Chapter 25: Lunch date

Blake sighed as he stepped out of his penthouse into the bitter cold of the morning. His breath puffed out in frosty plumes as he pulled his wool coat tighter and set off down the sidewalk towards the luxurious black SUV awaiting him. He couldn't wait for spring to finally arrive.

The ride itself was relatively smooth, despite the wintry weather disrupting some public transit. Blake settled into the back seat of the car and mentally began running through his schedule for the week. Things were going to be hectic, as Rose had a full calendar of meetings lined up with prospective investors and partners.

Blake smiled to himself, thinking of his demanding boss. "Rose Shelley was a force of nature indeed - brilliant, beautiful, and utterly ruthless in her pursuit of power and wealth", he thought to himself.

He had been in awe of her since the moment he was hired as her secretary. Rose's tutelage had honed his business and personal skills to a razor edge. He practically worshiped her, living to serve and support her in any way he could.

Rose was unlike any woman he had ever known. She moved through the world with a ferocious self-assurance and uncompromising drive that most men couldn't muster.

She never apologized for her ambition or let anyone make her feel less-than. It was intoxicating being in her orbit. Blake knew she valued him highly, and he basked in the warmth of her approval.

Certainly, Rose could be harsh, even cruel at times when angered or crossed. Blake had seen her rip apart underlings who displeased her without a shred of compunction. And he knew better than anyone how ruthless her business negotiations could be behind closed doors, having been at her side in the short amount of time, countless high-stakes meetings.

But she had always treated Blake with a softness that she showed no one else, making her gestures of gratitude seem borderline affectionate.

But Blake was not a naive kid to confuse kindness for affection, especially with someone like Rose who probably didn't take any of her deeds as anything substantial. The house, the car, piece of cake to her. A simple walk in the park they all were.

His train of thought was interrupted as the luxury car pulled into a stop. Blake quickly alighted from the car, moving efficiently towards the steel and glass tower that housed Shelley Technologies.

The lobby was already buzzing with activity, well-dressed employees rushing to check in with security, chatting animatedly, and clustering into the elevator banks.

Blake headed straight for Rose's private lift that shot all the way up to the top floors and her sprawling corner office suite. He inserted his special keycard to activate it and rode up in silence, reviewing his mental notes for their morning briefing.

Upon arriving at the spacious reception area, Blake found his coworker Kendra already hard at work behind the large wooden desk.

"Good morning, Blake," the pretty young blonde greeted, looking up from her computer screen. "Ms Rose is on a call at the moment but she'll be wrapping up in a few minutes"

"No problem Kendra, thanks. I'll just get her coffee and schedule sorted."

He let himself into Rose's palatial office, taking in the immaculate furnishings and gleaming glass walls with the breathtaking view of the city skyline shown oddly through cameras installed outside.

Going about his routine, he placed her stack of mail and tablet with overnight reports on her massive desk, then moved to the credenza to prepare her morning coffee.

Just as he was finishing up, the door to her private adjoining room - more of a lounge with sofas and a minibar - opened and Rose emerged in her signature power suit and stilettos, mouthing silent thanks as she saw the coffee waiting for her. She settled at her desk, smiling easily at Blake in a way that made his stomach flip.

Sometimes he forgot how beautiful Rose actually was because he tried so hard not to notice. It was better that way. Rose didn't appear to be mixing business with pleasure. He who was just a lowly employee must know his lanes, and Blake mastered his lanes well.

"Good morning, Blake. You're looking sharp as always. Please have a seat and run through today's schedule with me before my first meeting arrives."

He kept his tone professional as he laid out the day's itinerary and details. Rose fixed him with an intense focus as he spoke, one eyebrow slightly arched as she calmly sipped her coffee. She always gave him her full undivided attention, hanging on his every word. It was maddening but also thrilling to command the full mental presence of such a powerful woman.

"Excellent work as usual," Rose nodded once he had finished. "This new fundraising pitch and product overview is going to be crucial. Make sure you've compiled all the latest financials and have my key talking points ready."

"Already done, Boss," he replied confidently.

"Of course it is," she smiled, and he felt great joy flare in his chest at her pleased expression. He lived for these small moments of approval. "I'm very fortunate to have you managing things so meticulously, Blake." Rose appreciated.

He just nodded, not trusting any words that might come out sounding too eager or fawning. Rose studied him closely for a moment, expression unreadable.

"Well then, since it seems we're covered on items for the morning, why don't you join me for a quick lunch after the Harada meeting?" she offered. "I'm sure we could both use a break from the office by then."

Blake tried desperately to conceal his shock and pleasure at the unexpected invitation. Rose never went out for lunch or anything at all in the day. She was always inside her personal lounge if there was no meetings to attend. What was suddenly causing the change?

It wasn't proper protocol for her to even be seen out socially with her secretary like that. Most times he noticed their meetings were at night time and recognized that it must be her tactics to avoid the press.

She had always been very careful to maintain a certain level of professional detachment and hierarchy. But he wasn't about to pass up a rare chance for undivided one-on-one time with her.

"I'd be honored, Ms Rose," he replied smoothly, hoping his voice didn't betray the thrill coursing through him.

This earned him one of Rose's signature smoldering looks. Surely it was an innocent invitation, but she held his gaze for a long moment, leaving Blake to wonder if he had gone too far with his words. But then the moment passed.

"Wonderful. It's settled then," she said simply. Blake rose and headed for the door, needing to extract himself before he lost his composure completely. The sound of Rose's voice halted him with his hand on the doorknob.

"Oh and Blake?"

He turned back to her, heart pounding in his ears.

"Thank you," she said, a hint of soft gratitude entering her features. "For everything."

His chest swelled and he managed to nod once before slipping out the door, dizzy with elation. She had a way of making the smallest praise feel like a gift - one that Blake was all too happy to continue earning every day. This was shaping up to be an exceptional Monday indeed.

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