Naval Gacha System: It's Time To Monopolize The Seven Seas!

Chapter 184: | 184 | Abilities of Superhuman

Returning back to the vast plains of the eastern grassland in the island of Crescere, Laplace raised her eyebrows while distantly gazing to the north. Her instincts alerted at her, signifying that the situation might be more complicated than what they had previously thought.

"Hey, Laplace... Is there something wrong? Did you feel something?" Abraham's worried yet curious voice resounded to her ears, bringing her out of her trance. Laplace glanced at her lover, who looked at her with raised eyebrows. "I felt something amiss going on in the north, Abraham."

"My instincts are never wrong in the dangers of the unnatural." She followed onto her words, making Abraham furrow his eyebrows. Her instincts weren't to be underestimated. In his opinion, it was like a future-danger detector that would warn her of troubles before it could even happen.

"It seems that the Colonial Dominion of Terra are preparing something in their sleeves. Do you think that the Sovereigns could be involved?" He questioned her love since she might have an idea regarding what goes through the mind of those crazy bastards.

Hearing his words, Laplace promptly shook her head and responded. "Sovereigns rarely intervene in matters that don't concern them. They have greater enemies near them than to fight against someone so far from their continent."

"As I said before, I have fought a Sovereign once. And even that wasn't their actual body. A mere avatar that they had sent to take down the unruly bunch in their backyard. I doubt they would personally visit us with their actual bodies."

"Otherwise, even with my strength, while I'd survive on my own, those around me might have their lives extinguished." The reason why she was confident against the Sovereign was because of this simple fact. They could only send avatars weak or strong to act on their will.

"It looks like we have a difficult and long path ahead of us." Abraham smiled and patted the silver hair of the dragoness. It was soft, smooth, and somewhat silky. As if seducing him to pat it even further, though he halted his hand after noticing Laplace pout.

"At any rate, we can only move forward from now on. The beginning of our final operation against the Colonial Dominion of Terra should start soon. After all, most of our preparations have been completed." He coolly remarked while avoiding the gaze of the dragoness.

"There's no going back for the United Navy, me, and you. After all, this is the path we have taken. To be the enemy of the world that doesn't make sense to us." He understood how difficult their destiny was. Many might die, but they must continue moving regardless.

Such was their fate.

For the freedom of all sapient life.

"Making an enemy of the world is Tuesday for me, Abraham. I'm already known to many as the personification of Destruction itself." Laplace softly smiled at Abraham as she would always be with him until the end of times.

Before the two could continue with their conversation, the specialists ran towards them waving their arms with smiles plastered on their faces. Seeing the specialists in the distance, Laplace couldn't help but lightly chuckle at their strange behavior.

On the other hand, Abraham sighed in relief as none of them got hurt. It was good that Laplace kicked him away while crashing back to the ground. Or else, they would have been blown up by the explosion following his unreliable landing.

"Even if you wanted to test how high you could jump, you should have thought about your landing. The specialists aren't like the beastfolks who could take a beating once in a while. Their fragile." Laplace remarked, opening up her arms as she shook her head in exasperation.

"Yes, yes... I apologize for that Laplace. I'll have to stop treating myself like normal. Since those around me might get hurt if I accidently moved my body in the wrong way, except for you, of course..." Abraham glanced at Laplace, while she glared at him in annoyance.

The specialists soon arrived before the two of them with straightened backs and a salute. Most of them apologized for the failure of the Explosive Strength Test. But Abraham didn't mind it that much as it was mostly his fault to begin with.

They also apologized and thanked Laplace for saving their lives. Some even said that their families owes them their father. Such words merely made him shake his head, not wanting to hear more of their corny words.

Though, Laplace didn't let them continue further into their series of thanks and apologies. She flicked her fingers, halting them from speaking even further while also attracting their attention. Noticing their gazes pointed at her, she declared to the specialists with grace and regality.

"As you have noticed, the power of your Fleet Admiral goes beyond the limits of the natural. It is difficult to measure and dangerous to the ones measuring it. It borders the realm of the unnatural." Laplace uttered to the specialists and continued.

"With that in mind, I will be the one testing him further since I'm the only one in this island that could handle his current state. I won't bring him back unless he knows how to not break an egg inside his hand while punching a rock of some sort. So, you can be rest assured."

After her declaration, she waved them away, making them return to where they came from. They wouldn't be needed anymore, and the weights they have brought with them also needed to be returned.

Seeing the group of specialists returned to the Port of Dawn with slouched backs, Abraham could only look in pity. Nevertheless, he didn't stop Laplace from making them leave since he understood the most that he was akin to a time bomb.

If they had kept testing him, there would be a moment where even the dragoness wouldn't be able to save them. It was better for the specialists to stop testing fate with their lives.

Once the specialist were gone from their sight, Laplace turned her eyes to her lover, who was awaiting further instructions. She could only sigh since an image of a kid patiently waiting in front of her just blinked into her mind and disappeared a moment later.

"Now that they're gone, it's time to truly test your capabilities." Her gaze turned into a scrutinizing one, taking attention of every part of his muscle, analyzing why he had gone stronger and how powerful he had become. But even through her insightful inspection, she only discovered one fact.

It was that her lover's cells were incredibly vigorous and vibrant. They contained much more lifeforce than ever before. In comparison, a normal human's lifeforce was akin to a droplet of water, while Abraham's was an entire lake worth of water.

"Hmm... It's hard to discover more about you other than the special-trait in your physique. So instead, I'll ask. After all, the owner of the body knows much more than a stranger does." Laplace uttered and then questioned. "Be honest with me, Abraham. What are your capabilities are?"

Hearing the honest question of Laplace, Abraham turned silent. A serious expression formed on his face as he answered with determination. "I have two abilities I can draw from my physique. I don't know how I perceived such abilities, but I can instinctually feel them."

"The first one I already used when facing the rock wall I punched a hundred thousand times. I call it Internal Disruption as it doesn't require too much force and destroys something in the inside. On the other hand, I am still making out the second one." Abraham scratched his head and continued.

"I feel its existence somewhere deep inside me. However, drawing upon it is harder than the first one. It feels like releasing something from my body, which I instinctually kept inside."

"And I have been trying to control myself since my evolution into this. After all, I don't want to accidentally hurt my subordinates." His words resounded in the air. The dragoness could only nod in understanding, realizing the potential of her lover.

'It's as if he was built to become a martial artist of some sort.' Laplace couldn't help but remember a movie she had watched with Abraham after their nightly adventure. It was an action movie with a martial artist as a main character. Things like causing internal damage through a softer force were concepts in that movie.

"If I had heard you correct, your second ability remains inactive because you're holding back, right? Then, I have a great piece of news for you, my Abraham. Look behind me." Laplace stated to the middle-aged man with a smirk plastered on her face.

Abraham followed her words and saw nothing behind her. There was merely the vast plains of the eastern grassland along with the azure blue skies above them. It didn't take long until he had realized what she had meant for him to understand.

"I see..." His reply was short as he turned away from the Port of Dawn and gazed towards the direction of empty plains. He took a deep breath and focused his strength onto his right arm. Closing his eyes for a moment, he soon opened them with blazing determination.

Without the hesitance from before, Abraham punched forward in a seemingly instantaneous speed in the eyes of humans. In the following moments, a bright light flickered from his fist as a thunderous roar akin to the blasts of a naval gun.


Along side Internal Disruption, there was External Release.

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