Naval Gacha System: It's Time To Monopolize The Seven Seas!

Chapter 20: | 020 | A Tragedy in the Skies

After learning more about the Beastfolk and the sociopolitical issues of the Ferus Sea, Abraham ordered his naval personnel to give the rescued beastfolks medical assistance. The two cooperated seamlessly under his leadership while he returned to the CIC.

In the Combat Information Center of the UNS Light Bringer, troublesome news was reported to him. Several bogeys were detected by the destroyer's radar system.

The bogeys were heading at their location at a speed of 250 mph or 402 kilometers per hour. This signified that they weren't ships, but possibly, a group of aircraft.

But as thought of before, the foreign world should be in their age of exploration. How could aircraft possibly exist so early?

Well, assuming the same would happen to this foreign world like their former world was already foolish enough. With the existence of magic, history will never be the same.

"Hmm… When will they arrive at our location?" Abraham asked the radar operator. The radar operator glanced at him and calmly responded.

"The bogeys are already within 100 clicks from us, so they have an ETA of 25 minutes at most, or 10 minutes at the earliest."

Hearing the words of the radar operator, Abraham nodded in understanding. Another high officer then stepped into the CIC, it was none other than Captain Lux who returned from the lower decks.

"Did something happen, Fleet Admiral?" Captain Lux inquired as he walked towards Abraham.

He immediately noticed the rapidly blinking dots in the radar system and understood the situation.

"Bogeys, huh… From their speed, they should be turboprops, at the very least… However, their altitude tells me otherwise." Captain Lux furrowed his eyebrows.

He analyzed the possibilities of what the bogey might be. But nothing seems to come to mind. They knew little to nothing about this world. So, their mere speculations were useless.

"What is the typical protocol for this kind of circumstance, Captain Lux?" Abraham calmly asked as he hadn't finished reading the book on modern naval warfare.

While he was knowledgeable in some parts, this situation was far from his expertise.

"Hmm… Usually, we would radio a warning since it might be a lost civilian aircraft. And through a data link, we can conclude whether it's a friendly or a bandit."

"But currently, the UNS Light Bringer has no data link and I doubt the other side will be able to answer our transmissions." Captain Lux was in deep thought.

Decisions like these were hard, but there was one thing the captain understood above all else. He must protect the ship no matter what.

As such, Captain Lux became determined and concluded his decision.

"From the radar system, we can conclude that the bogeys are a squadron of aircraft. I doubt they would be civilians, so we'll have to shoot them off the skies."

Captain Lux explained his reasoning, and Abraham didn't doubt it. Even though he wasn't skilled yet in handling ship-to-aircraft-related issues.

He would have ordered it to shoot down since it resembles a squadron of bombers. Especially when the bogeys were employing the usual v-formation of military air to surface warfare.

"How many bogeys are heading towards us?" Abraham coolly asked the radio operator, which the operator answered with efficiency and eloquence.

"About 8 bogeys, Sir." With the radio operator's answer, Abraham looked at Captain Lux and nodded at him. It was the confirmation of their next step of action.

"Alright, a decision has been made. The fate of the detected bogeys is for them to fall from the skies. Battle stations! " Captain Lux ordered the naval personnel in the CIC, who swiftly attended the orders.

The naval personnel in the Combat Information Center became battle-ready in mere seconds. Their reaction was fast as it didn't take long for them to launch their missiles.

"UNS Light Bringer, locking onto incoming bogeys!" One of the Combat Information Center Naval Personnel uttered while another one responded to his words.

"Unlatching 8 VLS Door Cells, Foxes are open!" Following the other one's words, naval personnel announced the launch of their standard missiles.

"SM-2 IIIB Ready! Launching in 3…2…1…" Succeeding the launch sequence, the UNS Light Bringer lightly trembled as several standard missiles propelled themselves into the heavens.


The missiles moved at remarkable speeds over that of the speed of sound. They left behind thick clouds of white smoke as they rushed toward their targets with unmatched ferocity.

Abraham could only watch the 8 standard missiles fly through the blue skies, making him feel a bit empty. He, once again, ordered the execution of others.

'Oh, well… What matters is that my men are safe and those bastards that dared to enslave others meet with the devil.' Abraham said with a cold expression on his face.

He had changed as the Fleet Admiral of the United Navy. He was far from his former self, a loser who could never take responsibility.

And so, this was the price of change. He must leave his comfort zone as this foreign world was far from a peaceful one. He had to protect himself and his subordinates.

While also making sure that their interests were never harmed.

