My Players Are So Fierce

Chapter 14:

Murphy now really wanted to go back to Kadman City and discuss escaping with Tris.

Unfortunately, he had already been conscripted by Femis Cecilia Lessenbra, and without orders from the huntress commander, he, as a messenger, could only remain here.

He was well aware that the other party had conscripted him and his two servants not because she saw potential or brilliance in him, but purely as cannon fodder for another mission.

But Murphy could not refuse, for the young lady’s father was the Patriarch after all.

Salrokdar Collins Lessenbra, the Patriarch of the Blood Vulture Clan, one of the most ancient vampire nobles.

It is said that he has lived since the ancient era of the “Holy Blood Procession” when vampires first appeared and spread across the continent, which was a thousand years ago at the beginning of the current era!

Over this millennium, the Blood Vulture Clan developed from a small force to its peak and then declined to its current state, but its authority has never wavered, firmly grasped in Salrokdar’s hands.

That guy is the Midnight King of the entire Transia region, and even in the entire power structure of the Portia Federation or the whole continent, the Blood Vulture Patriarch is among the top echelon.

Murphy obviously could not defy such a figure, even if the one before him was only Salrokdar’s daughter.

However, vampires cannot reproduce, so Femis, like Murphy, was a human initially turned. Although she appears to be a pampered loli lady, who knows if this little girl is actually another centuries-old monster?

It was now nearly midnight.

By the bonfire outside the village, the hooded Maxim was cooking oats porridge for a midnight snack, while Miriam was helping to grill meat skewers to fill their rumbling stomachs.

Although the two were cooperating, their relationship could not be called harmonious.

There was little for a vampire cult fanatic and a rational scholar-in-training to discuss, as their life experiences were worlds apart.

The little players had left hours ago, probably already eating delicious hot takeout by now, making Murphy sitting far from the bonfire chewing on bland oat porridge feel quite envious.

After the intense battle, he really wished for an ice-cold refreshing gamer’s drink to moisten his throat.

Thinking this, his face remained expressionless as he pulled his hood down further and set his bowl aside.

The flickering bonfire cast sparks that danced about, and although the heat from the flames made Murphy uncomfortable physically, the human soul within him craved the illumination and protection of the night fire.

This conflict between body and spirit was what gave Murphy an inconsistent, contradictory air in the eyes of other vampires.

Highlighted by the firelight, Murphy picked up the vampire hunter’s combat dagger that every Witch Hunter carried and held it before his eyes, intending to test his newly acquired Identify ability on it.

Under his gaze, a semi-transparent information tag soon popped up beside the dagger:

Name: Acolyte’s War Dagger

Quality: Standard · Veteran

Properties: Standard Sharpness · Spirit Imbued

Item Description:

【This is a self-defense weapon made by the Avalon Church for the faithful of the Isa Kingdom during the Greenleaf Island Unification War in 675. Its streamlined blade gives it excellent balance while also possessing the ability to cleave in combat, and the sacred oakwood grip tempered by natural spirits provides these weapons additional damage against dark creatures.

After the emergence of Witch Hunters, the Acolyte’s War Dagger became their standard issue equipment. However, following the Avalon Church’s deplorable rebellion against the Goldflower Kingdom in the early Ten Year War, this classic design has become a mark of treachery.】

Murphy stroked his chin as he examined the entry.

Unable to accurately judge its value for now, he picked up the clearly more ornate oakwood grip hunter’s blade that belonged to the female Witch Hunter Natalie.

This time, the entry was different:

Name: Avalon’s Blessed Sacred Blade【Replica】

Quality: Masterwork · Commander

Properties: Extreme Sharpness · Extreme Spell Breaking · Enhanced Spirit Imbued · Purifying Flame

Special Category Tag: Blade of Faith · Only usable by【Avalon】faithful, heretics invoking spirit backlash

Item Description:

【When the Avalon Church converted to the faith from the druids of the Castilia Peninsula in 500, the original council of elders was bestowed three sacred miracle blades whose manufacturing techniques can no longer be replicated in this era. However, during the Avalon Church’s long tenure as the state religion of the Isa Kingdom, the Elder Council of Glamo produced over 150 replicas of the blessed blades and awarded them to saints.

