Naval Gacha System: It's Time To Monopolize The Seven Seas!

Chapter 189: | 189 | Final Battle Part 2

The southern coast of Terra became a ferocious battlefield. Screams of fighting resounded throughout its shores while waves crashed into its beaches. Explosions echoed in the distance while gunfire followed, bringing about a horrifying battlefront.

Abraham stood in the bow of his capital battleship, UNS Trinity of Solace, watching the ongoing battlefield with a scrutinizing gaze. He was searching for signs of magicraft, and he wasn't left finding nothing. Deep into shores of southern coast, obelisks brimming with runes gleamed.

He furrowed his eyebrows, realizing that what the Magus Tower had prepared, was bigger than he had previously anticipated.

'If the theories of the R&D Department were slightly correct, the Magus Tower must be using the obelisk to create a much larger spell circle and a more complex spell.' A thought came to mind and continued. 'It might be able to cover the entirety of the battlefront.'

At this moment, Abraham had fully understood what the Magus Tower were trying to do. To think that they would use the southern coastal defense lines as bait, but it was along the lines of what they would die.

After all, they were bunch of arrogant bastards who thought of themselves as supreme.

"But... We also have our own counter spell." The edges of Abraham's lips rose as he took out a radio from his pocket. His men might not be able to notice it, so he decided to give them an advance warning about what was to come.

The radio shrieks a mechanical distortion before connecting to the other side. A voice escaped, respectfully asking the reason for connection.

*This is UNS Jaeger of the Blue Seas, please respond.*

His eyebrows softened, though he didn't forget why he had called for them. "Jaeger, this is Abraham. Magus activities detected near the inner borders of the southern coast, activate SOMPA (Strategic Offensive Magic Protection Array)."

The Strategic Offensive Magic Protection Array was another magic technology project under the Research & Development Department. The first of the project was the Sole Offensive Protection, which was supposed to be equipped by individual warships.

However, after further analysis, the efficiency and effective of a fleet array proved to be more beneficial to the United Navy than an individual protection spell. As such, the project was moved forward to become what it was now.

SOMPA uses the same logic as the incoming attacking spell of the Magus Tower. With the UNS Jaeger of the Blue Seas as the central apparatus, the surrounding warships equipped with the SOMPA Tower would activate the respective array.

A massive protection spell, which was firm and wide, would cover the entire fleet, securing it from hostile attacks.

"Affirmative, Sir." The communication operator from the other side accepted the orders of the fleet admiral without a tinge of hesitation and delay. The radio connection was then cut off, returning Abraham's attention to the southern shores.

He gazed forward as the Magus Tower's giant offensive spell materialized before him. It pierced through the heavens, akin to a massive wall that separates the capital of Terra and its southern shores. 'As expected, quite impressive to be honest.'

The size of the offensive spell meant that it would destroy any fleet with remarkable ease. But this would be the case of a fleet didn't have any defenses against it. The United Navy wasn't helpless as explained beforehand.

Behind him, the warships equipped with SOMPA Towers activated their array spells. Another vast protection spell enveloped the entirety of the fleet, though he had forgotten one simple detail. His eyebrows raised as the landing forces hadn't been equipped of defensive spells of any kinds.

They would meet the full brunt of the offensive spell above them. It would practically destroy the southern coast, perhaps erasing it from the map. But his worries soon faded. After all, with the landing forces was none other than his lover, Laplace.

She was the Dragon of Liberation, capable of much more firepower than the offensive spell above the heavens.

"Though, it would be quite a sight to see how she would handle this." Abraham mumbled to himself, standing steadily in the bow of the UNS Trinity of Solace.

The offensive spell of the Magus Tower above the southern coast radiated with an ethereal glow. It was warming up, signifying the activation of the spell. Nevertheless, he looked upward with no fear, confident of the minds behind his United Navy.

The massive spell circle pulsated and a crimson glow enveloped the heavens in an instant. A storm of fire materialized in thin air, threatening to engulf the entirety of the southern coast and shoal into its fiery flames.

The SOMPA, akin to a wall, remained frozen, undeterred by the pressure brought about by the firestorm above. Meanwhile, in the southern beaches of the coast, Laplace looked up with furrowed eyebrows.

