Chapter 13: Firing a few?

The morning sun crept over the perfectly manicured walls of the sprawling mansion, sending shards of light dancing across the courtyard fountain. Inside her palatial bedroom suite, Rose drew back the heavy velvet curtains with a graceful sweep of her hand, narrowing her eyes at the encroaching dawn.

As a vampire who had walked the earth for over three centuries, daylight was an annoyance she had learned to tolerate.

After delivering her message to the chefs, she returned to her room, awaiting when Blake would finish cleaning up so they could have breakfast together.

"Good morning, my lord," came the cheerful voice of her head maid, Claire, as she entered Rose's room. "Did you rest well?"

"Tolerably so," Rose replied, her voice smooth and cultured before her turning. As Claire walked over to open the balcony doors, Rose appreciated how the young woman's bounce and vitality brightened the room.

'If it's not broken, don't fix it, I presume. You'd have been even better as one of my kind. Then again, you don't deserve this eternal prison,' Rose watched Claire move about her activities with these thoughts swelling through her head.

When Rose had decided to integrate herself into the modern business world, Rose had found most human assistants lacking. Blake had stood out immediately with his wit, competence, and tireless good nature.

As Rose looked out over the gardens, Claire busied herself preparing breakfast. The petite blonde woman laid fine china plates on an antique table overlooking the balcony and arranged delicate glasses and silverware.

In went slices of focaccia bread to heat, then came georgous bursts of colorful fruits into a crystal bowl - strawberries, mango, kiwi, pomegranate arils. Next she portioned out Greek yogurt into small glass bowls, artistically swirling in homemade granola and a drizzle of honey. Two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice completed the simple but beautiful display.

Claire lifted the warmed bread onto each plate with a pair of silver tongs just as Rose along with Blake approached the beautiful breakfast setting. As always when in her presence, Blake felt captivated by his boss' ageless beauty and preternatural grace.

Rose's long raven hair cascaded over her shoulders, contrasting vividly with her alabaster skin. Her eyes were a piercing amber, and she smelled intoxicatingly of jasmine and clove. Her movements held a subtle sway and flow, like a tiger stealthily pacing its domain. This morning she wore an emerald green cocktail dress that hugged her willowy frame in all the right places.

Blake on the other hand, was impeccably dressed in a well tailored grey pants and white sleeves left in the room for him by one of Rose's aid.

He wondered how his size had been picked out correctly. Not to mention, the little time it took to have it arranged. For a second, while dressing, he thought of the possibility that Miss Rose just might have planned the late trip back from the restaurant they visited the night before.

As they sat across from each other at the small table, Blake felt himself flush, as often happened around the magnetic vampire. Rose carried herself with such sensual confidence that it was hard not to feel diminished.

"The board meeting went well yesterday," Rose commented after a small sip of orange juice. As CEO of Shelley Technologies, a conglomerate of luxury hotels and gadgets catering to both human and undead clientele, Rose had spent most of the evening in tense negotiations trying to get approval for a risky expansion plan. She gave Blake an appraising look.

"You were right about the Beijing angle. It softened them up enough that they eventually approved the proposal. Barely." She gave Blake one of her rare smiles that didn't reveal her delicate docile fangs. Her teeth were amazingly white for their age, not that Blake knew.

He rarely saw her smile and when she was in front of him or even talked, there were other parts of her more distracting than just her dentition.

Even if he did notice, they were merely longer than the average canine of humans so he would have most likely guessed it was a unique trait of hers.

Blake beamed at the praise. "I'm glad my insights were useful. You seemed frustrated about the deal, so I hoped I had contributed something valuable." he bit delicately into a succulent strawberry, savoring the sweet tang.

He relished any small intimacy with the breathtaking CEO. Outside the bedroom, moments like this were all he could hope for. With all the tensions building up, seeing the object of his growing affection or perhaps she was just someone that intrigued him greatly, nonetheless, he basked in the promises of what some may call delusional thoughts of something more than him being a distraction occurring.

However, being grounded to reality, Blake would settle for the proxy brush of fingertips on the same ceramic cup or utensils if he could get nothing else.

"The board drives a hard bargain, but they recognize this expansion is necessary if we're to stay competitive," Rose mused, breaking off a piece of the focaccia bread. Out of habit she chewed slowly, still appreciating the sensations of flavor and texture even if her vampire physiology no longer required sustenance from these kind of food.

