No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 263: System User vs Mary Sue

Chapter 263: System User vs Mary Sue

After a week my body was functional again, although it was a headache when the brats knew I couldn't move and tried to take advantage of the situation.

Damn degenerate brats.

BB helped the brats and I was almost gang raped if it wasn't for Abby and two of my daughters being decent girls who protected me from the little degenerates, although I do worry that Alma and Rosemary were almost tempted by Rin to join in on that stupid thing.

(Author's Note: Rosemary Winters from Resident Evil Village… Alma Wade from F.E.A.R… Rin Kokonoe from Kodomo no Jikan)

Alma and Rosemary are about 3 years old due to the time I spend in my personal world interacting with my daughters, but currently, they have the appearance of 10-year-old girls and their minds are developing along with their appearances so they are entering into adolescence.

For now, I will put aside the subject of my daughters to concentrate on something problematic.

Before going back to China, Aotian wanted to have a match with me to learn about my single combat skills without relying on my wives.

She wants to be my martial arts teacher because now that I am her husband I have the obligation to be stronger every day.

Although this is a nuisance, I did not refuse as I need to train against opponents who can bring new perspectives to my martial arts.

Currently, my martial arts have reached the peak of what I can learn through mental simulations and I need real opponents with refined and professional combat techniques.

The problem is that training with the strongest entities in my party only helps me improve my [Reader's Madness] techniques but not my martial arts.

Haachama lacks techniques and only causes chaos around her.

Kuuko only uses destructive power and lacks techniques.

Chiyo refuses to attack me even if her life depends on it.

Gogh is a resounding no.

Abby doesn't fight directly and only creates space traps that can fool strong beings but aren't entirely deadly.

BB helps me train in resistance against conceptual attacks and reality manipulation, but she's not good at direct combat.

Nyaruko is a complete headache and I just don't learn anything from fighting her.

That girl is very skilled in close combat and she helped me improve my reflexes, but I have a hard time adapting to her combat style since it's totally random.

Magical explosions, illusions that come true, reversal of senses, her limbs stretch like rubber, bolts of life energy, time manipulation, ability to return physical attacks… Her skills are meaningless.

At first glance, it seems that Nyaruko is a system user since she can use all kinds of skills that are not compatible with each other, but this is because of her main skill, 'Everything is a JoJo-reference'. I think that's the stupidest name I've ever heard for a skill.

There are many conditions to use that skill and sometimes Nyaruko can't choose which skill to activate as the 'references' appear spontaneously, but this skill is what made Nyaruko the second strongest Outer God in the multiverse.

With this skill, Nyaruko can use any technique, skill, and weapon of a character she admires.

Anyway, the point is that I need a partner to train my martial arts since training with my wives only helps them to improve, but it is no longer useful for my development.

Not even Mikumo, Miu, Shigure, or Saeko can bring improvements to my Rasen Arts.

Now I am on what looks like a dead planet with no trace of life, the atmosphere does not exist and the planets around us are in the same condition.

This place is a dead story, this is the result of the excessive extraction of resources.

The Will of the World does not exist and all living things have perished, now there are only planets and dying stars that slowly fade away until eventually this place turns to dust and disappears.

Just as I have two Worlds within my soul, this Dead World is within Aotian's Soul and she uses it to test her most dangerous techniques that could destroy entire planets with ease.

The death of this World will not affect Aotian since she has developed several Worlds within her to replenish her energy during long battles, she can be said to be a living universe.

As intimidating as this sounds, Nyaruko could easily beat her in direct combat which shows how terrifying the otaku girl is.

"Are you ready?" - Aotian smiled at me.

There is no atmosphere on this planet and we are directly exposed to space radiation, but our bodies have already reached the point where that is irrelevant.

As for how we manage to talk even though we're technically on something like the moon, the almost withered laws of the world allow it, don't think about it too much.

I sighed and nodded.

I explained to Aotian that Ortro and Tsubaki are indispensable parts of my strength so I can't fight without them which is not a lie.

Even when I fight with bare hands, Tsubaki strengthens my skin, bones, and muscles into weapons, on the other hand, Ortro is the core of my regenerative abilities, soul destruction, and mental attacks.

