My Love Debts Are Everywhere!

Chapter 26: The Peeking Little Girl Behind the Tree

"Your Majesty Leon! This is..." Lyra exclaimed, visibly surprised, as she took a step back, hesitating before speaking.

She never anticipated that Leon would suddly involve her in a game like this.

A great demon and a sword hero? If Her Majesty the Demon Emperor were to see this, wouldn't she punish her severely?

However, despite her concerns, Leon across from her continued to wink, urging her to quickly assume her role in the game.

Lyra's hesitation intsified, and despite her desire to refuse, her voice caught in her throat.

Desperately, she glanced at Fiona, hoping for assistance to extricate herself from this predicamt.

Unfortunately, Lyra's hopes were immediately dashed wh she saw Fiona sitting atop Leon's neck, completely ignoring her signals for help.

Instead of coming to her aid, Fiona became increasingly animated by Leon's words.

With a cardboard sword in her hand and a half-face mask adorning her little face, her small body swayed from side to side with excitemt.

"Great demon! I will defeat you! Wuuuu!" Fiona exclaimed joyfully, swinging the cardboard sword in her hand uncontrollably, as if poised for battle.

Upon hearing this, Lyra felt as though she might faint, utterly helpless in the face of Fiona's words.

'Young lady, you too are a demon, and your words really don't befit your status very well,' Lyra remarked, massaging her temples as an overwhelming headache swept over her at this momt.

Throughout her tire life, she had never expericed such a headache, except wh assisting Liliana in organizing the war against humankind.

However, recognizing that this was just a game and seeing Fiona's high level of excitemt, Lyra found herself unable to ignore it.

She bit her lower lip, as if resigning herself to the situation.

'I hope Her Majesty the Demon Emperor doesn't get angry and understands my situation,' Lyra muttered to herself before promptly assuming her role as the great Demon and gaging Fiona, the sword hero, in combat.

The trio th chased each other and played together with great ergy.

On the other hand, two hundred meters away from where the three were playing, concealed behind a slightly shady tree, a little girl with long hair, adorned with a red ribbon in the middle, watched them playing together.

Her gaze remained fixed on them until it settled solely on Leon, who laughed while carrying Fiona a his neck.

"Huh! How childish," she whispered, her dissatisfaction evidt.

Ev so, her eyes betrayed a clear sse of vy and displeasure that she couldn't conceal.

With an annoyed expression, the little girl remained in place, fixating her gaze on Leon as he played with Fiona.


Meanwhile, Liliana, having finished her work, made her way to Leon's room and halted directly in front of his door.


"Leon Kruger, are you in there? Can I come in? There's something I need to discuss with you." Liliana rapped lightly on Leon's door and called out in an indiffert tone before falling silt, awaiting his response.

It wasn't that she couldn't simply walk into Leon's room and ter directly; rather, she had already considered that doing so might come across as impolite and pottially strain their relationship.

After all, Leon was the father of her three daughters, and she relied on his assistance to care for them while she managed the affairs of the Demon Race, which consumed much of her time.

Therefore, she restrained herself from jeopardizing her relationship with Leon over minor issues that she could tolerate.

However, after waiting for a few minutes outside his bedroom door, Liliana received no response from Leon within the room.

"How strange... Is he still asleep?" Liliana muttered in confusion as she knocked once more on his bedroom door.


This time, the knock was louder than before, intded to rouse Leon from his slumber if he was indeed asleep.

"Leon Kruger, could you please op your bedroom door? I need to speak with you," Liliana called out again, her voice firm and resolute.

Unfortunately, her call this time also yielded no response from within, causing her patice, already as thin as tissue paper, to disintegrate instantly.

With her breath quicking, causing her huge breasts to rise and fall beath her black dress, Liliana immediately grasped the doorknob and turned it.


She pushed op the door to Leon's room, and as her gaze swept the interior, she was immediately surprised to find no sign of Leon on the bed where she had assumed he was sleeping.

Her brows furrowed as she scanned the tire room, still unable to locate him.

"Nothing? Is that guy out?" Liliana narrowed her eyes, pondering deeply.

If Leon had indeed gone out, th where could he have gone?

Just as she was lost in contemplation, Fiona's image from that morning suddly flashed in her mind, leading her to an immediate realization of where Leon had gone.

"Of course, he must be with Fiona," Liliana affirmed with a slight nod as she turned to leave Leon's room.

She knew her daughter very well and was aware of her favorite place to play— other than the palace gard.

Liliana th made her way towards the gard, which was convitly close to Leon's room.

After a short walk, she arrived in the hallway adjact to the gard, where she was greeted by the faint sounds of Fiona's excited shouts and Leon's laughter.

"Indeed, just as I suspected," Liliana said, giving a small nod and smiling slightly as she heard Fiona and Leon's faint voices.

Feeling reassured, she relaxed somewhat upon knowing that the two were joying themselves in the gard.

With leisurely steps, she continued to walk towards the trance of the gard as Fiona's excited voice became more audible in her ears.

"What is that little girl playing with Leon? Why does she sound so excited?"

Liliana's curiosity instantly heighted, as she had never heard Fiona's excited cries so intse before.

Inevitably, she quicked her pace, eager to see what game the two were playing that sounded so joyable.

Shortly after, she finally arrived in front of the palace gard, where the voices of Leon and Fiona grew increasingly lively and exciting.

A smile involuntarily formed on her lips at the sound of the two joying themselves.

However, just as she was about to step into the gard, Fiona's next excited shout suddly reached her ears.

"Step forward, Holy Sword Zith! Defeat that evil demon emperor! Wuuuu!"

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