Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 1045

Necromancer School’s Summoning Genius Chapter 1045

The remnants of Eurythes, who had been arrested while trying to escape out of the neutral zone, were trembling in a prison made of bones.

And in the direction where their eyes were focused, Hector Moore was holding a communication crystal ball with a cold expression.

“Hey, commander of the army of betrayal. “Now we’re treated like bridesmaids?”

A student from Hector’s faction chuckled and said.

-That guy is mine.

Simon’s declaration. It meant that he would catch the biggest tycoon who was presumed to be his savior.

Pierre Buckler glanced at Hector.

“What do you want to do? Hector. Should we go too?”

When it came to Simon, he had a burning desire to compete and was jealous, so I thought he would immediately get angry and set out to catch the savior of the fight first.

But Hector raised his head and looked at the horizon.

In an instant, one of his pupils fluttered and changed into a vertical pupil like a reptile. The skin around the eyes came off, revealing black scales.


“we are.”

Finally he opened his mouth.

“We will do our best to defend Orjava.”


Pierre whistled in surprise. The clique male student next to me said, ‘Huh?’ He made a surprised noise.


“The defense of the city is more important than capturing the head of the gang.”

Hector, who said that, glared at the sect student.

“Wouldn’t it be natural for me to take on more important tasks?”

“That’s it! After all, it’s Hector!”

The clique student nodded his head and clapped his hands. Hector turned his head towards the sea again.

It was visible in his eyes.


A flock of black Behemoths flocking beyond the horizon where the sea and sky meet.

This was no joke. It is no longer a matter of Behemoth practice or anything like that.

A tragedy that will be recorded in history is before our eyes, and 40 third-year students from Kizen, including ourselves, are at the scene.

If you are on the scene and cannot stop it, the names of Kizen and the Moore family will fall into the abyss. The news that Kizen was defeated in a desperate battle will spread throughout the continent.

You can’t see things like that unless you keep your eyes wide open. Now we are in a position to take responsibility for the results.

“It’s Hector Moore. “I will give instructions to the entire department.”

Hector declared, holding up a new communication crystal ball.

“All personnel except Simon Pollentia are gathered at the coastal fortress of Orjava. “In the name of Kizen, we will definitely stop Behemoth here.”


[I’ll go right away. It took us 20 minutes!]

Positive answers are heard from everywhere. Hector opened his mouth again.

“The 3rd group that visited the lord in Orjava should provide administrative support so that we can operate without problems. “Is it still far?”

[Oh, that’s it…]

A new voice was heard from the communication crystal sphere.

He seemed to be a student from Group 3, but just by hearing his voice, it seemed like something was wrong.

[The situation is a bit complicated…]

“I take full responsibility. “Finish it in one hour.”


Hector said that and turned off the communication crystal ball. Pierre laughed cheerfully.

“let’s go.”

Hector looked back and said.

The students who had been waiting, spread out according to their individual personalities, stood up one by one. He took off the robe he was wearing and proudly revealed his Kizen school uniform and mark.

* * *

[Finish in one hour.]


The student who was struggling with the communication crystal ball made a dumbfounded expression when he heard those words. Then he burst out in anger.

“No, this is not a situation that will end just because Ji tells me to end it.”


The student sighed heavily and raised his head.

This is the lordly castle of Orjava, a neutral zone.

The 3rd group that came to handle the administrative process had not even been able to see Lord Orjava’s face yet. In front of the tightly closed door, guards stood with their windows crossed, and in front of them stood an administrative officer in charge of the estate’s household affairs.

Group 3 students beat their chests and spoke as if they were frustrated.

“Why can’t they give me permission to fight? Kizen says he will fight for the people of Orjava’s territory!”

The secretary shook his head.

“Orjava is neither a union nor a federation, but a strictly autonomous neutral zone and is protected by the neutral zone law according to the agreement between the three powers.”

He unfolded the document.

“However, illegal military actions within Kizen’s neutral zone resulted in damage to property and facilities, as well as threats felt by residents. He even refused our request to hand over Eurytes’ new soldier. “The neutral zone is no longer your battlefield.”

