Chapter 29: Perfect? That's the minimum requirement

"Blake, I need the quarterly budget projections on my desk within the hour," Rose clipped into her phone as she strode towards her office. Her sharp stilettos clicked an impatient rhythm against the marble floors.

"Already done and waiting for you," came Blake's amused voice on the other end. "Honestly Ms Rose, you need to request more challenging tasks. I'm starting to get bored over here."

Rose rolled her eyes but felt the corner of her mouth quirk up. She switched the phone to her other ear. "If I gave you any less to do, you'd end up distracting my other employees with your boundless chatter. Now make yourself useful and have my car ready at 6 sharp."

She could practically hear his impish grin through the phone. "Yes, ma'am. Anything else I can assist with?"

"That will be all," she answered breezily before disconnecting. Blake's cheeky informality always caught her off guard. When had her disciplined secretary started bantering with her so casually? She realized with surprise that it didn't offend her as it might be in the case of other people. Somehow, his playful nature had become almost...endearing.

Rose entered her sleek corner office, gaze falling immediately on the leather binder of financials centered perfectly on her glass desk. She felt that now familiar warmth deep in her chest as she noted the post-it flagging the crucial page along with her favorite cinnamon Dolce Latte from the pricey cafe down the street. Blake knew better than anyone how to brighten her mood on stressful days.

Her lips quirked appreciatively.

Things had subtly but undeniably shifted between them since the silly Valentine's Day happenings. Once Rose had swallowed her pride long enough to show Blake he still held her favor, the ensuing months saw him redoubling his efforts to please her. But it was more than performative now - his thoughtfulness arose from genuine care and attention to the details of her preferences.

In turn, Rose found herself reciprocating in modest ways - inquiring more about his life, sending the occasional small gift of his favorite bottle of Scotch or concert tickets. While they maintained the professional relationship, the personal one grew more. Things were in some ways getting...spicy!

While she still maintained strict professional boundaries given their employer-employee relationship, Rose was self-aware enough to admit she considered Blake a closer friend and confidante than anyone else in her orbit. He had seen her vulnerable sides when deals fell through or rivals sought to undermine her. But not once did he ever leverage those weaknesses against her.

If anything, Blake only grew more protective - staying at the office until dawn sorting out contingencies or comforting Rose after her tempestuous outbursts. Their bonding in these quieter moments revealed the deeper affections blooming beneath their work rapport.

But the paradigm had shifted most last weekend during the quarterly Board Retreat in Monaco. Usually Rose had no tolerance for these tedious team building exercises and relentless socializing with the old boys club she was forced to cooperate with.

But Blake had been at her side the entire trip - finding discreet ways to touch her hand or lean in with subtle jokes when pretentious investors droned on. He could read her moods instantly after so many time together and knew precisely how to lift her spirits or divert tension.

One evening on the rooftop lounge of the glittering hotel, Blake had extended his hand boldly and asked her to dance while the string quartet played.

No one else was dancing, but Rose accepted, allowing him to draw her close amongst the soft candlelight and ocean breeze. As they gently swayed, his breath warm against her neck, she was surprised to realize her pounding heart had nothing to do with nerves over the following day's shareholder meeting.

Something potent and unspoken simmered between them as Blake's palm pressed firmly against the bare skin of her lower back. It was the closest experience Rose had ever endured to vulnerability in a long time.

And there was no denying the allure and temptation of it - the promise of connection with someone who intimately understood all her complexities. In the elevator back to their adjoining suites, Blake had lifted her hand to his lips, eyes dark beneath furrowed brows. "Have breakfast with me in my room tomorrow," he had murmured. Not a question but a choice presented, should she dare seize it.

Rose came back to the present moment, unaware she had been staring fixedly at nothing across the room. Her skin still heated at the memory of Blake's nearness, his silent invitation. She knew pursuing anything beyond guarded collegiality could destroy all they had built these last months.

And yet...when she caught his warm gaze following her around the conference rooms or spotted a fresh cup of coffee delivered without request to her elbow during late night calls... didn't he deserve some acknowledgment of what lived between them? Could rules stand firm in the face of something so rare as true understanding?

