My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 181: The Banshee And The Vampire

Chapter 181: The Banshee And The Vampire

Josh smiled along with his crew at the unconcealed threat that was being directed at them. Surely this person did not believe that she could actually bring them to a halt. Raven looked at him with an expression that said it was his show, so do what he wants. He had witnessed what the ships and its crew were capable of, so it was a bit hard to be affected by the aura washing over him when he was standing somewhere that seemed to be untouchable.

Lauren seemed surprised when the ship failed to slow down, as a matter of fact, it seemed to speed up as if it intended to charge right over the top of them. Cameron came up beside her with a grim expression. Together they worked on casting the large scale spell they had cast that had obliterated the city gates.

The sky darkened as a thunderclap resounded as the spell drained a massive amount of magic from both of them. The lightning bolt was like something that the Greek god Zeus had personally thrown. Full of destructive energy as it left behind a smell of burning ozone in its wake. Lauren was confident that the ship was too large to dodge such a strike, and she was right.

The bolt crashed down dead on its mark. A flurry of dirt was kicked up, but the ship emerged unscathed. At this moment, Lauren truly felt fear for the first time since she had reached the level of a Guild Master. She had never come across anything that this spell could not destroy if it was not protected by a barrier.

She hurriedly issued orders for the heroes to clear a path. As the ghostly ship passed by and indeed, even through, some of them a ghoulish cackle could be heard from its deck. Moments later, every hero besides Lauren and Charlie suddenly clutched at their ears as they began to bleed. The ship had let out a horrendous wail as it passed by. Bursting the eardrums of everyone who was not strong enough to resist the special attack.

Josh laughed his head off. He knew exactly what had happened since Sigrun had explained it to him before they set sail. All of the souls that had gathered to give the ship life of its own had transformed it into a Banshee. They were literally heralds of death which was extremely fitting since she carried a crew of dead people around on her back. 

The banshee's wail could even be lethal in some cases for those who heard her wail. Unfortunately, the heroes that stood in their path seemed to at least be elites. So they suffered only what was considered to be a light injury but an annoying one nevertheless. From here it was smooth sailing for the dead crew. The city's gate was already in view, and there seemed to be a welcoming committee awaiting their arrival.

Raven glanced back at the furious heroes. It seemed like they were attempting to communicate the need to retreat from the area. Their assault had been ruined with nothing more than the untimely arrival of an unsuspected enemy. It was infuriating that such a thing could bring something that was going perfectly crashing down around them.

Josh could not care less, though. They had achieved what they had set out to do. So now the queen better hope that she can uphold Raven's expectations. As weakened as they currently were, they would suffer far worse if they angered this rogue wraith. At this moment, as they were approaching the gate, Raven recognised that there was something wrong with his body.

Looking down, a huge hole had been opened in his stomach, presumably from the lightning bolt before. Unlike Josh, his crew or even the ship he was made out of flesh and blood. He had been careless since he had the misconception that the ship would keep him safe. In reality, the ship never protected the crew. It was their own bodies turning ethereal that prevented any damage.

"Oh, shit!" Raven slumped down to the deck as he held a hand over his wound. The one good thing was that the lightning had cauterised the wound that it had created, preventing him from bleeding out. 

Right now, however, his adrenaline was wearing off, and the pain was beginning to throb. He felt extremely drained and tired all of a sudden as his vision went dark. His eyes closed as he slumped sideways, slamming his head on the deck. Nobody noticed the situation that he was in as they all believed thatchy had escaped unharmed. 

That was until a silver meteor suddenly descended upon their ship. With a panicked expression, Sonja searched the faces of the crew in frustration. From the walls, she had smelt the familiar scent that Raven's blood carried. When that scent had entered her nose, she immediately panicked. She knew that it meant that he had been injured.

Eventually, she caught sight of a slumped figure in the corner of the deck, unnoticed by those who surrounded him. With no time to waste, Sonja rushed to his side and checked his breathing. It was extremely shallow, but he was alive. However, she had no time to spare if she wanted to ensure his survival. Without even a word for the crew, she took off like a rocket with Raven in her arms. Disappearing into the direction of the castle.

'I hope I'm not too late!' She thought as hot tears streamed down her face. She thought about everything she would need if she were to save his life. It was a fatal wound so that only left her with a single option. She would have to turn him into a full-fledged vampire without his consent!

Even if he hated her for the rest of eternity, she could never forgive herself if she were to allow him to die here. There were so many things left unsaid between them, and she wanted the time and opportunity to make things right. Raven's breathing became shallower by the second

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