Miss Beautiful C.E.O and her system

Chapter 70: The opportunity in the future

During the past few days Ling Qingyu worked on her business in her apartmt, she also studied the geopolitical situation in this world wh she had time.

She found everything guine and interesting. It was a new world waiting for her to vture in.

The world Ling Qingyu was in appeared similar but differed hugely after the grand scale of the Second World War.

The first differce was the ding of the losing side, without being utterly decimated. Although the losing terms existed during the negotiation, it was never overboard.

However, the evt shaped the future of the power level among countries based on economy, cultural influce, military and technological strgth.

The formation of World Governmt was to sure the prevtion of the escalation of war toward the previous calamity scale.

Because of the intervtion of World Governmt on a larger scale, big countries like Countries A, B, C, F, R, couldn't store nuclear weapons in a larger numbers.

Nonetheless, the World Governmt was successful in actually prevting war through means of diplomacy, sanctions, and force, despite being helpless against small skirmishes.

Its prestige grew with the passage of time and the public was aware of its merits. Soon, powerful countries began to fear—one day the World Governmt would replace them and take over the globe.

Their worries wer't without reason. Obviously, the hidd agda behind the initial setup of World Governmt resembled their fear.

To those officials and staff who belonged to the World Governmt, they believed the planet under one strong organization would guarantee a strong lasting peace.

During those times, more people favored the organization than their countries. Patriotism lessed after discovering the extt politicians played behind the sces.

Corruption, public opinion manipulation…etcetera. Wh these countries noticed the surreal situation, they immediately reacted.

They soon cut off their support or limited them to the organization such as—military for peacekeeping, finance, and shared intelligce—and rarely reported them in the media, so that the public would soon forget.

Of course, the World Governmt had its foundation and wouldn't easily go away. Ev if they were about to dissipate, they wouldn't disappear without a fight.

Not to mtion, the poorer and weaker nations supported and stepped up its establishmt, to fd off against tyranny.

Naturally, diplomacy, media coverage, and influce wer't sufficit; World Governmt had to reach out for its indepdt military strgth.

However, this huge step must be tackled with caution and the public didn't fancy the idea of another armed organization and the upcoming cold war betwe the nations and the organization.

The World Governmt obviously knew about the predicamt and proceeded in another way. The military support received from third-rate countries still couldn't match the top tier.

Therefore, they set up a new group under their command known as Mercary Union, and completely legitimized mercaries at the international level.

Their main role was to serve as security and as deterrce, along with persuading retired or discharged army members of several nations to join, which was in fact a naked conspiracy.

Drawing workers from other companies, so that they could make use of these talts. Nations had piles of methods against this conspiracy but were helpless as each one would break their constitution.

The World Governmt always guaranteed mercary groups were strictly monitored and the organization demanded discipline above all else. Unlike in Ling Qingyu's previous life, they could never violate international law without impunity.

They paid high atttion to ev the lowest case of allegations. Public opinion didn't react too strongly to the World Governmt's military infrastructure.

Just wh the world was at high stakes and watching the rivalry betwe the two sides, suddly, military coups spread wide in Contint E—Elephant Contint. The atttion of every party was driv elsewhere.

Country R in the Bear Contint also changed its governmt form, similar to an authoritarian one from the previous constitutional monarchy. Although other nations liked to interve, Country R itself was strong and hadn't committed any serious allegations.

The World Governmt had a hard time trying to find an excuse to interve. Ev though democracies had gone widespread across the globe, there were still idiots who desired an opposite but not an alternative system.

Ling Qingyu had nothing to say to them since it had happed in the past. Because of Country R's backing, a few revivals of dictatorships popped up and the world became a three-party situation.

Ev th those authoritarian nations dare not violate any major crimes, lest the World Governmt and the rest of the world became firm in extinguishing them off the map.

Anyhow, what interested Ling Qingyu the most was the easier path for her to get into the mercary field.

"Can you further elaborate on the issues of legal status like…?" Su Ruomei shrugged her shoulders and asked Ling Qingyu, whose mind wt into interstellar mode.

"Huh! Hmm…Yes." Ling Qingyu recollected her thoughts. "Don't tell anyone outside of this room. Okay?"

Su Ruomei nodded to satisfy her curiosity. She was waiting for what Ling Qingyu might say next.

"Actually, let's not talk about this yet. We'll get into this later." Ling Qingyu changed her mind at the last momt. "Once your security units excel at their skills and training and Sister Tang approves their level reaches special force state, I plan to ter the mercary business."

Su Ruomei initially gasped in exasperation at the topic change and the way Ling Qingyu plucked her curious hair. Now, all she did was op her mouth wide. She was stunned as Xiao Yue did.

To Xiao Yue, mercaries in her world never ever portrayed the good party. In her subconscious mind, wherever mercaries roamed, chaos soon sued.

Su Ruomei, in contrast, was dumbfounded by Ling Qingyu's vision. It appeared she had never known the woman before her had such grand ambition.

Tang Ziyi wasn't surprised by Ling Qingyu's words. It would be a miracle if Ling Qingyu didn't plan out this way.

Although Ling Qingyu seemed quiet to outsiders, her heart inside burned with passion. Her manly dream to possess an arm group, solely to herself.

In this new world, the possibility was within reach and Ling Qingyu would love to achieve her ambition.

"Wait! I'm confused." Su Ruomei raised her hand and interrupted. "You want all female mercary group?"

"Although I want to, how's that possible." Ling Qingyu argued. "All I want was to primarily have capable female fighters loyal to me before preceding on the next step."

Ling Qingyu had other plans which she wasn't sure yet before she knew more about her system's rewards. The AI and all-materials printing machine.

"It's not an impossibility though," Tang Ziyi added from the side. Xiao Yue nodded in agreemt and Su Ruomei's eyes also affirmed with Tang Ziyi.

"Anyway, that goal is far away. Because I trust you girls, I'm telling you some of my ideas. What do you think?" Ling Qingyu leaned forward from her sitting position. Her hands steepled and eyes eager for others' support.

"Although I don't like the word 'mercernary', I'll support you no matter what." Xiao Yue replied first.

"Same here. It's my old world after all; what's there to refuse." Tang Ziyi just slouched on the sofas.

"It's still in the planning stage right, give me a ride. If not me, you'll keep on finding others. Am I right, Sister Ling?" Su Ruomei said with a helpless expression.

Ling Qingyu smiled at her response. Anyway, she would never say Su Ruomei's acting was bad.

"Sister Su is right. Welcome aboard my ship, everyone." Ling Qingyu clapped her hands.

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