Aotian accepted this as spiritual weapons are a common thing among entities with great resources, although she does not like them as she feels that it is similar to her strength depending on other people.

Personally, I think that her mentality is correct, but the strength of my motivation (Obsession) is my harem, so they are indispensable in my actions.

A simple sword with no decorations appeared in Aotian's hand. Although it looked like a normal weapon, that sword is much more dangerous than Auriel's sword and I can even see that space is cutting up in its presence.

"Go senpai! Hit that waifu!" – BB cheered from a distance.

The Higher Entities of my group are here to see the show and thanks to Abby's skills they won't be in danger even if this World is totally destroyed.

I explained to Gogh that this is training so she doesn't need to intervene, she can see this as a play.

"Hey Listen! Demonstrate the power of the patriarchy!"

I ignored the spectators and used [Dissociative Identity] to switch to the 'Martial Arts' Concept.

[System Notification: The entity 'Tsubaki Nakatsukasa' has become 'Fists of the Tyrant']

[Fists of the Tyrant: I have the medicine to repair your face, my fists!

A weapon forged by the combined talent of great craftsmen, scientists, blacksmiths, and alchemists. This weapon stores the desire to protect a loved one through excessive violence.


- Perfect Adaptability: The weapon changes according to the techniques and needs of the user. It is possible to adapt to different energies, abilities, and forms.

- Tyrannical Oppression: Increases the strength of fear and intimidation-based abilities based on the Obsession stat.

- Immovable Object: An increase in physical, mental, and spiritual resistance will be given the more pain and injuries the user has. Warning: Excessive use generate extreme mental fatigue.

- Unstoppable Strength: An increase in strength will be given the more pain and wounds the user has. Warning: Excessive use generates extreme mental fatigue.

- Ascending and Descending Spiral: Increases control over Rasen and Anti-Rasen energies.

- Crazy Love: The feelings of affection, obsession, and the lust of female entities towards the user are converted into energy to improve the luck and Destiny of the user.

- Onii-chan Ganbatte!: Cheers, congratulations, and support from loved ones become energy for the user.

- Wife's Love: The user's pain decreases every second and grants resistance to mental suffering. The effect can be turned off]

Black leather gloves appeared on my hands and my arms were covered by black bandages.

My wives who are most skilled at crafting crafted these weapons using the best materials we stole from the Buddhists, the rewards Paradise gave me, and various resources Nyaruko reluctantly gave me.

System Goddess had guided this project together with my other wives since we returned to Gaia and it could only be finished in the time that I was incapacitated.

Although I like this weapon as it fits perfectly on my body, I feel that the design is a bit strange.

BB and Nyaruko made fun of me saying that I look like a teenager with chuunibyou syndrome. I punished them for two days without dessert.

Aotian smiled as he felt my presence grow to the point of shaking the planet.

"Don't hold back, I need to see what my weaknesses are to improve" - I spoke seriously.

I am aware that my combat style is full of flaws so this is a good opportunity to see my flaws and improve.

"Won't it hurt your pride to be defeated by your wife?" – Aotian looked confused.

"There is no greater pride than having a wonderful wife, so I don't care if you can beat me, it only matters if I improve" - I answered with relative sincerity.

Aotian smiled. – "I really like you… Okay, I will give my all and I will make sure to show you how to improve"

Before I started I used [Anti-Rasen] to seal my soul-destroying ability since I don't want to inflict spiritual injuries on her, then I used [Mythomania] to make me think that Aotian is an enemy I must destroy at all costs.

[System Notification: The skill 'Reader's Perspective' has been activated]



(Perspective of the best kohai in the world, the wonderful BB-chan★~)

"For today's fight we have the lovely BB-chan as the host and the disgusting otaku Nyaruko as the professional analyst, come and say hello stinky otaku"

"I don't stink, I took a bath today!"