"Desmond and Jade fought me the hardest on the risks. But I reminded them how my proposals have built this company to where it is,".

Blake listened with interest, happy to have this quiet moment over Rose's accomplishments. Her world was one of power politics and fierce corporate maneuvering amongst beings Blake could scarcely comprehend.

Blake himself had been working for Rose for for close to a month now as her secretary and proxy during necessary meetings. He had proven himself indispensable in supporting Rose's position at the top of a major global enterprise, enabling the centuries-old vampire to seamlessly continue increasing her influence and fortune.

In return, Rose rewarded Blake handsomely with a luxury apartment on site and a salary generous enough that he would never need to work again.

As the two enjoyed their breakfast, Rose casually brought up a few names, her voice taking on a thoughtful tone.

"You know, Blake, I've been observing certain individuals within the company who seem to believe that their ambitions outweigh their capabilities. People like Sebastian Reed, always pushing boundaries without understanding the consequences," Rose remarked, her piercing gaze fixed on Blake.

"And then there's Isabella Thornton, who lacks the subtlety required for delicate negotiations. Her bluntness may have its uses, but it can be a liability in our world," Rose continued, her fingers lightly tapping the rim of her glass.

Blake nodded attentively, absorbing Rose's insights while savoring the remnants of his breakfast. He acknowledged each name with a professional demeanor, offering measured responses.

"Sebastian Reed does possess a keen sense of innovation, but you're right; he tends to overlook the potential risks involved. Isabella Thornton, on the other hand, has a direct and assertive approach. It might be beneficial to channel that energy more strategically," Blake suggested, his eyes meeting Rose's with a blend of respect and earnestness.

Rose's gaze lingered on Blake for a moment, her fingers now tracing the stem of her glass. A subtle smile played on her lips as she observed his diplomatic yet empathetic approach.

"Your perspective is intriguing, Blake. It seems you have a knack for understanding how … humans works," Rose commented, taking a deliberate sip from her glass.

The conversation continued, weaving between names and roles within the company. As Rose shared her concerns, she found herself intrigued by Blake's ability to navigate a balance between professionalism and empathy. It was a quality she hadn't encountered often, and it left her both amused and contemplative.

Rose continued, "They'll resist change, but it's change that has kept us ahead for this long. You have a keen understanding of the human psyche, Blake" Her gaze lingered on him, and for a moment, Blake sensed something more than a professional acknowledgment.

Blake maintained his composure, offering a humble smile. "I appreciate your confidence in my abilities. I strive to bring fresh perspectives to the table."

Rose nodded, her eyes momentarily fixated on the liquid in her glass. She seemed lost in thought, contemplating matters beyond the boardroom. The silence hung in the air, interrupted only by the distant sounds of the mansion coming to life.

As they finished their breakfast, Rose stood gracefully, her movements fluid like a panther navigating its territory. Blake followed suit, his attire crisply arranged. The duo stepped out onto the balcony, greeted by the gentle breeze and the soft hum of the waking estate.

Rose, ever regal, stood there, waiting. The approaching footsteps signaled the arrival of her driver, bearing an umbrella in the customary manner. Rose extended her hand, allowing the driver to shield her from the impending sunlight.

Blake observed this ritual with a mixture of fascination and curiosity. It was a glimpse into Rose's meticulously maintained existence. As the driver held the umbrella, Rose turned her attention to Blake, her gaze unwavering.

"One more thing, Blake. Some individuals who, despite their loyalty, may need a reminder of their place. Your insights?" Rose's voice was measured, a subtle challenge underlying her words.

Blake considered her question carefully. He understood what she meant by a "reminder". Rose was going to fire them all.

"While maintaining discipline is crucial, an empathetic approach could yield better results. Addressing concerns and providing guidance might prove more effective than a heavy hand."

Rose regarded him with an arched eyebrow, a subtle smirk playing on her lips. "Naive, perhaps, but admirable," she remarked. "In my world, the game is played with sharper instruments. Yet, your perspective has its merits."

They walked towards the waiting car, Rose leading with an aura of authority. The driver opened the door, and Rose gracefully entered, her eyes never leaving Blake.

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