Chapter 28: Valentines day escapades!

Rose strode through the lobby of Shelley Technologies, her Louboutin stilettos clipping sharply against the polished marble floors. As usual, her employees scattered out of her warpath, intimidated by the flare of her nostril and piercing glare behind her cat-eye glasses. She barely registered their presence, lost in irritated thoughts.

It was February 14th - the one day of the year Rose truly despised. Everywhere she turned today, co-workers giggled and blushed over roses delivered to their desks or made cow-eyes at one another over sentimental lunches. She rolled her eyes dramatically at a pair waiting by the elevator, caught up in a passionate kiss.

"For god's sake, take that nonsense home," she snapped. "This is still a place of business,"

The couple jumped apart, stammering apologies until the doors mercifully slid closed on them. Rose stepped into her private express lift, lips pressed into a thin line of disapproval. She had no patience for such frivolous distractions from productivity.

And no one dared get fresh with her on Valentine's Day anymore after the tongue lashing she had given the brazen intern who left chocolates on her desk last year. The fool clearly mistook her patronizing tolerance for genuine affection.

As she strode down the hall toward her corner office suite, the sound of feminine giggling and animated chatter gave her pause. Her eyebrow quirked in curiosity. What was Kendra going on about out there? As Rose stepped through the doorway, she froze in shock at the sight that greeted her.

No fewer than five female employees were crowded around her secretary, Blake's desk, all laughing brightly with perfectly coiffed hair and revealing necklines which flashed their cleavages that most certainly violated the dress code.

They were taking turns leaning against Blake's chair to give him exaggerated hugs or place sparkly gift bags atop the ridiculous piles of treats and flowers already cluttering his workspace.

"Ladies, please!" Blake was protesting with an embarrassed chuckle. "This is far too generous..." But his words died on his lips when he spotted Rose glowering from the doorway. The women turned, eyes going wide when they saw their boss observing the spectacle. They muttered hasty goodbyes to Blake and scrambled past Rose, heads bowed in embarrassment.

"Back to work, all of you!" Rose snapped as they squeezed by. "And I expect those clothes to meet professional standards by this afternoon." Their flushed faces and sheepish apologies faded down the hall.

Rose turned her blistering gaze on Blake, who had risen nervously from his chair. "Would you care to explain this...display?" she asked, disgust dripping from each syllable.

"I'm so sorry Ms. Shelley," he said contritely. "I had no idea this would happen. I just came in this morning and gifts started arriving one after another. I didn't want to make a scene turning them away..."

"I can see you avoided THAT outcome," Rose said sarcastically, scanning the array of treats. She spotted fancy perfumes, bottles of rare Scotch, watches, engraved pens... Even a set of silk Armani ties in colors perfectly complementing Blake's complexion. Something hot and ugly reared its head in Rose's chest.

Blake ran a hand through his expertly tousled hair. "I'll clear all of this immediately. The last thing I wanted was to embarrass you or have it affect our working relationship..."

"Our relationship is perfectly fine," Rose clipped, fighting to keep her tone even. "I just hope for your sake this doesn't become a distracting pattern. I need your focus completely on supporting me.."

..."and my schedule,"

"Of course, I assure you it won't be an issue in the future," Blake promised sincerely. Rose gave a curt nod and swept past him into her office before she betrayed the turmoil churning inside her. As she settled behind her sleek desk, she covertly watched through the glass wall as Blake gathered up the ridiculous piles of gifts.

She couldn't pinpoint why, but his popularity with her staff - with women in general - grated on her. He was her secretary, not some kind of heartthrob! Watching him easily charm and banter with gorgeous subordinates was decidedly irritating.

The truth slowly crystallized then...she was envious. Envious of those joyful smiles he elicited so effortlessly. Envious of the flirtatious body language and casual way the women touched his arm or back like intimate friends. Her jaw tightened. Blake's attention should be focused solely on her!

She had no tolerance for anything that compromised that dynamic. With an indignant huff, Rose tried to direct her annoyance into the spreadsheets on her computer screen.

By the end of the day, her mood had only worsened after hearing feminine giggling erupt yet again outside her office around lunch. She spotted Blake accepting a festively decorated cupcake from Lauren in Research Development through the glass.

The blonde voluptuous lady had gently grasped poor Blake's hand and even drew him in for a hug but Blake was quick enough to create distance between himself and her.

He couldn't understand the sudden shift. All of a sudden every lady within the block eyed him.

Rose's stomach roiled at the tender display. Where the hell was her professional propriety?! She was going to have to fire Lauren, it was unacceptable!

When evening finally rolled around, Rose stalked from her office bristling with irritation. Blake jumped up to open the door for her and grabbed her coat and briefcase as usual. But she couldn't even meet his earnest eyes, afraid of what caustic diatribe might spill out.

They rode the lift down in tense silence. As the doors slid open to the executive parking garage, Rose spotted the gleaming black finish of her SUV and driver Reggie waiting to take her home.