"All otaku suck, it's a passive skill"

"I hate you…"

Senpai will be very focused on the fight and his [Reader's Perspective] skill is unable to fully analyze the female cultivator's skills since she has various barriers protecting her mind and information so it will be my job as a kohai to explain the development of fight to give context so readers won't get frustrated reading about meaningless conceptual garbage, plus you won't have to cringe when reading cultivator technique names.

You're welcome loser~

Oh right, before we start I'll give a gentle reminder since the stupid author doesn't know how to handle scales of power because he is an unstable and depressive idiot, heh, loser.

In a High-Level World like Gaia or the cultivator world, the woman has the strength of a galaxy while senpai is about to reach the level of the solar system.

However, this dying universe is a Low-Level World so here the woman has the strength close to the universe while senpai is the milky way, of course, that's due to senpai's potential energies, he still needs to improve his Rasen control.

That is because the Laws are almost dead and cannot restrain the power of the invading entities.

With the explanation given to justify the author's stupidity, it's time to focus on the battle.

The instant the battle began, Senpai took a low Muay Thai stance and then disappeared from the scene.

"A space jump to shorten the distance and thus compensate for the difference in speed between the woman and Onii-san..."

"Thanks loli for stating the obvious"


Spatial skills are useful for moving over long distances and Worlds but are difficult to use in combat as they leave a trail that can be detected by entities with knowledge of space so movement can be predicted.

There are two ways to correctly use spatial skills in combat: Erase all traces of space by creating an absolute vacuum (pancake-loving loli method), or by creating millions of false coordinates (ever-cute BB-chan method).

Senpai didn't use any of those methods, he directly appeared next to the woman and hit into that idiot woman's face, but as was obvious, the woman easily predicted senpai's actions so she slashed with her sword and split my cute and pitiful senpai in half.

F to senpai.

"Little brother…" – The cheap copy of Yuno was furious to see senpai cut in half, but she's forbidden to intervene so she can only look helplessly akin to a loser watching his girlfriend get robbed in an NTR doujin.

Senpai isn't that stupid to attack without a plan which was shown in an instant.

Senpai's body exploded like a water balloon scattering black blood everywhere.

A part of the blood turned into millions of needles that attacked the woman while the rest turned into a black mist that filled the planet.

The mist was a strong spiritual poison created from senpai's blood and caused hallucination, fear, pain, and corrosion effects.

The woman used an exaggerated name technique to create a golden barrier that protected her body, then swung her sword creating a gigantic sword of energy and split across the middle of the planet.

The woman was looking for senpai since the first senpai was just a decoy, he had hidden somewhere in this dying universe.

The woman shouted that the point of this battle was to test her strength so senpai should fight from the front, but senpai is a treacherous rat who specializes in attacking from behind ♥

The woman looked down and quickly moved to another planet as a white beam of energy destroyed the remains of the planet which was split in half.

That was a gamma ray, the result of a black hole spitting out the excess matter it absorbed. Looks like senpai is getting better at his mastery of Rasen~

The woman formed a moon-sized sword of energy and slashed horizontally in the direction of the gamma-ray.

Planets and asteroids were instantly erased, but there was no trace of senpai.

"There it is" – The idiot otaku pointed to a sun that shouldn't be alive. – "Luis revived the sun to use it as a battery, then used Mythomania to hide his presence"

"You should narrate this fight since at times I can't see senpai and I don't know what he's doing, pretend you're Speedwagon"

"Oh, I like the sound of that~… Ahem, Luis set up several black holes and filled them with Rasen so that they explode at certain times to distract the woman since she lacks experience in sneak attacks"

Every second the woman was attacked by random bolts of energy from all over the universe.

Although these attacks were unable to hurt her, they were enough to distract her while senpai did whatever he was doing.

"Granzeboma is using Anti-Rasen to build up the matter of dying planets and stars to compact them into microscopic amounts of matter, then use Rasen to change the properties of the matter and turn it into antimatter"

Senpai doesn't have the creativity to use magic or fantasy skills so he chose to use science fiction, which is expected of a pragmatic atheist.

"Granzeboma is building energy on autopilot and Luis is not there… Oh look, there he is"

In front of the woman appeared a red robot covered in spiral energy.

The robot's right fist became a drill with spiral energy and hit the woman.

