My Vampire Harem Will Dominate Everything

Chapter 137: Three-Pronged Attack

"Good evening, Lucien, Delilah." Gen greeted, her voice smooth and confident. "How are you enjoying the evening?"

Delilah smirked, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Quite well, thank you, Genesis. It's always a pleasure to see who shows up to these little gatherings. And you? How are you finding the company?"

Gen returned the smirk, her eyes dancing with amusement. "The company's delightful, as always. Though I must say, I didn't expect to see the Maguire Coven standing so idle. I thought you'd be more... proactive."

Delilah's smile widened, a predatory glint in her eyes. "Proactive? Oh, Genesis, we prefer to choose our battles wisely. Unlike some, we don't rush into situations without allies to back us up. We prefer to send gifts instead." Her smile turned feral. "Tell me, how's the Matten Coven doing these days?

Still struggling to find friends, I hear."

Gen's expression didn't falter, but there was a sharpness in her gaze. "We're doing just fine, Delilah. It's funny, though. I've heard whispers that the Maguire Coven has been rather quiet lately. Almost as if you're scared to pick a fight face to face. I wanted to confirm directly from the source, you know."

Lucien chuckled softly, his amusement evident. "Ladies, let's not get too heated. We're all here to enjoy the evening, after all."

Delilah's eyes never left Gen's. "Oh, Lucien, I'm just having a bit of fun. Genesis must know how much I enjoy little exchanges like these. But really, Genesis, you should be careful. It's dangerous to be without allies in a place like this."

Gen tilted her head slightly, her smile unwavering. "Dangerous, perhaps. But we've always managed to handle ourselves. And I find it interesting that you talk about choosing battles wisely. It almost sounds like you're avoiding them."

Delilah's smirk turned icy. "Avoiding battles? Hardly. We simply know when to strike and when to bide our time. Unlike some who seem to think that bluster can replace strategy."

Gen's eyes narrowed slightly. "Strategy is important, Delilah. But so is courage. And from where I stand, it looks like the Maguire Coven has been lacking in that department."

Lucien raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying the exchange. "Now, now, Genesis. Delilah, let's keep it civil. We're all here to maintain the peace, aren't we?"

Gen knew then that something was wrong. Why else would Lucien be this quiet and amused?

Delilah's smile was tight, her patience wearing thin. "Of course, Lucien. Peace is paramount. But Genesis, do remember, it takes more than just courage to survive in our world. It takes alliances, power, and a keen understanding of when to strike."

Gen's smile was equally tight. "Oh, I understand perfectly, Delilah. And you should remember, underestimating us could be a mistake."

Lucien's amused gaze shifted between them, clearly entertained by the verbal sparring. His amusement was evident as he addressed Gen. "Instead of being here enjoying the party, you should be protecting what you have, you know." He said, his tone almost playful.

Gen maintained an expressionless facade, though confusion flickered in her eyes. "What do you mean, Lucien?"

"In the interest of promoting peace," Lucien began, his smile turning wicked, "I'll tell you what's happening. I heard from some acquaintances that the Matten coven will be weathering a three-pronged attack tonight."

Gen's eyes widened slightly, though she quickly masked her shock. Silent Hand. This had their fingerprints all over it. What were they planning?

Lucien continued, relishing her reaction. "I must say, I'm quite perplexed as to why you're at this party instead of where you're needed most. How will you fight if you no longer have a coven to support you?"

His words hung in the air, a chilling premonition of the chaos unfolding. "The first attack," Lucien said, leaning in closer, "is on the Black Spider gang. Your coven's muscle. Without them, your reach in the underground will crumble."

Gen's mind raced. The Black Spider gang was a crucial part of their operations. Losing them would be a severe blow.

Lucien's gaze never wavered. "And the second attack... Imagine the Ascendant Capital building, your crown jewel, caught in a gas explosion and destroyed. How will your coven parade around with stolen money when your fortress is in ruins? It will be all over the news, and not even hiring the Custodians can fix that quickly without breaking the law of secrecy."

The mention of Ascendant Capital sent a cold shiver down Gen's spine. Their financial stronghold, the public face of their power and influence, was under threat. A public disaster there would cripple their operations and expose their vulnerabilities.

"And lastly," Lucien's voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper, "do you know where Miss Red, your trusted ally, is right now?"

Gen's heart sank. Red, who was supposed to be monitoring everything, could be in danger. "What have you done, Lucien?" she demanded, her voice low and dangerous.

Lucien laughed quietly, almost malevolently. "Oh, I haven't done anything. I'm merely the messenger. Time is running out, Genesis. Your precious coven is falling apart as we speak. Tick tock."

His laughter echoed in her ears as he reveled in the chaos he had sown.

Gen's mind raced. She needed to act, and quickly. Every second spent here was a second lost. She glanced around, trying to locate Ezra and Olivia among the guests. They needed to rally their forces, protect their assets, and counteract the Silent Hand's attack. Without a backward glance, she left the Maguire coven.

Lucien called after her, his voice dripping with mock concern. "Do hurry, Genesis. I'd hate for you to miss the grand finale."

Ignoring him, Gen pushed through the crowd, her mind focused on the immediate threats. She searched the ballroom, her eyes scanning the crowd frantically.

Amid the sea of elegantly dressed guests, she finally spotted Ezra and Olivia, just as Count Griffin was turning to leave them. Her heart sank, knowing that could only mean more trouble. She swiftly made her way through the throng of guests, her urgency evident.

Reaching them, she whispered urgently, "We have a problem."

Ezra and Olivia turned to her, their expressions immediately mirroring her concern. It seems like she wasn't the ony one with bad news.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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