My Love Debts Are Everywhere!

Chapter 40: Help! I'm Going to Be Raped by This Woman!

"Liliana... You!"

Leon's mouth formed a large "O," and he promptly straighted up from his leaning position, his heart pounding as if he had just completed a 0-kilometer marathon.

In his line of sight, Liliana stood at the doorway, clad in a black sheer nightgown, exuding an aura of allure and ssuality.

The black sheer nightgown unveiled Liliana's , curvaceous thighs and acctuated her flawless, curve-perfect body, particularly on her huge, proud breasts, which appeared slightly constrained within.

Ev in the faint light, Leon could discern the outline and silhouette of the purple underwear she wore beath the black sheer nightgown!

"Glup~" Leon swallowed hard, feeling a surge of adraline as he ssed his younger brother stirring beath his tight pants.

On the other hand, under the intsity of Leon's fiery gaze, Liliana's cheeks flushed crimson, overcome with embarrassmt.

Yet she swiftly composed herself, adopting her usual icy demeanor as she met Leon's gaze head-on.

"Can you avert your gaze?" Liliana's tone was icy as she tered Leon's room, closing the door behind her with deliberate slowness.

Leon snapped out of his reverie upon hearing her words, feeling a twinge of embarrassmt creeping over him.

"Cough! It's your own fault for wearing such atttion-grabbing attire that I momtarily lost focus," Leon remarked, feigning a cough to mask his embarrassmt while subtly shifting the blame onto Liliana.

In any case, the movemt of one's eyes was involuntary and beyond conscious control, so it wasn't tirely his fault, was it?

"Humph! Figures a famous sword hero would resort to such excuses to evade accountability for his own missteps," Liliana remarked icily, advancing toward him with measured steps.

With each stride, her huge, voluptuous breasts swayed subtly, lding an alluring quality to her movemts.

As an observer, Leon, seated on the bed, couldn't help but notice the captivating sway of Liliana's breasts, causing his throat to go dry.

For the first time, he grasped the significance of the ancit Greek adage, "The shaking of two great mountains is both a natural disaster and a blessing," a lesson that resonated deeply with him at that momt.

'This sway is dangerously deadly, isn't it?' Leon muttered to himself, his perspective on the world suddly expanding.

Despite Liliana's usual allure in her everyday loose black dress, the sheer black nightgown revealed a previously untapped level of allure, making her charms all the more evidt.

As Leon contemplated, Liliana had already settled herself on the edge of his bed, her cold gaze piercing through him.

"Have you se ough?" Her words were a chilling wake-up call, jolting him out of his reverie like a splash of cold water.

"Ehem! Ehem! Se what?" Leon coughed, feigning confusion and innocce, as if he hadn't caught Liliana's implication.

With his acting prowess rivaling that of Hollywood actresses from his former world, Leon's ability to deceive made it nearly impossible for Liliana, the Demon Emperor, to discern his shortcomings!

Upon witnessing his shameless demeanor, Liliana felt a surge of anger—her impulse to punch him—but restrained herself immediately with a deep breath she took.

Maintaining her irritated gaze on Leon, she spoke curtly, "Enough dawdling. Let's get straight into the matter I want to discuss."

At Liliana's words, Leon promptly dispelled all his lewd thoughts and corrected his sitting position.

"Could you just tell me what you want to say? I'm really sleepy now," Leon complained, glancing at the clock, which already showed :50 p.m., much later than his usual bedtime.

With a busy day ahead, including spding time with his two little daughters and returning to the library in search of books on poison, Leon had his schedule packed.

Certainly, the task of locating books on poisons in the library loomed ahead as a tedious chore awaiting him.

Due to yesterday's chance counter with Charlotte and his subsequt focus on winning her affections, he found himself somewhat delayed in his original task.

In any case, his daughters were more important than any books, wer't they?

Liliana glanced at the clock, nodding in agreemt.

"You're correct; it is indeed very late," Liliana affirmed with significance.

Of course, there was no dying that Liliana's interpretation of 'late' differed from what Leon had initially meant.

"Leon Kruger, what I wish to discuss involves obtaining detailed information about the spear and arrow hero from you. However, don't fret; if you're unwilling to share, I won't press you," Liliana stated, pausing briefly before broaching the topic she had in mind.

