Chapter 14: Clubbing with the boss?

Late into the night, the office lay hushed, with only the distant hum of cars piercing the quietude. Blake, engrossed in his work on a MacBook, was oblivious to the world outside. The distant rumble of an airplane momentarily disrupted the silence, but Blake remained focused.

Unbeknownst to him, Rose had silently approached, her presence only revealed when her voice cut through the air. "Interesting thing you have going on here. Didn't know you were planning to quit," she remarked, her eyes piercing the screen.

Startled, Blake swiveled in his chair, finding Rose standing behind him. Her attire—a crop top paired with high-waisted trousers—revealed a departure from her usual businesslike demeanor. "Oh, you mean this?... No I was just...I was just looking up something for someone," Blake hastily denied, closing the laptop screen.

"Hmm, looked to me like you were looking for a little side job or something. What's the matter? You don't find the pay I give you fitting anymore?" Rose inquired, her face displaying an emotionless facade that left Blake struggling to discern her mood.

"No, I'm happy with what I get, and thank you for all you do," Blake responded sincerely, still uneasy under the scrutinizing gaze of his enigmatic boss.

Rose persisted, "Well then, why are you looking up small-scale businesses to start up? You want to leave the company? You want to leave me?" Her hands now rested on her hips, a subtle feminine gesture that stood out amidst her usual stoicism.

Blake, feeling cornered, recognized the futility of deception. "No, I mean, I was only looking to gain some footing on my own. I can't always rely on my boss to squeeze some cash out for me," he admitted, earnest in his response.

"Your CEO never complained," Rose remarked, turning on her heel and walking back toward her office. Blake watched her retreating figure, his confusion mounting.

As Rose reached the half-opened door of her office, she delivered a directive with a tone that hinted at the complexity of her emotions, "Pack up; we're done for the night."


The night came rather quickly. Blake, walking out of the office building strutted toward his waiting driver. In what felt like a rehearsed routine, Rose joined the scene, her presence eclipsing the dimly lit surroundings. With a casual wave, Rose gave the driver an early night, leaving Blake staring at the departing car's tail lights like it held the secrets to the universe.

"We ride in this one," Rose declared, gesturing towards an incoming vehicle that gleamed with an excess of luxury. Blake, always ready to play the gentleman, lunged forward to assist with the door. The new driver, caught in a low-speed chase of urgency, fumbled through the motions.

Blake made it first and had the door opened for his beautiful CEO. Rose got in and Blake followed after her.

As they sunk into the plush embrace of the Mercedes Maybach S-Class, Blake couldn't help but unleash his curiosity. "Let me guess, another addition to your car collection? Haven't seen this one in the fleet before," he quipped, eying the lavish interior like a kid in a candy store.

"No, this is not mine; it's an Uber," Rose deadpanned, her gaze fixated on the world outside the tinted windows, contemplating life, or perhaps just the city lights.

Blake, by now more accustomed to Rose's flair for the dramatic, was less surprised by the car's origin and more amused by the way Rose dropped bombshells leaving him confused and feeling broke in more than one ways.

Not that he didn't know that cars like this were used for other things. He once read that cars of this nature were quite common in countries like Dubai. So It wasn't unheard of that exotic cars like this were used for commercial purposes.

"So, where are we off to? According to the map here, it says Madison," Blake observed, pointing at the interior screen displaying various options, including an oddly alluring map.

"Just a little detour to unwind and maybe stir up some trouble," Rose replied, her tone dripping with the kind of casual mischief that makes you question your life choices.

Approaching midnight, the time Blake usually reserved for cozying up with a good book, a good comic book, he found himself being chauffeured into the unknown by his boss, whose nocturnal habits seemed more aligned with those of a particularly dedicated owl.

Somehow, Rose preferred to sleep by day in her office, not exactly doing much at all when the sun was up but became very active in the night.He was starting to think she shared genes with mosquitoes or something.

Not that it bothered him that he was being taken places. To be real, he enjoyed going out with Rose. The cold, calculated swagger she had about her was something he was starting to tune in to see every now and then.

And with his pocket, he knew he could never take himself to the places she loved to visit. So in a way, it was a win.

As the swanky Maybach navigated through the city's streets, Blake couldn't shake the feeling that he was an unwitting character in a plot beyond his comprehension. Beside him, Rose, lost in thought, looked like she was mentally composing mischief.

Blake observed the myriad expressions that flitted across Rose's face – shadows playing peek-a-boo with her face.

The Mercedes Maybach glided to a stop in a seemingly desolate area, a lone building standing tall against the backdrop of the night. It was an unassuming sight, far from the grandeur Blake anticipated. As he stepped out, he couldn't shake the feeling that they might have taken a wrong turn into a city's forgotten corners.

Rose, however, approached the building with a confidence that spoke of familiarity. Blake, shadowing her every move, hesitated, unsure about the unexpected detour.

Approaching a balcony guarded by two formidable bouncers, Rose delved into her purse, extracting a card that radiated an air of mystery. Its obsidian surface was interrupted only by a vivid red raindrop design in the center. The bouncers, seemingly recognizing the insignia, inserted the card into a machine, granting it silent approval.

With a decisive nod, they opened the door and ushered Rose through. Her hand reaching back to grab Blake's, a surprising gesture that conveyed more assurance than words ever could. "He's with me," she declared, prompting the bouncers to part ways for their entry.

As they ventured deeper into the enigmatic space, Blake couldn't contain his curiosity. "What is this place?" he asked, his anxiety palpable.

"You'll see," Rose replied, her head turning slightly to reveal a fleeting glimpse of teeth. For a moment, Blake wondered if he had witnessed the rarest of sights – a smile from his elusive boss.

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