My Players Are So Fierce

Chapter 215:

Murphy had quite a few things to do next.

Although the random event “Ghoul Rampage” had passed, the existence of so many undead in the third layer of the sewers was a problem that needed to be dealt with immediately. Before the Adventurer’s Guild was ready to seal off this area for the long term, he planned to use the “daily quest” mode to mobilize the enthusiasm of the little players.

This was a very useful approach.

For example, requiring each little player to bring back 10 sets of ghoul teeth and claws every day would mean that now 140 people could take down 1,400 ghouls daily, and Tris’s alchemy cottage could also obtain a large amount of death spirit energy materials.

Tris said that ghoul teeth and claws could be made into cursed rings and amulets, which could be sold back to the little players as equipment.

In this way, Murphy’s territory would have fewer unstable factors, the threat of the third layer of the sewers could be suppressed, Tris would also get materials to better run her own shop, her apprentices could learn new alchemy patterns, and the little players would gain proficiency experience, increase reputation, and get equipment rewards.

It was a total win!

The only ones who might have objections to this were probably those ghouls, but they were brainless “wild monsters”, so no one would care about their opinions!

Murphy had already made his plans.

First, let Tris quickly make new Convergence Stone, then create a new five-person dungeon in the third layer of the sewers, called “The Rat King’s Doomsday”.

He had even edited the information for the three mini-bosses.

The gate boss was arranged to be a group of the Rat King’s battle gargoyles as door guards, the second boss would be that not yet fully formed Golden Ghoul Overlord, with the battle mode designed as an arena fight to delay time until Tris comes to aid.

The final boss would naturally be the Plague Rat King Zweig!

This guy was set to have a two-stage transformation, after defeating the first form of Vampire Trickster, he would transform magnificently into a second stage scythe-wielding death god.

There would also be special tokens “The Rat King’s Malicious Echo” that could be exchanged for the weapon blueprint of “Soul Reaper Scythe”!

Of course, as a dungeon with a background, things like “dungeon rare” had to be arranged too, set as a 1 in 300 chance for “Ghoul Zweig” to appear as a rare monster in the dungeon.

Players would have to block it before it escapes, either by intimidation or direct killing.

The rare drop could let Tris use 《Midnight Book》 as a template to create a “spirit energy toy”, to fill the current gap in this aspect of the game.

With such arrangements, wouldn’t this mature dungeon system be farmed to death by players?

Dungeon-related quests also needed to be arranged!

For example, the early quest could be triggered by a memory of the rat gang boss Dorothy, then set some Easter eggs and so on, wouldn’t that be perfect?

Speaking of which, is designing a dungeon really that difficult? Isn’t this just a piece of cake?

Finally, the new force “Rat Gang” also needed to be put to good use.

Why not let them station in the sewers for long-term observation of the changes in undead creatures in the third layer area, and be responsible for exchanging ghoul teeth rings and claw amulets as “dungeon special equipment” to little players, which could just make up for the shortcomings of the four dungeons in the Blood Vulture Halls in this regard.

With these thoughts in mind, Murphy wrote and drew in his notebook.

He and Maxim left the now quiet sewers and returned to the Blood Vulture Halls. Just as they reached the door of his office, they saw Civilian Protection Officer Kudel standing there like a wooden stake.

This guy had very properly changed into a new set of clothes, washing away the dust and bloodstains accumulated from long battles, but his imposing crimson greatsword with notches was still propped in his hand.

Like some kind of symbol.

Murphy knew that this guy had made a decision regarding his previous “invitation”.

He gave a few instructions to Maxim, and the faithful servant then turned and left to convey Murphy’s arrangements for the “Rat Gang”.

“Come in, we need to talk.”

The vampire lord pushed open the office door, and Kudel followed him in.

The lord first poured drinks for both of them, taking special care not to add fresh blood to the Civilian Protection Officer’s drink out of consideration for his feelings. Then he leaned against the edge of the desk, looking at the unmasked Lord Kudel before him.

This high-ranking vampire who did not acknowledge his vampire identity was a quite stern-faced handsome man of the macho type, belonging to the character template that could bring hope to people whenever seen.

