Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 1078

Necromancer School’s Summoning Genius Chapter 1078

Keygen Top 10 Member.

The magic sword user Juul was here.

“…is this really Jules?”

Meilin asked back with a surprised face. Jules, who was staring at the two people, finally lifted the hood he was wearing and revealed his face.

He has a youthful and sharp appearance, and most of all, his eyes are covered with bandages.

“I didn’t expect to see you two here.”

Simon laughed.

“Me too, Jules.”

“No, you were surprised! you idiot!”

Meilin raised her voice while still hiding behind Simon’s back.

“Why are you swinging your sword all the time?”

“It was just a slight threat.”

Juul continued speaking while caressing the hilt of the magic sword.

“The Elemental Master who ranks higher than me is very strict.”

“That’s not what a knife-wielding guy would say! “Have you become shameless?”

Simon quietly looked at Jules and said.

“Jules, something has changed.”

“…exactly. After all, you can’t fool the student council president’s insight.”


Jules grabbed the bandage covering his eye and slowly lifted it up to reveal his eye. Red-hot eyes, as if possessed by a ghost, were revealed, different from the eyes of ordinary people.

“Seeing it with my own eyes makes me even more like those two people.”

“What, what? eye?”

Meilin reacted in confusion.

It was natural to be surprised.

Jules Vincere is a magic sword user. Unlike other students who grow by gaining new teachings or skills, Juul grows every time he throws something at the Demon Sword.

He gave up sight to see his surroundings, sense of taste, comfortable sleep, and comfortable life.

But now, Jules has regained the eye he once lost.

“Of course not my eyes. To be precise, it is the ‘magic eye’. The eyes of the Demon Sword are looking at you now. “I only recognize you through the magic sword.”

Now, beyond throwing it away, part of the body has been handed over to the demon sword to be replaced.

Still, Jules seemed comfortable. It was different from before, when he lost his temper due to the magic sword and went wild.

Simon grinned.

“The singularity has arrived.”

Unity with the Demon Sword.

There is a contract between the magic sword and humans. If you get involved with the demon sword, you usually meet a miserable end, but Juul overcame that and became almost one with the demon sword. He has overcome his body’s rejection of the magic sword, and his interaction with the magic sword seems to be in good condition.

He, who had only honestly looked at the magic sword, had finally achieved a new achievement. As we entered third grade, it was great to see everyone grow together.

“congratulations. “You look good both physically and mentally.”

While Simon was talking, Maylin came up and whispered in his ear.

“But you can’t let your guard down, Simon.”

“of course.”

Meilin reminded Simon that Jules still had his hand on the hilt of his sword. That’s the fighting stance. The magic sword user was able to swing the sword in that state.

When third-year students from Kizen go out of school for missions, they are like complete strangers. Fighting between students is allowed, and there are many cases where third graders fight among themselves when their goals clash.

“Thank you for the compliment, but I’d like to get back to the point.”

Jules opened his mouth.

“Simone Pollentia, Maylin Villenne. “Why are you here?”

“That’s it.”

Simon told everything that had happened so far. The movements of the 1st Legion were unusual, and many of the undead of the corps patrolling the area were lost. So he dressed up as a reporter and came here in person to investigate the village.

After hearing the explanation, Jules slowly nodded.

“Thank goodness. “I was wondering if we might run into trouble because our mission went awry, but I don’t think that will happen.”

He finally took his hand off the hilt of the sword.

“It is a burden for me to deal with both the Chairman and Vice President of Keygen at the same time.”

“what! “You’re cut from my line before you fight Simon!”

Meilin, who was still clinging to Simon’s back, shouted energetically. Simon said with a smile.

“Then Juul, why did you come to Mahihala?”

“I was looking for a new magic sword.”

He looked at the village with red eyes.

“The magic sword is here, in Mahihalla.”

* * *

I heard Jules’ story.

He said he came to retrieve the magic sword at the request of a client whose identity cannot be revealed. A necromancer who had reached the state of union with the demon sword could sensitively feel the energy of the demon sword.

At the end of the chase, we reached this place, Mahihalla.

He sensed the stinging energy of a magic sword somewhere in this village. Juul said that the reason monsters couldn’t get close to the village was actually because of the energy of the magic sword.

However, Jules had no idea about the ‘1st Corps’, the reason Simon and Maylin came. I was just chasing the demon sword.

“With all the information we have added up, we know what the situation is.”

Jules said, placing his hand on his chin.

“It seems that the target of the 1st Corps you mentioned is the magic sword that is sealed somewhere in Mahihalla. “There must be a large-scale excavation going on somewhere in this town.”

“My thoughts are a little different.”

Simon shook his head.

“It’s been quite a while since the corpse spiders we first sent as spies suffered. If the magic sword was truly sealed in this village, the 1st Corps would have obtained the magic sword right away without any further delay. “It seems like there are collaborators of the 1st Corps in this village.”

“Then what about this guess?”

This time Meilin answered.

“The demon sword is not sealed in this village, but someone has already awakened it! “The magic sword that Juul felt actually belonged to the 1st Legion from the beginning, and the 1st Legion is using the magic sword to do something!”

“That guess would be the most reasonable. So, Jules.”

Simon stretched out his hand.

“I propose an alliance.”

Jules looked worried.

“Are you saying we should do a joint mission?”

“Let’s cooperate for our respective missions. We came not for a mission, but for student council work. “If our goals do not overlap, it is wiser to fight together.”

Simon smiled and continued.

“In that sense, I will ask without turning it around. “Is your purpose a magic sword?”