It should be noted that this blessed blade does not belong to Natalie Finochia Lawson, but was inherited from her deceased relative, so she cannot fully unleash its potential as a Blade of Faith.

Perhaps you should be grateful for that.】

“Natalie Finochia Lawson?”

Murphy toyed with the silent blessed blade in his hand and glanced at the grey-haired fierce woman lying unconscious nearby, stripped down to her undergarments and bound.

For her to be carrying such an impressive weapon was evidence enough that this Witch Hunter was no ordinary individual.

Furthermore, by comparing the two weapons, Murphy had also figured out the item grading system of this world.

“Masterwork” was clearly better than “Standard”, likely referring to the craftsmanship. “Commander” was surely better than “Veteran”, probably indicating the item’s quality tier.

It made more sense than having the items glow purple or orange, fitting for a game that prided itself as realistic and hardcore.

With this understood, Murphy proceeded to sort through the captured equipment.

He set aside the best masterwork pieces for himself and Maxim to use, leaving the standard weapons to later arm the little players.

These capable and adorable little players were his core base, so equipping them well was crucial when his personal strength was lacking.

He would also need to give them their “closed beta rewards” after this round of testing.

While the players’ actions were goofy, they were largely predictable, so he needed to get along well with them. Besides maintaining gameplay, amazing loot was also a vital part of the game experience.

This couldn’t be half-baked, the rewards needed to meet a few conditions:

First, they had to be rare enough.

Players disliked common items.

Second, they needed to be eye-catching and distinctive.

Ideally eye-catching enough to attract attention, they had to have flair.

Lastly, they should ideally have some commemorative value!

Like items with highlighted text in their descriptions, maximizing their collector’s value.

Such items weren’t easy to find, but the clever Murphy had already secured part of them during his earlier conversation with Lady Femis.

It was like an unequal exchange.

Although he couldn’t get them all now, Murphy had obtained a portion that he could use to surprise the little players when they came online.

“Murphy, come here!”

Lady Femis’ summons interrupted Murphy’s thoughts. He immediately put down the sacred blade, got up and walked towards the figure concealed in the night behind him.

Maintaining an “tiny stature, big attitude” pose, she didn’t waste time and stated directly:

“In three days, a Goldflower Kingdom transport convoy will pass through Transia near the area of the Foul Swamp to the south, specifically through that long strip of Smuggler’s Woods.”

The young lady produced a highly detailed military map of the Transia region and drew a line in the southernmost area adjacent to the Dark Mountains as she told the attentive Murphy:

“The directives from the Patriarch outline the contents, these are special military supplies purchased from the Shaldor Halfling by General Loren, who commands the invading force, and meant to supply his Goldflower Pioneering Legions.

Once the Pioneering Legions obtain these goods, their ravenous military might will become even harder to contain, so we need to seize this shipment!

Of course, considering your failure as a messenger that exposed yourself and drew pursuit from the Witch Hunters, the enemy has probably caught wind of this by now, so the operation objective has changed to destroying the cargo.

We need to reach the Smuggler’s Woods within three days and carry out this inevitably difficult ambush. I need every bit of hunting force available, which means you and your blood servants will be counted in as well.”

“I understand,” Murphy nodded, looking at the military map handed to him. His mind processed the key words in the young lady’s speech, and after a few seconds he said:

“As far as I know, the war between the Goldflower Kingdom and the Portia Federation has dragged on for ten years, leaving both sides exhausted and stuck in the mud, so to speak. So I’m quite curious, what kind of military supplies could have such an immediate impact on an army bogged down like that?”

“You ask too many questions, and I don’t know the answers either,” Femis coldly replied, waving her hand with a decisiveness contrasting her small stature and looks.