At precisely 6pm, Rose's gleaming town car pulled to the executive garage entrance. Blake appeared and tapped her window with his boyish grin before opening the door. She had to admit, the sight of him waiting to accompany her home stirred more than professional satisfaction now.

As they eased into traffic, Blake reached inside his jacket and extracted an ornately carved black gift box tied with a silver ribbon.

"A little something that reminded me of the time with you in Monaco," he explained almost shyly, his knee pressing distractingly close to hers in the plush leather seat.

Rose lifted the hinged lid with slender fingers, revealing a breathtaking statement necklace of blood red rubies accented with onyx and diamonds, right at home amongst her exclusively designer jewel collection.

"Blake, it's exquisite..." she murmured, lifting the substantial piece so it caught the fading light. She couldn't hide the awe and pleasure in her voice. He knew her tastes impeccably.

But then it suddenly hit her.

A gift like this went leagues beyond any token of gratitude she had expressed before. The intricate craftsmanship must have cost more than she paid him in weeks. Overwhelming questions threatened, but she tamped them down, opting instead to delight in this momentary luxury.

"Here, allow me..." Blake said, gesturing for her to turn profile so he could clasp it around her flawless neck.

His fingers trailed deliciously over her nape, sending goosebumps skittering down her arms unrelated to the platinum links now gracing her collarbones.

She could scarcely draw breath staring into his handsome face so near hers. When had her devoted secretary gotten so bold? So alluring?

Had she been oblivious to the simmering desire now evident as he drank in the sight of the glittering rubies against her chest?

"Stunning, as I knew it would be," he practically growled. The engine's vibrations hummed through Rose's veins like adrenaline... or hunger.

Blake's hand still cradled the nape of her neck, his strange new confidence dismantling all her defenses. She felt her body swaying closer as if magnetized. What was happening? Was she really being defenseless against an ordinary man? She was a freaking vampire!!!

These thoughts collided in her mind. Questions popped into the air, requiring answers from her. But all she did was stare, clueless. Rose Shelly was clueless?!

"Have dinner with me tonight," she whispered, the words escaping before she could second guess them. Rules and hierarchy be damned - she needed to see this unexpected liaison through. His eager grin was answer enough.

"I was hoping you might say that..."


The next hours passed in a euphoric blur unlike Rose had experienced before.

Rose stood before a fancy mirror, her reflection staring back at her.

The anticipation of the upcoming dinner heightened her nerves. On her way a sleek, sexy gown clinging to her every curve, accentuating her hips, giving the figure 8. The gown flowed down, stopping above her knees, revealing high thighs. The neckline also plunged down dangerously to reveal her cleavages.

She stood staring at the mirror and couldn't help but question, "Is this too much?"

Doubts crept in, unusual territory for someone accustomed to confidence. She knew her beauty, but for Blake, it wasn't just about being beautiful; perfection was the standard she set.

Was she doing too much or was it even enough? These questions bugged her mind.

Just then, a knock resounded on the door. Rose asked the person to come in, and in came one of her house workers.

"My lord, your guest, Mr. Shelton has arrived," Claire said.

Immediately hearing this, Rose's heart skipped. So early? She wasn't ready yet. Her makeup wasn't it at all to her. She was aiming to do it all over again for the fourth time that evening.

"Where is he?" Rose maintained her composure and asked Claire.

"His driver just pulled into the garage, my lord," Claire answered.

"Okay, thank you," she said. Claire turned towards the door and was about to leave, but Rose called her back and asked.


"My lord, how may I be of assistance?" Claire answered.

"Please be honest, how do I look?" Rose asked, eyes fixed, staring into Claire's.

Claire's expression softened, a reassuring smile playing on her lips. "You look absolutely enchanting, my lord," The sincerity in Claire's eyes conveyed a genuine appreciation for Rose's appearance, momentarily easing the tension in the room.

Rose nodded appreciatively, a hint of relief washing over her. "Thank you, Claire. That'll be all for now."

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