Chapter 8: The human pet (1)

Rose sat in her sleek high-rise office overlooking the glittering city lights. She sipped a glass of rich, red liquid, lost in thought. Her mind kept wandering to Blake - her sweet, lovely secretary who was proving quite...distracting.

A knock at the door interrupted her reverie. Rose turned with a hiss, eyes flashing red. She disliked unannounced visitors.

But her irritation shifted to wary respect when she saw who entered. "Elena," Rose murmured. "To what do I owe the intrusion, sister?"

Elena Shelley gazed around imperiously. She resembled Rose but had longer black hair and even paler skin that seemed to emit a faint glow. As the eldest vampire sibling, Elena expected utmost deference.

"Can't I check on my little CEO sister?" Elena purred, showing sharp incisors.

"Heard talk you made a new hire recently..."

Rose tensed. Word traveled fast in vampire circles. "Yes. A capable secretary, Blake Shelton." She kept her tone neutral.

Elena glanced sidelong. "Come on now, I know he's more than that." Her voice turned sly.

"Does Rose fancy this human? Crave a taste of him?"

A growl rumbled in Rose's throat before she could stop it. The thought of anyone harming a hair on Blake's head - let alone feeding from him - set Rose's blood aflame.

Elena laughed. "So it's true! The lone huntress has been snared at last. And by prey no less." She shook her head. "You always were...unconventional, Rose."

Rose stood taller, eyes glowing dangerously. "Do not presume, Elena," she spat. "You won't go near him."

Elena pretended to pout. "So possessive need to bare fangs, dear. I can see this pet holds special value to you." Her smile remained cold.

"I'll be keeping an eye on things."

With that she vanished, leaving Rose fuming. She would safeguard Blake at all costs now - even from her own bloodline. The sweet mortal had sparked possessive instincts in Rose beyond her control.

Elena's unexpected visit had put Rose on edge. She paced in her office, anger and unease swirling within her. The crimson liquid in her glass did little to soothe her nerves.

Rose should have known word of her fascination with Blake would spread. Vampires were notorious gossips. Still, she had not expected Elena herself to investigate so promptly.

As the eldest among their powerful clan, Elena delighted in exerting her will when she sensed weakness. And Rose despised showing vulnerability in front of her smug elder sister.

Elena knew just how to taunt and provoke behind her mask of nonchalance. Her parting words echoed in Rose's mind, making her fangs ache.

"I'll be keeping an eye on things..."

Rose crushed the glass in her hand, blood splattering across the mahogany desk. The idea of Elena anywhere near Blake, tainting his sweet innocence with cruelty and malice, made Rose see red.

She had vowed no harm would come to her precious secretary. But Elena was cunning and ruthless. If she decided to target the guy who had somehow managed to bewitch Rose, consequences would be dire.

Rose closed her eyes, envisioning Blake's lovely face - those warm hazel eyes behind glasses, the flutter of her pulse at his throat. A fierce wave of protectiveness rose in Rose's chest.

Let Elena come with her taunts and tricks - Rose's possessive instincts over Blake gave her power beyond anything her sister could conceive. The Secretary had Captivated the Vampire CEO indeed. And Rose would ensure it stayed that way.

Over the next few nights, Rose grew increasingly on edge as she watched for signs of Elena interfering. Her elder sister had a talent for subtle sabotage - poisoning business deals, turning allies against each other with vicious rumors, arranging unfortunate "accidents" for those in her way.

Rose checked in frequently with her most trusted security teams and intelligence contacts, searching for clues of Elena meddling in Shelley Technologies or taking threatening interest in Blake. But so far, all seemed quiet.

Too quiet for Rose's liking. She knew Elena preferred to play with her food before striking. The wait only tightened the cold knot in Rose's stomach.

At the office, she began personally escorting Blake to his car each evening despite protests. Lingering protectively as the secretary drove off, wary of shadows following.

Blake noticed his boss growing taciturn and watchful. He tried asking Rose if anything was wrong but only received a brooding stare in return.

"There are things you shouldn't trouble yourself over," Rose muttered eventually. Her expression remained grim. "Only know you have nothing to fear. Do your work, obey me and the rest, you let me worry about,"

The words sent a strange chill through Blake. What exactly was his mysterious boss guarding him from with such intensity? For beneath Rose's standoffish demeanor, Blake sensed genuine menace stirring.

And he felt they were being observed at times - a prickling feeling on the back of his neck on the office floor or in the parking garage. An unseen gaze tracking his every move like a hunter with prey in its sights...

Elena emerged from the vampire tavern, heels clicking on damp cobblestones. It was a moonless night, rain just stopping, leaving the alleyways dark and glistening. A bitter autumn wind whistled through the shadows.

Elena pulled her fur collar tight, more out of habit than feeling the chill. The weather suited her mood tonight - cold, brooding, subtly threatening. She set off towards the tower district with purpose in her stride.

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