Chapter 18: Anthony Vs Tiara

****VVIP AREA****

If a pin dropped right now, it would be as loud as a drum, such was the silence that permeates here at this very moment.

Everyone was just too surprised to speak, what they have witnessed in a space of twenty minutes between the top 10 was just too much and unthinkable.

The Dean stared at Null Collins for a second, but that second was too long for someone of their level.

Null Collins was busy smiling, though he was shocked he decided not to show that and just had a smile on his lips as if he always knew his grandson was always that strong, but he was just shocked as everyone.

The Dean spoke "How did you train your grandson?, such mana control shouldn't be possible for his age, are you sure he is still human"

"Such battle sense as if he has been battling all his life, this is another point, at this rate would we have anything to teach him" said the Vice President.

Collins replied as he kept smiling "My son was the one that trained him since he awakened, I didn't even contribute aside helping him pick a cultivation technique, asides that only Michael and his wife knows the remaining details" he spoke the truth, but he also lied his son trained his freaky grandson, when he knows nobody trained his grandson as his grandson requested that, but he couldn't just say that out loud right, he simply just linked his monstrous son to his freakish grandson, as a lion can't birth a dog.

The Dean and the Vice principal just kept quiet and didn't reply, nobody knew their thoughts.

****VIP AREA****

Mitchelle hasn't reacted since this examination started from round one, though there was still no expression on her face, but now her heart was beating wildly, she too was a mage and could understand how profound her son's control over the element and mana were, and he came this far without her and her husband help.

She was happy for her son's progress but was sad for not helping or at least teaching anything, her son already said his physique allowed him to follow his path alone, but at least he should ask questions once in a while, but he didn't.

The worse part was she didn't know her son was this good, she was conflicted, happy for her son's progress but sad for not even helping in anyway.

Michael was the same as his wife, he was already too shocked from his son's sword abilities in the second round and now his magic abilities wasn't any thing less, he marveled at his son's mana control, he felt he wasn't talented enough compared to his son, he remembered sometime ago when his son said he would make his name sound in the Academy walls but he just laughed it off.

He sighed 'Looks like I would have to train harder quickly so my own son won't be stronger than me, also l would have to increase security against those cult and other family, after this I'm sure he is at top of their assassination list'

It wasn't that he didn't want his son to surpass him, but he still has his pride as a father and as an awakened, even if his son surpasses him he won't let him have his way easily.

The other patriachs were looking at Anthony with different lights flashing their eyes and minds, if they allowed such a monster to grow the power balance of the human domain would shift

The other races in the room looked at Michael and Mitchelle only thinking 'Two monsters giving birth to a bigger one'

Some people from other races just smile, cause they knew the other human patriachs won't let this just slide, they will they would send assassins or try to supress him starting from the academy, such was their human nature.

Michael and Mitchelle knew what was going through the other patriachs minds, they have been through their own share of assassins, as they were both monsters in their own league, but they didn't reply them at this moment cause they won't bother scheming in other for a revenge, they will just lay waste against whoever it was, whoever made a move better hide all evidence cause once they got any lead, the human domain would vibrate in the NULL family's name.

*****The ARENA*****

Anthony and Tiara stood facing each other, Tiara didn't speak, she just stared at him.

Anthony smiled and said "I can tell you have been hungry for the first rank since the very beginning, I don't know why you are so eager, but I will give you five minutes, I will battle you in that five minutes, if you can't win I will end the match immediately the five minutes passes, also if you land a single hit on me it's my loss"

Tiara looked at the arrogant human who made such declaration with the same smile she saw since the beginning of this round, she felt he was looking down on her, but she didn't bother replying him. She simply took out her sword and took a stance and said, "after you"

Anthony smiled and took out his katana and looked at her with his deep blue eyes.

They both moved at the same time and their swords met each other and there was an implosion but none of them moved, they looked at each other, Anthony still smiling.

They crossed swords and sent shockwaves everywhere and sparks kept flying off as their sword clashed together, they further destroyed the already destroyed arena.

They appeared 15 kilometres from their original position, Tiara took a stance and activated a technique

[Sword Technique: Space Type: Dimensional Cleaver]

She swung her sword down leaving a blood red trail that slashed and moved through space to Anthony's head.

