My Servant System

Chapter 1066: Chapter 1065: Coffee Talk

Chapter 1066: Chapter 1065: Coffee Talk

"Aren't you worried that he might be offended by way you told him off, in front of so many people? That his pride is wounded enough for him to consider doing something drastic?"

I had no actual worry about Batu at all - he had some decent experience and certainly knew his way around in a fight, but it wasn't impressive enough for me to actually give that much of a damn about, not with all four of us here - so I was really just making small talk in hopes of distracting Anput and forcing her to stop her current actions...

Which I also knew better than to do, the Jackalkin running her hand up and down my thigh and occasionally squeezing it as she drank her coffee and enjoyed the shade of the cafe terrace, this second break of ours yielding even more food as we had a freshly baked loaf of bread drizzled with a wonderful honey and chocolate sauce delivered to the table to compliment the coffee, which also had some hints of chocolate in it.

Ignoring her roaming hands as best as I could, I instead turned to Jahi, only to sigh softly as the Demoness smirked at me and grabbed my other thigh, her lust sparking after the earlier game even though it had been cut short; it would seem that I might have need to continue that game later if this was the result it got me, but for the time being I was being show what was going to happen later today...

Getting stuck between two very horny futanari was as fun as it always was, so I just let them do as they pleased as I instead asked Anput "Anyways... where can we get some paper and some ink? Are those readily available here?", giving my mate something to think about as she continued to drum her fingers around my inner thigh.

"Mhm. There's a few places that sell stationary, and they are roughly nearby the auction house I had in mind. Ooh, and there are nice, secluded areas near those stores as well, places where we could hide ourselves away and have a little fun~?"

Dunking my piece of bread into the coffee, I ignored her still and instead turned to Leone as I asked "The throat tattoo he had, how easily do you think we could replicate that? With my Magic Pen that has a Wind Crystal inserted, do you think we could do exactly the same tattoo that Batu had? I already have an inkling on what runes are needed to get that to work as a spell, but the idea of utilizing the air itself as the catalyst is rather..."

The Vampire blinked as she realized I was talking to her, those crimson eyes glued to my chest as she joined in on the lustful fun that the other two were indulging in, bringing out another sigh from me as I leaned back in my seat and stared at the cloth above us, muttering "What did I do to deserve this..?"

"Oh I dunno... maybe by being so damn sexy and ding everything~ in your power to be so tantalizing, like by running from three rather 'predatory' races and activating the wonderful instinct of hunting down our 'prey'~? Just a thought..."

Jahi's husky whisper as she groped my thigh made me shiver slightly, but I still managed to turn and say "That doesn't mean you can be so damn blatant about it, Jahi; shouldn't a predator know how to control itself until the time is right?"

That just made my lover snort and shake her head as she replied "Nah, that's boring~! See, I already know I'm going to succeed, so I don't really care, y'know? It's inevitable that I'll be right behind this thick ass of yours burying myself to the root, so there is no 'hunt'; after all, I know you need me as much as I need you..."

Her words brought a pout to my lips as I huffed at what she meant, the Demoness speaking nothing but the truth as she brought up how we fed off of one another daily to sustain ourselves and be 'normal'; Jahi was just that insatiable and had such a deep, voracious appetite that she almost required my body to function, and I was the same but with the added effects of my skills...

It pissed me off a bit that she was aware of that and that she wasn't wrong, but there was nothing I could do besides glare at Leone as I waited for the Vampire Princess to respond, which she did after a few seconds of getting herself together.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"Oh, um... Well, the thing about that is I am pretty sure he had some other sort of medium to utilize the spell, so I don't know how replicating that on anyone besides you would do, but... the idea of having a spell related to the vocal cords or throat, something to activate simply by opening your mouth, that is most certainly intriguing and something I hope to pursue."

"I don't really get tattoos, like how they work I mean; do you really just send mana to the area and activate the Ritual Circle there? Is that how it works, or is that just an oversimplification that people tell everyone?"

Anput reluctantly released my thigh as she finished off her coffee so that she could stand up, the Jackalkin wordlessly telling us she was done and ready to go over to the auction house, which was followed by us all finishing our own drinks and snacks as we followed after her.

"Yes... and no. It's dependent on the spell tattooed onto you, really; something that requires constant mana to activate will be harder than a single activation spell, so that's entirely based on how adept you are at channeling and maintaining a spell. Otherwise... yeah, it is rather simple if you know how to cast spells efficiently. You're just activating it instantly instead of charging it up through runes."

Heading back out onto the street, we followed Anput through a few alleys before arriving in front of a small store, which I entered to purchase myself a small journal, some ink and a pen, preparing myself for the fun of creating something new and figuring out some problems on creating breath type spells for each of us, or at least decent spells that we could make use of in tattoo form...

I mean, we had the time and the resources available to take a day and devote it to creating and applying the tattoos to one another, which would do quite a lot in bolstering our fighting prowess, especially if they were rare spells that most people didn't cast regularly.

A breath spell wasn't common at all, and I could only imagine how deadly a flaming breath could be for both Anput and Leone, whilst a frozen mist spell would be rather interesting for me; I was also a tad giddy imagining Jahi shooting lasers from her mouth, the idea reminding me of some of the cartoonish heroes I had grown up watching.

There were so many things to do in so little time, and that went for all of us; Leone had her alchemy and her studying of her own ancient magics, Anput needed to come up with ideas on how to utilize Fiend parts for weapons and armor as soon as she possibly could, and Jahi needed to temper herself even more than she already was, all while I kept up my micromanaging of everyone amongst my own training too...

By the time we had gotten to the auction house and made our way inside, I had all sorts of ideas floating around in my head, ideas that I desperately wanted to put to paper as I settled into the chair Jahi pulled out for me, the large, open and dark space of the hall giving me study hall vibes late at night after everyone already left, which was a bit comforting.

Each table had a small candle lit in the center, everyone was given space as they sat around the stage illuminated by sunlight and torchlight, and servants walked between each table carrying trays laden with liquors and small finger foods to keep people happy as they opened their purses to bid on whatever caught their eye.

Apparently that was a lot, since the auction house pulled out another item a minute after we sat down, the auctioneer grabbing everyone's attention with a shout, the beautiful woman grinning as she showed of a masterfully crafted warhammer that had two large Fire Crystals embedded into its heavy head.

"Oh, an enchanted item right off the bat for us~! That's interesting... its really well made, and the materials are very fine indeed..."

Anput was intrigued by it from a crafter's point of view, while Jahi nodded in agreement as she added "I wonder how nice it'd feel to swing that...", her violent perspective contrasting my mate's and causing Leone and I to roll our eyes, though the Princess took this opportunity of them both being distracted to lean over and give me a brief kiss as she whispered "Kat... I'm a bit parched..."

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