My Players Are So Fierce

Chapter 31:

Name: 4th Generation Spirit Computation Bead Prototype – Codename 003

Effect: Possesses all the functions of the third generation computation beads, with larger memory, faster computation, and more diverse functions.

Its internal ultra-large spirit differential engine matrix with quintuple linkage is equipped with a dual-core mode, capable of processing multiple computational threads simultaneously, further enhanced by the finest combustion gold catalyst optimizing spirit energy, granting it the unique “remote control” privilege.

The wielder of the fourth generation spirit computation bead can, when necessary, lock and terminate the computational process of third generation spirit beads.

When forming a massive computational matrix, the fourth generation bead, as the superior node, can bypass any information encryption to view and copy information flowing within the matrix, but activating this function will consume more of the wielder’s spirit.


This item is a theoretical verification prototype. Its performance has room for further improvement. Please visit the manufacturer.


This is a spirit wielder’s exclusive auxiliary item. Using it requires a certain spirit talent (Usage requirement: Intellect ≥7)

Manufacturer: Shaldor Engineering Academy Steam Lab Precision Instrument Development Team

Item Description:

【The halflings only made three of these things, and have no plans for mass production in the short term. One has now fallen into your hands from over a thousand miles away.

You can explain it as just completing a standard, or even unintentional, case of “black-on-black”, but I don’t think those battle mechanists with their heads full of thorns and steam walkers loaded with explosives would be willing to listen to your excuses.

Long story short, you’re in big trouble, kid.】

Special Tag: Loot (This item was obtained through illegal means and is considered loot. This tag does not affect usage, but when interacting with relevant factions and individuals associated with this item, carrying items tagged as “Loot” will decrease their affinity and trigger a series of uncontrolled subsequent affairs.)


This item is undergoing internal program upgrades and preparing to simplify and replicate the test administrator system functions. Do not interrupt spirit supply!

Currently designated functions for simplification and replication: Character Card Interface, Job & Experience System, Creature Detection, Item Identification.

“What are you doing to it? Why is it glowing red! Hey, that light color doesn’t seem right! Normal operation should be yellow or green!”

At the side of the crate filled with confiscated computation beads, Miriam saw Murphy holding the fourth generation computation bead in his hand.

She didn’t know the specifics of this thing, but when she saw Murphy activate it, the red-haired girl was horrified and rushed forward to stop this foolish vampire from carelessly playing with a power he clearly didn’t understand.

But before she could get close, Maxim pushed her away.

The loyal blood servant stood with his sword drawn, loudly rebuking her:

“Master Murphy has his own plans. It’s not your place to lecture him in that tone, you rude one. Don’t disturb the master.”

“You brainless dog! You have no idea what he’s doing.”

Miriam immediately retorted:

“Regular people need at least a month of training to learn how to use computation beads. To someone who has never been exposed to them, this thing is like something from another world!

Your master is just a superstitious vampire living in a secluded area! He hadn’t even seen an automated hunter’s crossbow before!

Oh god, he’s going to get us killed. Computation beads explode when overloaded!”

“Enough, Miriam. I’m not as immersed in bloodlust and barbarity as you think. I’m willing to learn the things I don’t understand, if they can truly help me.

And luckily, I’ve always been a quick learner.”

Murphy spoke up to stop his two assistants from arguing over these trifles.

He glanced at the computation bead in his hand, which was drawing spirit from his body to perform “initialization”. The progress bar crawled slowly, estimating it would take six to eight hours to complete the replication of the administrator system’s functions.

With the fourth generation bead in his possession, he could activate the remaining subordinate beads as the core of a massive computational matrix. At that time, he would need to perform an information synchronization initialization on the other beads.

This way, his little players could have their own player interfaces.

There were over 3,000 computation beads here!

Giving each player one and leaving a batch for replacement and emergency use, it would satisfy his consumption needs for a very long time.

This was truly an unexpected delight.

Murphy’s mood was as elated as if he had just guzzled three pounds of chocolate.

He flashed a genuine smile at Maxim, then nodded at Miriam, and finally placed his hands on both their shoulders.

