Naval Gacha System: It's Time To Monopolize The Seven Seas!

Chapter 188: | 188 | Final Battle Part 1

Abraham stood on the bow of the UNS Trinity of Solace, watching the southern coast of Terra with interest. The breeze of the northern sea ruffled his jet-black hair and fluttered his fleet admiral's coat. Amidst the coastal landing of his navy, he remained undaunted by the sparks of war.

The UNS Trinity of Solace kept firing its naval guns, intending to bombard the southern coastal defense lines of the Colonial Dominion. Yet, because of the runic shields installed by the Magus Tower, it remained impeded with its shells explosion above the defensive lines.

But it was a matter of time until the runic shields of the southern coastal defense lines crumble under the firepower of his capital battleship. Though, he soon furrowed his eyebrows upon realizing an unusual state of the southern front.

It was the simple fact that no Magus stood along the colonial guards fighting for the existence of the southern coastal defense lines.

'Did they run away?' He thought, but immediately shook his head in dismissal. While the Magus were foolish, they were arrogant bastards who wouldn't stop fighting unless they could see death creeping into their door steps.

With that in mind, the disappearance of the Magus could only mean one thing. A scheme was brewing in the background and the southern coastal defense lines was but a bait to attract the United Navy's attention.

The schemes of the Magus Tower didn't bother the fleet admiral as they had their own counter-strategies against whatever abominable plan they had created. It was all thanks to their spy, who had been working hard behind enemy lines.

'Now that I think about it, she should be returning back with Vokshod picking her up.' Abraham thought about the greatest spy in the intelligence bureau of the United Navy. The best actress who could even trick themselves into believing a false identity.

He wanted to personally congratulate her as it was because of her hard work that the United Navy manage to win against the Colonial Dominion of Terra in information warfare. Otherwise, they would have been as blind as the Colonial Dominion before them.

At any rate, the landing forces finally made their landing onto the southern coast of Terra. LCACs along with Landing Crafts opened their ramps, unveiling several companies and armored vehicles entering the battlefront.

The landing forces swiftly established a secure zone along the shores to which the United Army would continuously advance with the support of the United Navy nearby the southern coast.

'Before aerial transports could make their landing in the secure zone of the landing forces. We would have to take out the nearby defense lines to make it easier for them to settle.' Abraham thought while the edges of his lips slowly rose.

The commanding officers have already thought of a solution to this problem. It was the deployment of Close Air Support (CAS) into the immediate area through the mobilization of Warthogs and Angels of Death.

Above Abraham, a squadron of A-10 Thunderbolt II soared through the heavens and steadily cruised towards the southern coastal defense lines above the secure zone of the landing forces.

The Warthogs were usually compared to flying tanks, especially with the 30mm GAU-8 below their nose. They were know to shred through armored vehicles, so it wouldn't be a problem for them to cause some disturbance in the defense lines of their adversaries.



One after another, the squadron of A-10s began firing their gatling gun onto the coastal defense lines. Thousands of big and long leads penetrated through the air and impacted the ground along with everything near it.

It didn't take long before the southern coastal defense lines above the secure zone became riddled with holes brought about by the Warthogs' gatling guns. Sadly, however... Those that survived were about to meet a worser fate.

After the Warthogs unleashed a storm of lead to the defensive lines, they began dropping incendiary bombs to confirm the complete destruction of their targeted coastal defense lines. Colonial guards of nearby lines could only watch as fire bombs fell into their pitiful comrades.


An explosion resounded as flames threatened to consume all nearby defense lines. Luckily for them, the precise targeting system of the Warthogs were incredibly effective. Though, the statement might be somewhat doubtful.

Abraham watched the fireworks without ever squinting his eyes. He had already understood the nature of war. The more of his enemies died, the less of his subordinates get killed. It was simple logic, and he was willing to accept whatever sins follow to make sure of that.

'With the southern coastal defense lines above the secure zone gone, it should be the best moment for the aerial transports to begin their landing and deployment of transported personnel.' He quietly thought, gazing at the secure zone with scrutiny.