“There’s nothing we can do because the organization is hidden! They are also cancerous beings that ruin your territory! “What should we do now when even giving a reward is not enough?”

“Everything in the world has a procedure.”

The secretary spoke harshly.

“Your actions were nothing more or less than an unauthorized act of grave violence and a crime. “We cannot trust such robbers and we cannot let them see the lord.”


The secretary unfolded a document and held it up.

“In accordance with the neutral zone law, Orjava asks you to leave the city immediately. If you refuse, Orjava will revoke your neutral zone status and order the soldiers to arrest you as a criminal. “If you don’t want to do that, please sign this document and leave the neutral zone.”


“I’ll see.”

Three groups of female students wearing glasses grabbed the documents and quickly looked through them.

The student next to me pounded his chest in frustration.

“Are your ear canals clogged? Behemoth is coming! Behemoth! The city is dangerous! “It looks like all your permanent residents are going to die!”

“Not only do we not trust that information, but even if we did, it would be our business.”

“calm down.”

The female student who stopped her classmate from fussing pointed to one side of the document.

“According to the agreement, the provisions of Article 8 are not appropriate. Considering the provisions on criminal escape….”

“Our fiefdom has never wanted Eurites. “It is the Dark Alliance’s interpretation that he is seen as a criminal.”

“Article 7 We have a duty to safely protect the residents of the Dark Alliance within the neutral zone! Therefore, our fighting actions are legal!”

“In accordance with Article 14, Paragraph 5, your combined extermination activities are different from the Dark Alliance’s obligation to protect the population. “When you announced that you were going to arrest Eurites, there was no pretext of protective action.”

It was very difficult for a teenage student who had just learned administrative law to beat an administrative officer who had gone through all the hardships in the neutral zone and had made a living through administration.

The female student knew that this provision was wrong, but could not point it out because she did not know the law that governs it.

‘You’re fooling us! This is definitely the part Professor Jane taught me!’

When I actually faced the actual situation, I couldn’t come up with what I wanted.

In fact, there were quite a few students who were dissatisfied with Jane, who taught public administration from the beginning of the third grade curriculum. However, there was no meaningless teaching, and Jane taught administration to students in preparation for such situations.

‘If I had known this would happen, I would have worked harder at school.’

I never thought I would face such difficulties on my first mission, but now was not the time for regrets.

If administrative procedures are messed up like this, all the noble sacrifices and efforts of colleagues risking their lives outside to fight Behemoth will be treated as illegal military activity. I didn’t know it would be a negative for my third-year career.

As she continued to worry, other classmates were questioning the secretary with sad faces.

“If you keep appearing like this-”

Then the secretary raised his glasses.

“There is no choice but to change the policy stance of Orjava, which has been a pro-black coalition until now.”


“Please come out.”

The heads of the Kizen students turned. Suddenly, the tightly closed door opened and a man and a woman dressed in white robes walked out.

Hostility flickered in the eyes of the Kigen students at the horrifying white power emanating from their bodies.


‘Was there a priest?’

A man and a woman wearing two robes put their hands together and made a sacred gesture.

The Kizen students also did not lose and caused pitch darkness.

“Is the neutral zone called neutral zone for no reason?”

The male priest curled the corners of his mouth.

“Please do not cause unnecessary trouble in accordance with the neutral zone agreement.”

“You damn fanatics again!”

“Like a necromancer who smells like a corpse, his words are harsh.”

While the two forces were gnashing their teeth, the secretary sighed lightly and spread his palms.

“Then I need to get the documents signed.”

The secretary put down the documents on the table next to him, sat down and raised his quill.

“If you sign, we will give you time to return and ensure maximum convenience and safety. However, if you continue to ignore it, the Orjava Estate will conclude that you are a criminal and will use all means possible to arrest you.”

After saying that, he turned his eyes and looked at the priests.

“Even if you use all your means.”

The priests grinned. The Kizen students felt their blood rushing.



At that time, an illusion of flower petals swirling around appeared. People stopped what they were doing and looked around.


I heard a voice that was as soft as the spring breeze. The one who soon appeared there was Serne Eindark, a female student with flowing ivory hair.

