Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 115: Bruce Pi

Chapter 115: Bruce Pi

In the thick of the mounting tension, a frantic shout pierced the air, Miles, stop!

The one attempting to hold Miles back was none other than Stretch. Through Stretchs eyes, Miles seemed on a self-destructive path, but Stretch had a fervent desire to stay alive. He was anxious that Miles might jeopardize the deal they were in the midst of finalizing.

Yet, Stretch felt overwhelmed with helplessness. He was unequipped to restrain Miles. Despite possessing a ghostly power, Stretch was unable to tap into it given his current condition. Furthermore, if he dared to physically intervene, there was no predicting Miless reaction. The unpredictable Miles might very well retaliate and shoot Stretch where he stood.

Out of nowhere, the chilling sound of a gunshot pierced the silence, its echo bouncing off the fields flanking the road.

Surprisingly, the anticipated gruesome scene did not unfold. There was no bloody mess. The bullet had cleanly traveled through Wesleys head, coming to rest on the road behind him, its only evidence being a bullet hole.

Confused, Miles scrunched his eyebrows, preparing to fire another round.

However, before he could pull the trigger again, an intervening voice declared, The blame lies with me, not Wesley. I was the one who authorized the files deletion. Wesley was merely executing tasks on the companys behalf. Hes technically innocent.

Shortly after, a group of unique individuals made their appearance, emerging from a car parked nearby. At the forefront was a seemingly average young man, around twenty-five, donning a pristine white lab coat. He was accompanied by a team of security personnel.

Witnessing this unexpected turn of events, Wesley let out a sigh of relief. Facing Miles alone had been nerve-wracking. With this new reinforcement, he felt a sense of security.

Grinning weakly at Miles, he taunted, Didnt see that coming, did you?

Ignoring Wesleys comment, Miles remarked, To save Wesley from such a distance is that the capability of a ghost domain? He then shifted his gaze to a stern-looking middle-aged man in uniform, emanating an undeniable air of menace.

Miless ghostly inner eye began to stir as though sensing danger and readying itself to defend its host. Could this man be a ghost tamer? And if so, one of immense prowess, given the unsettling aura he radiated.

Intervening in the exchange, the young man in the lab coat stepped forward, announcing, I instructed Captain June to intervene and save Wesley. My name is James, but you can refer to me as Professor James.

Miles paused. The name rang a bell.

He wracked his brain, trying to place it. It felt like a name he mightve come across during his school days.

Suddenly, it clicked, and he stared at the scientist with a look of shock.

Then to top it off, he spotted a familiar likeness to the man from the club, Are you related to Cockroach from the Cockroach Club? The resemblance between Professor James and that other man was too striking to ignore.

Professor James sighed, his voice tinged with a mix of weariness and frustration, Thats my younger brother youre referring to. Always finding ways to stir up trouble.

He paused, taking a deep breath to center himself before continuing, If you have grievances or concerns regarding this matter, please address them to me. I stand ready to shoulder the blame and handle any fallout from this situation. He then gestured to Miless weapon, But before we delve deeper into this, would it be possible for you to put away your gun?

Realizing someone was willing to own up, Miles responded, As long as theres someone accountable for this mess, Im satisfied. With those words, he slid his gun back into its holster. He then looked over at Wesley, who seemed like he had just dodged a bullet, quite literally. A sheen of perspiration glistened on Wesleys forehead, clearly drained from the intense standoff.

Shall we? Professor James proposed, motioning towards an arranged seating area shaded under a canopy nearby.

While setting down a body bag hed been holding onto, Miles replied, I expect a thorough explanation for all this mess. He then settled into a chair.

Maintaining a poised demeanor, James introduced the men accompanying him, The gentlemen by my side are significant figures in our line of work. Here, from the ghost tamer HQ, is Captain Build. Beside him stands June.

Miless eyes showed a hint of recognition. Build? he murmured.

Could this be the superior of Rain from the Ghost Tamer HQ?

He remembered their phone interactions. The reality that this situation had lured out Build in person was unexpected.

A smirk played on Builds lips, They say the most heroic acts come from the youth. Its a pleasure to finally meet you face-to-face, Miles. Ive heard about you numerous times from Rain. Your recent call gave me the perfect excuse to take a little break from work.

He was alluding to Miless threatening call to HQ.

Having Captain Build here certainly changes things, Miles responded, extending his hand in a gesture of civility.

June, on the other hand, remained taciturn. Yet, his piercing gaze never wavered from Miles, suggesting he was there primarily as a safety precaution, given his high-ranking status as a ghost tamer.

Seeing the building tension, James decided to cut to the chase, Considering the time, Ill be direct. As protocol dictates, each ghost tamer should be furnished with a detailed file when assigned a paranormal mission. This established practice aims to enhance the chances of a ghost tamers survival during such encounters. Yes, Wesley did withhold the files information. But his intention was to prevent potential leaks, which might bring about unforeseen challenges. I deeply regret this misjudgment.

Miless eyes tightened, locking onto Wesley with suspicion. So, while company secrets can be hidden, hes also been concealing critical data from HQ?

James responded, That wasnt Wesleys call to make. But it was mine. I gave the directive to erase the file.

Miless demeanor turned icy. And why, pray tell, would you do such a thing?

