Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 1077

Necromancer School’s Summoning Genius Episode 1077

The cook went missing.

Simon and his entire group searched the area around the village at dawn, but found no traces.

Village residents who heard the story of what happened decided to participate in the search and searched the entire village, but there was no result until daybreak.

“Has anyone here seen the chef wake up at dawn?”

In response to Simon’s question, a skinny humanities scholar among the group raised his hand.

“Ah yes. “I saw it.”

“Can you explain?”

“of course. I’m usually a light sleeper, so I woke up when I heard a rustling sound, and the chef who was sleeping next to me was walking toward the front door. “I didn’t think it was a big deal that he was going out to do some business, so I went back to sleep.”

“Do you remember the time and when you woke up?”

“Hmm, I fell asleep right away so I’m not sure. “It was still dark outside the window and the surroundings were quiet, so I think it was early in the morning.”

Simon rested his chin on his chin and thought.

-It tastes different from what you get on the market! They’re all different! They feed us something like this, but send something different to the tomato sauce distributed to nobles! I’m not doing this on purpose!

Now that I think about it, the chef’s most likely motive for leaving the village hall at dawn seems to be to find the secret recipe for tomatoes in Mahihala Village.

“That thief. “It’s obvious.”

The drunkard was giggling and had been drinking the rum in his hand since dawn. He also seemed to have the same thoughts as Simon.

This time, Meilin was asking the residents of Mahihala Village.

“There is a missing person in the village. Is there anything you can guess?”

“I can only guess. It’s not just one or two.”

An older villager pointed to the mountain.

“The surrounding mountains are full of monsters. Most of them are nocturnal, and the people in our village don’t want to die at night, so they stay at home. “If you wander around for no reason, you are likely to get bitten to death.”


“If you go over the fence, you will be attacked by a monster. “There is no doubt about it.”

Simon, who was listening to the story, turned his head and looked at the village fence. It was a small wooden fence, about the height of an adult man’s shoulders.


At that time, the deputy who had been persistently searching only near the fence from the beginning waved his hand.

“There are torn pieces of clothing! It’s the chef’s!”


People flocked to see it. The humanities scholar also confirmed that it looked like the clothes the person wore when going out. There were traces of clothes being cut on the sharp part of the end of the fence.

Maylin said, crossing her arms.

“I understand that the chef is looking for the town’s secret recipe for tomatoes, but did he really need to go outside the fence?”

“I don’t know either. But if he went missing overnight, wouldn’t there be anything other than a monster?”

This village is formed in a mountain basin. Also, according to residents, the outside area is teeming with nocturnal monsters. The chef secretly went out somewhere to find out the secret recipe, and in the process, he was attacked by a monster. That was the most reasonable assumption right now.

‘At the same time, it’s a bit too obvious.’

Simon swallowed the words back in his throat and turned his back.

Anyway, morning came, and since it was the tomato harvest season, the most important season for farming in a year, I had to do my quota today as well.

People tried to reassure themselves by saying that the chef couldn’t get over his anger and went home alone, or that he was alive and safe.

Simone and Maylin talked while picking tomatoes in the field.

“I feel uncomfortable.”

Meilin lowered her voice and approached Simon.

“Because something like this is happening in a place that may be related to the 1st Corps, I start to get suspicious. “I guess the villagers did something to the chef who tried to get the secret recipe for tomatoes?”


Simon continued speaking as he picked the tomatoes and put them in the basket.

“It was like that because I saw something I shouldn’t have seen.”

“Yah! “Don’t do it!”

Meilin, her face pale, screamed in a muffled voice and stamped her feet. Simone smiled, then her expression turned serious and she spoke.

“I think it would be better now to prepare for everything.”

“haha! then! Just trust me!”

At that time, the voice of the manager reporter was heard from somewhere.

Simon and Maylin made eye contact, then lowered themselves and listened. In the distance, the village chief and department head were talking.

“It is devastating to see such chaos happening on harvest day, which accounts for most of the village’s income for the year.”

The village chief was seen gently handing over a bag containing money to the manager. Just looking at it, the pockets were sturdy.

“Please, in this article….”

“haha! Don’t worry! Happy days for villagers and sweaty farmers! And we’ll only feature features on the quality of our tomatoes!”

At that time, the village chief returned with a smile on his face, and Simon and Meilin, who had seen the adults’ dark dealings, exchanged glances.

“Emon! Lynn! “Where are you?”

Suddenly, the manager screamed. Simon and Maylin, who had been hiding, suddenly got up.

“yes yes! Boss!”

“Did you call me?”

Two people rushed over and stood in front of him.

The manager was rustling and opening his money bag as if he had no intention of hiding it.

“You guys, please keep in mind what I say.”

He took a gold coin out of his pocket, bit it with his teeth, and continued.

“It smells like a scoop.”


