Chapter 26: No room for competition

Rose took Blake out for lunch after the Harada meeting. This was her way of appreciating Blake for his dedication and hardwork towards the company.

At least on the exterior.

What she really meant to do was have her one on one time with Blake. She missed their night hang outs but with the recent threats, she had prioritized his safety over casual activities.

Rose tapped her manicured nails impatiently on the steering wheel as she waited in the parking garage beneath the upscale shopping mall. Blake had begged her to make this stop on their way back from the lunch so he could quickly run in and pick up a new charger for his phone. It was taking him far longer than she had expected though.

She had decided to drive personally today, taking Blake to a discreet restaurant. As usual, she went dressed from the sun, umbrella and hat in hand. Even though Blake found it weird, he decided against asking again.

"Where is this man? How long would it take to get a charger?" she muttered under her breath. For all his professionalism and efficiency at the office, Blake could be utterly scatterbrained when not focused on work.

She checked the rearview mirror, brushing back a lock of hair that had come loose from her intricate updo. She had to admit, Blake did an admirable job juggling her hectic schedule and catering to her every need as her secretary. And he certainly wasn't hard on the eyes either with his neatly coiffed hair, trim athletic build, and crystal blue eyes that always held a hint of mischief.

A smile turned up the corners of Rose's lips despite her impatience. She relished having a man devoted to supporting her commanding role at the head of Shelley Technologies, a handsome man.

All too often, the high-powered executives in her orbit regarded her with thinly veiled condescension behind their flattering words. Or hungered for the chance to bring her down a peg. But Blake...he reveled in her authority, his attentiveness bordering on worship. She found it intoxicating.

She sighed and glanced back towards the pedestrian exit to the mall, wondering what nonsense was delaying him now. Then her eyes widened in shock as she watched Blake a tight embrace with a pretty young woman in a red sundress. The mystery woman had her arms looped around Blake's neck in a very familiar way as they hugged and laughed together.

Rose gripped the steering wheel hard enough to turn her knuckles white as she watched Blake pull back, his hands lingering on the girl's waist. They exchanged a few more animated words and then the mystery woman did the unthinkable - leaned in and kissed Blake full on the lips before heading towards the parking garage.

Rose seethed, a hurricane of rage and hurt clouding her vision as Blake approached.

Blake waved at her with a bright grin as if nothing were amiss. She stared daggers back at him, her nostrils flaring. He opened the passenger door and slid into the seat, oblivious.

"I'm sorry that took so long. Had a little unexpected run-in while I was there. Funny how you run into people at the most unexpected times!" he chuckled, plugging his phone into the new charger.

She shifted the car into drive and pulled out of the garage without a word, peeling out of the parking lot onto the street.

Blake frowned.

"Ms Rose? Did something happen?"

She refused to meet his gaze, keeping focused straight ahead on the road as her anger churned within her.

"Ms Rose, what's wrong?" Blake pressed. "You're worrying me."

"Oh I'm sure I'm just being overly sensitive," she growled in a clipped voice. "It's not like you were making out with some whore in the parking lot in full view or anything."

Blake went pale. "Oh saw that?"

Rose snorted bitterly. "The whole salacious display? Cut for cut!"

"Rose, I can explain..."

"Then by all means, do please explain," she interrupted, her voice dripping venom. "I'm dying to hear how your tongue ended up down some random woman's throat not five minutes after leaving me alone in the car!"

"It wasn't like that at all," Blake insisted, pleading. "That was Sally, an old friend from college. I just ran into her by chance and we got a little carried away reminiscing. I'm so sorry you had to see that,"

Rose scoffed. "Well it looked a hell of a lot more than a friendly encounter to me."

"I swear, Ms Rose, it didn't mean anything."

She glared at him sidelong. "Well, something clearly meant enough for you to kiss her like that, Blake."

"You're right," he said humbly. "It was thoughtless and inappropriate. I never imagined it would upset you so badly. I'm an idiot...please forgive me "

Rose finally pulled into the underground parking garage for her downtown high rise and killed the engine. She took a deep breath, trying to corral her turbulent emotions before turning to face Blake fully.

"Well Sally is a big mistake you're just going to have to live with then, isn't she?" Rose said coldly. "Because you're not seeing that little tramp ever again, am I clear?"

Blake looked stricken. "Ms Rose, you can't be serious..."

She narrowed her eyes dangerously. "Oh I'm very serious, Blake. It's over between you two. Because if I ever see her anywhere near you again, I will absolutely ruin her,"

Blake stared open-mouthed, unsure how to respond. Rose pressed on, ruthless.

"I expect complete loyalty and discretion from my staff. And that means no distractions...especially ditzy little college floozies with their hands all over MY SECRETARY!!"

"I understand, Ms Rose," Blake said quietly, swallowing hard. "You have my full loyalty, "

She studied him with narrowed eyes for a long moment, making sure he grasped the seriousness of the situation. Then her expression softened subtly.

"Good. Now run along and get some rest, dear. I need to make a call before my afternoon meetings." She waved him off dismissively.

Blake departed the car and headed into the elevator bank without another word, shoulders slumped. 'What was that all about?! Her energy is giving serious jealousy vibes!' Blake couldn't help but think.

Rose waited until he had disappeared up to the surface level before pulling out her phone and tapping one of her speed dial contacts.

"Reggie?" she said when the man answered gruffly. "I need you to do something for me..."


Sally Williams whistled as she strolled up the front walk of her modest uptown apartment building. It had been such an amazing surprise running into Blake at the mall - one of her dearest friends from college that she had completely lost touch with over the years. She felt giddy reliving the rush of feelings she used to have for him.

That brief impulsive kiss had her mind spinning down roads of tantalizing possibility.

As she reached for the entry buzzer, a sleek black town car with tinted windows pulled up to the curb beside her. Sally hesitated, startled by the sight of it. With a smoothness that made her uneasy, the driver side window glided down to reveal a swarthy man with cold, predatory eyes.

"Miss Williams?" the driver said. It wasn't phrased as a question.

Sally felt her throat go dry. "Yes, that's me. Who are you?"

"Step inside the car please. We have matters to discuss."

She took a reflexive step back towards her building in a surge of adrenaline-fueled terror. The man's gaze hardened.

"Inside, now!"

Against all her instincts, she found herself unthinkingly obeying his command. It was like an invisible magnet pulled her the moment the man changed his tone to a command.

She climbed into the plush leather backseat of the town car, her mind racing as the vehicle immediately merged into traffic. She fidgeted with the hem of her sundress, sick with dread.

"Wh-what's this about?" she stammered to the driver.

"You made a grave error today," the imposing man replied, keeping his eyes on the road. "My employer is...displeased with your dalliance with her secretary this afternoon."

Sally's pulse quickened as the pieces fell into place. "Your employer? You mean Blake's boss? This is so messed up..."

"You are forbidden from any further contact with Mr. Shelton," the driver continued. "Immediately and forever, do you understand me?"

"But...but he's my friend! From college! You can't just..."

The man's voice turned glacial. "I can and I will. If my boss catches even a whisper of you seeing or communicating with her secretary, you will feel the full extent of her wrath. You have no idea how far her reach extends."

Sally felt like she couldn't get enough air. Hot tears welled in her eyes. "Please, this isn't right! Blake and I go way back. I can talk to him if I want, you don't have the right..."

With startling speed, the man brought the car to a screeching halt on a side street between an abandoned tobacco warehouse and vacant lot overgrown with thorny brambles. He threw the car into park and spun to face her, teeth bared.

Sally thought for sure she must have been seeing things because.

'Did his eyes just flash red?!'

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