My Love Debts Are Everywhere!

Chapter 41: The Demon's Marks That Begin to Play Their Role

"Hmm~" Liliana wrapped her arms a Leon's neck and kissed him forcefully in the mouth.

Leon's mind buzzed with the intsity of the momt, feeling as if a meteorite had struck him square in the head.

'What's happing? Liliana is kissing me!? Am I dreaming?' His eyes wided in disbelief at the surreal sce unfolding before him.

Liliana, the arrogant woman, actually kissed him forcefully!?

If his mouth hadn't felt the moistness of her kiss and the passionate press of Liliana's sexy lips, he might have believed this was all just a dream.

Leon's mind wt blank for a few momts before he finally regained consciousness.

In haste, he pressed both of Liliana's sweet-smelling shoulders and pushed her away.

"Liliana! Snap out of it!" Leon looked at Liliana with a terrified expression.

He ssed that something was amiss with Liliana, yet he couldn't fathom what had happed to her or why she was behaving in such a manner.

After all, the Liliana he knew couldn't possibly be this aggressive, let alone kiss him!

Unfortunately, Liliana didn't hear his words at all. She was currtly losing her mind due to the reactivation of the Demon Mark on her right breast and the side effects of the secret magic she had used earlier to temporarily suppress it.

"Oh, Leon, my dear~ why did you say that? And why are you avoiding me? Don't you love me as your wife anymore?~" Liliana said affectionately, her breath catching as if she wanted to eat Leon right now.

Upon witnessing this sce, Leon felt the corners of his mouth twitch violtly, unable to believe what he had just witnessed.

How could Liliana, this proud and haughty Demon Emperor, actually speak such coquettish words?

Moreover, she called him her husband and referred to herself as his wife with such affection!?

Was this the legdary Gap Moe from his previous world?

However, Leon never imagined that one day, the legdary Gap Moe, once only a concept in anime from his previous life, would manifest right before his eyes!

Ev more astonishing was the fact that it was practiced by Liliana, the Demon Emperor, whose title resonated throughout the world!

'Damn it! What the hell has happed to her!?' Instead of feeling excited, Leon was terrified, his heart racing at the sight of Liliana appearing so passionate like this!

Where has your cold and indiffert nature gone, the one that always looked down on all humans, Auntie!?

'No! I have to get out of here! Otherwise, I feel like she'll devour me, and I won't wake up until tomorrow!' Leon exclaimed inwardly in fear, quickly turning a to escape from his bed.

However, Liliana, already consumed by lust because of her Demon Mark, wasn't about to let him escape so easily.

"Hm? Where are you going, my dear~?" Liliana smiled coquettishly and grabbed Leon's arm just as he turned to flee.

"Damn it! Let go of me, you stinky Liliana!" Leon exclaimed in fear, vigorously shaking his arm as it remained firmly snared by Liliana's grasp.

Unfortunately, Leon's efforts were in vain, as Liliana's grip proved as unyielding as iron.

"Calling me stinky? Well, it seems you, Leon, have dared to rebel against me, hav't you?" Liliana pouted, her cheeks puffing out in appart annoyance at Leon's words.

Her expression was such a contrast that anyone familiar with her would doubt whether this woman could be the same domineering Liliana they knew.

Without hesitation, she pushed Leon onto the bed once more and straddled his body, suring he had no means of escape.

This realization heighted Leon's desperation, the grim certainty settling upon him that he was unlikely to evade this fate of being raped by her today!

'Damn it! Never did I imagine falling into this situation again!' Leon cursed inwardly.

Previously, he had almost be raped by the Dragon Empress during his visit to the Dragon Empire as a temporary diplomat.

Fortunately, he managed to escape her clutches due to his power as a sword hero at the time!

Back th, he had believed such a harrowing experice would never revisit him.

Alas, fate seemed determined to prove him wrong yet again!

Liliana, whom he never once suspected of such actions, turned out to be the second person to attempt to rape him!

Was this his retribution for what he had done to the previous Liliana four years ago?

Meanwhile, observing Leon's desperate expression, Liliana's arousal intsified, and the demon mark on her right breast gleamed brighter.

She th cupped Leon's cheeks with both hands and kissed him passionately once more.

"Ummm~" Her pink tongue traced a path down his mouth, attempting to intertwine with his.

Ssing her passionate kiss, Leon realized that resisting and evading, as he had done before, would be futile.

If this was indeed retribution for what he had done to Liliana four years ago, th he would accept it with grace!

As the saying goes, "Wh trouble finds you, don't flee; instead, embrace it and find joy within!"

Without hesitation, Leon wrapped his arms a Liliana's soft, curvaceous body and returned her kiss.

As a man and a seasoned veteran, he refused to be dominated by a woman!