Professor James, his expression a blend of determination and concern, began, Our primary objective is to conclusively address and mitigate the escalating supernatural disturbances within our borders.

He leaned forward slightly, his voice gaining intensity. Are you aware of the sheer volume of new supernatural reports were receiving each day? Our latest data points to a troubling trend: the frequency and intensity of domestic supernatural occurrences are skyrocketing. Were at a tipping point where merely containing or hiding these phenomena wont suffice.

His gaze grew distant as he continued, We stand on the brink of a major calamity. If we dont act decisively and stem this surge, the fallout could be catastrophic.

James took a moment to catch his breath before forging on, I understand that when viewed narrowly, personal sacrifices might appear inconsequential, especially if they contribute to the greater good. Yes, several ghost tamers might have met their demise during this incident, but their sacrifices have played a crucial role. Theyve enabled us to preserve crucial intelligence and, more importantly, to secure the ghost coffin. In the broader context, such a trade-off is justifiable.

His eyes then drifted toward a sleek sports car in the vicinity, atop which rested the said coffin. The immediate priority was to move the ghost coffin out of the proximity of Yellow Hill Village.

Miless voice dripped with sarcasm and anger, Such eloquent reasoning. Its always more palatable when the sacrificial lambs arent your kin or close associates. Just listening to your justification makes me want to end you right here and now.

As he spoke, an alarming crimson-hued ghostly eye emerged on his forehead. It pulsed with an unsettling aura that seemed to amplify in intensity with each passing moment.

June, ever the vigilant guardian, stepped in authoritatively, Professor Jamess importance to our cause is unparalleled. If you even think of causing him harm, I wont think twice about neutralizing you, despite the undeniable waste of your unique abilities.

Miles shot back, his voice dripping with venom, Earlier, you only managed to safeguard Wesley because I hadnt activated my ghost domain. Dont grow complacent thinking youll always have the upper hand.

With a defiant glint in his eyes, June retorted, Then by all means, make your move.

Sensing the palpable hostility, Build swiftly stepped in, attempting to defuse the situation with a light-hearted approach, Hold on a second! Arent we all allies here? Imagine the embarrassment if word of internal strife amongst us spreads globally. We ought to be pooling our resources and knowledge to tackle the supernatural threats, not squabbling among ourselves.

He turned his gaze to Miles, empathy evident in his eyes. I genuinely empathize with your plight, Miles. The modifications to the files undoubtedly posed unforeseen challenges. However, consider Professor Jamess position. Hes devoted to safeguarding our nation. The ghost coffins existence and potential could be the linchpin in our efforts to rein in these supernatural anomalies. Build paused, allowing his words to sink in, Given the lengths to which Professor James went to secure the ghost coffin, he must have solid reasons for his actions. Lets try to extend a bit of understanding and patience towards one another.

Miless gaze hardened, What guarantees do I have to place my trust in this Professor James?

You may have reservations about him, but you cannot deny the immense value of his contributions, Build elaborated. He was a pioneer in the field, delving into the study of supernatural phenomena long before the intensity of these events increased. Early on, when the world was grappling with these eerie occurrences, he released groundbreaking research papers that significantly contributed to managing and reducing the menace. These documents were vital in providing insights that helped in controlling these incidents.

Youve accessed that global platform, havent you? Build continued. Theres a high probability youve come across research from Professor James. When publishing on international platforms, he adopts the alias Bruce Pi.

Miles raised an eyebrow. Bruce Pi? Is that the same individual behind the intriguing article titled The Power of Ghosts Cannot Affect Gold?

James replied with a hint of seriousness, If you truly believe that killing me is the right course of action, then I wont resist. If you genuinely think you can outperform me and contribute more substantially than I have to the cause, then go ahead, take the shot. But if not, I hope youll consider the broader implications for the common good.

Are you being forthright with me? Miles questioned, seeking sincerity in Jamess eyes.

James responded steadfastly, I have no incentive to deceive you.

Without hesitation, Miles placed his handgun on the table, sliding it in Jamess direction. Demonstrate your genuine intentions. Assure me that your actions are driven by the publics interest and not selfish motives.

James inquired, What do you expect as proof of my sincerity?

Miles posed a challenging question, In your eyes, who holds greater value: a ghost tamer equipped to resolve supernatural crises or a general manager dedicated to maintaining the seamless operations of a company?

James responded without flinching, Without a doubt, a ghost tamer stationed at HQ is of paramount importance. If resolving a supernatural dilemma meant the unfortunate loss of a civilian, I would make that difficult choice without second thoughts. The greater good justifies such a sacrifice.

Miles firmly stated, If you personally eliminate Wesley, then I will wholeheartedly enlist with HQ to combat these paranormal threats. Im willing to overlook the discrepancies in the files, choosing to believe you altered them for noble reasons rather than selfish ambitions. However, if you fail to act, then your assurances are merely hollow words to placate me.

He continued, On the other hand, I wont even consider joining if theres the slightest hint of treachery. How can I risk my life for the cause if theres the looming threat of betrayal from within?

Builds expression wavered, evidently taken aback. Miless reasoning was hard to refute. While altering official records for the betterment of HQ might be forgivable, what if such actions were driven by individual ambitions or hidden agendas?

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