She couldn't get to the familiar comfort of the buttery leather backseat fast enough, desperate to put distance between herself and the cloying workplace drama that had soured her mood.

As Reggie smoothly navigated the bustling city streets, Rose stared broodingly out the window, wishing she could identify why this ridiculous non-issue with Blake was still eating at her.

After dropping Blake off at his stylish penthouse downtown in the estate, Reggie raised the privacy window and glanced at Rose in the rearview mirror. "Rough day, my lord? You seem out of sorts this evening."

"It's nothing, Reggie," she sighed, dropping her imperious persona briefly in the safety of his company.

Reggie's eyes crinkled knowingly. "Would this nothing happen to involve a certain charming secretary of yours garnering extra attention today?"

Rose snapped her gaze to his. "And just what exactly is that supposed to imply?"

Reggie held up a hand. "My apologies, my lord, I meant no offense. I just couldn't help notice you seemed more irritable than usual when Mr. Shelton exited the car." He gave her a kind smile in the mirror.

"Might you be experiencing some jealousy by chance?"

"Don't be absurd, who gave you that idea?! Or even balls to voice it?!" Rose huffed, crossing her arms defensively. Reggie knew when his boss was getting mad but this was different. He sensed she wouldn't outrightly kill him in the car if he pushed a little but then again, he wouldn't take such gamble.

"Why on earth would I be jealous of Blake?" Rose brought up the dying conversation again. Evidently, she wanted to talk about it with someone.

Even as the words left her mouth though, she recognized their falsehood. Reggie just lifted an eyebrow and she cursed internally at how perceptive he was.

Rose studied her impeccably manicured nails. "I simply don't care for the disruption of other employees fawning over him. It's unprofessional,"

"Of course," Reggie nodded sagely. "Still, it's only natural you'd want Blake's attention directed primarily at supporting you. No harm in reminding him of that fact,"

Rose narrowed her eyes. "Just what exactly are you suggesting?"

"Nothing untoward," Reggie clarified. "But there are gentler ways to secure someone's loyalty than through intimidation alone. Perhaps a small token of your own appreciation...?" he trailed off leadingly.

Rose blinked in surprise at the implication. "Are you actually suggesting I do something sentimental for Valentine's Day? For Blake?"

She made a noise of disbelief. "You know I don't subscribe to such saccharine rituals."

"Understood, Ma'am. Just a thought." Reggie gave her another meaningful look in the mirror's reflection before returning his eyes to the road. Rose stared at the lights of passing storefronts, lost in uneasy rumination.

Later that night as she readied for bed, she spotted the gold-foiled box of imported Swiss chocolates and watch an investor had tried gifting her earlier that day. She merely accepted it because he was an investor and she didn't want to create a scene in front of the other investors at the meeting.

The gift items remained unopened on her dresser. Before she could talk herself out of it, Rose grabbed the box and scribbled a quick note on a piece of personal stationary. The note read:


I noticed it's Valentine's Day today. I'm not one for sentimental holidays, but I wanted you to know I appreciate everything you do for me around the office.I rely on you more than you realize.

She ended it there but after a quick thought, she continued :

I also need to confess that my feelings for you now go beyond professional regard. While wildly awkward for me to admit, I can't shake the notion that you belong to me alone in my heart. The thought of you giving your affections to anyone else unleashes unfamiliar feelings I've suppressed. You've become far more indispensable than you should. Again, I'd like to reiterate that you belong to me, alone.

She summoned Reggie and instructed him to discreetly deliver the gift to Blake's home and leave it for him to discover in the morning.

As she finally lay between the smooth cotton sheets, Rose's pulse quickened anxiously at what she had just orchestrated. This was so unlike her usual behavior - she never vied for subordinates' attention!

And yet she couldn't erase the image of Blake grinning happily in the midst of those fawning women, oblivious to her observant scowl.

She had to rectify that misconception immediately. The chocolate, gold watch and note should realign Blake's awareness back where it belonged. Satisfied with her rationale, Rose drifted off to sleep, a rarity in itself.

The next morning, she intentionally avoided Blake until it was time to depart. As he fetched her coat and belongings, she noticed a subtle shift between them. His smile and attentiveness felt...warmer? It was laced with a new undertone she couldn't quite place.

Relief flooded her system when she spotted the glint of a gold watch peeking from his suit cuff - the expensive Swiss watch she had received from the Shirazi Group just last quarter. So he had gotten her gift after all. She didn't mind that he took off the other Rolex she got him. He couldn't possibly wear two watches.

Their familiar rapport flowed more smoothly on the ride home that evening. When Reggie opened the door for Blake at his apartment, Blake turned and gave Rose a look she had never seen cross his handsome face before.

Was it affection? Adoration even? He smiled, eyes twinkling.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Ms Rose. Thank you...for everything."

Then he disappeared inside without another word, leaving Rose stunned in the backseat. A foreign emotion welled within her chest that she dared not name. But she couldn't deny the warmth his words kindled, driving back the lingering winter chill. Perhaps silly romantic gestures had their benefits after all.

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