because of the idiot whose father is too important, it doesn't change that the loss of 7 government-affiliated cultivators caused great damage to China's national power so he bears a deep resentment towards Seiji.

Despite his hatred, the old man didn't vent against me since I am now protecting his granddaughter, I was even willing to come to this country despite the dangers.

"Ah, damn it" – The old man sighed heavily. – "My idea was to test the bodyguard that girl hired, but now I have this problem… My horoscope said that today would be a good day"

I finished my cup of coffee. – "Sir, with all due respect, believing in horoscopes is stupid"

"Yes, you're right" - The old man sighed and drank the tea to calm his worries. – "Hey boy, do you have a beer or any alcohol?"

From my pocket, I took out a small leather bag and pretended to take out a bottle of rice wine.

I put a cup in front of the old man and filled it with the rice wine.

I personally don't like rice wine, but I have a wide range of spirits in my Rasen Dimension which is depressing because I can't get drunk every time I feel stressed.

"This time I'm going to ignore that you have a space bag and you're doing illegal smuggling" - The old man smiled as he smelled the sweet smell of wine. – "This is a fine wine…"

This wine is a low-quality product that I stole from the Buddhist sect, but in Gaia, this wine can be considered of the highest quality.

I did not offer one of the liquors that I distilled myself as it will be a headache if the old man starts chasing me for more drinks.

This wine could enhance vitality, lessen the effects of weak curses, and calm the mind so that the old man felt as if he had rejuvenated twenty years.

I can sell this wine as a first-class treasure, but emotional connections are more valuable than money.

I feigned empathy so that the old man could express all the concerns in his heart and thus make him feel that he was talking to the most trustworthy person.

Holding too many worries makes the mind weak when little consolation is found, which makes it easier to manipulate, so it is better to express worries constantly so as not to accumulate stress.

Within minutes the old man treated me like his own son and we started drinking while he told me about his life and his regrets.

Apparently, he still regrets not staying by Lin Ruoxi's grandmother's side since she was his only true love.

If it weren't for his family's expectations and responsibilities, he would have dropped everything to be with her, even abandoned the woman who was legally his wife.

The old man had made many mistakes in his life that he regretted.

He did not take care of Lin Ruoxi's grandmother so she died of an illness that could be treated with the resources of the Lin family, a prestigious family in the military field.

He wasn't present during Lin Ruoxi's father's upbringing so he became a complete idiot, especially since he's barren and it caused him an inferiority complex that worsened his shitty attitude.

He has never conversed with his granddaughter (Lin Ruoxi), although the only thing that gives him some comfort is that he secretly applied spiritual medicine to Xue Zijing (Lin Ruoxi's mother) when he found out that she had leukemia, though this put Xue Zijing in danger as it indirectly exposed her to the supernatural world.

I have the feeling that this information will give me headaches...

[System Notification: 'Paranoia' skill nods innocently]

I made subtle comments that Lin Ruoxi was in a terrible emotional situation when I met her, I even left clues for the old man to know that his granddaughter had been on the verge of suicide.

I got into the role so much that I also started drinking and so we both became friends, we even looked like grandfather and grandson.

"Hey brat..." - The old man drank another glass. – "Things are becoming chaotic in this city… Although we have no proof, it is possible that something very bad is about to happen so you should be careful…"

I nodded after downing a bottle of tequila. – "My wife will be safe…. I'll make sure of that…"

"Heh, you're a good brat" - The old man patted my back after having another drink. – "Hey, how strong are you?"

"Enough to protect my family" – I drank another bottle.

"Hey, that's not saying much" - The old man grunted. – "Let's see… you easily immobilized an elite agent using martial arts and since you're a hero then you must have magic or such crap…"

I nodded as he pulled out a bottle of whiskey. – "I specialize in body reinforcement magic and I am good at assassination… I think you have already heard of the Kuro assassin in Japan…"

"Yes, Ichijo's Dog" – The old man drank another glass and smiled. – "Is that your identity?"

I nodded. – "Before I became a hero I was the assassin of the Ichijo family, my role was somewhat disposable but now I am the direct subordinate of boss Seiji"

The old man patted my back again. – "To be so young, without a doubt you have had a difficult life"

"Something like that" – I finished the bottle. – "But well, thinking about the past is useless, I am still alive, and only that matters"

"Brat, you sound like an old man, you need to relax and enjoy life or you'll end up being a bitter old man like me" - The old man smiled kindly. – "I like you brat so I hope you take care of my granddaughter"

I nodded. – "I will die before I allow my wife to be in danger…"

"..." - The old man drank a couple of glasses in silence until he sighed. – "Brat… if you had to choose between being with the lover you love or fulfilling the duty for which you have been prepared all your life, what would you choose?"

"I choose my woman" - I rolled my eyes. – "It is stupid to ask, nothing is more important than my woman"

"What if you have an arranged marriage and even have a daughter? Would you leave that family to be with the lover you love?" - The old man stared at his empty glass.

"I stay as both" - I shrugged and filled the old man's glass.

"And if your wife doesn't allow it?" - The old man did not look away from the glass without drinking it.

"I don't care, I'll take both" – I drank a bottle of German beer. – "If my wife gets angry maybe she will calm down after stabbing me a couple of times, then I will find a way to convince her that things will work out"

"Tch, young people nowadays don't think about patriotism and the importance of responsibilities anymore" – The old man snorted angrily, although he seems a little pleased with my answer.

"What good are ideals if I can't protect those I love?" - I rolled my eyes. – "My only responsibility is to take care of my family, I don't care about everything else"

"..." - The old man smiled and drank the last glass. – "I entrust my granddaughters to you…"




I think Mr. Ichijo mentioned that this man started a family with his legal wife...

Ah, whatever, if the granddaughter is beautiful it's fine.

"I'll take care of it" - I agreed.

We were drinking like this all morning until the old man fell asleep and was carried by his soldiers.

A soldier thanked me as it was the first time they had seen his commander sleeping with a calm smile.

Apparently, the old man is well-liked in the army...

Well, I do not care, I'm drunk and my rationality is at rock bottom.

"Senpai, let's advance the plot!"

Whatever, this country is going to be destroyed in two weeks so I'm going to relax a bit.

I changed my appearance to the Harem King and started wandering.

At least I had enough rationality to restrict my presence so I wouldn't kill ordinary people by accident.

"Ahahahaha I'm invincible! Stupid policemen no one can stop the great Tiger Fang!"

All the liquor I have is good quality so to get cheap beer I need to go to a cheap bar…

Where was the ROSE bar?

"Boy, stay away from that man! It is dangerous!"

"Do you think you look cool in your stupid Kung Fu clothes?! Fucking idiot brat! Go dead!"

"Watch out!"


"Bastard let go of me! W-Wait! Aaaahhh my arm!"

"Shut up, I'm drunk and your voice is annoying" - I sighed.

I want a hamburger… Maybe a steak…

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