The barrier protecting the woman shattered, but she made no attempt to defend herself, allowing the drill to close in on her chest.

"Luis is using Rasen to break the impossibility of the attack being effective, although it's a shame, that woman has a better understanding of cause and effect"

When the drill managed to hit the center between the woman's collarbones she was uninjured and suddenly, the robot's chest exploded as it was thrown far across two planets due to the impact.

Senpai was inside the robot so his body was torn to pieces by the attack, although he is a cockroach so he will be fine.

"Otaku, explain what happened"

"The woman used the principles of cause and effect of Karma to make Luis be attacked by his own attack, it is basically Meliodas's counterattack on a conceptual level"

Oh senpai is in trouble~

Although my skills can nullify reality modification, senpai needs a long time to alter cause and effect.

Senpai can modify probability and reality with the two spiral energies, but he needs a lot of time and concentration to alter a single causality so he can't do that during a battle.

I didn't realize it until now, but senpai is too weak in direct combat, he relies too much on treacherous tactics.

Well, I love that about senpai so it doesn't matter~

The Gurren Lagann robot's body was covered with spiral energy and quickly regenerated.

The woman pointed at senpai and then dropped her sword.

The sword flew with such speed that the space was filled with cracks and in an instant, the sword split the robot and senpai in half.

"Flying swords, they're so cliche that I can't get enough of them~"

The two halves of the robot came together again and rushed towards the woman to attack with its fists turned into drills.

The sword returned to the woman's hand and she easily blocked the robot's first few attacks, but suddenly one of the robot's fists returned to normal and used a karate palm technique.

The woman managed to block the attack, but suddenly she flew away until she hit another dying planet.

"Using a palm strike that strikes internal organs used by a mecha at the same time as using the Rasen to ignore the Defense Concept… Luis is creative in his own way"

The robot wasted no time rushing to charge the woman.

The woman recovered too quickly and gave four simultaneous slashes causing a white lotus to appear in front of her, then the lotus petals scattered in the direction of the robot.

The robot, senpai, the planets, time, and everything in the path of the attack froze.

Senpai used Rasen to cover the robot and managed to get out of the ice seal, unfortunately for senpai, the woman got close enough to cut the robot thousands of times in a second.

The woman formed a current of icy air to freeze the robot's parts and thus prevent it from rebuilding itself.

Now only my helpless senpai remained, but there was something in his hand.

"Oh, a wormhole"

Senpai was holding a black sphere that seemed to be a materialized black hole with Rasen.

Senpai was pointing the sphere at the woman which made me remember the other robot.

Granzeboma had collected a massive amount of matter, practically compressed 10% of the dying planets in this universe, and concentrated them into a glowing mass of purple energy.

The mass of energy disappeared as the black sphere in senpai's hand turned into a vortex of spiral energy.

The woman didn't try to evade the attack, she smiled and with her sword faced the senpai's attack.

A tornado of energy that mixed Rasen and Anti-Rasen came out of the sphere.

"Luis is using Rasen to generate unstoppable energy while using Anti-Rasen to keep control of the energy and focus all the destructive power on a single point..."

"The energy concentrated in a single point is stronger than the raw power on a large scale, for example, when lying on a bed of nails the weight is distributed evenly and that is why the needles do not pierce the skin, but a single needle it can pass through the skin with ease…"

"What Luis did is comparable to firing a single bullet with the power of a small Big Bang..."

"Nyaruwagon good contribution, now narrates what is about to happen"

"Well, ahem... Luis used his biggest attack to destroy Aotian..."

"The energy of the attack had disintegrated all the matter in front of Luis, even the space was erased, leaving the absolute void where nothing existed..."

"Louis was panting tiredly as the number of mental calculations required to synthesize matter was very stressful, especially since he had to modify all probabilities to ensure that Aotian could not escape or defend himself…"

"When the spiral energy trail disappeared, Louis sighed bitterly as he noted that her final attack was only able to destroy the Aotian sword, but the woman was unharmed, not even her clothes received a scratch…"

"The fact that Luis could destroy such a powerful sword was a testament to the power of his attack, but that wasn't enough, the woman kept the broken sword's handle in her space ring and approached Luis for a bare-handed showdown…"

"Both rivals were in the vacuum of space, but the woman walked as if she were on solid ground while Luis had a more relaxed posture to facilitate counterattacks..."

