My Servant System

Chapter 1067: Chapter 1066: Auction Fun

Chapter 1067: Chapter 1066: Auction Fun

Tapping the pen on the page, I stared at the runes I had listed together and began to go over a basic warmup that I found rather helpful for creating something 'new'; simply take the runes I listed and create as many spells that I could think of - or variations of a spell that I could think of - in a rudimentary amount of time before going on to do whatever I actually wanted to do.

It was a nice little game to play to get my mind working, and since at the moment I had a Vampire greedily biting into my wrist and satiating her own voracious hunger whilst my other two wives happily flirted in front of me and were creating a sexual tension so thick I could cut it with a knife and confidently serve it to someone, I was in a position that needed me to get my mind right if I wanted to do anything at all.

The people around us weren't really able to see us all that well, and even if they were able to view what we were doing, they weren't focusing on us since there was the shouts of the auctioneer filling the room, the beautiful Caninekin woman looking around the stage and taking in the bids for the fiery warhammer.

So I wasn't worried about people seeing me getting my wrist munched on, but it wouldn't have mattered anyways since they would just need to mind their business and not worry about it, but still, I wasn't in the mood to deal with people being stupid, so I kept it somewhat hidden as I stared at the page blankly.

It took me a moment to tune out Jahi's flirting with Anput as the two rubbed one another 'discreetly' alongside the feeling of Leone's fangs buried inside of my flesh as she lapped at the blood that seeped out, filling herself with my vitae and slaking her thirst.

When I did, I began to scribble down the sequences for spells onto the page, each line of runes stacking atop one another as I listed out the things I could do with the runes I gave myself at random; a speed spell, a jump boost spell, a flaming stomp spell, flaming kick spell and so much more.

The runes interconnected wonderfully, each individual piece of these puzzles speaking to me on ways that they could be best utilized as I listed spell after spell on this single sheet of paper, filling it as best I could before the auctioneer eventually shouted out the ending bid of the fiery warhammer, which had a price tag of 43 Gold and 75 Silvers.

Pulling herself away from my wrist, Leone healed me and cast a spell to help expedite my body's ability to replace the blood she had drank too, the Vampire giving me the same aftercare she always did as she licked the twin pinpricks and kissed my wrist, bringing a smile to my lips as I glanced at her.

My lover leaned closer and scanned the page before tapping a spell, muttering "I like that one... could be nifty on a robe if you manage to get the right materials." as she pointed at the barrage spell that I had made; releasing an insane amount of bolts in a single direction with incredible speed.

Something meant to be a distraction and somewhat lethal to those that were slower in battles, but otherwise a simple, not that powerful spell that relied on quantity over quality, and one that seemed like a bit of fun at the very least.

"Yeah, it's interesting. Was that weapon really just sold for that much money? It didn't look that important..."

"Yes it was, and it was actually roughly worth that amount; the enchantment was powered by two separate Fire Crystals after all, so it would deal a LOT of damage if it lands. And the weapon itself was well made. You're just spoiled by our resident blacksmith~!"

Rolling my eyes, I leaned over and whispered "Don't ever say that when Anput can hear you, or she'll lord it over you for all eternity...", earning a nod from Leone before she added "I dunno though... wouldn't that end up being a fun night..?"

"The lot of you..."

Shaking my head, I flipped the paper over before raising a brow as I looked up at the stage, where a large painting covered by a tarp was resting, the auctioneer giving everyone a moment to whisper to one another before she stepped forwards and began to speak.

"Up next is a one of one, never seen before painting from none other than Victoria Aramicci, the renowned painter that even our glorious Sultana has commissioned artwork from. And not only that, but it is one of Aramicci's most sought after lines of paintings... some of you art collectors in the crowd might have an idea on which line I am talking about..."

The auctioneer riled up the crowd with that, the 'art collectors' whispering even more to their peers as they leaned forwards, trying to get an even closer look at the painting that was still covered by the thick cloth sheet.

"Aramicci... that's gonna be a nice painting, no matter what it is. Old too; she stopped painting for profit around five decades ago, and she lives in her own compound in the city, secluded from everyone. Wonder what this is..."

Anput's mumbling caught my attention, and even though I wasn't exactly the most excited for art or enamored about it either to care, but still, this waiting for the reveal was fun, and we were here to relax anyways, so I watched the auctioneer grab the cloth and tease us all as she began to speak again, all while slowly pulling the cloth away.

"If you guessed that this was the 'Starlight' line, then you would be correct~! The model in this portrait though is none other than Aramicci herself, and it is one of the most stunning works of art I have ever seen~!"

The murmuring grew louder at that, so all three of us turned to Anput for an explanation, only for her to shrug as she kept staring at the painting, the Jackalkin only knowing about the painter and not about her various works.

When the cloth was tugged away with a flourish, the crowd gasped at what they saw, and I had to raise a brow as my gaze landed on the almost lifelike rendition of a curvaceous woman looking down into water of some kind, the night sky above her dominating most of the space on the canvas, but it wasn't what drew my eye.

No, what drew my eye was the fact that she was completely and utterly nude, her body on full display as well as her genitalia, which she placed a large amount of emphasis on since she was... well, the water wasn't the only wet thing in the painting...

"It's just porn... well drawn, beautiful porn of a gorgeous woman..."

"Starting bid of 100 Gold!"Nôv(el)B\\jnn

The auctioneer's shout surprised me, but it was how enthusiastic the crowd was as they ramped the price up into the 150 range within seconds, and the 200 range not even before a

minute had passed.

Our table was silent, a small island of confusion in a sea of enthusiasm and richness as everyone tried to outbid one another, causing us to share a glance before Jahi asked "So uh... that's surprising. You think Mom would like it?", which earned her a glare from us each before Anput pursed her lips and looked back at the painting, muttering "Maybe Mom would like


"We do NOT have... 300 Gold. Nope. Oh hey, now it's 400-no, 450..."


Jahi's earlier attempt at being funny was overshadowed by her surprise at the price, though both Anput and Leone seemed only mildly intrigued by the price, with Anput saying "I mean... if it is a one of one, painted by her and never released by her, that... makes sense. And uh... I guarantee there's some other thing tied to the painting; the rumor last time was that she met up with the buyer of the last auctioned painting and didn't leave till the next morning... with a


"Uh huh... so I guess that makes sense, if you're a rich asshat with no real purpose in life besides flaunting your wealth. Still..."

Anput smirked at Jahi and asked "Tell me you wouldn't want a piece of that; exclusive and it comes with some nice art to remember everything that happened~?", ignoring how Leone and I glared at her as she added "I would most definitely flaunt that all the time~! Have it hanging in the main room as a symbol of conquest~!"

Shaking my head at them, I contemplated stabbing them both here and now as a reminder, but I instead settled with a swift needle to their arms, making them both hiss as the frost spread across their skin and sapped their warmth.

I hummed and acted like I hadn't done that as we listened to the price continue to climb even higher, the men and women in the hall betting almost ravenously as they stood up in an attempt to make an even larger target of themselves, which made their hired muscle shrink away somewhat as they tried to ignore the rising feuds between their Master's and Mistress's.

Still, I had to admit that the painting was extremely well done, and if you ignored the masturbating woman who painted it, the way she captured the water's surface and how it reflected the night sky was stunning.

A shame that it was marred by her horniness... though I suppose that made it even more unique than if it was just a lake's surface..?

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