Naval Gacha System: It's Time To Monopolize The Seven Seas!

Chapter 185: | 185 | To Control One's Strength

Abraham's fist gleamed with unparalleled brilliance akin to the sun itself descending before the vast plains of the eastern grassland. It pierced through the air in a mere instant accompanied by a distorted shriek along its way. Such was his second ability, External Release.


As the brilliance of his fist glimmered even further, what followed was a shockwave comparable to that of a naval gun's blast. The air rumbled, propelled onward as if entirely dominated by his power. It crackled with dust and immediately impacted a small hill in the distance.


The thunderous roar of an explosion echoed throughout the vast plain. It was as though a meteorite just crashed landed onto the small hill, devastating everything near it. It was quite a sight, though shocking when one would proclaim it to be done by a human with no mana nonetheless.

Abraham gazed forward, his eyes squinted with a tinge of determination. Fumes escaped his fist that had recently glowed with radiance as if foretelling that such astounding power came from his knuckles. However, no satisfaction or excitement escaped from him.

After all, he had now realized what he had wielded in his body. His power wasn't to be underestimated. Although not much when compared to the dragoness, it was a lot more dangerous since his current self was far more unstable than the problem dragon.

It wouldn't do good if he accidently used External Release while being in the Port of Dawn. Who knows how much destruction it would cause to those around him. Perhaps, casualties would emerge and maybe even his most loyal subjects would begin to fear him.

'I have to control myself. I need to be careful, otherwise they might die from my foolishness.' Abraham quietly thought to himself, clenching his fist with a serious expression plastered on his face. Before he could continue with his thoughts, however...

He felt her soft hand patting over his shoulder, bringing him out of his trance. He glanced at her with raised eyebrows and saw her with a calm smile on her supple lips. Her mouth soon opened and soothing words escaped from it.

"There's no need to fear your power, Abraham. It can only be dangerous if you become afraid of it or let it control you. You must accept it as a part of yourself now, and you have to be the one controlling it." Laplace's words resounded inside the confused mind of the middle-aged man.

It brought him the solace he needed to tackle what he had just discovered as a part of himself.

"Sorry about that, Laplace. I just didn't expect my fist to be capable of such power. That power should be comparable to a kiloton worth of TNT. Not as strong as you, but extremely volatile in my hands." Abraham remarked after calming himself. A smile was on his face while Laplace listened.

"It wouldn't be volatile later. After all, I will be training you until your understanding of your power becomes sufficient to be nearby lesser beings. You must have remembered the words I have said to your subordinates."

"You will not be returning until you can punch with your whole strength while not breaking an egg inside your fist." Laplace smirked at her lover since it might have been the first time for her to train him. She was a bit excited while thoughts about what could happen flooded her mind.

Though, she immediately shook them away as what was important was her lover's control over his power. While things might be going well for him, his luck wouldn't keep saving him from what could only be destined as a disaster.

"Training, huh? I never thought about that. If I had heard you wanting to train me just a week ago, I would have thought of it as a death sentence." He lightly chuckled, earning the annoyed gaze of the dragoness. She didn't appreciate him comparing her training to a death sentence.

After all, he was much stronger than all of the beastfolks she had seen. If they could handle her training, why can't he? Even if it was difficult, it wouldn't be a death sentence to someone of his stature.

"Not sure how my training would be a death sentence for someone who simply decided to punch a rock wall for a hundred thousand times." Laplace shook her head and uttered with a mocking tone. Abraham froze since there was no need to rubbed his grueling training back to his face.

But he understood that it was somewhat his fault for comparing her training to a death sentence. He sighed to himself and rubbed the back of his head while apologizing. "Alright, alright... It's my fault. I should be honored to be train by the legendary dragon of the United Navy."

"Praising me wouldn't earn you my favor." Laplace looked away with a pout on her face. Seeing her cute side once in a while awaken the beast inside Abraham, the edges of his lips rose as he took a short bite of his ears. "Shall I apologize even further, Laplace?"

Her cheeks blushed with a tinge of crimson red. She didn't think it was a great time for them to be flirting, especially when he still needed to train up his strength sensitivity. Even though she wanted it, she pushed him away and muttered. "It's not the time yet, Abraham."

"You need to know how to control yourself first. Perhaps, if you get a high grade, I'll give you a treat." As more of her words escaped her supple lips, Laplace became even more confident. A smirk slowly formed on her face as her fingers played along on his firm chest.

Seeing the reignited confidence of his lover, Abraham lightly chuckled and decided to back off. His teasing might bring upon a greater circumstance for the two of them. "I'll keep that in mind." Though, he remained confident, even though he had practically retreated from her.

Now that distance had been made between the two of them, Laplace faintly coughed and concentrate her thoughts in the matter of training her love. From what he had told her, his weapons were the Internal Disruption and External Release.

All of which merely required his body without the need of even a bit of mana. His physical strength was entirely biological, unlike her who was a magical-creature at heart. If one follows the laws of this world, Abraham might even be more unnatural than a dragon such as herself.

However, since she was merely training him to gain the sensitivity needed for his strength. It was time for her to go back to the basics. With this in mind, Laplace picked a compact rock from the ground and threw it to Abraham.

"Place this rock inside of your fist. The moment you crush them, you fail and must pick another rock again." She explained to her lover, while he caught the compact rock with ease. The moment he thought of holding it, the rock broken into pieces.

"It seems that your sensitivity is far worser than I had previously thought." Laplace remarked and threw another rock at him. Abraham caught it like before and held it as softly as possible. He needed to treat it as the most fragile thing in the world. Otherwise, it might break in his hand.

Unlike beforehand, the rock didn't break, which was already a piece of good news for the fleet admiral. But the dragoness's following words broke whatever hope in his heart as she demanded the next phase of his training. "Now that you could hold it with ease, punch the ground below you."

He could only follow her words since she didn't seem to be in the mood of listening his complains. Abraham took a deep breath and punched the ground with as much as minimal force he could exert. Unfortunately, his fist didn't even hit the earth yet and the rock already broke apart.

"It seems that it broke apart before even hitting anything yet. Let's return to the first phase." After hearing her words, it felt as though he had just disappointed his mother. He immediately shook his head, not wanting to keep his thoughts entertain.

Abraham caught the stone thrown by Laplace with ease. Instead if immediately punching the ground with the stone inside his fist, he decided to patiently take his time and play around with the stone. After all, there was no need for him to be impatient.

Seeing her lover taking his time, the edges of Laplace's lips rose. His patience was amongst the many qualities that made her fall in love to him. He was never the type to be impatient and would rather do things in his own term.

He kept playing with the rock, juggling it between his hands while assuring it never broke a single piece of itself. He was beginning to derive how much force the rock needed to survive under the grasped of his fingers.

After playing with it for hours, never breaking it for even a single moment during the entire duration. Abraham smiled as his determined heart had realized the extent and potential of his strength as a Superhuman. Instead of fearing his power, he became excited instead.

Without any further hesitation and delay, he placed the rock inside his fist and swiftly punched the ground below him. *BAM!!!* The earth cracked and the land slightly rumbled. Dusts were shoved upward, yet Laplace remained unbothered. Her attention was pointed at his fist, which slowly opened.

Inside was the rock, unharmed by the extraordinary force of his punch. It remained unbroken, like his will shielded from the doubts that dared to consume his heart.

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