*Epic music*

"The woman reached out with a smooth but quick movement… her thin finger almost destroyed Luis's right eye, but Luis managed to move his head to the side causing the finger to leave a cut on his face…"

*Epic battle sounds*

"Luis closed the distance and punched the woman's abdomen..."

"Aotian was faster than Luis so she easily managed to parry the blow with her hand, but it was a feint, the real blow was a Muay Thai knee to the kidney at the same time he activated his suffering skills to cause mental pain with every hit…"

"The woman ignored the pain and slammed her palm into Luis's chest, but Luis's body moved like a rubber doll as he easily moved back as his legs countered against Aotian's jaw, that was the Shaorii of the Baki series…"

"Aotian didn't expect the kick so her face was kicked hard at the same time a blade appeared on Luis's foot..."

"The blade wasn't able to pierce Aotian's skin, but the kick was enough to make her lose her concentration, which Luis took advantage of to turn around and deliver a roundhouse kick towards Aotian's head..."


"Aotian is stronger, faster, and tougher than Luis, but she is inferior in technique-based combat with no special skills so she couldn't predict the kick and was hit directly again..."

"Luis started mixing Capoeira, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Karate, and Kempo to throw hundreds of punches without allowing Aotian to get used to the constant change of pace between attacks…"

"Aotian's head was shaking like a boxing pear not allowing her to fight back, but her high defense stats prevented her from receiving any real injuries..."

"Both of them were stuck in a stalemate, Luis couldn't hurt the female cultivator and Aotian was unable to counter the system user…"

"Aotian sighed and her body was covered in energy which exploded and caused Luis to be thrown onto a rock planet causing half of the planet to become a crater… This is like watching One Punch Man…"

"Tch, that woman couldn't stand that senpai was better at martial arts so she resorted to raw power"

"Well, Luis is very skilled in martial arts and could even hit all the characters in The God of High School, but he still lacks destructive power so this result is normal"


Well never mind, senpai should just be cute and I'll take care of killing all the nuisances ♥...............

Tch, my simp side keeps growing.

The woman approached senpai and was about to end the battle, but as she approached, senpai pointed his finger at the woman's forehead.

The otaku noticed something strange. – "Luis is using Mythomania to hide a microscopic wormhole in the tip of his finger, but I don't understand why he wants to…. Oh hey look at the purple robot"

While we were all watching the fist fight, Granzeboma had absorbed 70% of the matter in this dying universe.

Stars, planets, solar systems, galaxies... Everything had been compressed into pure energy.

Senpai's finger emitted a thin line of energy, as thin as a hair, but that line of energy was capable of disintegrating practically anything...

The otaku sighed. – "To think that Luis would use acupuncture with that attack… There is no doubt, that even if he is not the strongest, he has a great talent for assassination… However, Aotian is also amazing, her abilities to see the paths of destiny allowed her to avoid the acupuncture attack on her brain"

The woman had managed to prevent the thread of energy from piercing the acupuncture point that forces the brain to sleep, but her right eye was totally destroyed.

The woman smiled with delight and took out a new sword that seemed to be made of ice, then stabbed it into senpai's chest.

Senpai's body was covered with ice up to his neck, leaving his head free, ending the fight.

I sighed with conflicting feelings.

It's funny to see senpai being treated like a rag doll, but it makes me mad to see him hurt...


The damn woman just kissed my senpai?!

Fucking bitch! I also want to kiss senpai while he is totally immobilized!

I should calm down, if I kill that bitch then senpai will hate me...

Ah, it's so hard to be a good kohai.

"Well that was entertaining" – The stinky otaku smirked. – "I am hungry, I will tell Luis to make me a pizza"

"I want pancakes"

"Australian Ramen"

"Pizza because Nyaruko likes pizza♥"

"Hey Listen! The dog owes me a hamburger with enough bacon to give a vegetarian nightmares!"

