Chapter 7: Everything is top notch, even the maid?!

In his new Mercedes Benz, Blake glided through the city's streets, its luxurious interior cocooning him in a whirlwind of emotions.

The anticipation of personal upgrades, the sheer scale of the changes, and the accompanying tension had created a subtle layer of sweat on his forehead, even within the comfort of the air-conditioned car.

As the vehicle approached the boutique, Blake's pulse quickened. The glass doors welcomed him into a haven of tailored elegance.

A sharply dressed saleswoman, her auburn hair falling elegantly over her shoulders, greeted him with a warm smile.

"Good afternoon, sir. How may I assist you today?" the associate inquired, eyes keenly observing Blake's current attire.

"Good afternoon," Blake replied, nodding politely. "I'm looking to update my work wardrobe. Something that strikes a balance between professionalism and personal style."

The saleswoman's eyes brightened with understanding. "Certainly, sir. We have a curated selection of suits and accessories that might align with your vision. May I ask about your preferred style?"

Blake, with his thoughtful nature, contemplated the question. "I lean towards modern classics, with a touch of individuality. Something that stands out without being too flashy."

The saleswoman gestured towards a section of the boutique, where suits hung like works of art. "I believe you'll find our Modern Classics Collection quite appealing. Let me know if anything catches your eye."

As Blake perused the suits, the dialogue continued. "Do you have a particular color in mind, sir?"

"Charcoal gray and navy, I think," Blake responded, fingers running along the fabric of a navy suit. "Timeless and versatile."

The saleswoman nodded approvingly. "Excellent choices, sir. Those hues convey a sense of professionalism while offering flexibility in styling."

Fitting sessions ensued, and as Blake faced the price tags, he couldn't help but bite his nails inwardly. The internal battle between frugality and the acknowledgment that these were not just clothes but investments in his professional image.

The salesgirl observed Blake's shopping spree with a mix of curiosity and amusement. As he perused the suits, meticulously choosing modern classics with a touch of individuality, she couldn't help but appreciate his taste.

His thoughtful nature was evident as he considered the colors and textures, aiming for a balance between professionalism and personal style.

However, her amusement heightened when Blake, faced with the price tags, displayed a blend of caution and flair.

He deftly navigated through the boutique, dodging items that were overly extravagant and opting for pieces that reflected both quality and practicality.

The salesgirl noted his calculated approach, a dance between indulgence and restraint.

At moments, when confronted with particularly high prices, Blake's expressions betrayed a hint of nervousness, but he quickly masked it with a composed demeanor.

The salesgirl found herself intrigued by this careful balancing act, a client who appreciated luxury but wasn't willing to splurge recklessly.

After making the purchases, the driver guided the G-Class to a tech store, signaling the next phase of Blake's personal rejuvenation.

The store's tech expert, with a quirky bowtie and disheveled yet somehow stylish hair, engaged Blake about gaming chairs and monitors, explaining the nuances of comfort and resolution.

Blake who already worked at a tech company already knew most of the things that were being said to begin with. But either way, he paid attention nonetheless.

"Comfort is key for long gaming sessions," the tech expert noted, adjusting settings on a high-end gaming chair. "And this monitor offers exceptional resolution for a truly immersive experience."

Blake, swayed by the promise of gaming nirvana, nodded in agreement. The talk was mostly about technical details chaired by the store cashier whom enjoyed Blake's enthusiasm towards the details he provided.

As Blake left the store, the man looked on at Blake with a smile as if to say in his mind, "That guy gets it,".

The final destination for the day was a specialty bookstore, a realm of comics and manga. The curator, an expert in the field, joined the conversation.

With a passion for storytelling evident in her expressive eyes, she wore an eclectic mix of vintage and contemporary fashion that mirrored the diverse tales within the store.

"Looking for something specific, sir?" the curator asked, eyeing the current selection in Blake's hands.

"Rare editions, classics, and anything new that catches my eye," Blake replied, enthusiasm gleaming in his eyes. "I'm aiming for a collection that's as diverse as the stories themselves."

The curator led Blake through the shelves, sharing insights into the origins of certain editions. The conversation flowed between collector and curator, passion for reading evident in their eyes.

As the day came to an end, bags filled with carefully chosen items.

As Blake stepped into his new mansion, a sense of both awe and disbelief accompanied him. To his surprise, Lily, the maid, was already there, ready to assist in settling him into his opulent abode.

"Good evening, sir. I'm Lily, your housekeeper," she introduced herself with a warm smile. Blake couldn't help but notice her youthful appearance, which seemed incongruent with his preconceived notions of a housekeeper.

Lily's blonde hair framed her face elegantly, and her figure suggested a charm that defied the typical image of a housemaid.

Despite the bogus outfit she wore, her curves were accentuated, boobs perked high and round. Her hips were a topic for another day as they formed an inverted semicircle around her waist. She was simply to put, a beautiful work of art.

"Nice to meet you, Lily. Thanks for being here," Blake responded, trying to hide his astonishment. He accepted her offer to help set up his new home, starting with the gaming room.

As they arranged his state-of-the-art gaming setup, Blake couldn't shake the feeling that having a beautiful maid assisting him in such tasks was surreal.

Moving on to the wardrobe filled with his new wardrobe acquisitions, Lily showcased both efficiency and meticulousness. The task became more enjoyable with her company, making the process feel less like a chore and more like an experience.

Finally, they organized the diverse collection of comic books. Blake couldn't help but appreciate Lily's attention to detail, ensuring each item found its designated place. As the evening progressed, a sense of accomplishment settled in the air.

"I need a shower, I smell like the old me," Blake chuckled, sniffing his armpits in a self-deprecating manner.

"Ehh... Lily, please can you fix me something light for dinner? I'm going to bath. I'll be out soon," Blake requested, appreciating the idea of having a meal prepared for him.

"I already made something before you returned. Would you like help in the bathroom, sir?" Lily offered, her tone suggesting an unexpected level of personal assistance.

'That's part of the package, too?' Blake mused internally, mildly surprised.


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