My Vampire Harem Will Dominate Everything

Chapter 136: The Loyal Dog, Gets No Bone At All

Solomon's gaze shifted to Griffin, a flicker of annoyance crossing his face. "Griffin, always a pleasure. Though I must say, the company here has taken a rather unexpected turn."

Griffin smiled, a sharp glint in his eyes. "Unexpected, perhaps, but fascinating." Griffin's mechanical voice proclaimed. "Is there any rule stating I can't wander the ball? It's almost time for the dancing, after all."

"Are you so willing to upset the balance for a newborn coven?" Solomon asked, raising a carefully sculpted eyebrow. Ezra knew he wasn't just talking about him but also the Southside. "Keeping a troublesome dog can attract all sort of diseases, or so I'm told."

Ezra frowned. He called me a dog. He looked up at the count. That's strike one.

Griffin stepped closer to Solomon, seemingly at ease. "Loyal dogs are meant to be drawn closer. You see, Ezra here has proven himself quite resourceful. Loyalty like his is commendable."

Ezra wiped every expression from his face as he felt a subtle shift in the room's atmosphere. Griffin had already began weaving his influence into the conversation, subtly claiming his allegiance. This was dangerous territory.

Solomon's eyes narrowed. "Loyalty, you say? Interesting choice of words. Especially considering the recent... unpleasantness surrounding your..." his eyes flicked to Ezra and Olivia, "dogs. They killed a Subject under my protection.

What do you have to say to that?"

Griffin's smile remained, but his tone grew firmer. "Malachi's fate was a result of his own actions. Ezra acted to protect his coven, and I stand by that decision. After all, we must protect those who are loyal to us."

Ezra sensed the weight of Griffin's words. The subtle implication was clear. Griffin would defend Ezra and his coven, asserting his support for all of Ezra's action. It was a move that will declare to the world that Ezra's actions were made by his backing.

Solomon's expression hardened. "And what, exactly, are you implying, Griffin?"

Griffin stepped closer, his presence almost overwhelming. "I'm merely stating that loyalty is a valuable commodity. One that I reward and protect. Ezra and his coven have shown their loyalty, and they have my support."

The tension between the two counts was palpable, a silent battle of wills playing out before the gathered vampires. Ezra and Olivia remained silent, acutely aware of the stakes. No one will want anything to do with them anymore.

They can't gain support against Griffin with the present way he had publically claimed them and no one would want to support a coven in which another count has animosity towards. Coming was a mistake. Their chances of gaining any support are now slim to none.

Solomon's lips thinned into a cold smile. "Support is a dangerous thing to offer so freely, Griffin. It can lead to unintended consequences."

Griffin's gaze never wavered. "I'm well aware of the risks, Solomon. But I'm also aware of the strength that comes from unity and loyalty. Ezra is under my protection, and I will ensure his coven thrives."

The declaration hung in the air, a clear message to all present. Griffin had publicly claimed Ezra as a loyal subject, making any action against him a direct challenge to Griffin's authority.

Solomon inclined his head slightly, a gesture of acknowledgment, though his eyes betrayed his displeasure. "Very well, Griffin. We shall see how this unfolds."

With that, Solomon turned and walked away, the crowd parting for him once more. Ezra felt a mixture of disappointment and apprehension. They could have worked around Solomon's animosity but Griffin's support? It was exactly the opposite of what they had been looking for.

Griffin turned to Ezra, his expression softening slightly, playing to the still watching vampires. "Stay vigilant, Ezra. Tonight is only the beginning."

Ezra nodded, playing along. The night's events had made sure that some players had laid their cards on the table. The night was still young and their plan was in tatters.

Griffin nodded solemnly and left them standing there, grabbing a glass of blood wine as he strode away. Ezra and Olivia exchanged loaded glances. This wasn't the place to discuss on what had just happened. Everyone in the building had enhanced senses. There was no way that the conversation will stay private.

They turned back to the crowd, who were now furiously whispering over the encounter. Ezra sighed. He hoped Gen was having a better time.


As Gen separated from Ezra and Olivia, she felt a rush of anticipation. The ballroom, with its grand chandeliers and opulent decorations, was filled with the city's elite vampires, each one a potential ally or enemy. She glided through the crowd with practiced ease, her eyes scanning the room for familiar faces.

Navigating the sea of finely dressed guests, she couldn't help but smirk. The whispers and sidelong glances that followed her were a badge of honor to her. She seemed to have more enemies than friends in this room, and that suited her just fine. The prospect of conflict, the thrill of a potential fight, had her on edge in the best possible way.

As she moved through the crowd, she exchanged polite nods and brief conversations, all the while keeping her senses attuned to her surroundings. Her target was the Maguire Coven, and she knew they would be here, basking in their perceived untouchability.

Gen's smirk widened when she finally spotted them. The Maguire Coven stood near the large, ornately decorated fireplace, their presence commanding a small, respectful distance from the other guests. Each member exuded an air of confidence and superiority.

Her eyes locked onto the coven leader, Lucien Maguire, a tall and imposing figure with a cold, calculating gaze. Beside him stood his wives, a trio of vampires known for their ruthlessness. Gen's smirk turned into a full smile. She had been hoping for a fight all day, and now she had found her opponents.

With deliberate steps, she approached the group, her demeanor relaxed but her senses on high alert. As she neared them, the conversation around the Maguire Coven hushed slightly, eyes turning towards her with a mixture of curiosity and wariness.

"Good evening, Lucien, Delilah." Gen greeted, her voice smooth and confident. "How are you enjoying the evening?"

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