Leon was tak aback by Liliana's request, puzzled as to why she was suddly inquiring about the two heroes.

Was there an issue involving them that concerned her?

He didn't respond immediately, instead casting a curious gaze at Liliana.

"Is there a reason for you to suddly inquire about this?" Leon folded his arms and scrutinized Liliana atttively.

His hesitation to outright refuse stemmed from his curiosity about whether there was something significant about to unfold.

If there was indeed a looming threat that could danger him and his three daughters, Leon would undoubtedly divulge everything to Liliana.

After all, he was currtly in a phase of recuperation and remained vigilant against any factors that could pottially leave him vulnerable to exposure by the Holy Empire of Elysium.

Liliana gave a slight nod, her indiffert expression shifting to one of seriousness.

"I had initially hesitated to disclose this information, but considering it's futile to keep secrets from you, I've chos to proceed," Liliana spoke cautiously, th began to elucidate everything to Leon.

As she provided a concise yet detailed explanation, including various crucial details, Leon's initially calm expression turned solemn.

'Mobilizing over 500,000 troops? Sure ough, there must be a conspiracy at play,' Leon murmured coldly to himself, lowering his head in contemplation.

He had suspected that something was amiss but had not anticipated a large-scale attack of this magnitude.

After a momt, Liliana concluded her narrative and waited in silce for Leon, who was lost in contemplation.

Uncertain of how Leon would react to her revelation about the impding war, she braced herself for his response.

Would he aid her by disclosing the details of the other two heroes, or would he opt to keep it a secret and withhold the information?

Indeed, he was a hero, and revealing information about the other two heroes could be perceived as a betrayal of mankind, couldn't it?

Just as Liliana anticipated Leon's decision, his unexpected response echoed in her ears.

"Very well, I const to your request for information about them," Leon declared, lifting his head to meet Liliana's gaze with a determined expression and nodding firmly.

Liliana was tak aback by his agreemt, regarding Leon with a somewhat dazed expression.

"Are you certain? Wouldn't this be akin to betraying humanity?" Liliana swiftly composed herself and asked, her tone tinged with uncertainty.

Leon chuckled at her words, casting Liliana a funny glance.

"Of course, I understand. Yet, if the Demon army were to face such a formidable force and suffer defeat, wouldn't it also be detrimtal for me to stand idly by?" Leon replied with a casual smile, acknowledging Liliana's concern.

Certainly, if the Demon race were to suffer a defeat, it would undoubtedly deal a significant blow to them and to Leon himself, now residing within this Demon castle.

Furthermore, he wasn't naive ough to expect something for nothing, so this could be considered sufficit paymt for his assistance, couldn't it?

Liliana was left speechless by his response; it was indeed surprising to hear such stimt from a hero.

Yet she couldn't dy that his answer brought her immse joy, and a radiant smile graced her lips.

'This guy isn't half bad,' Liliana thought to herself, casting a gtler gaze upon Leon.

For some inexplicable reason, her cheeks felt hot and her heart raced, a ssation that had nothing to do with the demon's mark but rather arose spontaneously.

Afterward, Leon glanced at the clock, which now read :59 p.m., and lazily stretched his body.

"Yawn~ Well, let's continue this tomorrow. I need some sleep," Leon muttered, his words punctuated by a lazy yawn.

However, after a while, there was no response from Liliana, leaving Leon perplexed.

"Hm? Liliana? Did you hear me?" Leon inquired, waving a hand in her direction.

Unfortunately, Liliana, seated on the edge of the bed, remained silt and unresponsive.

Baffled by her lack of reaction, Leon scratched his head in confusion and cautiously inched closer to her.

"Liliana? Are you oka—" Before Leon could finish his stce, Liliana, who had be as motionless as a statue, abruptly lifted her head toward him.

The cold and indiffert expression she had worn momts before shifted to one that struck Leon as peculiar, filling him with a sse of foreboding.

"Not good! Something's wrong with this woman!" Leon exclaimed in fear, instinctively preparing to retreat.

Yet, Liliana didn't allow Leon to escape; instead, she lunged at him, wrapping her arms a his neck in a tight embrace.

Th, Liliana pressed her lips against Leon's, causing him to feel as though a meteor had collided with his head.

'Help! I'm going to be raped by this woman!'

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