Although it was within her expectations for the Magus Tower to cook the entirety of the southern coast to defeat the United Navy. It was astounding for them to use their guards as bait to keep them attended. But thinking about it carefully, it was within the realms of what they would do.

"At any rate, I have soldiers beside me. I don't want them skewered into roasted meat." She muttered under her breath, swiftly activating a defensive spell that covered the southern beaches. It was like an unbreakable and immovable shield.

The firestorm quickly descended from the heavens, combusting the air surrounding it. The skies became an inferno, making it appear as though the end of times had arrived. But below it stood two shields, one above the water, one above the land.

As the offensive power of the Magus Tower and the defensive endurance of the United Navy made contact, a radiant light gleamed like the sun rising from the boundless of the horizon. It blinded everything, from the skies above to the ground below.

Even Abraham with his Superhuman capabilities was forced to slightly squint his eyes.

The soldiers of the United Navy, and the colonial guards of the Colonial Dominion of Terra closed their eyes in instinct afraid to be blinded by the light. But even then, it was somehow piercing through the closed eyelids.

Fortunately for them, they quickly covered their eyes with their arms avoiding looking at the blinding radiance before them.

It took quite a while for the brilliance that emanated all through to dim and fade. The soldiers and colonial guards stopped covering their eyes, the once ferocious battle had long concluded.

The magical defensive capabilities of the United Navy weren't to be underestimated. It stood well against the fairly-huge firepower of the Magus Tower. If it had been them before, and without the dragoness by their side, their ships would have melted under the heat blast and sunk into the cold waters of the northern sea.

Abraham smiled at the silence that came after the unfolding firestorm, which they had quickly defended against. It was the sign of a battle's conclusion, stopping them from wasting anymore resources in plowing through the southern coastal lines.

"It seems that their plan completely backfired against them. It would have work before, but the United Navy has grown leap and bounds since our last meeting." He smirked as the capital of Terra would be their next target.

Meanwhile, the colonial guards after getting through the aftershock of the spell, laid down their weapons and raised their arms upward. They kneeled onto the ground, presenting themselves as unarmed surrendering individuals.

Some even waved makeshift white flags as a sign of surrender.

The landing forces, consisting of the United Army, the Liberation Front, and the Minos Guards quickly accepted their surrender, in terms of the laws of war.

"That ended much faster than I expected." Hermona swiped a sweat from her forehead as the ferocious battle before had unexpectedly ended with the quick surrender of their adversaries.

"Well, it's fairly clear that their supposed-allies had turned them into sacrificial lambs. With their defeat clear, they'd rather lived to see tomorrow than become one of the pile of corpses that would lay after the battle." Leonidas explained to the young leader of the Liberation Front.

"But their tenacity is strong, regardless. It would have been a bloody battle if not for the spell they had conjured to wipe us all out. It was quite a spectacle." Tora remarked while sheathing his blade after cleaning it from blood.

"Lady Laplace is really so amazing." Hermona uttered with a soft smile, imagining the honored dragoness standing in front of her with silver hair swaying alongside the breeze of wind.

"She's strong, smart, and brave. I want to be someone like her." It was natural for her to idolize the problem dragon. In the eyes of others who weren't close to Laplace, she was practically a celebrity, the pinnacle of fame.

Leonidas and Tora merely glanced at their leader, hoping that it wouldn't come true. Their instincts as beastfolk were practically screaming at them when they met the dragoness for the first time. They would have a heart attack if their leader actually becomes like her.

AC-130s, who had just recently escaped the area of effect brought about by the offensive spell of the Magus Tower, now returned to the battlefront. The barrels of its guns pointed at the fierce landscape, waiting to be fired when ordered.

Obviously, with the surrender of the defenders in the southern coastal defense lines, it remained passive and was soon called back for resupply.

"It's time to begin the phase two of Liberation." Since the ground forces had made their coastal landing with quick success, the combined-offensive fleet, Spear of Longinus, would begin its naval battle against the incoming fleet of Terra.

Abraham turned his gaze at the western side of the island and saw silhouettes of massive medieval battleships heading towards their location.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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