Chapter 41: Hacking into Shelly tech!

Josh, with an air of nonchalance, inspected the CD as if it were a routine task. The atmosphere in the room crackled with a curious energy, as if the answer to a long-standing mystery was on the verge of revelation.

Josh, now in his element, gestured for Tessa to take a seat. The room, though cluttered with technology, exuded an odd charm that spoke of a bachelor's lifestyle. Unopened takeout containers mingled with cables and computer peripherals, creating an environment where the digital realm seamlessly blended with the tangible.

"Also, isn't it the same Shelly Technologies that burnt my old laptop when I tried to hack into it the last time you asked me to?" Josh's words broke the silence. Tessa simply did not respond as she still recalled their last failed attempt.

As Josh settled into his computer chair, surrounded by the hum of electronic devices, Tessa observed the scene with a discerning gaze. Her mind, accustomed to parsing through information and uncovering hidden patterns, was now fixated on the array of monitors that adorned Josh's workspace. Each screen held the potential to unravel a piece of the puzzle that had haunted her for years.

The computer whirred to life, and the screens flickered with the glow of digital possibilities. Tessa's eyes followed the cursor's dance across the monitors, tracing the path of her unanswered questions.

Josh, realizing the importance of a clean disc for proper playback, grabbed a small bottle containing a clear liquid from a cluttered shelf. Tessa, noticing his actions, tried to stop him, fearing that the liquid might damage the disc.

"Wait, Josh! What if that ruins it? It could be something important!" Tessa exclaimed, her hand reaching out in an attempt to prevent him from proceeding.

Josh, undeterred, flashed a confident grin. "Trust me, Tessa. This is just a mild cleaning solution. I've used it a million times. It won't harm the disc, but it'll make sure we get the best possible playback."

Reluctantly, Tessa withdrew her hand, still anxious about the potential consequences. Josh carefully applied the liquid to a soft cloth and gently wiped the surface of the CD. Tessa observed, her eyes narrowing with concern as the disc went through its impromptu spa treatment.

As Josh finished cleaning, he held the disc up to the light, inspecting it for any remaining blemishes. Satisfied with the result, he confidently inserted it into the player once again.

"See? Good as new," Josh proclaimed, pointing at the screen as the video resumed.

"Where did you get this from? The person who handed it to you actually knows there's a thing called a drive right?" Josh commented.

"This is giving early 2000's" Josh tried to make a joke but the unamused look on Tessa's face said it all.

Josh inserted the disc into a player and it began to play a video where a man appeared in a lab coat performing an experiment with a test tube sample of red liquid.

"Dad?" Tessa's voice was coarse as she recognized the man at once. She stood up and was almost about to enter the screen.

"That logo, where have I seen it?" Josh said out loud.

"That's Shelly Technologies logo. And the man you see now is my father, my late father," Tessa said, tears at the brink of falling.

"He appears to be performing an experiment with... blood? Wait, isn't that company supposed to be concerned with actual tech? What business do they have with organic matter? I mean, I don't remember them being doctors or something," Josh pointed out.

The duo kept on watching. Tessa's dad appeared to be focusing a ray of light towards the test tube container.

"It's..." Tessa couldn't finish her words as Josh did for her.

"Burning. The blood is burning from contact with sun light? That sense," Josh said, shifting his loosely worn tie.

The video came to an abrupt end when a woman in a suit walked into the frame.

"Hang on, pause right there and zoom," Tessa instructed Josh.

Josh, with a mix of curiosity and confusion, complied with Tessa's request, zooming in on the woman in the suit. As the image clarified, Tessa's excitement bubbled to the surface.

"It's her. It's her. I knew it!!" Tessa pointed at the screen with an intensity that caught Josh off guard.

Josh, squinting at the screen, attempted to grasp the significance. "Who is she? And why are you so worked up about it?"

Tessa, momentarily lost in the revelation, took a deep breath before responding. "That woman... she's Rose Shelly. The one with the sun-ray allergy. But look at her, Josh. She does not seem to have aged a day!

How is that even possible? How has no one else noticed?! What's the connection between my father's experiments and her condition?"

Josh, now realizing the gravity of the situation, leaned back in his chair. The room seemed to shrink as the implications of the video unfolded before them. Shelly Technologies, known for its technological pursuits, was delving into experiments involving blood and sunlight, and Rose Shelly, seemingly stood at the center of it all.

"Your father's experiments, the Shelly Technologies logo, and Rose Shelly's inexplicable involvement.. there's a deeper layer to this story," Josh mused, his analytical mind kicking into high gear.

As Tessa absorbed the revelations, her mind raced to connect the dots. "I need to find out more. What was my father working on? Why involve Rose? And why the secrecy?"

Josh, his eyes still fixed on the paused video, chimed in. "We need more information, Tessa. This video raises more questions than answers. It's like a puzzle, and we've only just uncovered the edge pieces."

Tessa nodded, determination flashing in her eyes. "We have to dig deeper. I can't let this go. My father's involvement, Rose's condition, and the company's hidden experiments... it's all connected."

Josh sharing Tessa's resolve turned his attention to the technology at his disposal. "We'll need to hack into Shelly Technologies' files again. This time I have a little surprise for tjem, let's see what else they've been hiding. Are you ready for this, Tessa?"

Tessa, now fully committed to unraveling the truth, met Josh's gaze with a resolute nod. "I'm in,"she said with her hand stretching to one of the unopened box of takeouts.

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