He spoke solemnly:

“We’ve been through difficulties together! We killed our way out of the abyss to get to where we are now. I don’t ask that you two love each other, but the fact is, we’ve become a small group worth relying on.

So don’t argue, learn to communicate. Good communication can solve 99% of life’s problems.

Miriam, I understand your anxiety.

But today, there are no outside observers. As long as you don’t say anything, no one will know these beads ended up in our hands.

Even if the halflings do come looking, they’ll only make trouble for the Blood Vulture Clan.”

Murphy put a finger to his lips, making a silence gesture to Miriam, and said:

“Once we return to Kadman City, you can set off to continue your studies at Shaldor Port. I’ll grant you enough wealth to live comfortably for the rest of your days. That’s my promise, and I’ll keep it!

But you have to forget about tonight’s events!

You know, it’s for your own good.”

The red-haired girl looked down at the crate of computation beads by her feet.

She gritted her teeth, her heart extremely conflicted. Once the halflings found out she was involved, her unfinished studies would definitely be ruined, and she might even face imprisonment, not to mention the future she had planned for herself.

So after a few seconds, Miriam looked up and said:

“I’ll go check on Lady Adele and the Young Lady’s condition. Tonight, I didn’t see anything, I don’t know anything. Hey Murphy, your new jewelry is not bad.

Just hide it well.

Wouldn’t want it stolen.”

With that, she wrapped her cloak around herself and walked away.

Maxim stared at Miriam’s retreating back until she disappeared completely. The loyal blood servant then spoke in a low voice to Murphy:

“Master Murphy, if these things I don’t understand are important to your endeavors, then keeping this wench around is a liability. She’s clearly been brainwashed by those heretical halfling scholars and wants to flee her homeland.

She cannot be trusted.

Why don’t we just…”

He didn’t finish, but the downward cutting motion of his hand conveyed his thoughts.

“I too dislike those who would abandon their homelands, Maxim. But I believe every person has obligations and responsibilities to their home, that is, unless that home looks like the wreck that is Transia. Then it’s another matter entirely.”

Murphy shook his head and said to Maxim:

“You were raised as a blood servant, so you’re well aware of the suffering ordinary people endure in these lands. Miriam is luckier than most, she got out, gained wisdom and knowledge, and is simply unwilling to return to the darkness and kneel before vampires. That’s perfectly normal, so don’t hold hostility towards her for it.

She’s very smart.

She knows how to choose what’s best for herself.

We’re a team, we have to trust each other, Maxim, at least for now!”

“I admit Miriam is very intelligent, perhaps the most intelligent human I’ve ever met, Master Murphy. But I feel you’re being too indulgent with her.”

Maxim nodded, but emphasized:

“If you appreciate her, then grant her the honor of becoming a blood servant. A leader like yourself is destined for great things, it wouldn’t demean her meager wisdom to serve you.

Though I’ve never been to the halfling cities, I’ve seen the ambitious young girls in Kadman City trying to climb their way up in life. I imagine other places are much the same.

I admit wisdom is a good thing, but for someone of Miriam’s lowly birth with no background or wealth, she can hardly make use of it!

In this world, her looks are more useful than her wisdom.

Without enough luck, the best fate for her is to become the mistress of some old, foolish noble, or like her mother, having seen the wider world, yet only able to marry a foolish, shortsighted blood servant chieftain after her youth is spent.

Or worse.

If you truly value her, you should help her escape such a pitiful fate.

Just as you gave my life hope.”

These words surprised Murphy. He looked at his loyal servant and said:

“I never expected to hear this from you, Maxim. It seems I don’t know you well enough either. But loyalty has always been a two-way street, just like you and I.

I don’t want a servant forced into obedience, that’s like burying a ticking time bomb for myself.

She’s not like you. Becoming a vampire is clearly not in her life plans. Even if I did try to recruit her, I’d need to first understand what Miriam truly wants.”

“Enough of this topic for now.

Get these crates loaded onto our wagon. You must guard them constantly, don’t let anyone near!

These things are extremely important to our endeavors. I can only entrust this crucial task to you.”


Maxim pounded his chest and said solemnly:

“I will guard them with my life, Master Murphy. Please leave everything to me!”


