Maybe My Soulmate! (GL)

Chapter 13: Chapter 13 - Heavenly Blessings [Bonus #2]

The looming dark clouds above her head was about to unleash it's second strike, yet she didn't have nearly ough time to actually start the healing process from the healing pill.

Her insides were burning with unbearable pain but she withstood it with sheer willpower and prepared herself for the next strikes while mding her tattered internal organs.

But the heavs were hell bt on torturing her as the next strike came suddly. The black lightning which seemed ev more ferocious than before, came rushing at her at a breakneck speed.






Again came a deafing roar of thunder as she withstood her g against the thunder.

With the sword in her hand, her robes fluttering in the wind, her hair sticking to the side of her face from the sweat dripping down her forehead.

She was exhausted yet full of vitality. She was nervous yet full of excitemt.

Her sword flashed leaving only after images, her figure vanishing in and out of sight.

One after another black lightning came crashing towards her intding to take her life, leaving behind nothing but destruction.

She used 'void cutter' consecutively without a care for the strain it caused in her body.

The cresct moon shaped sword strike collided with the black lightnings one after another causing heav defying roars as only destruction was left behind its path.

She was using every ounce of power her body and Cultivation could master as well as her divine sse.

She pushed forward with blood trickling down her foreheada and the corner of her mouth.

Her skin turned dark as it burned like meat roasting on fire. Her eyes bloodshot. Her face grim. Her bones crackling.

God knows, just how many bones in her body broke from the sheer vibration of the lightning.

It came one after another without a sign of stopping.

Two lightning.







Nine lightnings.





At long last, after the ninth lightning, the sky finally brighted as the clouds dispersed leaving behind nothing as if what she saw above her was nothing but illusions.

Yet she herself expericed the horror of the tribulation.

Every single black lightning had the power to kill more than Nasct Soul realm cultivators.

She dured the full burnt of its power with everything she had.

The g a her in a 0 meter radius was reduced to nothing but fine pieces of dust and debris.

The deep, dark crater was more than feet in depth.

And at the cter of it stood a lone figure, with a pair of slder yet powerful legs. Her back arched downwards as she supported herself with the sword.

Her whole body was covered in dark path of burt skin.

She looked like a horrible monster from the depths of hell.

She was extremely exhausted as she dropped down and sat in a lotus position trying to stabilize herself.

She looked horrible thanks to the dark dried up blood and the patches of burnt skin hanging loose from her body.

As she checked her insides, she grimaced in pain.

More than a 0 bones in her body were brok, her internal organs were burnt black and there were massive holes in them with dried blood sticking on them.

As she checked her body, she was shocked.

How was she ev alive after such a magnitude of internal and external injury? Her body was in a near death state.

The only reason she was alive was only because of her gold Buddha Body and her divine sse.

Without these two, she might truly have perished today.

She was sure that not ev her ashes would remain from how horrifying the black thunders were.

She quickly took a precious healing pill from the system storage.

These healing pills were made by her master's soulmate.

According to little An and what was recorded in the inheritance, these pills have the power to ev revive a dead person.

Though, slightly exaggerated but not tirely. It did have the ability to revive a dead person within certain conditions which were definitely hard to follow.

As she gulped down the pill, it immediately started taking effect as her body healed at an extremely fast speed.

But it was not ough as the power of the black lightning still courses through her body.

But it did save her from her near death state and stabilized her body and keeping the wounds from festering anymore.

After only a few seconds passed, gold blue mist gathered all a her from appartly nowhere.

'Ah!! The heavly blessings came. Considering the magnitude of the tribulation I faced, the blessings must be heav defying as well' I thought.

Just like wh she wt from qi condsation to foundation building and expericed her first heavly tribulation. She also expericed the befits and the blessings from heav wh passing it's trials.

And true to its name as heavs give the same amount of blessings equal to the magnitude of its tribulations.

The gold blue mist formed a dse mist all a her surings and poured into her body while passing through every pours and cells within her body.

It healed her internal organs as well as her external organs.

Her internal organs completely healed and became more powerful and elastic compared to before.

She wt through a complete metamorphosis as her internal organs became brand new as if she's just be reborn as a child.

Her bones became tougher and softer compared to before while being much more powerful than before.

Her skin healed completely as new skin formed on her body and the dried patches of skins came loose and fell all a her.

Her muscles became more condsed and full of power.

Her joints were much more free and fluid than before.

In all honesty, it was a true blessings from the heavs.

As much suffering she had to suffer under the thunder tribulation, she also expericed a priceless boon.

But that didn't just stop there as the next process after passing the tribulation was to form her gold core and finally step foot into gold core stage.

And to form your gold core, you need the power of heavs and the tribulation lightnings.

She did just that and using the gold blue mist and the power of the tribulation lightnings still coursing through her body, she started the process of forming her gold core.

While forming her gold core, she became momtarily blind from what she saw as the blessings she recieved were simply unprecedted while also expected as nobody has ever recieved NINE thunder tribulations at this stage ! And the tribulations were definitely not normal as black lightnings were simply unheard of.

Author's thoughts :-

*Ahh!! Here we go again with our heav defying mc, the one and only Mo Yuxin!*

Bonus #

*A glimpse into the future*

Mo Yuxin:- Are you exhausted, baby?

Su Yubing:- *glares threatingly* It's all your fault.

Mo Yuxin:- what do I do? You're just too delicious ~~ *licking her lips*

Su Yubing:- *dumbfounded by her shamelessness*





See you in the next chapter.

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