Naval Gacha System: It's Time To Monopolize The Seven Seas!

Chapter 21: | 021 | First Naval Battle

In the high seas between the expanse of the UNS Light Bringer and Pinguis Arca, several zodiacs pierced through the rough waters shrouded in ferocious waves. On them were the Alpha 1st Platoon Marines led by their platoon leader, 2nd Lieutenant Campbell.

*Tango 3 clicks away! ETA 8 minutes!* Campbell's words resounded from the radio and were heard by every Marine partaking in the mission, Operation Bestowing Freedom.

Five zodiacs were deployed by the UNS Light Bringer, each consisting of two fire teams. A single fireteam has four marines in its ranks, bringing about 8 Marines per zodiac.

Operation Bestowing Freedom required the entire combined arms of the Alpha 1st Platoon as they would be rescuing hostages from hostiles that numbered over a hundred.

They needed to be covert and immediately take out the hostiles before problems would arise. Otherwise, it would be a bloodbath for both sides.

*Dolphin, this is Tuna, Over!* In Campbell's communication radio, the familiar Marine officer's voice sounded out from its confines.

When he heard of the Marine officer, the 2nd Lieutenant raised an eyebrow wondering what the problem may be.

*Dolphin is open, Tuna!* Campbell gave an appropriate response and the Marine officer uttered his concerns.

*Dolphin, strange weather phenomena have been detected near the Tango. There seems to be a distortion of some sort.* Although it was hard to hear because of the roaring waves, Campbell could understand the gist of it.

Campbell had one of his Marines give him a pair of binoculars. As he held a binocular with his gloved fingers, he began observing the situation surrounding their Tango.

Through his observation, which took a couple of seconds, he confirmed the existence of a strange phenomenon near the medieval brig.

*This is Dolphin 1, an unknown phenomenon confirmed! Sending intelligence to overwatch!* The 2nd Lieutenant swiftly dialed the communication radio.

After dialing it, he sent a transmission about the unknown phenomenon surrounding the Tango. Campbell hoped that it wouldn't bring them problems.

Sadly, he jinxed it.

Back to the Combat Information of the UNS Light Bringer, the intelligence officers received the information given by the Alpha Task Force.

They immediately went to confirm it and promptly acknowledged the unknown phenomenon. Following the recognition, the officers reported it to the higher command.

"Unknown phenomenon?" The Fleet Admiral furrowed his eyebrows after accepting the reports of both the Alpha Task Force and the intelligence officers in the CIC.

"Yes, Fleet Admiral Shepherd. It appears to be a strange distortion behind the Tango." The intelligence officer, who gave the report to Abraham, coolly nodded.

"Does it have any other effects other than distorting something?" Abraham queried another question, but the intelligence officer could only shake her head.

"No known effects have been discovered from the distortion."

The answer somewhat disappointed Abraham, though he understood that they had little to no information about it. It's not like they could experiment while undergoing a vital naval operation.

'Systema, do you have any idea about what the distortion might mean?' Abraham asked his partner as she was the only one he could rely on.

Fortunately for the middle-aged man, he wasn't abandoned by his lovable partner.


| Judging from the taken images and footage of the phenomenon, it can be judged as unnatural in status. Through common sense, if it is unnatural in status. One could mark the phenomenon as something influenced by a magical aspect. |

The analysis of Systema was obvious, and the female monotone voice sounded as though it was mocking him for not being able to conclude such obvious things.

However, his partner continued.

| The images and footage imply gravitational and spatial anomalies behind the medieval ship. When thinking about what magical aspects could cause gravitational and spatial anomalies, one could conclude an obvious result. |

| The unknown phenomenon in front of the Fleet Admiral is a spatial spell. |

"A spatial, what?" For a gamer, Abraham seemed ignorant. But such was to be expected of boomers like him. They would probably only remember it when playing a game.

| A spatial spell, or a spatial-transmission spell. I don't have much information about how deep magic technology goes in this foreign world. But it is fairly clear that they are employing it for either an escape or reinforcements. |

"Explain it to me plainly… What is a spatial spell? Give me a common word." Abraham didn't want to beat the bush anymore and wanted direct answers from Systema.

For some reason, the middle-aged man could hear the sigh of his partner.

| It's teleportation, Fleet Admiral. |

With the monotone words of Systema, Abraham finally realized the seriousness of their situation. However, before he could tell his subordinates about it, the spell was complete.

"Detecting loud radio frequencies, Fleet Admiral. It's coming from the Pinguis Arca!" A communication personnel hastily reported.