Murphy nodded, hanging the computation bead still drawing his spirit by a rope around his neck and securing it close to his body. He then turned to walk away, but after a few steps looked back to Maxim:

“The knights in the pit…”

“Have been taken care of, master.”

The loyal blood servant spoke without turning, in a low voice:

“Such trifles should not occupy your precious time.”


Murphy nodded again, waving his hand.

“Don’t let my warriors know about this. Their kind hearts would only be saddened by it.”

With that, Murphy strode away briskly from the silent woods. After the deadly struggle and victory over Joban Marci, the vampiric side of his nature had revived considerably.


That word could no longer stir much in Murphy’s heart, especially for these strangers hardly connected to him.

Murphy still didn’t know if the revival of this dark instinct was good or bad.

But one thing was certain, it would help him better survive this cruel world.

Just as a finger recoils from flame, just as an ant flees danger, the survival instincts accumulated over hundreds of years would not harm him.

A few minutes later, Murphy arrived at the edge of the woods.

Bonfires burned here, with Lady Adele and Lady Femis lying in tents nearby. Miriam was helping Lady Adele change bandages and medicines.

As a maid serving vampire nobles, Lady Adele’s spirit pouch was well-stocked with emergency supplies.

“You have a spirit talent too?”

Murphy saw Miriam take out some potion bottles from Lady Adele’s spirit pouch and said from several steps away from the bonfire:

“I’ve never seen you cast spells.”

“I can’t cast spells. My spirit talent is too poor. Being able to open a spirit pouch and activate a computation bead is my limit. But then again, isn’t that true for most people in this world?”

Miriam said irritably:

“More or less having some spirit talent, dreaming of becoming a spirit wielder when little. But then someone tells you can’t even pass the novice examination to become a spirit apprentice. So you end up with a belly full of useless knowledge, unwilling to return to some small place to marry a stranger.

You can only grit your teeth and accept being reassigned, ultimately ending up in some profession you don’t even understand.

Anyway, what I’m saying is, some professors at the halfling side studying the ‘spirit erosion’ phenomenon have written papers.

They say ordinary people like us, like metals and objects long exposed to spirit environments, are also permeated and eroded by spirit, causing changes.

Maybe in a few thousand years, everyone in the world will be able to freely release spirit.

But not now.

The rate of spirit erosion on human bodies is too weak compared to transcendent beings like you who are born able to connect with spirit.”

“That’s not necessarily a good thing. Every time I release spirit energy I hear strange voices, sometimes even seeing strange visions in dreams.

They say it’s the call from the source of spirit, some say it comes from sub-space.”

Murphy shook his head.

“Immersing oneself too deeply in the mysteries of spirit can lead the mind to madness. This supernatural power has never been a simple blessing. How are those two doing?”

“The Young Lady is fine, her severed hand has regrown. But Lady Adele’s condition is dire.”

Miriam sighed:

“That wolfsbane vampire injected some kind of poison into her body. She’s been running a high fever for hours now, nearly dehydrated. I have no idea how to treat her.


She looked up at Murphy, saying a little irritably:

“Perhaps you could turn her into a vampire here? In your words, the Embrace? Using a vampire’s power to counter another vampire’s malice used to harm her.

She’s not a bad person!

She even saved you, didn’t she?”

“Lady Adele is not my blood servant. I have no right to do such a thing, those are not the Blood Vulture’s ways.”

Murphy shook his head, glancing at the tent where the Young Lady lay. He said:

“It seems it’s time to wake her up.”

“That Young Lady must be very tired…”

Before Miriam could finish, her eyes went wide as Murphy casually flicked a dark spirit blast right onto Lady Femis’ face.

The latter instantly sat up, eyes still closed but taking skilled defensive moves.


Miriam was stunned, exclaiming:

“But she’s your master! How dare you…”

“First, I have no master! And even if I did, it wouldn’t be her.”

Murphy corrected her, looking at the disheveled Young Lady rubbing her eyes awake.

A subtle smile curved his lips in the darkness as he glanced at Lady Adele, who had previously saved his life but now suffered greatly. He cleared his throat and said solemnly:

“Second, such moving loyalty deserves reward, as you said. We need one vampire’s power to counter another.”

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