The kiss, initially under Liliana's control, swiftly became Leon's one-sided advance.

This resulted in Liliana being swiftly overcome; her breath was running out, and her face was flushing with crimson.

Ssing Liliana's struggle for breath, Leon promptly ceased the kiss and withdrew his lips from hers.

A strand of saliva bridged the gap betwe them, and Leon observed Liliana's pallid complexion.

"Hah~ Hah~ Hah~" Her audible panting only added to her captivating allure.

The contrast betwe her usual cold and indiffert demeanor lt a newfound charm to her presce.

Upon witnessing this, Leon smiled as he gtly lifted her chin.

"Do you joy it?" he asked teasingly.

"Of course," Liliana replied, licking her lips and gazing at Leon with affection.

Her demon mark surged with intsity, clouding her true emotions and consciousness.

"Th, shall we proceed directly to the main course?" Leon suggested, his expression beginning to take on a strangess as a black sun-shaped pattern emerged on his left chest muscle—another Demon Mark akin to Liliana's.

The emergce of the demon mark instantly gulfed Leon in a sse of disoritation, his consciousness slipping into a haze akin to drowning in darkness.

In his mind, only one goal remained: having sex with Liliana...

Meanwhile, as the sun-shaped demon mark manifested, the moon-shaped counterpart on Liliana's right breast gleamed brighter, as if in perfect synchronization.

The sudd synchronization betwe both demon marks acted like an aphrodisiac, igniting intse arousal in both Leon and Liliana and reaching its peak.

Their gazes locked unnaturally yet lovingly as they prepared to gage in their second bed battle, four years after their last counter.


In the dimly lit palace hallway, illuminated only by the soft glow of moonlight, Fiona strolled with slightly sleepy eyes, clad in a pink nightgown and clutching a teddy bear.

"Yawn~ I'm so sleepy and just want to curl up and rest. But if I don't sleep near Dady, I won't sleep well," Fiona murmured softly, her eyelids growing heavy.

Since her daddy arrived at the palace, Fiona has found herself unable to sleep alone, yearning to nestle near him for comfort.

Ev if she couldn't sleep close to him, she yearned for the reassuring sct of his presce nearby, hoping it would allow her to rest without waking up in the middle of the night like this.

Fiona walked with abst-minded steps, her feet instinctively guiding her toward Leon's room, a place she oft snuck into.

However, as she walked, a voice suddly called out to her from behind.

"Fiona, what are you doing?"

At the sound of the voice, Fiona's footsteps halted, and she turned her body a.

"Um? Sister Charlotte?" Fiona, still sleepy, snapped awake in confusion upon noticing Charlotte, dressed in a nightgown, standing behind her.

Charlotte smiled at her and regarded her with curiosity.

"What are you doing up at this hour, Fiona?" Charlotte inquired.

"Um, I'm going to Daddy's room to sleep because I can't sleep without him," Fiona replied innoctly, blinking her , gold eyes.

Charlotte's eyes lit up as she spoke, "Wow! What a coincidce! I was just thinking of sneaking into Daddy's room too!"

Her voice brimmed with excitemt as she shared her plan.

Charlotte was well aware of Fiona's habit of sneaking into their father's room to sleep.

Her earlier inquiry and the timing of this counter were deliberate, motivated by Charlotte's longing to sleep in her father's room, just like Fiona did.

Sadly, too embarrassed to admit her true inttions to Fiona, Charlotte fabricated the excuse of 'coincidce'.

Meanwhile, upon hearing her sister's words, Fiona couldn't contain her joy and excitemt.

"Th, let's go together, sister!" exclaimed Fiona, grasping Charlotte's hand.

"Um!" Charlotte nodded eagerly, and the two little girls walked hand in hand to Leon's room.

Upon reaching Leon's door, Fiona stepped forward and turned the knob without hesitation.

"Hmm? Why is the door locked?" A puzzled expression crossed Fiona's chubby face as she turned the knob again.

To her annoyance, the door remained firmly shut, refusing to op.

"Wuu! Why is it locked?" Fiona stomped her foot, tears welling up at the edges of her eyes in frustration.

The door to her father's room was never locked, allowing her to sneak in and sleep beside him.

This was the first time this door had be locked, leaving her feeling very annoyed.

Noticing this, Charlotte hurried over to the door.

"Let me try," she offered, attempting to turn the knob like Fiona had.

Yet, the door remained locked from the inside, leaving Charlotte unable to op it.

As Charlotte prepared to exert more force, a sudd moan emanated from inside the room.

"Ah~ so huge and deep~"

The sound immediately elicited gasps of surprise from Fiona and Charlotte, their eyes meeting in astonishmt.

"Sister Charlotte... whose voice was that!?"

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