Chapter 9: Human pet (2)

The city blocks grew more polished and pristine as Elena left the rough-edged neighborhoods. Here sleek high-rises of glass and steel loomed, modern monuments to ambition and fortune.

Shelley Tower reigned among them, a double-pronged spire stabbing the night sky, bold as her sister's appetite. Lamp light glinted across its slick facades while rivals faded dim at this late hour.

But Elena knew better. Vampires dominated this entire glittering scene from their penthouses and corner offices. Their wealth and influence flowed through every vein of the city - if you knew where to tap it.

Approaching the monolith tower, Elena sniffed, sorting through the aroma of hot metal, cold stone, mortal sweat and fear. There - a whiff of something that didn't belong. Sweet, warm, enticingly human...

Elena's steps slowed. She blended into the shadows of a ledge, focusing her preternatural senses. There it was again - a specific human fragrance that must be Rose's new pet.

Peering up, Elena spotted a small figure emerging from a side entrance of Shelley Tower to hurry furtively towards the parking garage. Even at a distance Elena noted how the guy's tentative grace failed to mask a quick, bright mind.

"What an intriguing little morsel you are..." Elena purred under her breath. No wonder this one had caught Rose's discerning eye.

Her sister always did prefer quality over quantity in all appetites - business and pleasure alike.

Elena's red lips curled watching the secretary strangely glance around before getting in a nondescript sedan. She recognized this very car, a mere Mercedes, not her taste in the slightest bit.

Limitless paths of vulnerability awaited within the city's maze for such tender youth. It would take very little to arrange an unfortunate fate for one so breakable...

But coercion was an art unto itself. Elena would start subtly. She licked her lips, mind churning with plans, as Rose's pretty human drove obliviously away into the rainy night.

She had business to attend to tonight. Elena smirked, recalling Rose's rare show of possessiveness earlier. Her proud younger sister had always scoffed at emotional entanglements with mortals before.

Yet now something about this secretary had gotten under Rose's skin enough to bare fangs at her own blood. Elena had to dig deeper.

Descending into a darkened alley near Rose's tower, Elena knocked twice at a steel door. It creaked open and she slipped inside the hidden vampire tavern that catered to those seeking discretion and secrecy.

The barmaid Ingrid hurried over. "Mistress Shelley! An honor as always. What brings you?" Ingrid knew better than to imply Elena slumming here was odd or even give the notion that she wasn't welcomed.

"Information. And a premium vintage, AB negative if you have it, my pet." Elena slid a stack of bills across the bar top. Eyes discreetly lowered, Ingrid nodded. "Of course. Coming shortly."

In a shadowy booth, Elena sipped the blood Ingrid brought her, savoring the taste. Now to gather intel from these cretins on Rose's intriguing new hire...

She listened lazily to the gossip and whispers around her, picking out strands about Shelley Technologies. Finally a nearby conversation caught her attention.

"...yea Lord Shelley's been worked up lately they say. Since that new donor - er secretary - got hired."

"I seen him. Little mousy thing but the Lord's been personal guarding him leaving the tower this week. Bet he's a tastier snack than he looks if she's obsessed with the chit that much already."

Elena's ears perked up and she tilted her head nonchalantly toward the chatter.

"Lord'll drain him dry soon I reckon. Once she samples those goods properly." They guffawed. "If she hasn't already of course!" More coarse laughter.

Elena's nose wrinkled in distaste at their crass words around her refined sister. Still their clues intrigued her about this oddly enticing human...

She strode out into the night feeling dissatisfied. Surface details only told her so much. Elena needed to get closer herself, understand the flavor of this Blake's bond with the famously aloof Rose.

A slow smile curved her red lips. She knew just the invisible man for an inside look...


The next evening Elena met her spy Drake outside Rose's gleaming tower. As a vampire gifted with psychokinetic invisibility, Drake could infiltrate untraceably.

"Here is your target," Elena purred, showing Blake's photo. "The secretary Blake Shelton. Monitor his interactions with my sister Rose most closely. I want fuller details on this...intriguing relationship."

She handed Drake a sealed envelope. "Payment for your services, darling. Now cloak yourself and be on your way."

Two nights later Drake delivered his report.

"You were right, m'lady - something uncanny between those two," he said. "Sister watches this Blake like a hawk. And the guy returns her looks when he thinks CEO's not noticing." He laughed.

Elena's smile held no warmth as she sent Drake off. Everything pointed to this being no trivial fascination for Rose. She had to play this strategically, figure out how profoundly this mouse Blake bewitched her proud sister. And what Rose's weakness here revealed...

First Elena needed to meet Rose's prize herself. Remind her sweet sister who held the true power in this city. She licked her fangs in anticipation.

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