Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 1044

Necromancer School’s Summoning Genius Chapter 1044:

The first floor of the residence where Vibron was hiding.

There were all kinds of scorched marks and broken remains of summoned animals scattered there, as if a fierce battle had taken place.

And all three Kizen students were lying bleeding or hit against the wall.


And one last one. Cendra, one of the strongest men in the entire Summoning Department, was shaking with her neck being held by Vibron.

“You monster!”

Chendra said as if he was chewing.

“Thank you for the compliment. “Thanks to enjoying it in moderation, the heat in my head went away.”

After saying that, Vibron rolled her eyes and looked to the side.

A pure white sword. The large long sword that hit his neck was trembling. The person holding that sword is none other than Dullahan. However, even with Dullahan’s mighty power, Vibron’s head was not cut off.

“It was nice to try to target my head with a summon while fighting.”

Vibron spun around and kicked the skull that Dullahan was holding with his other hand.

“You should have also taken into account the situation where you meet someone who won’t cut your throat.”


With the loud sound of a bomb exploding, the Dullahan’s skull flew through the wall, smashing several houses in the city next to it.

As the Dullahan’s skull moved away, the remaining body stretched out.

“Is Keygen, who leads the Dark Alliance, only at this level?”



Even as her throat tightened, Chendra smiled weakly.

“…It’s nothing like us.”


“We have a treacherous commander! They’re your natural enemies, right? “I heard you never won.”


Although her neck tightened, Chendra laughed and held out her middle finger.

“You too will soon end up at the hands of that guy.”


Vibron lifted Cendra, who was holding her neck, and slammed her against the wall with great force. Cendra hit her head and fell unconscious.

“I’ve dealt with him once, but it was worth a try.”

While Vibron was muttering that, a group of gang members burst into the building, accompanied by a commotion.

“Chief Bibron! “Are you okay?”

“What happened to the Kizen guys!”

“As you can see.”

Vibron shrugged and pointed to the fallen students.

“It is annihilation.”

“…Of course!”

“They are extremely tough guys. They’ll all be there in secret, so take them out and either threaten them or take them hostage to take their time. “Now other Keygen guys will come in like a swarm of ants.”

After giving those instructions, Vibron turned and entered the basement.

“I take ‘that thing’ and move on to the next point.”

* * *

Simon was busy moving around.

Simon, who had the natives of Chosung Island move to the villa where Professor Aaron was staying, then received an additional report from Eshu.

-captain! We’re in big trouble! So much happened while you were away!

-are you okay. Please report each one slowly.

The most important thing is that there has been a change in the movements of the Behemoths, which had been constant for a long time.

It is said that because Behemoth deviated from its normal progression route, it entered the continent earlier and became even more violent.

They were already attacking the islands near Choseung Island. At this rate, they might even attack Choseung Island or large cities on the nearby coast within today.

In the process, several classmates were in danger, so Lorraine, one of the most powerful forces in the department, set out to rescue the members of the offshore island.

Next is a report from the city investigation team that went to investigate Orjava, a city in the neutral zone. They fought a battle with the Eurytes, an indigenous force in the neutral zone with ties to the Order.

It is said that they have now succeeded in capturing Eurites and that Kizen students are spreading out and attacking the place where the remnants of the organization are believed to be hiding.

However, among them, Cendra’s group lost contact after leaving a report that ‘there is a strong man here who is presumed to be the savior of the death’ and disappeared.

The moment Simon heard the report, he felt it intuitively.

‘Is it Vibron?’

Simon was convinced that the leader of this situation was definitely Vibron of the Dead.

There is clearly a strong correlation between the changed movements of Vibron and Behemoth. Simon felt sad that Vibron had escaped from Choseung Island.

-Let’s go too.

So Simon’s 10th group and Guinevere’s 9th group moved together. After riding the flying stingray undead piloted by Guinevere, we headed across the sea to the place where we last lost contact with Cendra.


“no one is here?”

Inside the building where Cendra and his group went missing, only a cold wind was blowing.

But Simon got down on one knee and looked around closely. Broken and scattered furniture and blood stains everywhere. It is an unmistakable trace of battle.

‘And this war scar.’

Projectiles such as the skeleton’s bone spears and arrows are spaced out in a circle in a similar position at a certain distance.

These are all traces of flying towards one target, but failing to penetrate and hitting and bouncing off. In addition, the trace of a huge shock wave pierced through the wall and the large footprints on the floor.

‘I’m sure Vibron was here.’

“Guys! “Look here!”

Toto, whose face became pale, pointed ahead.

There, a scrap of paper written in scrawled letters was pinned to the wall with a dagger. Eshu made an embarrassed sound and covered his mouth.

‘We are taking your comrades with us. Leave the neutral zone within one hour. Otherwise, I will execute you one by one on the street.〉

“What should I do?”

“Everyone stay calm.”

While the students were stamping their feet in panic at the word execution, Guinevere came forward.

“Those guys are also keygen. “There’s no way he was caught without any measures taken.”

She pulled out an arrow that had fallen on the floor, cut a wound with the tip of her finger, and dropped it into the magic circle. The magic circle immediately turned red and took effect.

〈Hemoseeker〉 Shoot


The entire room turned reddish, and blood traces hidden here and there were revealed.


Guinevere clenched her fists.

There was a trace of blood on the floor that looked like it had been scrawled with a finger. To a person who does not know blood flow, it looks like nothing more than a trace of blood, but it is actually a condition for activating blood flow magic.



Guinevere added her own blood to the unfinished blood letters on the floor. Surprisingly, the rune word took shape.


