Miss Beautiful C.E.O and her system

Chapter 71: Ling Qingyu's plan for Legal Status

"We're already on your thief ship, since the momt we are in this room." Su Ruomei rolled her eyes.

"You'll have fun. With these new training methods from Sister Tang, I can see in the future, you'll never show a bored face." Ling Qingyu replied.

"Am I too obvious?" Su Ruomei pointed at herself.

Ling Qingyu laughed. "You can never hide a thing from others. Do note it well."

"Don't think I'm interested in war or desire to be in those situations. I don't. The one I want is more like to serve as a security for our companies to protect against those foes like those gangs." Ling Qingyu stated. "Obviously, the authorities didn't do well so much so that we had to take things with our own hands."

Ling Qingyu stared at Su Ruomei. "Besides, ar't you reluctant to part with the military life? I can put you on a perfect path. you desired in a differt way. Who knows you might become a commander of a larger force in the future."

Ling Qingyu drew a big pie for Su Ruomei, whose interest was indeed piqued. Although the currt circumstances told the plan was yet to be formed, it was great to have a future vision, whether it might come true or not.

It was better to have a drive behind you to move forward. Ling Qingyu's words were like a demon whisper, awaking Su Ruomei's inner heart.

"Sister Xiao will be our perfect chief of staff." Ling Qingyu chuckled after speaking. Xiao Yue acted differtly as if she was disgusted with the ideas.

Su Ruomei's atttion was on the youngest here. Was there another hidd gem like Sister Tang? She eyed Xiao Yue suspiciously.

"Don't think of her as an idiot who always…" Ling Qingyu decided to change her word after seeing Xiao Yue pursing her lips. "I mean as a little girl who always follows Sister Tang. Actually, she's the most talted among the three of us in terms of managemt and strategy."

"She's the real boss." Tang Ziyi nodded seriously while Su Ruomei cracked a chuckle after looking at Ling Qingyu's reaction. But she got the message.

"I just want to be lazy and not use my brain." Xiao Yue whined.

"There's no abandon ship here." Ling Qingyu said in an amusing way.

Everyone shook their head. Su Ruomei asked. "Are you serious, Sister Xiao here has a talt in these areas?"

"0 perct absolute. You don't have to worry about your logistic issues with her." Ling Qingyu said.

Xiao Yue's voice came. "It's more like an unscrupulous boss who piles her work on her subordinates. My role is to help the boss become a shopkeeper."

"Don't think of me like that. I work till I exhaust myself. I led everyone by example." Ling Qingyu patted her chest.

The reactions of the three were differt. Su Ruomei nodded imperceptibly and she could prove the past Ling Qingyu was always overworked. She was actually worried about her boss's lifespan.

Tang Ziyi and Xiao Yue rolled their eyes as they didn't want to delve further. They clearly knew her behavior.

"Anyway, let's go back to Su Ruomei's prior inquiry." Ling Qingyu changed the topic.

"What's that?" Su Ruomei literally forgot what she had asked and she wasn't joking.

The excitemt of the future Ling Qingyu pictured had tak most of her conctration away.

Ling Qingyu's gaze was helpless. Really, she thought. "It's the legal status and the relations you ask. Remember?"

Su Ruomei bobbed her head up and down, her eyes beamed in anticipation. She already knew it must be cooperation with one of the officials in Province N.

"You might not know, Sister Su. Sister Tang and I have spok with a police officer at a superintdt level. With her help, it's not impossible for us to have a licse to bear firearms." Ling Qingyu explained.

"What can a mere superintdt do? Although I agree a person of this rank is high, I don't think the level is sufficit to bypass the law." Su Ruomei shook her head in dial.

"If she's an ordinary superintdt or Captain, you're right. But what Sister Tang and I have contacted isn't simple." Ling Qingyu replied with a smile. "Her zeal is one aspect concerning in related to justice. Another is her backg. Ev those high-ranking officers dare not treat her."

"A person with high sse of justice wouldn't agree to break a law." Su Ruomei said out her thought, which Ling Qingyu and Tang Ziyi nodded.

"Normally, you would be right but what if our support can help her achieve the justice she desires." Xiao Yue spoke and everyone looked at her.

Ling Qingyu was amazed Xiao Yue quickly processed the information within a short period of time.

"Yes, Sister Xiao's words are exactly what we aim for." Ling Qingyu added. "And our community as we know could be said to be totally decayed. Organized crimes usually don't hurt our areas but we must remember, one of them now tries to kill me and nearly succeeded."

Su Ruomei wasn't stupid to not know the connection and the aftermath wh Ling Qingyu already had mtioned Tang Ziyi's and Xiao Yue's deeds subtly.

These triads wouldn't bow their heads unless someone forced them to and Ling Qingyu intded to be this person. Otherwise, the mess and damage due to them might cause Ling Qingyu headaches.

While the Officer, Ling Qingyu stated, fought against corruption, there would be dissatisfaction across the force and others would keep their distance away.

This could create a stumbling factor wh Officer Yang wanted to solve a crime and what Ling Qingyu had in plan was to serve as the officer's sword by offering her group of bodyguards and achieved legal status.

If Yang Qingyue resisted her persuasion, she had no choice but to use the law of the underg—to fight for territories under a differt idtity guise.

Ling Qingyu must come into contact with those forces regardless; since one way or the other wh her business expanded, she wouldn't be able to step aside.

To guarantee safe growth, she must eradicate any threat by planning to cooperate with the officials. Since she had an advantage in funding, why should she not utilize the financial aspect.

After she displayed her plan, she paused so that the other three could process the information. Giv their currt situation, the initial plan was impeccable, acctuating their problem-solving legally, in contrast to violt Tang Ziyi's prior evt.

"So, what's the legal status for our groups, Presidt Ling. Don't roam a; my brain couldn't handle your move." Su Ruomei pouted her lips. She didn't want to care about those complex scarios; all she craved to know was the future state of her fellow retired comrades.

Ling Qingyu glared at her. So impatit; she would get there soon. She replied bitterly, "Why so urgt Sister Su?"

Ling Qingyu nudged her brows with her finger and wrote something on her handphone. She placed the device on the glass, rotated it, and pushed it toward Su Ruomei.

Su Ruomei picked up the phone and looked at the characters Ling Qingyu had writt.

'Female SWAT unit.'

Three characters and Su Ruomei covered her mouth with her hand. She stared at Ling Qingyu for confirmation.

If Su Ruomei's comrades all served as the units Ling Qingyu had planned, she had nothing to lose here.

Under Ling Qingyu's befit, they must work for what they fancied best. What else to complain about here?

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