“After decades of working in the media, my nose tells me so.”


He pointed to his nose. His nostrils fluttered, his nose hair sticking out.

“Mahihala, who grows the most famous tomatoes in the Dark Alliance. The disappearance of a chef who went into hiding as a tourist to steal the secret recipe. “What could be a more perfect scoop than this?”

Simon laughed bitterly.

‘This guy, he takes the money as it is paid…’

“Everyone, be alert and keep your eyes open while you are in this village. “The scoop will happen in an instant.”

He wiped the saliva-soaked gold coins on his clothes and placed them back in his pocket, then turned away, hiding the pocket carefully in his arms.

“By the way, it’s a secret from you seniors. “It’s obvious that you’re going to make a lot of noise.”

‘I know.’

It wasn’t a particularly unfavorable order. Simon and Maylin also had to uncover the secrets of this town.

The two people dispersed and listened to stories about the village people and the village throughout the day under the pretext of reporting.

The more we dug, the more strange parts there were, and the more things the residents seemed to be trying to hide.

One of the strange things is the monsters.

On this continent, it is not easy for isolated villages in remote areas to survive. At the very least, people’s lives are bound to be intense. Farming has to be done the way farming is supposed to be done, and monster attacks have to continue to be prevented.

Remote territories must have a basis for maintaining the territory, such as having a strong village wall, a strong vigilante force, or a hidden strongman protecting the territory, such as Simon’s hometown of Leth Hill.

But there is nothing like that here. They said the nearby mountain was infested with monsters and did not have a proper defense system or fence. When night came, all we did was go inside the house and hide like rats.

Simon thought it was strange and asked the villagers about it.

-Mahihalla is a village that has existed for so long that it is hard to imagine. This is what monsters learn and know. There is nothing good about coming down to that human territory.

Well, it certainly wasn’t a story that satisfied my curiosity.

And this is the second biggest question. This village cultivates vast tomato fields, and manufactures and sells tomatoes and sauces that are so expensive that no nobles can afford them. One village has built its own brand.

The profits would be astronomical for one village to absorb, and it should be a rich village, but this village is too old. The clothes and food of the village people are not that good either. Where did all that profit go?

In addition, there were many other questions.

So Simon wanted to go into the houses of the people in this village. A home is a treasure trove of information where traces and clues of a person’s various living environments can be found.

However, outsiders had to move under strict control and were not allowed to do anything other than stay in the village hall. Meilin asked a villager she had recently become very close with if she could go to his house.

-Sorry. Visits from outsiders are prohibited.

The sharp rejection came back. However, if you don’t want to show it, what you want to see even more is human psychology.

Simone and Meilin received information that the female villager, who lived alone, was leaving the house as the sun was setting and the villagers were going out to prepare dinner.

Purr purr-

An evening filled with the sound of grasshoppers.

While preparations for the meal were in full swing, Simone and Meilin quietly arrived at the woman’s house.

Clap, clap, clap.

Simon grabbed the door and tried to shake it, but it was still locked with the latch. Maylin said quietly.

‘Leave it to me.’

Nothing is impossible for a necromancer. I let the jet black flow through the crack in the door, unlocked the latch on the outside, and came in easily.

Simon looked around. It was an ordinary family home. Although the house overall was old and old, it seemed to be no problem for living.

“Nothing wrong? “I think I was suspicious for no reason…”

May-Lin seemed bothered by the idea of her trespassing into someone else’s house, but Simon was persistently focused on inspecting the inside of the house.

Then, when I entered the small storage room, I saw a large sword hanging on the wall.

“It’s meaningful.”

Simon crossed his arms and raised the corners of his mouth. Meilin, on the other hand, tilted her head.

“Isn’t it just for self-defense? The world is a scary place these days. “There are a lot of monsters.”


It was not a modern-day sword used by necromancers who deal with undead or demons. Flamberge, the blade of which protrudes like a flame.

It was a good sword to contain the ‘aura’ used by knights in the past.

Simon walked slowly along the wall.

‘Traces of magical power.’

Simon walked along the wall, following the faint remnants of magical power, and soon stopped in one room.

A gap visible in the wall. Simon put his hand into the gap and pulled on the protruding part.

It rattled.

With the sound of something loosening, the wall opened and a new space appeared.

Surprised, Maylin covered her mouth, but Simone, who was familiar with such devices through extensive experience, squatted down and rested her chin.

In this new space hung a large piece of knightly armor. There are even blood stains on the helmet. It wasn’t that long ago.

“It seems like the villagers are playing knights.”

In addition, it was full of many old decorations that I had never seen before. It looked like it was old and was full of black dirt, but I don’t know what it was. And one letter visible on the ceiling.

Simon tapped Peer’s badge on his robe.

‘Bear! Bloom!’

[hmm? What’s going on, boy!]