“That’s not true. It is impossible for one human being to handle two magic swords, as it is excessive greed. Even the current demon sword is too much for me, and I don’t think this guy wants another demon sword to come.”

As if that was exactly the case, the magic sword that Juul was carrying on his back made a clanking sound and trembled noisily.

“What I want is information. The specific location and whereabouts of the magic sword, as well as the identity of its owner. I knew there was a magic sword in Mahihala, but I stayed there to find out its exact location. Plus, if there’s one more thing-”

He looked at Simon.

“The client requested that if the magic sword was in the hands of the Anti-Darkness Coalition forces, we should retrieve it as much as possible. If the official alliance force, the 7th Legion, gets the magic sword, I will have accomplished my mission.”

“That’s good.”

Once again, Simon held out his hand and Jules took it.

It was the moment when a temporary alliance was concluded.

Meilin stuck her head out with a worried face.

“Simon… you’re not trying to become a magic sword user, are you?”

“Of course not.”

It might have been different when he was a first-year student who knew nothing, but for Simon, who has now grown into an official corps commander, the magic sword was too risky a weapon. There was no need for him to use the magic sword.

“If I get a magic sword, I’ll keep it for now and think about its use…”


At that moment, a tearing scream rang out from the village. Meilin was startled and trembled. I was so surprised that I thought, ‘Ah, what’s going on!’ He let out a garbled pronunciation.

Juul grabbed the handle of the magic sword.

“Towards the village!”

“We’ll go. Jules, please wait nearby. let’s go! Meilin!”

* * *

Simone and Maylin returned to the village hall at full speed.

The wife of the newlywed couple, who seemed to be the main character of the scream, was shedding tears, and other people around her were talking with serious expressions.

“What’s going on?”

Simon asked breathlessly. The manager shouted loudly.

“Emon! Lynn! “Where have you been in this mess? Come now!”


The new bride, seeing Simon and Maylin, burst into tears and came running.

“He! “Have you not seen my husband?”

“Mo, I didn’t see it.”


The new bride sat down and wailed. The senior reporter sat next to him and comforted him by patting his back, and the mercenary spoke while resting the crossbow on his shoulder.

“Where did the two reporters go during the night?”

“Oh, that’s…”

Before Simon could say anything, the manager snorted and said, ‘Hmph.’

“It seemed unusual the whole time. Anyway, young people these days are so picky…!”

“I don’t know what you’re imagining, but no!”

Meilin, whose ears were red, screamed loudly and then sighed.

“I wanted to go to the bathroom, but I was scared outside, so I just had Emon take me and run!”

“Tsk! Next time, I’ll at least bring a jar to the hall, so you can work there!”

Simon stepped forward.

“Can we hear what’s going on?”

The new bride, who was sitting down at those words, cried out and screamed.

“This time, he, my boyfriend, is gone! why? why!”

“Please calm down and explain.”


She covered her mouth, took a sniff, and then began to explain.

It was early morning when she woke up. As it happens, it is around the same time as when the chef disappeared yesterday.

When she opened her eyes because it was cold, the window was open and her husband had disappeared everywhere.

“I’m afraid someone might think they’re newlyweds.”

The drunkard said as he put the leftover bottle of liquor down on the floor.

“Everyone in the village will wake up. You might go to work for a while and be late because you slipped on your own poop. “It’s been so long since he disappeared that it’s all this chaos.”

“I’m definitely not the type of person to disappear without saying a word to me!”

My wife shouted with glaring eyes.

“My husband said because I have been scared since the chef went missing! I will never leave you alone under any circumstances! If I have to leave, I will definitely let you know. That’s what I said! But he disappeared without saying a word! No matter how long I wait, it won’t come! Three hours have already passed! “He’s not going to disappear without telling me!”

“Sister, calm down. “I’m sure your husband will be safe.”

Since one reporter wasn’t enough, Meilin was also brought in. While Meilin hugged and calmed her new bride, the humanist looked out the window and spoke in a slightly frightened voice.

“They are coming.”

Soon, the village chief and villagers who heard the new bride’s screams came to the hall.

“I can talk.”

The mercenary came forward and told them about the situation, and the villagers talked loudly with stern faces.

“Let’s all grab a candle or a lamp and go out and look for it!”

“I need to find a new husband!”

Soon, the entire village went out with fire and searched the village. The new bride was crying and thanking them, but she was still shaking with fear.

Simon asked Meilin to look after the group and then looked around with a lamp.

“What happened? Simon Pollentia.”


A man in a robe holding a lamp walked over and spoke to me. Jules took advantage of the darkness and approached me.

“One person in the group disappeared. So…”


The manager was gesturing and calling for Simon. Simon frowned and made an ‘Ugh’ sound.

“I’ll tell you more about it later, Jules.”

“I understand.”

Jules disappeared into the darkness again, and Simon calmly approached the chief reporter.

“Did you call me? Seniors.”

The manager was already taking out a cigar from his pocket, putting it in his mouth, and looking at the residents. The entire village was brightly lit with fire and filled with voices looking for a new bridegroom.

“Something about them gives off an abominable feeling.”


“No, it’s nothing.”

He dropped his burned-out cigar on the floor and continued.

“The reason I said something earlier was because I wanted to show off to my companions. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Oh, no. “We were really careless.”

“Can you feel it more than that?”


The manager twitched his nose several times and spoke.

“This is definitely a scoop. It’s not normal. People disappearing one by one every day. “A boring village festival has turned into a story that will turn the Dark Alliance upside down.”

he chuckled.

“Keep your eyes open because you never know what will happen. The situation will soon reach the extreme.”

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