Behind her, Fitzgerald and other members of Sernet’s team were walking.


Other thrilled classmates cheered. However, Sernet walked without even looking at them and sat down at the table prepared by the secretary.

“It’s annoying, so let’s finish it quickly. “Can I sign here?”

“That’s right.”

Cernet wrote his signature without any hesitation, without even looking at the document. The faces of Group 3 comrades in the back turned white.

“Now wait a minute!”

“What are you doing here all of a sudden?”

The secretary quickly finished signing before Cernet changed his mind.

“Then proceed like this…! huh?”



The secretary had an illusion of feathers falling and passing before his eyes.

“Yes, we are proceeding as stated in this document.”

Cernet opened his palm. Feeling something strange, he checked the documents again.


His mouth opened.

〈We declare that the Orjava Territory in the Neutral Zone will actively support Kizen’s military activities and will not be held responsible for any problems resulting therefrom.〉

〈The Orjava Territory in the Neutral Zone will be responsible for any facility problems caused by Kizen during military activities. 〉

“What is this!”

The secretary with a red-faced face jumped up from his seat.

“This is a trick! “They must have changed the documents!”

“? Is that possible? “Isn’t it the secretary’s handwriting?”

He held the document in front of him again and checked it. It was true. This handwriting was undoubtedly the clause and signature written in his own hand. Cerne tilted her head.

“Is there a problem?”


His eyes rolled around.

My head hurt extremely and I had a hard time thinking straight. He urgently looked back.

“I fell for their deception! “Don’t stay still, do something…!”



However, the priests suddenly began to collapse from their seats. Wow! Wow! He was holding his neck and suffering. Green tea flowed out of his mouth.


“What did you feed us…! “Ugh!”

Sernet, who saw that, laughed oh-ho-ho.

“Thank God, did you poison the priests for our necromancer? I can’t thank you this much. Now Orjava is completely at odds with the Holy Federation.”


The secretary’s lips trembled with anger, and she smiled brightly.

“Wouldn’t it be better to choose what to say carefully from now on?”

The secretary closed his mouth in a cold feeling.

Suddenly the documents change and the priests collapse after drinking the tea they gave them.

It doesn’t matter what kind of trick this is.

It occurred to me that making an enemy of this woman was itself a disaster. She can make everything up.

“…Orzabba will not forget this!”

In the end, the secretary who had said that much hurriedly entered the door.

Sernet stood up after handing the administratively complete documents to his classmates who were looking at him with bright eyes.

“This incident happened due to ‘Hwanok’ and the previous Ivory Tower owners were unable to deal with it, so I, the current Ivory Tower owner, should take an active role, right?”

Then he approached the fallen priests.


The priest holding his neck opened a magic circle in his hand with tears in his eyes.

“Purify quickly!”


Feathers flew from behind and stuck in the necks of the priests.

“There are a lot of things I want to know, such as the Sister of Revelation problem and the people who killed my real parents, but before that, I want to conduct several experiments.”

She spoke softly and spoke together.

“I am the manifestation of the Deva Goddess.”



As soon as those words were finished, the two priests fell face down. Divinity exploded out of the bodies of the two people.

“Meet my mother, the great goddess!”

Cerne burst out laughing at their words.

“If you remained in the Holy Federation, you would know how I took control of Sky Island.”

* * *

Same time.



Simon was dealing with a group of gang members. As he plunged the great sword of destruction into the ground, all around him was chaos.

I was hiding in preparation for Simon’s arrival, but there was no way I could be his opponent as an ordinary gang member.

[Where is Vibron?]

Simon said and stepped on the arm of the gang member.

As more and more force was applied, the gang member made a loud noise and wriggled.

“I do not know! I really don’t know! “We were just waiting here!”


Simon lifted his foot and kicked him in the face, knocking him out.

Of course I didn’t have any expectations.


Simon came out.

‘I’m sure it’s somewhere around here. How should I find out its location?’

There wasn’t much time.

Now it was clearly visible to Simon’s eyes.


The sight of Behemoths filling the horizon.

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