Anthony, didn't need a sword technique to counter this but he decided to show his own technique.

[Endless Technique: Katana series: Space Ender]

He too released his own space technique and sent it out with a blue trail following behind, both attacks met and recked havoc in space.

Space trembled and shattered at their display of power, the surrounding was dyed red and blue as everywhere was destroyed, the arena trembled, the palce the top one thousand seated vibrated with intensity, this spoke volumes of their mastery over space elemental and sword technique.

Both attacks cancelled out each, Tiara was surprised that the human possessed the Space element, it was also one of the source of her pride, the space element was as the second rarest element, the first being time.

She was took pride in this, she already speculated that during the exams there won't be more than two additional space users amongst the millions of people that took part in the exam, but she didn't even see one throughout the third round, so she assumed she was the only one with the element, but now someone who uses this element stood Infront of her, the same person who looked down on her, this took a hit at her pride, but her pride didn't stop her sword even for a milliseconds, nothing will and nothing could stop her attacks in a fight, such was the fruit of her training and experience she has gathered since she was ten

She moved again through the dust that covered the arena to attack the human, taking advantage of that and slashed at where the sound of blood concentrated the most (the liver).

Anthony saw her coming and parried the attack, then countered by cleaving at her neck, she raised her sword and parried, then attacked again.

[Sword Art: Blood reaper]

She slashed at his chest with her sword coated in red hue this time, Anthony simply covered his sword with fire and met her attack head on.

Tiara frowned, four minutes had already passed but hasn't gained a single lead in this fight or landed a hit, but she wasn't dettered.

Before she could make a move, Anthony already made one

[Endless Technique: Katana series: Scorching slash]

He Slashed with his katana covered in fire element towards her stomach.

Tiara simply teleported out of his katana range and the attack but that didn't mean the surrounding didn't bear the brunt of his attack, the ground shook and exploded even more, stones melted, and the ground turned to lava, with some areas charred

If any normal person was here, they would simply melt from the heat that radiated from the aftermaths of the attack

TIara looked at Anthony with an expressionless face, Anthony looked back at her with a smile and one hand behind his back, giving off the aura of a veteran, this was no different than child's play to him.

Tiara put away her sword and started her next attack with blood and space this time.

She brought out a huge amount of blood from her space ring and they all floated around her like a stream suspended in the air.

She controlled the blood and formed blood ball that kept increasing in size and moving upwards till it covered the entire Arena, Tiara face paled a little as she infused a massive amount of mana in this attack.

She then her teleported appearing above the huge blood ball. Then she casted it as a spell to further increase it's damage output, thereby costing more mana. she was really going all out in this attack

"Blood Magic: Blood Meteorite"

"Space Magic: Space Lock"

She casted in succession.

She sent the attacks downward to the arena.

Everyone was shocked by the attack, they could tell that the attack beyond the A rank and already boarded the S rank attack.

Anthony admire her battle talent, she casted space on him so he won't simply teleport above the attack just like she did but where was in fun in that.

Anthony smiled at this, she was right, she did make a good decision by locking up with space lock magic but she underestimated his control over the space element, he simply controlled mana and took over the spell and disabled it. This was one of the advantages of mana control.

If you have much higher mana control than your opponent then you could just take over their spell or cancel it if you have the same element as them. This is what Anthony did, he just took over the mana and element thereby taking over the spell.

As the attack dropped with might and speed, he took a stance and activated a technique

[Endless Technique: Katana Series: Frozen Slash]

He covered his katana in ice element and slashed upwards releasing a thick cold trail towards the blood world.

The attack split the blood world in perfect half and froze it, then he snapped his fingers then the frozen halves exploded, releasing thin snow flakes and snow around, which froze everything in the arena, the arena that was already lava like a volcano changed forms again to a frozen land, it was a beautiful sight to behold.

Tiara released her space lock that was suspending her and landed on the ground weakly, she already spent all her mana, she breathed heavily as she stared at Anthony, the snow landing on her body as she stood there panting heavily and was slowly losing consciousness due to using up every single drop of mana she had left

She sighed and said "It's my loss"

With that they were both teleported out of the arena and appear where the remaining students sat, directly appearing on their own seat

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