Especially that square and upright face further strengthened his “righteous character setting”.

This was not just the effect of “spirit energy beauty treatment” during the process of becoming a vampire, mainly because this “Nantes Ranger” who was active a hundred years ago had a good foundation to begin with. According to Lieutenant Frayzer, a series of legends left by Lord Kudel as a human knight are still circulating in today’s Anju region.

There was a common point in those legends that Knight Kudel was a quite handsome and gentlemanly person. In several different story versions, Lord Kudel was almost the epitome of a perfect life.

His fans even ridiculously arranged more than 20 lovers of different origins and even races for this knight.

From human maidens to dwarf female warriors, to halfling mechanics and vampire enchantresses, even elf rangers and Sanghai priests, and even Atlantean mermaid storm-rending sorcerers were all included.

If according to this statement, this ranger knight basically didn’t need to do anything all day, just comforting his lovers would be enough to make him suffer.

Women, ah, they are a burden in all aspects.

Murphy now couldn’t even handle that one vampire enchantress Tris, so he could basically be sure that all the gossip about this Nantes Ranger in front of him was the result of brainstorming by those reckless writers who didn’t mind causing trouble.

In fact, according to Lord Kudel’s loyal supporter Lieutenant Frayzer, Lord Kudel was a pure-hearted knight who remained faithful to one person.

Thirty years after he disappeared in the 4th Black Disaster, his only wife also passed away in her sleep. That only true love he had ever loved died of natural causes, and Knight Kudel’s descendants are still continuing the bloodline of the Seville family in Nantes city, which has developed into a quite impressive force.

That family has always been famous in the Silan nobility circle for being descendants of the Nantes Ranger, but it’s unknown whether Kudel has any hidden thoughts in his heart about these descendants?

“So, is the interference from the subspace on your mind still there?”

Murphy asked, holding his wine glass.

Kudel, sitting with his back straight like a standard knight, shook his head and said hoarsely in response to Murphy’s question:

“I can hear voices, occasionally see hallucinations, and chaotic scenes appear in dreams during dormancy. I have regained most of my will, but a part of me has been taken away forever by it.

The scariest thing is, I don’t even know what I’ve lost.

This destines me to live in seclusion hereafter.

I’m not sure if I will lose control again, lose myself in those dark calls again, I don’t want to hurt people.”

“Hmm, clear speech, and mentally stable too.”

Murphy pointed to his own ear, saying:

“Don’t worry, perhaps because your bones are too hard, after directly facing the subspace, that chaotic will also lost interest in your stubbornness. After all, there are plenty of pushovers in this world.”

“Let’s talk business.”

The Civilian Protection Officer seemed unwilling to say too much about these personal matters. He lowered his head and took a sip of wine, saying:

“About those things you mentioned before.”

“Alright, then let’s talk about the upcoming large-scale gnoll extermination.”

Murphy put down his wine glass.

He took out a map of the Count of Kadman’s territory from the drawer and spread it out in front of Kudel. It had already been marked with many gnoll lairs of various sizes.

These were all results reported back after reconnaissance by Frayzer and the Witch Hunters. Just looking at those densely packed dots, one could tell how serious the gnoll problem was in the Transia region.

The lord pointed at the map and said to the Civilian Protection Officer:

“The Black Disaster is coming, in no more than six months! The Goldflower Kingdom and Nordtov Kingdom have promised to aid us in the battle, but they require us to clear out the gnoll plague on this land before the Black Disaster breaks out.”

“This is necessary!”

Kudel’s life ended 110 years ago in the 4th Black Disaster, so when Murphy mentioned the threat of gnolls, the Civilian Protection Officer immediately became serious.

He said in a deep voice:

“We must speed up! Once the Black Disaster takes shape, these wandering bandits will become the vanguard of the barbarians. I will set out immediately.”

“No, wait a moment.”

Murphy stopped him, saying:

“I believe in your combat power, and I’m also sure that given enough time, you alone could sweep clean all the gnoll lairs on this land. But we need efficiency, and I also need to take this opportunity to train troops.

Organizing new recruits for the extermination is Maxim’s responsibility, you don’t need to worry about this aspect.

I need you to lead my warriors as the vanguard!

