Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 116: The Trade is Underway

Chapter 116: The Trade is Underway

Miles handed over the decision to Professor James, confident in the latters judgment.

Professor Bruce Pi, commonly known as James, was renowned for his wisdom and selfless demeanor. Miles was convinced now that if there were anyone who would make the right decision in such a precarious situation, it would be James.

If James actually went through with killing Wesley, Miles would see it as proof of Jamess commitment to a bigger cause. It would show that the act was free of any personal vendetta or selfish motive. In such a scenario, even though it would be difficult, Miles might come to terms with the deed and possibly forgive James.

However, if Jamess words were nothing more than honeyed lies, then Miles was prepared to use his abilities to control malevolent spirits against James.

The tension in the air was palpable as James now held the gun. What would he decide?

Miles watched intensely, every breath held in suspense.

In this crucial moment, Build stood mute, and June, who was close by, also kept his silence. The atmosphere was thick with the weight of the decision. At stake was the life of a regular man versus someone with the unique power to control the supernatural.

James studied the weapon in his hand before turning his attention to Wesley.

Wesley, recognizing the gravity of his situation, pleaded, Professor James, dont be swayed by Miless lies. Even if Im gone, he might not even ally with HQ. Ive dedicated so much to our cause managing finances, obtaining spirits.

In his desperation, Wesley understood something crucial about Jamess character. For the greater good, and in order to manage the rising supernatural threats, James might go to any extent, even if it meant ending Wesleys life.

James interrupted Wesleys pleas, his voice devoid of warmth. Wesley, as valuable as you think you are, your contributions pale in comparison to what Miles brings to the table. We can find another financial manager, but theres no replacing Miles when it comes to managing the supernatural disturbances in Spear City. The damage from such incidents without him would be immeasurable.

Rising from his seat, James continued, Your life, in comparison to his, is expendable. Rest assured, I will ensure the well-being of your family.

In a swift motion, James took aim and shot at Wesley. But in a stroke of luck and terror-driven reflexes, Wesley dodged the bullet.

Panicking, Wesley tried to escape, scrambling on all fours.

James coldly remarked, Everyone faces a moment when sacrifices must be made. Fleeing will only make this harder for you.

Then, another shot rang out.

Wesleys anguished cry filled the room as the bullet found its mark. He crumpled to the ground, wounded.

With grim resolve, James advanced, gun pointed at Wesleys forehead, ready to finish what he started.

Wesleys voice trembled with desperation as he tried to remind Professor James of their shared history. Please, Professor James, he gasped, sweat pouring down his face, making it glisten under the dim light. His eyes, widened with terror, searched for a hint of recognition or mercy. Dont you recall that evening I took you out for that upscale massage session? And wasnt I the one who introduced you to the woman who is now your wife? He clung to these memories, hoping that they would stir some kind of emotion within the professor.

However, before Wesley could finish his plea, another gunshot rang out.

Miles swiftly intervened, shouting, Enough! His sudden interjection caused Jamess shot to go awry, sparing Wesley from taking a lethal hit to the forehead. The traumatic events of the day combined with the sheer dread from the near-fatal shot made Wesley lose consciousness, his body going limp and collapsing.

The air was silent for a moment before Miles, trying to shift the atmosphere, said, I will undergo an evaluation process in the near future. Upon its successful completion, I will affiliate with HQ, offering my services in managing these supernatural cases. As for Yellow Hill Village file, consider that issue settled. But from here on, any alterations made to such files need to be communicated to me. I have the right to be informed.

James nodded solemnly in agreement. Once youre part of HQ, provided your work is noteworthy, you will always be in the loop.

Miles gave a sharp, discerning look, then motioned to a body bag he had brought with him. As he unzipped it and placed it on the table, a nauseating stench permeated the air. I have two spirits here, in addition to the ghost coffin I retrieved from the village. Whats their worth? Each of these items is invaluable. I expect an appropriate compensation.

Now that tensions had subsided somewhat, the focus shifted to negotiations.

James hesitated for a moment before saying, I must admit, business isnt my forte. You can set your price, provided it aligns with our financial parameters. Today, my main interest lies in acquiring the ghost coffin.

His statement left some room for interpretation. Was James suggesting that Miles quote a higher price?

Miles started to do the math mentally.

The ghost coffin was a dangerous entity, something he couldnt afford to hold onto for much longer. Parting with it was the smartest move, especially given Jamess pronounced interest. If he couldnt secure a fair price for it, it would mean undermining all his efforts.

If one spirit held a value of one hundred million, then adding in the coffin would mean two hundred million. With the additional premium, as mentioned by Wesley, the sum escalated to three hundred million.

The prospect was thrilling if he could negotiate such a sum.

Miles felt a rush of excitement at the possibility of achieving billionaire status in the near future, a dream that once seemed so distant during his school years.

Miles paused for a moment, formulating his words. This ghost coffin isnt just any relic, he began, emphasizing the importance of his possession. Its not merely about the ghost it contains; this coffin has rare and distinct abilities that set it apart. Given its uniqueness and potential, I believe 500 million would be a fair price.

James responded immediately without even attempting to bargain, Agreed, 500 million. Whos in charge of the finances here? Make the arrangements! He cast a swift look around the room.

Sun stepped forward, her face reflecting both her anxiety and the gravity of the situation. Understood, Professor James.

Miles was momentarily stunned by Jamess readiness to agree to his price. No negotiation, no debate. This quick acceptance made him question himself. Had he undersold the coffin? He glanced towards Build and June, who watched the proceedings intently. Their stern expressions made Miles think that backtracking on the price now might seem unprofessional or even greedy. Yet, in the world of business, personal feelings often took a back seat to profit.

Pushing through his hesitation, Miles added, That 500 million covers the ghost coffin alone. I had to face several challenges getting it out of the village. To top it off, a sports car got damaged during its transportation. Thats an additional expense, lets say, 50 million more.

Without batting an eyelid, James responded, Very well, add another 50 million.

Internally cursing himself, Miles couldnt help but think that he had still undervalued the item. He felt the bitter bite of regret. Being unfamiliar with such transactions had put him at a disadvantage. He pondered raising the price again, but his pride held him back. He didnt want to come off as indecisive.

Alright then, lets treat this as a charitable gesture on my part. However, for Frank, Miles said, hoping to gain more ground on another deal, Id expect a more generous offer. He gestured towards the body bag, not visualizing a deceased individual but rather a potential jackpot.

James, sensing the conclusion of their deal, smiled, Its a pleasure, Mr. Miles.

As they moved towards wrapping up, James turned to June with an air of anticipation, Captain June, please ensure the ghost coffins safe transportation to our research lab.

Absolutely, June promptly replied, signaling to a team of security personnel, who moved to handle the coffin.

With a hint of concern, Miles interjected, Just a heads-up that coffin holds a potent ghost. If its inadvertently released, it could wreak havoc. I wont be held liable for any mishaps post this transaction.

Understood and noted, June responded with gratitude, continuing, Our team will handle the remaining formalities of this transaction. I must head back to the lab now.

As the coffin was being transported, James seemed eager to exit the premises. Miles interjected, slightly taken aback, Hold on, what about Frank? I had high expectations for that deal.

A sinking feeling crept into Miles as he began to wonder if he had overestimated Franks worth.

Sun stepped in, her voice reflecting a mixture of determination and anxiety, Mr. Miles, please direct us further regarding Franks deal. Ill oversee the remaining proceedings. Is that acceptable to you?

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