Miss Beautiful C.E.O and her system

Chapter 81: First workout

No amount of wealth was useful if one couldn't protect themselves. She could gain an infinite amount of money, but her currt strgth couldn't ev face the two biggest families in Province N.

What about other Provinces and those in the capital? Wasn't her existce similar to a bigger ant among ants?

What defined strgth in the business world? Connection networks, funding, influce on the public, and the hard power itself were the factors that came through Ling Qingyu's mind.

Ling Qingyu would increase her connection with various types of people as she walked on the business red carpet naturally as long as she stayed in the circle. Politicians, respected figures, wealthy groups, consortiums and ev criminals.

As for her wealth, maybe without Atha's presce, she must struggle for a few years to reach her goals. The funding required for her growth would be expontial to be regarded as her strgth compared to other giants.

Now with Atha's suggestion, she realized she had too much. The only esstial step was to protect against any outside harm.

Ling Qingyu planned to address the two points mtioned above in the future. With these thoughts in mind, Ling Qingyu considered the other two factors she intded to focus on currtly.

Exerting influce on the public started with her donation at the hospital in the past few days. She would later increase the scale by building roads and schools where her name would become recognizable in the future.

There wasn't any point related to hard power because she already began. To protect herself and the company, she needed elite-tier securities and Tang Ziyi's help was excellt timing.

In another few months, she would have no worries regarding those worrisome triads and gangs rumbling a the province as she already possessed an armed group of guards, provided Officer Yang acted according to her plan.

These thoughts flew quickly in Ling Qingyu's mind, as she conversed with Atha and continued her path to the gym.

Arriving at her destination, she saw early risers. It wasn't surprising to see Tang Ziyi and Xiao Yue at the gym.

But what were Su Ruomei and Jiang Yu waking up early for? The other day wh she called Su Ruomei on the phone at this time, her security captain was still brushing her teeth.

Today, Su Ruomei was active, alongside Jiang Yu, training on the punching bags. She was eager to have Tang Ziyi's guidance to further polish her skills. Jiang Yu most probably followed her Sister-like figure.

Ling Qingyu halted her footsteps as she saw the two walk toward Tang Ziyi. At a distance, she didn't hear what they discussed and only saw Tang Ziyi nod.

After everyone stood on the martial art soft mattress, Su Ruomei and Jiang Yu lunged toward Tang Ziyi at the same time.

Ling Qingyu was dumbfounded and realized the three were practicing grappling techniques.

Su Ruomei & Jiang Yu Vs Tang Ziyi.

Ling Qingyu watched in relish, as the two wom struggled against Tang Ziyi, getting thrown up in the air several times until they managed to grab both Tang Ziyi's upper body and lower body.

Police takedown method or military one.

Either way, the technique was supposed to make the oppont lose balance and couldn't move any longer, locking the four limbs of the body.

That was also the reason why there were always so many police officers on the upper and lower region of a suspect, whever they put down one.

Tang Ziyi didn't panic despite small troubles. Yes, Su Ruomei and Jiang Yu did a good move but that was all.

Tang Ziyi's strong muscle power on her waist with her superb technique managed to slither out of the bondage.

Ling Qingyu clapped her hands as she strode in. "Wonderful display of power. Sister Tang, you promised to help me exercise, starting today."

Tang Ziyi was stunned. Wh did she say this? She was definitely sure, she hadn't.

Since Ling Qingyu laid out her plan, Tang Ziyi also had to guide her. Ling Qing put away her precious spectacle and began warming up.

She also had gone to the gym in her previous life and knew the process. But it was better with Tang Ziyi's help.

One, the body in this life was a female. Two, there must be secrets from Ancit Martial Arts which wer't shared with the public.

As she expected, Tang Ziyi's warm-up session was completely differt. Tang Ziyi shared her knowledge without any pretse or cover-up.

All the knowledge related to meridians and the Eastern martial art system differed completely from what Ling Qingyu had known about Martial art. It was profound, filled with dless possibilities.

Tang Ziyi's explanation oped up a new world, both cultivating the mind and the body. Of course, it wasn't resembling any sort of cultivating immortal like in those stories.

Ling Qingyu felt it was a pity and followed Tang Ziyi's instructions. She wasn't alone as Su Ruomei and Jiang Yu listed atttively.

Tang Ziyi's martial art system combined both ancit and modern ways of thought. The ancit method focused on the state of mind while the modern way conctrated on the issue of practicality.

It didn't mean that the modern method was better. In those ancit times, wh the regions were in chaos, most of the time, numerous fighting took place.

Small battles ranging from hundred m occurred every week or month. People wouldn't feel surprised. Because of the high intsity where killing became normal, ancit martial art trained the mind power, to not be easily influced by these dangerous factors and destroy oneself.

That could also attribute to the reason why ancit martial art did not fall well wh they competed with the modern one, since the two aim was differt.

After Tang Ziyi's explanation, she showed the stretching exercise and Ling Qingyu followed suit without hesitation no matter how the appearance looked strange.

Tang Ziyi carried on with Tai-Chi dance, to stretch out and exercise the meridian in the body.

Initially, Ling Qingyu wanted to laugh wh she moved but she controlled herself and kept up with the pace. At the d of the early session, she felt the differce. Lighter and more ergetic, although her form wasn't correct yet.

"Grip your hand on my wrist with all your strgth," Tang Ziyi told Ling Qingyu and patted her hand afterward. "Enough. Your strgth is comparable to an adult male. What a wonderful physique. Too bad, if you practiced at the age like me, I don't know how many milestones will you break."

Tang Ziyi sounded regretful. Ling Qingyu didn't say this physique was due to Miss System. Some things it was better not to say it.

Since Ling Qingyu's foundation was excellt, Tang Ziyi wt mercilessly on the first day. Of course, the aim was to test her limit but Ling Qingyu felt otherwise.

Ling Qingyu had exercised before and she knew Tang Ziyi's set was already in an intermediate stage. For wom, this might already be in the advanced class.

But a complaint was complaint; Ling Qingyu hid her expression under Tang Ziyi's stern gaze, who was aware of Ling Qingyu's inner psychology.

After Ling Qingyu achieved every goal, Tang Ziyi had set, Su Ruomei and Jiang Yu looked at her in admiration.

Ling Qingyu had never exercised in their judgmt and lacked body healthcare. To be able to complete, the set, most wom struggle to finish, it was incredible in their eyes.

Ling Qingyu also didn't expect her physique to have a firm foundation. She initially thought being able to complete half was a miracle.

Now that Ling Qingyu surpassed a miracle, she was satisfied with her body and her will. So many times, she wanted to give up but under Tang Ziyi's terrifying eyes and to avoid being condescded, she had persevered.

Her spine chilled as the cold turbulce revolved a her. Ling Qingyu glanced a and discovered it was her only feeling until she met Tang Ziyi's smiling eyes.

Oh-Uh! F**k! Didn't that glance mean in the future she would suffer terrible abuse?

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