You’ve seen them and fought alongside them, how do you feel about them?”

“Valiant, fearless, contemptuous of death, and diligent in learning.”

Kudel evaluated without hesitation:

“However, they lack discipline, are arrogant and quite… quite chaotic! Not just in actions, their thinking also seems to be completely different from normal people, too active and uncontrolled. This destines them to never become excellent soldiers, but as elite scouts and hunters they are exceptionally perfect.”

I can lead them!

They all have talent and I’m willing to do so, but they must obey my orders!

There’s no room for negotiation on this point.”

“Of course, this is actually very easy to achieve, as long as you grasp the correct method of interacting with them.”

Murphy pointed to the Computation Bead tied to Kudel’s wrist, saying:

“You’ve already learned how to use that thing, so I guarantee they will become the best hunters under your command. I hope you can generously teach them advanced combat techniques. Especially those who don’t plan to become vampires, but are still willing to contribute to this land.

For example, teach them to become classical knights like you, teach them how to use greatswords, teach them advanced horsemanship and combat experience, and so on.

I’m in great need of such ‘mentor’ type roles right now.

Additionally, I can give you 13 positions. You can recruit your own ‘warriors’ and your own ‘champion warriors’ from among them.

This doesn’t mean you have to take on the responsibility of raising them.

I’ll be responsible for that!

You just need to teach the people you’ve chosen, help them grow quickly and uncover their potential.”


Kudel thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

But soon, he raised a question:

“I saw the scene of their deaths, but they don’t really die, do they? So what exactly are they? The legendary ‘heroic spirits’?”

“Hmm, that’s an interesting way of putting it.”

Murphy’s eyes lit up.

He stood up straight, rubbing his brow, and said:

“They can be heroic spirits, at least when we promote it externally they can be. If necessary, we can indeed describe them as such in the future, but in reality, they are spirits from another world.

This is a high-end spirit energy spell.

I can hardly explain the specific principles to you. You just need to know that their existence is not a bad thing, and they are all kind-hearted and come from an orderly plane. As long as they are well-guided, they can become trustworthy people.

Other than that, do you have any other questions?”

“No more.”

Kudel stood up, drinking the wine in his hand in one gulp. He said decisively:

“I will set out tomorrow morning. Hopefully, they are already prepared.”

“Don’t rush! The time will be the day after tomorrow. Their mobilization needs some time, and the cavalry sent out by the Witch Hunters also need time to make their final report.”

Murphy waved his hand and said:

“You also need time to recuperate, even if it’s just one night. You need new equipment, new weapons, a new warhorse. You need a new image that’s attractive enough! I’ll have these prepared for you.”

“There’s no need for such trouble, I only need my sword—”

“No! My Civilian Protection Officer, trust me, all of this is necessary! Also, I know you don’t acknowledge your vampire identity, Tris and I won’t force you.

But in the management system of the territory, you will be reappointed as the commander of the Civilian Protection Officer for the entire Transia. We will specially create a position for you, which will be separate from the army, militia, and city police, and can be seen as a supervisor and punisher representing the majesty of Transia’s law and administration.

You can bestow the title of ‘Civilian Protection Officer’ to anyone you value and approve of, and you will command these elite warriors who have sworn to protect.

In addition, I will also give you the title of ‘Hunting Baron’ and a small fief near Anderma Hills.

You must accept!

There’s no room for negotiation on this. Neither I nor my Crimson Regent will allow you to stay outside the new order we are building.

Please understand, Lord Kudel!

This is all for the stability of Transia. Only when this place is stable enough will the people you wish to protect not suffer more hardships.”


“So, you mean we can still have the title of ‘Rat Gang’ and have gained the qualification to claim territory in the sewers? And we must restart the black market business?”

Lady Dorothy, who had changed into new clothes and had a full meal feeling like she had come back to life, was now standing in front of the Crimson Regent’s desk.

Her bandaged face was full of astonishment as she said to Baroness Miriam, who was drinking tea with a tired look:

“And we also have to participate in the operation of something called ‘Fight Club’?”

“Yes! This is your work content for the next period.”