'But… 8 standard missiles? How much does that cost?' Abraham couldn't stop himself from feeling regret. He probably spent over a million dollars from firing such freedom warheads.


A minute ago before the missile launch…

In the skies above the high seas was a squadron of Wyvern riders piercing through the heavens at great speeds. They were sent from a nearby colony to escort a vessel under their flag.

Wyvern riders were aerial assets of nations in this world. They were expensive and had the same importance as newly-developed aircraft of the former modern world.

The creatures known as Wyvern were selectively bred war beasts of the magi and were extremely powerful and fast in terms of foreign world standards.

These war beasts dominate the skies, and as of now, none other than magi can hurt them. On the other hand, there were the riders of these monstrosities.

Riders were, to say the least, monsters of their own. They were specifically trained to handle wyverns and fly them at speeds no normal humans could handle.

Not only that, they were also magi. These riders were capable of basic battle spells, though compared to actual magus. Their magicraft were less efficient and compelling.

However, nonetheless, Wyvern riders were important assets to any organization. Even the Wyvern riders in the Colonial Dominion of Terra only numbered in the hundreds.

Thereby, these assets were only deployed to attack non-magi threats.

Unfortunately for them, though… These non-magi threats were a lot more fatal than they had previously thought.

*Prepare yourselves! We are getting nearer to the vessel we will be escorting!* The leading Wyvern rider said through the runic communicator.

*I can't believe that the viceroy is sending us for some goddamn escort.* One of the Wyvern riders complained about their current deployment.

It was understandable. After all, they were considered the second-greatest assets, with the first being magi. Getting deployed to escort some measly vessel would feel like disrespect.

*I dare you to say that in front of the viceroy.* A female voice sounded out from the runic communicator.

The one who complained became silent, not wanting to say anything that could lead to his death. Despite being a foolish man, the rank of viceroy wasn't to be underestimated.

They could control a squad of magi as their personal guards, which was already an achievement on its own. A viceroy was the highest rank of colonial lords.

Naturally, they would be extremely important to their respective nations,

*Don't clutter the channel! This operation isn't a game. A metallic warship has been detected chasing over the vessel we are escorting.*

*We don't know much about them, and such technology shouldn't exist yet in the open. So, I advise you to be cautious in this deployment.*

*Otherwise, this will be your last!* The Wyvern rider leader warned his subordinates to not diminish the threats of their adversaries.

Underestimation would always lead to death. Even a magus was warned to not belittle their enemies' capabilities, how could they, who could only be second to a magus, feel such arrogance?

With his words, the Wyvern riders stopped making fun of their deployment and became serious. Those who wanted to complain were prompted to shut their mouths.

Although they felt disappointed by their deployment, the Wyvern riders weren't brave enough to offend their leader, who was amongst the best in the Colonial Dominion.

As they flew through the skies in silence, the Wyvern rider leader gave them vital information.

*Four escort ships will be with us. So, if you're feeling nervous. You don't have to worry.* The leader tried elevating the atmosphere, earning the chuckle of his subordinates.

*Then, it seems that we can play with this pre-* Before the female Wyvern rider could continue, something struck her out of nowhere and exploded.


Fragmentations scattered throughout the skies causing some of the metallic fragments to pierce a quarter of the Wyvern riders in the squadron.

The Wyvern rider leader was dumbfounded, but immediately got out of his stupor and ordered his subordinates to evade.

*Evasive maneuver! Immedia-* Sadly, however… The Wyvern rider leader couldn't continue his warning as he was the next target.

A missile directly hit his body and exploded with a thunderous roar.


The introduction of the missiles made the Wyvern riders go slower, but it was useless. One after another, the Wyvern riders were met with a barrage of swift missiles.

*BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!*

*NO, NO, NO-*






In a few seconds, most of the squadron of Wyvern riders were annihilated. Only one remained, and she felt horrified to see a black smoke engulfing her colleagues.

A tear escaped her eyelids as a missile was about to strike her. Though… Before it could do so, her Wyvern turned its body, making her lose her grip.


She fell from her Wyvern, but fortunately, dangled several dozens of meters below it thanks to her strapped rope.

But to say she was fortunate could be argued.


The female rider watched as the Wyvern she grew up with exploded into various bits. The rope strapped onto it was broken, propelling her into a free fall amidst the blue skies.

She felt metallic fragments pierced through her skin as she instinctively covered her head and face in defense. While plunging downward, the female rider could only watch bits of flesh plummet from the skies with her.

As the rapid winds ruffled her golden hair, memories of the tragedy echoed in her mind.

Then… It turned black.

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