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2 hours ago
“Give me a group of adorable little players, and I can effortlessly overturn the other world!” – Revnor Murphy Lessenbra.Murphy finds himself reborn as a vampire in a world of sword and magic. But he’s not just any vampire – he’s a test administrator for a mysterious VR game called Reality Realm, and his unique system allows him to summon players from his own world to assist him in this dangerous, new reality.He must navigate the complexities of this new world, learning to command his players all while trying to understand the mysterious forces shaping this world.As he faces threats from all sides. He discovers that the players, despite their naivety, hold a unique strength, unfazed by death and fearless in the face of chaos. Their wild, unconventional tactics often prove more effective than the rigid strategies of established forces.He must learn to adapt to this new world, embrace his newfound vampire powers, and master the extraordinary abilities of his otherworld warriors.Murphy must decide how far he is willing to go to reach his goals – and whether he can truly control the unpredictable force he has unleashed into this world. Adventurers Alternate World Army Building Betrayal Cunning Protagonist Dwarfs Elves Enemies Become Allies Fantasy World Game Elements Gamers Handsome Male Lead Kingdom Building Leadership Level System Loyal Subordinates Magic Magical Technology Male Protagonist Monsters Multiple POV Not Harem Parallel Worlds Politics Religions Romantic Subplot Schemes And Conspiracies Secret Organizations Slow Growth at Start Slow Romance Summoning Magic System Administrator Transmigration Vampires Wars Weak to Strong