"Yellow paint…"

"... You are strange, although in you the strange is normal..."

"Hehehe, he wants Gogh even if Gogh is weird..."

"You scare me... That reminds me that I should hit the other members of the Court of Azathoth for disappearing without helping me, you damned traitors"

"Do I have a court?"

"Yeah, or well, technically we're your babysitters"

"There are women? He likes women… Will he be happy if Gogh gives him women?… Gogh wants to see him happy…"

"…Your expression is scaring me…"

"I just want to take care of my little brother, he must be sad about losing the fight..."

"I highly doubt it, senpai must be satisfied since he found a new sparring partner" - I shrugged.

"Tch, my little brother keeps surrounding himself with bitches…" – The fake Yuno was upset.

"Well, you're a bitch" - I smiled.

Fake Yuno glared at me, but she didn't say anything, she had already had bad experiences from arguing with me.

"That reminds me, what happened to the Shub-Niggurath bitch?" – The loli asked me without enthusiasm.

"I don't know, she hasn't connected in the chat group" - I checked the cell phone and sure enough no one has used this thing.

I tried to contact the other Outer Gods to make senpai happy, but the other idiots don't want to answer me, though that may be because I've pranked all the Outer Gods and some of them want to kill me... Tehee~

"Hopefully she's dead or some degenerate's sexual dungeon, although it's possible she'll enjoy the latter" – I put the cell phone away.

"Why do they hate Shub-Niggurath?" – The crazy woman who eats paint asked us with curiosity.

Azathoth has never had a conversation with other entities so it's normal that she doesn't know most things, in fact, I'm surprised that she knows who Shub-Niggurath is.

"She's a bitch and you have to hate bitches" - I smiled.

"Don't show her those things or Luis will get angry" – The otaku sighed. – "It's just that we were jealous of her"

"Jealousy?" – The black-haired Yuno raised an eyebrow.

"The Ancient Ones have some worshipers and fans, but the followers of the Outer Gods only seek our power and have never had true respect or friendship for us" – The otaku said something unpleasant. – "Unlike us who are treated like a nasty plague, many entities are willing to die in order to get the attention of Shub-Niggurath, she not only attracts the lust of other people but is also capable of generating love in others... Of course, a twisted love closer to obsession, but in the end it is love…"

"I see, you guys are jealous" - The bitch smiled like a haughty bitch.

"Tch, shut up, you are also a wanted bitch for being a bitch, there are millions of idiots who masturbate thinking about you and your mere existence will cause endless headaches for senpai as your suitors will want to kill him… What's more, it would be better if you kill yourself…" – I covered my mouth, my damn simp side is having me a fit of jealousy.

The bitch smiled. – "Now I understand, you are scared that Shub-Niggurath will take away my little brother's attention~"

…I'm going to kill this bitch…

"Although I dislike the idea that my little brother is with other women, I am sure that he will never ignore me" - The dog looked at me with contempt. – "It seems that you do not trust my little brother at all~"

"Daoloth calm down!"

"Let go of me you fucking idiot otaku! I'm going to kill this fucking bitch!"

"If you do then Luis will be mad at you!"




"What are they doing and why does BB look like he's in a bondage porn movie?"

Senpai appeared next to the female cultivator…..

"Ah, perverted senpai! Do not look at me! *blushes making senpai fall madly in love with BB-chan*"

".....Stop playing and come on, we have to go back to China" - Senpai sighed and looked at me strangely.

Senpai looking down on me while I'm in a humiliating position is weirdly nice….

"Your wives are strange" - The cultivator woman looked at me strangely. – "Do you like this kind of thing? My father often does similar things with his concubines, I think it's called bondage…"

"Senpai is better than that stupid pervert emperor!"

"Don't call my father stupid, you're courting death!"

I'm going to beat up this idiot for daring to compare my cute senpai to that trash!

"Aoitan, don't listen to BB, and Nyaruko, free BB, we have things to do" – Senpai sighed.

Hehe, it doesn't matter, senpai will kill the idiotic emperor which will make this idiotic woman cry so it's all good.


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