Chapter 42: The china trip

As Blake and Rose walked out of the grand mansion, Reggie, the towering driver, was quick to attend to them. The air was tense with the media's watchful eyes, creating an atmosphere of caution and secrecy. Reggie effortlessly threw Rose's suitcase into the trunk, a small piece of luggage that hinted at the trip's brevity.

Opening the backdoor with a polite gesture, Reggie signaled for Rose and Blake to step into the sleek black car. The engine roared to life as they embarked on the journey to the airport. The familiar hum of the engine and the luxurious interior contrasted with the weight of the situation.

Blake, sitting beside Rose, couldn't help but express his concern. "Are you sure I can't come along? It feels strange for you to go alone, especially with all this media attention."

Rose met his gaze with a reassuring smile. "No, it's too risky. You stay back and run things through me from here. With all the tension now, it would be more damaging if you're seen with me, I hope you understand?"

While Blake grappled with the desire to be by Rose's side, he chose to trust her judgment. As the car progressed, he noticed Reggie taking a different turn. The deviation from the usual route didn't escape Blake's attention, but he opted to remain silent.

After fifteen minutes, they arrived at a secluded space with runways in sight. Blake observed a private jet with the distinct Shelly insignia on its wings. His amused remark couldn't be contained. "Let me guess, you own that one too, huh?"

The woman beside him was very rich but how rich, he didn't know. All he knew was that whatever amount that came to his head, he was to multiply it by ten.

Rose, accustomed to Blake's reactions, chuckled. "I'll have Reggie drive you around while I'm gone. I don't have much faith in your driver when trouble stirs."

Blake who could recall the incident at the casino months ago was pretty sure Reggie was more than capable.The docile man behind the wheel was a tamed beast in all rights. He wondered where Rose found such a loyal and obedient strong man like Reggie.Factoring in the money and influence Rose had, it made sense that she would have all kinds of assets, including humans in her hands.

As Reggie prepared to hand over Rose's suitcase to the waiting pilot, Rose turned to Blake, the atmosphere charged with the imminent departure. "I trust you to keep things under control here, Blake. This won't take long." She said and then they kissed for a short while.

Blake, still curious about the extent of Rose's wealth and influence, couldn't help but comment, "Your own private jet. Is there anything you don't own?"

Rose grinned, her eyes reflecting a mix of amusement and mystery. "Maybe a few things. But for now, I'm just borrowing the skies."

Reggie, carrying the suitcase, boarded the plane, and Rose turned to Blake. The pilot, a deathly pale figure, awaited her. Blake couldn't suppress his concern and whispered, "Where do you find these people? Am I supposed to believe that this man will survive in the air before you reach China? Look at him; he's barely had food touch his mouth in months!"

Rose, however, laughed it off and playfully told him to shoo. As she boarded the plane, she waved goodbye to Blake, who couldn't shake off the unease about the peculiar pilot she entrusted her safety to.

The ride back was nothing short of awkward.

Reggie skillfully maneuvered the car through the winding roads, an awkward silence hung in the air, heavy with unspoken tension. Blake, lost in thought, gazed out of the window, watching the city lights blur into streaks as they passed. His mind was a tumultuous sea of emotions, and the rhythmic hum of the car only intensified the unease.

During stolen glances between him and the driver upfront, Blake couldn't help but notice Reggie's pallor. His wrists and fingers looked unnaturally pale just like Rose's own and even the pilot from earlier. Now that he thought about it, a lot of people that surrounded Rose appeared that way too. Some more pronounced than the other but they all had similar skin tone.

If he didn't know anything he would say they were all from one family.

As they approached Blake's house, Reggie expertly parked the car, and as they stepped out, the city's ambient noise replaced the engine's low rumble.

In the dimly lit garage, Lily stood waiting, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern. Reggie went back into the car and drove straight out of the estate.

Lily's eyes gleamed with a hint of amusement as Blake entered the foyer. "Welcome back, Mr. Blake. It's been a while; is there anything you need assistance with?" she inquired, her gaze perceptive yet respectful.

"I have only been gone for a week, Lily. Did you miss me that much?" Blake responded with a wry smile, attempting to inject a touch of levity into the serious air that still clung to him.

Lily chuckled softly. "Well, it's been a rather eventful week, wouldn't you say?"

Blake raised an eyebrow, curious about what Lily might know or have observed during his absence. "Eventful, you say? Anything I should be aware of?"

Lily maintained her composed demeanor but her eyes betrayed a glint of mischief. "Oh, just the usual - The mansion doesn't rest, even when you're away."

Blake couldn't help but chuckle at Lily's succinct summary. "Sounds like a regular day. I suppose I'll have to catch up on the latest developments."

With that, they continued their banter, the familiar exchange lightening the weight on Blake's shoulders, at least momentarily.

"Speaking of catching up, Lily, how about we indulge in some snacks and maybe a movie?" Blake suggested, attempting to shift the focus from the weightier matters that awaited him.

Lily's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "An excellent idea, Mr. Blake. I'll prepare something delightful for us. Please make yourself comfortable in the 'fun room,'" she said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, referring to the space where Blake's entertainment setup resided.

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