My Love Debts Are Everywhere!

Chapter 27: Oh? Is That So?

"Step forward, Holy Sword Zith! Defeat that evil demon emperor! Wuuuu!"

Upon hearing Fiona's excited shout, Liliana immediately halted her footsteps, her eyes widing in disbelief.

"Demon Emperor? Isn't that me?" Liliana felt as though she must have misheard, but for someone of her caliber, it was impossible to have difficulty hearing.

It was confirmed that her little daughter, Fiona, had actually uttered those words.

"Evil Demon Emperor? Alright, you cheeky girl dares to jest about your own mother as an evil Demon Emperor wh you yourself are also a demon, though not in full." Liliana's eyebrows twitched slightly, and a small smile, beautiful yet macing, graced her lips.

If those close to her, such as Lyra, her three daughters, and a select few others, witnessed this smile, they understood that this legdary Demon Emperor meant business wh it came to family discipline!

Of course, she was very familiar with Fiona and knew that this must also be Leon's doing or influce for Fiona to dare to utter such words.

With a swift movemt, she resumed her steps and tered the gard to discover the game her little girl was playing with Leon.


Meanwhile, inside the gard, Leon, Fiona, and Lyra continued their game, oblivious to the fact that the actual Demon Emperor was drawing near.

Thirty minutes later...

*Thud! Thud!* (x)

Leon and Fiona, the father and daughter, halted their game and sprawled on the g, both panting heavily.

"Hah~ Hah~ Hah~" Leon gazed up at the blue sky, his breath coming in heavy gasps.

Sweat streamed down his body, and every muscle ached.

'I didn't anticipate being so drained after just thirty minutes of play like this. It appears my stamina has truly declined,' Leon lamted, sadded by his body's state after being exposed to the poison's effects.

If he were his former self, ev after running hundreds of kilometers while carrying a sack of sand on his shoulders, he wouldn't be this exhausted.

'Looks like I must swiftly find a way to purge the poison from my body,' he muttered to himself with determination.

Th, he shifted his gaze to the side and spotted Fiona, who lay on the grass beside him, her face marked with exhaustion.

"Feeling tired, Fiona?" Leon smiled, reaching out to gtly smooth her slightly disheveled hair.

"Yeah! I'm so tired~ but it was fun~" Fiona returned Leon's gaze, her laughter ringing out happily.

"Alright, you just relax and wait for Lyra to bring us some cold drinks," Leon said as he removed the cardboard half-face mask from Fiona's chubby little face, affectionately pinching her cheeks.

"Okay, Daddy~" Fiona nodded in agreemt, slowly rising to sit up.

Subsequtly, she adjusted her position to face Leon, who was still reclined on the grass, and affectionately embraced him.

"Thank you, Daddy~ I had so much fun playing with you~" Fiona nuzzled her cheek against Leon's, expressing her feelings oply.

She was overjoyed at her dad's arrival, as she usually played alone or with Lyra wh Lyra wasn't occupied with her mom's affairs.

Her two older sisters also had their own bustling lives, leaving her feeling lonely at times.

Upon hearing Fiona's innoct words, Leon was deeply touched, and he gtly ran his fingers through her hair.

"Okay, you're welcome, Fiona," Leon chuckled, inwardly sighing with satisfaction.

Fiona was a remarkably sincere little girl with a somewhat spoiled demeanor, which made him feel fortunate to be her father.

Previously, he harbored a dislike for childr because, in his perception, they were oft troublesome and prone to incessant crying, which left him feeling irritated at the prospect of caring for them.

Ev after Liliana disclosed that the three daughters she trusted him with were his biological childr, these ingrained thoughts lingered, proving challging to shake off in a short period of time.

Fortunately, as Leon got to know Fiona better, he found that his preconceived notions were shattered. Instead of feeling inconviced, he was delighted to play with her.

'Hey~, can I change my mind so quickly? It's not like me...' he whispered to himself, realizing that he had indeed started to change without ev realizing it.

Just as they were relaxing, the sound of footsteps could be heard approaching them.

Lazily, Leon shifted his gaze and spotted Lyra carrying a small tray with three glasses of orange juice while also carrying a small table in her other hand.

"Your Majesty Leon, here are the drinks you requested." Lyra paused for a momt, speaking respectfully.

"Well, thank you, Lyra." Leon nodded, offering her a smile, though her expression remained impassive.

Leon felt a pang of guilt for casting her in the role of a powerful and malevolt demon, realizing it might have be impolite.

Yet Lyra had agreed theless, deeping his respect for this expressionless archdemon.

With a small nod, Lyra set up a small table and carefully placed the tray with the three glasses of orange juice on it.

"Wow! Orange juice!" Fiona, already exhausted, lit up at the sight of her favorite drink.

Swiftly, she grabbed a glass and gulped it down eagerly.

Witnessing this, Leon simply smiled and grabbed another glass, downing it in one gulp.

Both of them felt invigorated, as if a surge of life had washed over them.

Especially Leon, who felt his strgth returning in an instant.

'This orange juice doesn't taste like ordinary orange juice...' Leon was tak aback as he felt the ergy in his body swiftly replish, reminisct of the high-level stamina healing potion he typically carried into battle.

Inevitably, his gaze shifted to Lyra, who was also drinking; her expression was calm.

The three of them were relishing their leisure time until Lyra, who had initially worn a calm expression, appeared somewhat agitated, catching Leon's atttion.

"Is something on your mind, Lyra?" Leon inquired curiously, ssing a hint of discomfort on her face, albeit faintly concealed.

Upon hearing Leon's question, Lyra regarded him with a doubtful gaze.

"Your Majesty Leon, I'm alright. It's just that I fear Her Majesty the Demon Emperor's pottial anger..." Lyra spoke in a hushed tone as she reflected on the game they had played earlier.

After all, within the Demon race, playing the revered name of the Demon Emperor, akin to a god and the true ruler of all, was a highly taboo act.

She dreaded the possibility of Liliana overhearing or witnessing their game of heroes versus the Demon Emperor.

Inevitably, Lyra cast a glance at Fiona, who lay lazily on Leon's thigh like a cat, seemingly oblivious to the concerns occupying Lyra's mind.

Observing this, Leon finally grasped the source of her agitation and chuckled softly.

"Don't fret, Lyra. Liliana won't be coming here; she's preoccupied with organizing the Demon Army's march on the border," Leon asserted confidtly, waving his hand dismissively.

"Ev if she does show up, I'll handle her. No need to fret," he added, patting his chest with an air of arrogance and indifferce.

However, to their surprise, a chilling voice suddly pierced the air, interrupting Leon's assurance.

"Oh? Is that so?"


A/N: Sorry, I was a bit busy yesterday and just got a to uploading!

Thank you and don't forget your support!

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