Miriam drank her energizing tea and instructed this gang leader in front of her in an official tone:

“In addition, you will also shoulder the responsibility of teaching skills to Transia’s warriors. For example, if someone wants to become a thief or infiltrator, you need to help them complete their job change, as well as sell some related skill manuals and professional supplies.

The lord has also delegated the authority to issue daily ghoul extermination quests to you.

You and your guys need to stay in the sewers to monitor the movements of the ghouls in the lower levels.

Even if the Witch Hunters completely seal off that place, you must remain Duty-Bound, until the day in the future when the undead underground are completely cleared out.

You need to understand, you were involved in that incident and did something wrong, you admitted this yourself, so you must shoulder the responsibility of dealing with this mess!

Consider it as atonement.

In a while, there will be specialized administrative staff to teach you how to use the Computation Bead to issue quests. You must learn this before officially taking up your duties. This is part of the administrative staff’s business assessment, and you can’t be given an official position if you don’t pass.

Also, your organization will be affiliated under the Shadow Intelligence Bureau led by Lady Adele. When she returns, you need to take the initiative to find her for handover.

Any other questions?”

“Ah, this!”

Dorothy felt her worldview was being challenged. She exclaimed:

“What normal person would desire to become a thief? Will there really be people making such outrageous career plans? And why do we have to be responsible for exterminating ghouls? I want to do what I can for those who died tragically, but now the Rat Gang, including me, only has 4 people left!

It’s not that we don’t want to do it, it’s that we simply can’t!

Lady, do you have some misunderstanding about our abilities?”

“This is your job content, no objections allowed!”

Miriam’s eyes widened, the regent’s authority overwhelming. She scolded:

“Upholding your integrity as a social instrument and not bargaining at the work level is a professional ethic that a glorious Transia civil servant must have! If you don’t plan to serve in the sewers, I can only throw you into the patrol team heading to Foul Swamp.

Think carefully about where you want to go.

Also, your application for the title of ‘Administrative Knight’ is already under review. If you do well in the first month, you can receive the honor.

But if you don’t do well, there will be more professional people to replace you.

As for exterminating ghouls, did you not bring your ears?

You’re just asked to issue daily quests!

Next, naturally, there will be warriors to help you complete all this. You just need to be responsible for clearing the ghoul teeth and claws they bring back and sending them to Lady Tris’s alchemy cottage. Then there will be specialized personnel to settle the profits for you.

The Fight Club is operated by the Baron of Leim, go to him if you have any questions. I’m not responsible for answering your questions about that!

Anything else you want to ask?

If not, then go wait in the room next door.

In half an hour, someone will teach you the work responsibilities and daily regulations of civil servants. You’d better learn seriously.

If you’re found unable to fulfill your work responsibilities… well, your fate probably won’t be too good.”


Lady Dorothy’s head was spinning. Finally, she stammered:

“So this means we’ve been incorporated by the Count, right? We’re on the government payroll now?”

“More or less.”

Miriam took a sip of tea, trying to dispel some of the fatigue from working continuously through the night.

She yawned, rubbing her sore temples, and said:

“It’s just a probation period now, so you’d better show your work ability! If you don’t pass the assessment next month, don’t even think about getting your position allowances, and forget about job promotions at the end of this year.”

“So, the entire sewer is our territory now?”

Dorothy asked again in a daze.

But the regent was too lazy to say more to this person who couldn’t broaden her horizons. She waved her hand, and immediately a burly Witch Hunter guard came forward and very politely “escorted” Dorothy out of the office.

“Hehe, hehe.”

The former gang boss chuckled as she returned to her three loyal underlings, patting the shoulders of these three worried guys and saying:

“Boys, our luck has come! The Count of Kadman needs us to serve his lordship’s territory. Let’s all work hard and strive to get the title of ‘Administrative Knight’ next year. Also, the entire sewer is under our management now!

Our Rat Gang has finally seen the light at the end of the tunnel, we’re going to be big and strong.”

“Uh, boss, it’s not good to keep using this name, right? Look, the four of us barely survived, and after all, we’re people with status now. Why don’t we change our name and say goodbye to the past?”

“Hmm, that makes sense! Then let me think about what our new name should be…”

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