"Four unknown vessels have been sighted!" In the screens scattered throughout the Combat Information Center, all of them saw the emergence of their adversaries.

Without any hesitation, Captain Lux declared with roaring haste.

"All hands man your battle stations!" What followed the captain's words was the ringing alarms that echoed throughout the maze-like interior of the UNS Light Bringer.

*Ring!* *Ring!* *Ring!* *Ring!* *Ring!*

*This is not the drill! This is not a drill! General quarters, all hands man your battle stations!*

While the UNS Light Bringer was alarmed by the shocking emergence of several unknown warships, the Alpha Task Force was directly in front of them.

*Dolphin, this is Catfish, what is the prime directive?* A Marine officer asked for their current orders with the unexpected arrival of enemy reinforcements.

*Catfish, the prime directive is for the operation to proceed.* 2nd Lieutenant Campbell understood that there was no going back for them. They must push through and let the UNS Light Bringer handle the unknown vessels.

*Affirmative, Dolphin!* The Marine officer who questioned their prime directive knew the importance of following orders. It wasn't in his rank to question it.

*Catfish, Tuna, Sardine, Clownfish! Follow a tight formation with Dolphin!* Things would become even rougher for them as they would have to dodge incoming unknown vessels.

*Orders acknowledge, Dolphin!* In mere seconds, the open formation of the zodiacs became compact as they were about to be pushed into enemy waters.

*Half a click from enemy influence, prepare yourselves!* Campbell checked his rifle and the Marines under his command did the same.

Shooting while being punished by the vicious waters would be hard, but not impossible.

On the other hand, the War masters of the escort vessels observed the metallic warship in its full glory. They furrowed their eyebrows as they felt no mana emanating from it.

This made them wonder how such a giant metallic warship could float.

"Men, prepare for battle!" The War master of the leading escort ship announced. He immediately deployed two defensive spells that would make his ship last longer in battle.

The War masters were strategic-based magi. Unlike typical magi who learned personal spells, the War masters learned strategic spells that required the assistance of other War masters.

So, if it was a game, they would be the supporting mages of the party.

A second later, the already prepared spells sprung up with their spell circles. One covered the entirety of the ship from above while the other faced forward to the metallic warship.

The spell that covered the entirety of the escort ship from above was known as the defensive shell. It was an encompassing barrier that defended the entire target.

Conversely, the spell facing the metallic warship was known as the barrier. Unlike the defensive shell, which was spread out throughout the target.

The barrier could only be faced in one direction but with unrivaled tenacity and endurance.

Other War masters also did the same and rapidly used their defensive spells. It was practically the basic strategy of War masters to use such spells.

After their defensive spells were completed, the War masters glanced at each other and activated their attack spells.

One conjured a spell circle that would propel a giant icicle. The other used a spell that would throw fireballs. Another also utilized a spell of lightning bolts. Finally, the last one supported the power of the attack spells.

*Woosh!* *Wiiisshh!* *Clack!* *Clack!*

All of their spells pierced through the air as if threatening the destruction of the metallic warship. But the results upon contact were surprising for the War masters.

The giant icicle couldn't penetrate the metallic hall of the UNS Light Bringer, while the fireballs could only disperse on impact without dealing much damage. Lightning bolts also had the same results as the two.

Their attack spells were practically ineffective against the thick steel armor of the destroyer.

When they saw their spells' feebleness against the metallic warship. They glanced at each other and nodded in understanding. But before they could conjure more spells, the destroyer retaliated.

*BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!*

Its frontal 5-inch turret open fired at the leading escort vessel. Thick leads punctured through the air and instantly penetrated through the barrier and the shell of the ship.


The wooden structure of the escort ship was shredded into bits by the 5-inch turret of the UNS Light Bringer. The War master boarding it could only watch in amazement.

That's right. Instead of fear, he felt amazed by the capabilities of his adversaries. He wanted to know more about the metallic warship, but could only watch as the fire spread throughout his vessel.

*Consider our opponent as the highest level of threat! So, work together and never give up. After all, regardless of whether you fight or not, the results will be the same.*

*Death!* The War master of the leading escort vessel uttered his final words to his fellow colleagues as the ammunition storage below him exploded.


A cloud of black smoke formed as the leading escort ship violently disassembled itself into thousands of broken parts. The War masters were shocked, but with the words of the leading War master, they became determined.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the naval battle between the escort vessels and UNS Light Bringer, the Alpha Task Force aboard their zodiacs were busy dodging the chaos.

From the escort vessels to the ship that exploded and sunk into the depths of the sea, it was a roller coaster ride for the Marines.

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