‘Can you interpret these letters here?’

Peer looked at the writing for a moment and then opened his mouth.

[Hehehe! The old Talhern language! Where should I look?]


At that moment, a sound was heard outside the door. It was the sound of a key being inserted.

The landlord came back. Simone and Maylin, who were startled, quickly took refuge in the open storage closet and closed the door.

In addition to the homeowner, I heard the footsteps of several people.

“That’s why I’m holding on to it.”

“for a moment.”

The owner’s voice rang out.

“The position of the shoes is different than usual. “Someone is home.”



Suddenly, the sound of a sword and blade being pulled out was heard. Meilin, who was clinging to Simone’s side, tightly clamped her mouth shut. Simon quietly closed his eyes.

‘It’s not good to be caught here.’

Jump, jump, jump.

The sound of footsteps is getting closer and closer. Simon felt his heart pounding as he heard Meilin’s shaking trembles.

Simon slowly prepared black magic and opened subspace.

“Could it be that outsiders sneaked in?”

Jump, jump, jump, jump.

The villagers soon entered the room where Simon and Meilin were hiding.

“It looks like it’s here.”

“Everyone, get ready.”

The landlord signaled to the two men who came with him and grabbed hold of the cabinet where Simone and Maylin were. The men raised their swords.

“out…! uh?”

She screamed and opened the door.

But there was nothing. There was just armor and the items were the same. One of the villagers laughed.


“There were definitely signs of entry….”

“You must have felt that way because you must be a lot more sensitive these days.”

People closed the door again and walked away.

“You got all the ingredients, right? “Please don’t make me come again.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know.”

After she took something from her kitchen, I heard the front door close. After the sound of her footsteps faded away.


Simon carefully opened the door with his foot. And when he snapped his fingers, the wall collapsed, turning into a spider web.

Simon and Maylin were there.

“I’m glad I didn’t get caught here. “I think we can continue the investigation.”

Simon turned his head in relief.

“yes? mail….”

Simon couldn’t forget what he said. Meilin’s face, which was tightly pressed against Simon’s chest, turned red. She exhaled her colorful breath and looked up at her Simon, but then she fell back and sat down, distraught.

Simon also said in confusion.

“I’m sorry, Meilin! “Because it’s an emergency.”

“No! It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay!”

She stood up, calming her pounding heart.

“Come on, let’s get out quickly!”

The girl who was walking ahead of her squeezed her eyes shut, letting out a muffled ‘Awww!’ sound.

It was as if she never saw her face again, which she had barely become familiar with since coming to town.

* * *

Simone and Meilin casually participated in dinner as if nothing had happened.

The villagers and companions also enjoyed the meal without any suspicion. It was always a delicious meal, but Simon especially had no appetite this time. The tomatoes were slowly getting bitten.

After eating like that, it was early morning the next day.

Grumble! Grumble!

Simon, who had been sleeping on the sofa, slowly raised his upper body from his seat. The manager can still be seen sleeping, snoring loudly.

Soon, the humanities scholar, who was half asleep, woke up holding his breath so as not to wake up.


The humanities scholar, who was a keen sleeper, turned over her body like a ghost and rubbed her eyes.


<Pantasus Original – Sleep>

Simon immediately put a slip on his body, and the humanist fell asleep, snoring with his mouth wide open.

Meanwhile, Simon quietly walked out, followed by Meilin, who had gotten dressed.

The two ran under the cover of darkness.


Maylin asked, catching her breath.

“There is an unidentified house outside the fence?”

“Are you sure. “The corpse spiders found it.”

Simon’s eyes lit up.

“I don’t know what the building is for, but it’s suspicious that it’s located quite far from the village. They didn’t even tell us their location. “If the chef had accidentally found out about the existence of this building, he would have gone out of his way to find the secret sauce.”

The two jumped over the village fence and ran through the dark forest.

Contrary to the villagers’ stories that there were nocturnal monsters teeming outside the fence at night, the forest was eerily devoid of any presence.

Thanks to this, it didn’t take long for the two to arrive at the building.

“It looks like there’s no one guarding it.”

After Meylin carefully examined her surroundings with her dark magic, she spoke. Simon slowly got up.

“good. Let’s go…!”


Suddenly something cool flew over me. Simon grabbed Meilin, who was trying to climb up, and fell down. Something like a sharp wind passed by, cutting tree branches.

‘This technique!’

Jump and jump.

In the darkness, someone wearing a black robe was walking in here.

“Don’t move.”

A gloomy voice rang out.

Meilin looked embarrassed, but Simon smiled calmly, got up from her seat and waved her hand.

“long time no see.”

They stopped walking as if they had noticed who we were.

“You guys…!”

“I never thought I’d see you here, Jules.”

Keygen Top 10 member.

Jules Vincere, a magic swordsman, had come to this village.

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