Miss Beautiful C.E.O and her system

Chapter 80: Trading cheats

Unknown to Ling Qingyu, Atha was about to peek but control herself.  Ling Qingyu didn't know her daughter's clashes in ideas.

She joyed a warm soothing shower, slowly wiping off the skin. Her eyes wt back in thought, reminiscing her dream.

Recalling every momt printed in her mind, Ling Qingyu couldn't find out the reason why she remembered every second, unlike most dreams in a blurry state.

The grease from sweat and wetness seeped from her organ made her uncomfortable. The stuck feeling wt away during the shower.

After Ling Qingyu dried herself, she came out and changed into sports wear. She had already made an oath to exercise herself every morning.

Unlike Tang Ziyi and Xiao Yue who woke up at 4 am to practice, Ling Qingyu couldn't ev try like them.

Ling Qingyu wt out with her spectacles on and with Atha's guidance and met a maid who seemed to guard the trance to her room.

The poor maid was sleepy until Ling Qingyu's figure woke her up completely. Ling Qingyu tried hard not to laugh at her state.

"Good morning, Miss Ling," The maid bowed and greeted.

"Morning to you. Wh did you begin standing here?" Ling Qingyu was curious.

"About an hour ago, Miss Ling."

"If you're tired, you better sleep first before continuing your work." Ling Qingyu said in a worried tone.

"It's our responsibility, Miss Ling."

"Just pay atttion to your health." Ling Qingyu didn't say more and asked where Lin Xiao was.

It appeared Lin Xiao was still asleep. Wh asked by the maid if needed to call her Ling Qingyu declined and paced toward the dining hall alone.

Because it was early morning, very few maids roamed a the building. Entering the dining hall, after she took a seat, another maid came.

"Please, give me juice and a half-fried egg, thank you." Ling Qingyu said to the girl, who nodded after hearing her order.

A momt later, the same maid delivered the breakfast—fresh orange juice and two fried eggs. A simple meal. Ling Qingyu wiped her mouth after eating and asked the maid, who stayed a her wh she ate.

"Can I have fried rice after I exercise?" Ling Qingyu already ordered a meal after her exercise.

"Yes, Miss Ling. Butler Lin had bought every ingredit to match your desire." The maid replied.

"Thank you." Ling Qingyu left the hall and remembered she had asked Lin Xiao before to buy necessities.

She almost forgot her servants in the manor also needed means of transportation. It seemed she might have to visit the car sale cter today.

She wrote on the to-do lists on her phone. Having a nearly trillion without any use is a waste of money for her.

Well, not technically as she received interest from the banks. But the money wasn't circulating for her befit.

Ling Qingyu stopped on her track toward the gym and whispered out of nowhere. "Atha, can you hear me?"

"Yes, Mom, what's the matter."

Seeing that she could speak with Atha in a low tone without problems, Ling Qingyu continued walking. "What have you done last night?"

"I've finished producing equipmt and set up the lab as you ordered, Mother. The containmt system is still in progress." Atha introduced her last night's activities.

"Speaking of Atha, you can trade online, correct? What's your winning perctage" Ling Qingyu got to the main point.

"Trading is easy for me mother as long as I can calculate the trd, 99 perct of the time, my prediction will be correct. The other one perct remained due to other sudd crises. Ev th a quick algorithm could estimate and mitigate losses, ev earning a little in the process too."

Ling Qingyu smiled at Atha's ability. She wouldn't be surprised, her cheap daughter's calculation accuracy was so high. If Atha utilized more of her pottial, the accuracy would increase without a doubt.

"Alright, I know you're excellt. Tell me if I give you billion yuan, can you triple that number." Ling Qingyu inquired.

"Triple is too low. I can return t times the profit. Of course, I recommd doing it only once a month." Atha shouted in excitemt to prove herself.

Ling Qingyu wasn't too astonished since she expected Atha to easily achieve such a record but she must still support her daughter. "Wow, our Atha's brilliant! I've got the best daughter here."

She also understood why Atha recommd to do it only once. Two reasons—the first being to avoid being tracked by authorities and the second, to prevt exploitation of the system causing havoc on other traders: what you gained might be someone losing.

"Mom, My CPU might fry from being ashamed." Atha's reply spurted laughter from Ling Qingyu. Atha knowing how to joke relieved Ling Qingyu.

A simple child mindset with immse capability was terrible but with Ling Qingyu's guidance, she believed the future would be safe.

"I guess with your ability, Mommy can lie flat and become a salted fish."

"Mom, although financial gain through trading is a lot, it isn't stable after all. What's not yours, you couldn't control it. Not to mtion, trading couldn't be considered real wealth. Except to gain some prior investmt fundings or to satisfy your daily gain, trading shouldn't be the only source of wealth."

Atha: "I suggest Mom invests in other resources to give products and services to the community. Innovation and invtion are the hard money in the economy. Providing for the society will be the real wealth and the circulation of your money is a win-win situation here, strgthing your influce and power."

Ling Qingyu listed to Atha's lecture seriously and wondered wh her daughter accessed economics, although she explained everything in layman's terms.

"But if Mom desired more funds," Atha continued. "Our printer can produce as much gold as you like. These are the hard currcy in the modern era."

Ling Qingyu almost staggered her footsteps. Her nature of securing more money lost her thinking ability. Atha was right. She could possess a huge amount of gold; what was there to continue worrying?

"No need to do it unless there's a crisis." Ling Qingyu calmed herself and replied. "Most of the money I earned isn't to spd myself. Rather I want these funds to make myself a better human being."

"Wow! Mom is a great person. I'm learning from you." Atha's words caused Ling Qingyu's mouth to twitch and brought a heavy burd on her shoulder.

It appeared like having her own childr, requiring Ling Qingyu to pay atttion to everything.

And she didn't lie. Since she could earn a lot without paying big, she would donate to areas where they were needed.

With Atha's words, Ling Qingyu's inner passion burned. Billions or trillions seemed to have no differce to her. In this life, she should live and attempt something for the world.

Perhaps the answer to why Miss System brought her into this world might be found in the process.

Ev if her dream seemed impossible at the momt, a journey of a thousand miles began with a tiny step. It was only a step required to vture into what she desired.

Before achieving the impossible, she had to begin with her province. Corruptions, crimes, and chaos.

She already decided on her first step, quelling the troubles and bringing life and hope to the public. The motivation was higher wh her old self died because of it.

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