Nearby Ospreys and Chinooks soon made their landing on the secure zone of the landing force. As their ramps open, more companies of the United Army joined the battlefront in the shores of southern Terra.

While observing the landing forces, Abraham remembered the armies of the allied islands who joined along the final operation of the United Navy against the Colonial Dominion of Terra. Because of the intricacies of the coastal landing, he decided to save them for last.

'Hmm... Since the secure zone has been established, all of them should be making their landing towards it.' He looked around and saw several landing crafts heading towards the secure zone. These must be the second wave of landing forces he was awaiting for.

The second wave of landing forces consists of the Minokin Warriors, the Liberation Front, and the Special Response Unit. They were extremely numerical with quantities almost rivalling the United Army.

As Abraham watched them with his peering eyes, he noticed his lover awaiting for them in the shores of the south. She lightly tap, maintaining her patience with a scary smile. Then, out of nowhere, Laplace noticed his gaze and smiled even further at him.

He quickly looked away as if not wanting the abyss to gaze at him.

Nonetheless, he turned his attention to the heavens above. After all, their Close Air Support hadn't concluded yet. There were the Angels of Death soaring across the skies, about to give the remaining southern coastal defense lines a devastating attack.

The Angels of Death were AC-130J with a fearsome array of weaponry such as their 25mm Gatling-gun, a single-barrel, rapid-fire 40mm Bofors cannon, and a 105mm Howitzer. These arsenal made them a wonder weapon of war.

Two AC-130s soon emerged from the clusters of clouds that enveloped the skies above the southern battlefront. They parted from their formation and propelled themselves through the air, intending to reach their prescribe targets.

As an Angel of Death reached its target, it slightly leaned sideward and circled the southern battlefront. The other did the same, making them akin to executioners awaiting for the instruction of death. And it didn't take long for them to receive their orders.

Without any hesitation or delay, the AC-130s fired every arsenal attached to their airframe. The 25mm Gatling-gun, 40mm Bofors cannon, and 105mm Howitzer began firing without care. Thunderous roars of gunfire bellowed from the heavens and into the earth.



*BAM!!!* *BAM!!!* *BAM!!!*

The southern coastal defense lines before their array of arsenal crumbled in mere moments. The colonial guards defending the shoreline fortification began retreating en masse, not wanting to become a part of the meatgrinder in the southern battlefront.

No matter how much the colonial commanders urged them to fight. The firepower of the United Navy was too much for them to handle. Even the most loyal and courageous colonial commanders were already weighing the decision to retreat.

And it got even worse.

The naval guns of the UNS Trinity of Solace continued its bombardment into the southern coastal defense lines. The runic shields installed by the Magus Tower were already too cracked with some parts completely broken, enabling shells from the modernized battleship to pierced through.

*BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!* *BOOM!!!*

Explosions echoed throughout the southern battlefront. The morale of the colonial guards have been completely broken as their casualties continued to pile up, not even giving them time to register how much they had lost.

It didn't take too long for the colonial commanders to buckle.

"Retreat! Return to the capital of Terra!"

"Withdraw from the southern battlefront!"

The orders of the colonial commanders resounded as they have given their men the authority to withdraw from battle. The southern coast had already been lost as the weight of the United Navy's firepower was too much for them to handle.

However... For those that stood above them, their lost in the southern battlefront didn't matter.

In the mountainous region of the south, a group of Magus observed the ongoing conflict in the southern battlefront. They noted the defeat of the colonial military and their retreat from the defensive lines. Though, they didn't care much about it as their plan had already been set.

"Well, at the very least, the peasants lasted longer than expected." One of the Magus muttered under their breathe, earning the agreeing nods of their colleagues. The Master Magus leading their team soon received the signal of the Arch Magus.

It was finally time.

He swiftly exuded his mana, attracting the attention of his subordinates. He coldly gazed at them, shutting their mouths, giving silence to themselves and their surroundings. With their attention pointed at him, he finally relayed the signal of the Arch Magus.

"It's time to activate the Grand Runic Spell, Firestorm."

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