Chapter 17: Unparalleled

Before any of the ten could attack, Anthony made the first move with his magic he hasn't used since the beginning, he only ever trained on it but never fought with it.

"Ice Age" Anthony casted and ice froze everything within a forty kilometre range to stasis, with Anthony at it's centre, his figured suddenly blurred and in less than one second he gave each challenger a devastating punch to the stomach that the ice on each of them shattered on impact, he didn't differentiate between men or women, or between race, he punched everyone with the same force and returned to the centre like he never left in the first place.

Immediately he returned to his original postition, all ten of them were sent flying backwards by a terrifying blow and they all hit the barrier, some coughed blood upon contact with the barrier, some stronger ones only coughed out their gut, while those who couldn't even stand a single punched were eliminated as they fell unconscious.

The entire Arena was silent, they couldn't understand what just happened, for a moment everyone was frozen, the next they were all dealth heavy blows and three were directly eliminated.

These were people on the top 10 not random people, they clicked their tongues in awe but remained focus on the match with rapt attention.

Rank 11: Snow Landell was eliminated as she fell unconscious, Rank 9; Akesh Woodveil was eliminated, Rank 5; Fares Fare was eliminated also. Three power houses at the top rank didn't even last two seconds immediately the fight begun.

Anthony stood still in his position with this hands behind his back waiting for them to recover, thirty seconds later they all have stood up and wiped their blood and saliva off their mouths. They looked at each other, light flashing their eyes as they couldn't underestimate him anymore. Anthony just stood there smiling and waiting for them to make a move.

Terpes was the first to make a move, she controlled the blood the rankers just vomited and turned it to fifteen swords that and sent them towards him, Anthony didn't even move and allowed the sword to reach him, but they all immediately stopped a few meters away from him, the passive skill: infinity was at work, before Anthony could reply to her attack with an attack of his own, Patrick appeared behind him and casted his fire magic, sending flame spears towards him, which also stopped a few meters away from him, he smiled at them both and simply said "full counter" and reflected all attacks back to the caster, Terpes and Patrick tried to dodged immediately.

Rider appeared Infront of Anthony and threw a devastating punch towards his chest, Anthony raised his hand and blocked with a finger standing still like an immovable mountain but the destruction from the attack broke wind barrier behind Anthony, the entire stadium shook, the barrier cracked but were repaired immediately, dust rose and clouded everyone's vision, such was the horror of the titan physique

This shocked Rider, he was from the Titan race, unrivalled in physical strength in this world, even the Dragons don't compare to them in raw physical strength, yet this human blocked and tanked his punched with a finger, Anthony was about to make a move but another person appeared with a sword, it was Conrad who released his sword technique

[Lionheart Sword Technique: Mane Cleaver]

Conrad's sword coated with his pure mana and boosted with fire went straight for Anthony's head, temperature rose threatening to devour Anthony whole and reduce him to ashes.

Anthony didn't even turn, but raised his second hand and stopped the sword with a finger, then he broke the sword into shards, then he turned to conrad and sent a hard kick to Conrad's head who was stunned that his A rank sword was broken with just a finger flick, the kick landed on his temples and he was sent flying like a broken kite, then he lost consciousness immediately he collided with the barrier and was eliminated.

He turned to Rider, who wanted to step back as he saw Conrad getting eliminated but before the Titan could make a move, the finger stopping his fist changed to a grip and held his wrist.

Anthony lifted Rider off the ground with ease and proceeded to fling up, smashing him on the ground left and right continuously with an insanely pure strength, shock waves rocked through out Riders body, his lungs ruptured and he couged up blood from the sheer force of the slam, the Titan automatically disappeared from Anthony's hands.

He turned and looked at the rest who hadn't made a move till now, then he made the first move this time as these people weren't worth his time, he planned to play a little with them but it seems they can't play their roles, so he saw no reason to delay any longer

He snapped his fingers, mana moved and a massive fire sword 25 feet in height appeared while he appeared above the sword and floated like the Vice principal did.

He raised his index finger and pointed down, and the fire sword dropped onto the stadium.

The rankers frowned and proceeded to bring out whatever defence or attack they could use to survive.

Von Bryan hasn't made a move since the fight started, even when he was punched and hit the barrier, he just stood up without an injury like nothing happened and returned to his original standing position, no one knew what he was thinking but they didn't ask, this time also, he didn't make a move and planned to take the attack head on like it was a breeze.

Blaze Patrick frowned and created a thick fire barrier, even though he was a phoenix and their lineage came from fire, he wasn't strong enough to be immune to fire just yet, and with the heat the sword emitted, he could tell a huge attack was coming, so he channelled massive amount of mana into the fire barrier and braced for impact.

Von Keron also hasn't made a move like this brother Von Bryan, he could see his brother didn't make a move to defend the attack and still planed to take it head on.

But he was not his brother, so he made a barrier out of thick ice that enclosed him, waiting for the attack to land.

Storm Bringer, saw how his brother Rider was eliminated and sighed, as a Titan being, beaten to death with pure physical strength was a shame. He shook his head and activated his Art

[Body Art: Titanium Body]

A massive amount of mana was released from his body, his originally absurd size increased further, his further body harden like it was made of titanium, he spread his legs wide and shouted to further boast his resolve

As soon has he activated his technique the fire sword landed.


Space was ripped apart, the arena was destroyed and incinerated even more, the whole place was on a earthquake, the barrier that was set up to cover the stadium cracked even more than before like it was about to collapse totally but was automatically repaired by itself

The five remaining students didn't expect the attack to be this big, they had underestimated the attack and four of them were eliminated.

Bryan and Keron didn't even make a move through out the entire fight, wanting to challenge Anthony alone on a personal match as their pride couldn't bring them to stoop so low as to work together with others, yet they both got eliminated just like that.

The Phoenix, Blaze Patrick who was more in tune with the element than all of them was caught off guard too, he thought he already make a perfect defence for a spell of that level he still got eliminated.

Bringer's titanium body Art couldn't tank the attak and was directly roasted alive, then he was teleported out before he could die.

The only surviver of all this was Tiara, who had teleported into the sky and was stuck there as if she couldn't move or something was holding her in place.

Anthony smiled, he already knew this, Tiara was a space elemental user that's why the Vice president wants her as a disciple, Tiara was a vampire, uses the innate blood control of a Vampire, had a Royal rank Bloodline, and was a space elemental user, there was no one more perfect to the Vice president.

Tiara survived by teleporting herself to the sky above Anthony, then use the space lock spell to lock herself in place in the sky so he won't free fall as she wasn't at the SSS rank yet so she couldn't fly.

(Note: Anthony is passing off his flying as a skill, he is limiting himself to A+ rank)

Tiara was shocked by the level of carnage and destruction, she didn't expect this at all, if she defended head on with blood magic, she would have been eliminated, this wasn't an attack a fresher should be able to dish out.

It wasn't anyone's fault that they got eliminated from that attack, their weaknes was their mana and elemental control.

Anthony's control over mana was too perfect, so the students couldn't read the attack that looked and felt like a normal hard attack that they could defend against with minimal injury.

This was basically what the Vice Principal did, she looked like she was floating, the students sensed no mana fluctuations when she used space magic, it was all their mana control and mana reading skill, it was too low.

Anthony landed on the ground after the dust settled and stared at Tiara who was still locked in space.

She stared back at him then released her space lock magic, landing on the ground with a soft touch like a leaf, instead of like a being that just dropped high from the skies, such was how good her movements control at least were.

It was now time for the final show, time to decide who would sit on the Rank 1 seat.

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