The moment she clasped her hands together.

My body trembled violently once.


“are you okay?”

Toto and Eshu came up from both sides in surprise. Guinevere quickly raised her arms.

“I’m okay.”

She sighed and stood up.

“I’m connected to Cendra’s bloodstream magic. “Now I know where he is being held.”

Other students let out an exclamation of relief.

Simon also approached smiling brightly.

“good job. Then, let’s rescue the hostages right away…”


Simon’s words were cut off by a sudden loud noise. Objects around me trembled violently, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Simon immediately held up the communication crystal ball and spoke.

“This is Simon Pollentia. What’s going on?”

-This is the Choseung Island headquarters! It’s a big deal, Chairman! Behemoths…!

The Behemoths began their offensive. In particular, it was reported that several Behemoths attacked a nearby city at the same time.

After hearing the report, Simon quickly ran out of the building.

Coo thump!

Here in the satellite city of Olkera, a Behemoth was seen appearing on the shore. Residents were screaming and evacuating.

Fortunately, that Behemoth did not attack this city. It just moves along the coast. Simon put the communication crystal ball to his mouth again and asked.

“How about Choseung Island?”

-There are a few floating in the sky, but they don’t attack randomly like I heard.

This is almost certain.

It seemed that the group was able to induce the movement of the Behemoth through some kind of method. The intention is to wipe out this neutral zone with that.


-This is Fitzgerald from the Neutral Zone Ancient Library.

Then a new voice rang out.

-Our group is also moving. Before that, let me tell you everything we’ve found out so far.

* * *

According to Fitzgerald’s information, this was the crux of the whole situation.

Hwanok (換玉), a treasure of the deep sea.

Long ago, a dungeon was opened deep in the sea, and an abnormal phenomenon in this dungeon caused the sea to become as hot as boiling water.

To solve this problem, Brisolus, the greatest magic tower lord of the time, entered the dungeon, killed the dungeon lord, and escaped with the artifact, Hwanok.

However, Brisolus, whose strength was exhausted due to the fierce battle, was unable to move the heavy Hwanok and eventually left it at the bottom of the sea and came to the surface alone.

Such a long time has passed. As the era of knights and wizards came to an end and the era of necromancers and priests passed, the Hwanok, which had been abandoned for a long time after sinking in the sea, deteriorated in the process of being influenced by the magic of the deep sea and began to attract the surrounding marine life.

Most aquatic creatures and monsters that were attracted to the wavelength but could not reach the deep sea died, and only Behemoths that could withstand the water pressure of the deep sea reached there and were strongly affected by this artifact.

The wave grew stronger day by day, and the entire sea near the neutral zone turned into a sea of death, with sea creatures around it dying. At the time, fishermen in the neutral zone, whose sole livelihood was fishing, were faced with a situation where they had to wake up and starve to death.

In the end, the owner of the Ivory Tower at the time stepped forward to resolve this situation. He realized that it was the mistake of one of his ancestors, took responsibility, and succeeded in pulling Hwanok out of the deep sea.

Afterwards, it was sealed in an unclaimed land in the neutral zone, but even in its sealed state, Hwanok spread its waves and attracted Behemoths passing through nearby waters. The Behemoths mercilessly destroyed several cities along the way.

Hwan-ok has become an incurable nuisance. Because the waves were so powerful, the artifact itself was likely to break as soon as it was put into subspace, and throwing it back into the sea would only be a repetition of the same tragedy.

In the end, the owner of the Ivory Tower decided to seal Hwanok on an uninhabited island in the far, deserted sea. The Behemoths were drawn to the island for a while by Hwanok, but they returned as time passed and there were no people on the uninhabited island, so everyone finally found peace.

However, the Ivory Tower owner who sealed Hwanok at the time was completely unaware. The fact that people lived on that island, which was known to be uninhabited.


Simon, who heard Fitzgerald’s report through the communication crystal sphere and cross-checked it with the city team’s information, summarized the story.

“A deep-sea artifact was sealed on Chosung Island, and the Behemoth did not come to lay eggs, but was simply attracted to the object. And now, the organization is trying to destroy the Neutral Zone using this artifact. “Is this it?”

-Accurate. A person named Vibron claimed to be the chieftain of Chosung Island and tried to use the remaining residents to unseal the contaminated artifact. Because it would have required a long time and a lot of people to work on it.

Everything became clear.

Vibron will walk around holding the Hwanok and attract Behemoth. The next destination is Orjava, the largest city nearby.

If a swarm of Behemoths attacks, Orjava will be destroyed without a trace remaining.

Simon spread his arms.

“Guinevere Jo, please rescue the hostage. Toto and Eshu also come together and help.”

Simon said as he took Peer out of subspace and put on the armor he saw.

“The rest of the personnel, please focus on protecting Orjava. We will have to deal with the Behemoth in Orjava, not on Chosung Island as we originally thought. “It won’t be easy as you have to fight while saving people, but please take care of me.”

-Then what do you do with the guy who is supposed to be the savior carrying the Hwanok?

Less evil.

Simon said, putting on Peer’s helmet.

[That guy is mine.]

The students, including Guinevere, who were watching the communication were shocked. Eshu smiled slightly.

“…Sometimes I couldn’t believe it, but he is the commander of the famous treacherous army.”

“Okay, I understand. “Let’s move according to the president’s instructions.”

Guinevere said that and spoke cautiously.

“But can you really defeat him? That Vibron guy must be ridiculously strong if he can beat Chendra without getting hurt.”

[I’ve already dealt with him once.]

Simon grinned.

[It’s worth doing.]

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