“We don’t need to know those details. Midnight Hunters act when given a target! You need to bring your servants as a harassment force to delay that transport convoy. Defeating two Witch Hunter squads proved you have that capability.

I don’t need you to engage deeply in battle! Just harass them, attract them, divide them! Create opportunities for me and my hunters to ambush them, that’s all.

Once this is done, you can take a commendation order back to Kadman City. Lady Tris will be proud of you, and the family will reward you.”

“Look at you, tiny as a middle schooler, but spewing nonsense without blinking an eye, you wicked little brat!”

Murphy inwardly cursed.

Did this seasoned social veteran really think he’d fall for such child’s talk?

So he directly countered:

“So in your plan, me and my servants are just bait and cannon fodder, right?”

The young lady didn’t answer, only staring at him with her crimson eyes calm in a frightening way.

Murphy snorted and shook his head.

“As expected of father and daughter, inheriting the same coldness and ruthlessness. I see you’re well aware that as an outsider, I have no right to bargain with you.

Fine, I’ll accept this suicidal job.

But I need a little help.”

“I’ve already given you all my spare family ritual cloaks, and promised to provide you at least thirty sets of the finest family robes when you return to Kadman City!” Femis said in an odd tone when this was brought up.

“Although I don’t know what you’re collecting these useless things for, I’ve given you the help you need, Murphy. Don’t get greedy.”

“Collecting luxuries is just a personal hobby, and those aren’t even weapons! Did you think I wanted that stuff to stun dangerous enemies with fabulousness?”

Murphy spread his hands, replying in a slightly mocking tone:

“Look at this outsider willingly sacrificing his life for your cause, and you won’t even grant this final bit of charity? Is this how your father taught you to treat us midnight nobles?

Moreover, what I want isn’t much at all!”

He raised two fingers before the young lady’s eyes and stated his conditions:

“Twenty sets of family retainer leather armor and accompanying weapons, both melee and ranged, nothing too special needed. I need to arm my servants so they can hold out longer against the enemy.

And don’t think this is asking for the sun and moon.

Look, if we all die, you can just reclaim and reuse those materials.”

“Take back your vile jokes! The disrespectful Murphy! Are you treating me like a roadside beggar?  How could I allow my subordinates to use things you’ve soiled?

To take things from the dead bodies?

Truly unbecoming!”

The decorum-conscious young lady said with disgust:

“Besides, with just two servants plus three Witch Hunter captives, why would you need twenty suits of armor?”

“I’ve recruited many loyal and enraged blood servants along the way who were victimized by the Witch Hunters. They will hurry to my side once I issue the summons.”

Murphy blinked, gesturing towards the elite vampires huddled whispering in the night nearby.

“And I personally need a capable commander’s outfit to assert my standing before my servants. Perhaps I could borrow one from them.

Additionally, I’ve been studying otherworld creature summoning lately. If there are any spirit tomes or familial sword art tomes, perhaps I could be allowed to peruse them.”

This made Femis give Murphy a strange look. After a few seconds, she said:

“What’s the point? You only have three days to prepare, Murphy. You’re no genius, otherwise you wouldn’t be so unsuccessful. Of course, in my view the family’s poor evaluation of you may be somewhat biased.

At least that ambush you led in the Morland Village ruins was passable.”

The young lady’s words were indeed quite venomous.

But she was fair enough to not look down on Murphy’s victory like other vampires, so after some thought she nodded and said:

“Very well, I will provide you with what you need, but you must hand over your Witch Hunter captives to me.”

She pointed at the three Witch Hunters tied up by the bonfire.

“We previously captured one, but it’s not enough.

My interrogators need to extract everything about the White Oak Brigade from their minds. Those scoundrels unleashed into Transia by the Circle Tower and General Loren to wreak havoc have become quite a nuisance.

Consider it an exchange, Murphy.


Without much hesitation, Murphy nodded.

“Deal! Thank you for your kindness, my lady. A beautiful and generous woman like you is sure to be rewarded; the Dark Mother will bless you.”

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