Maybe My Soulmate! (GL)

Chapter 12: Chapter 12 - Void Cutter [Bonus #1]

The heavly tribulation clouds gathered more and more above her head and crackles of black lightning seemed to be shimmering within the clouds.

Heavs are a funny thing, it's said to be equal to any and all but in her case it seems to be a bit more fond of her as the power withing the lightning continued to surge and the might it held obviously far surpassed the normal 'tri-thunder tribulation'.

Where it should have be three lightnings of purple, blue and gold colour, there in the clouds exists only dark black lightnings which seemed to be rebelling against the heavs itself.

The clouds churned with power as the black lightnings crackled with such intsity that the space itself twisted a it.

But this time she didn't sit in a lotus position nor did she wait for the lightning to just fall upon her body. She stood up in a majestic yet defiant posture as she faced the tribulation clouds as if to declare to heavs that she, Mo Yuxin, Will not back down ev in the face of heav, for she will brave it through her will alone.

And the heavs seemed to have heard her stance as the intsity of the lightnings increased more and more until the heavs itself couldn't hold it in place as the first bolt of lightning came crashing down towards her at a speed so fast that the space itself trembled in fright.

That bolt of majestic yet terrifying lightning seemed to have the power to swallow up the world itself. Everything a her grew dark as ev her vision seemed to be going on and off but she knew with her instincts that the lightnings were above.




Time seemed to have stood at a standstill as her body remained froz in place. Was she afraid? Was she possibly going towards her own doom? Was she going to... die?

No, definitely not. At a momts notice she took her dusk lily pin in her hands as she summoned it and a beautiful violet sword with black teeth like linings appeared in her hand. It's hilt had a majestic dragon emblem curved within and if looked carefully, it seemed to come lifelike and threat to take your life at an instant.

Gazing upon its two lifelike eyes seemed to instill fear within the very depths of your soul.

Yet, she took that sword in her hands and the sword itself looked as if it found its forever home as it's ferocity dropped to nothing infront of her. But towards the opponts, it still inflicted boundless fear.

She, with the sword in her hands, charged towards that bolt of lightning and with boundless courage slashed at it. She slashed at the lightning with every ounce of power she could master using both her gold Buddha Body and her cultivation realm as if to slice it in half.

But the heavs are not so easily defeated as the lightning came into contact with her sword strike yet instead of dispersing or splitting into two like she had intded it to, it stood in its place and ev pushed her back a few steps.

She was shocked for a momt as the amount of power stored within this first bolt of lightning was ough to kill initial Nasct Soul realm cultivators.

Ev though she was shocked, it was only for a momt. It only took her a fraction of a second to recollect herself and calmy analyse her situation.

At the momt, ev though the lightning seemed extremely powerful and ough to kill her. It actually couldn't and she herself knew her limits.

She poured more power into her sword strike as she pushed back the lightning.

One step.

Two step.

Three step.

And finally, gaining the momtum she needed, she gathered ough spiritual power into her sword. Using the spirit sword, she used it's innate ability 'Void Cutter'.

Every spirit weapon has its own innate ability and the number and power of abilities depds tirely upon the sword and how it's made or its age and the power of its sword spirit.

With the lily pin in her hand, she pushed forward violtly and used 'Void Cutter'.

A silver cresct moon shaped sword strike came from where she slashed and wt towards the bolt of lightning at a ... Slow speed?

It seems as if that sword strike slowed down instead of rushing at a fast speed. Was it eyes playing tricks? Was the strike not performed well? Was there any problem with the sword strike?

No, infact of the above happed. In reality, the sword strike was so powerful and mighty that it reached the bolt of lightning almost instantly but the speed was too fast for human eyes to follow and only the after images were left for her to see.





Boom... !!!

An extremely loud bang sounded and dust and debris flew everywhere as a crater formed a a 50 meter radius from where she stood.

It was an extremely deep crater of almost 6 feet.

Nothing could be se in sight as dust filled all the surings.

After a few minutes of nothing but absolute silce, the dust settled a little and in the ctre of the deep crater stood a lone figure with a vibrant violet sword in hand.

She looked extremely majestic and divine as the light in the space illuminated her surings and giving her a silver hue which only further increased her divine image.

She stood in the cter of the crater, seemingly unfazed and without any injury but the slight trembling of her hands and the blood dripping from the corner of her lips gave away to her vulnerability.

She sustained heavy internal injury from the shock and power of the heavly lightning coursing through her body and causing immse damage to her internal organs.

She immediately took a healing pill from the system treasury and gulped it down.

Within a few seconds, she started feeling a bit better as the healing power of the pill took effect at a speed visible to the naked eyes.

The power of this heavly lightning was equivalt to that of the combined attack of initial nasct soul realm cultivators.

Furthermore, the special petrating effect of the heavly thunder made it much more worse.

And that is why, ordinary divine abilities or divine weapons could not withstand such an attack at all.

Fortunately, Mo Yuxin has many ways to defd herself, from her extremely valuable spirit weapons dusk lily pin and sky Avue Robe to her gold Buddha Body. All of them are peak level existce far surpassing these mere heavly thunders.

Her divine soul is also many times more powerful thanks to her divine sse.

Ev so, wh the lightning landed on her body, she still found it intolerable. It was as if countless fiery ants were crawling all a under her skin.

It was an extremely uncomfortable feeling and the pain was unbearable.

However, it has its own befits as her body and dantian changed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But, she didn't have time to inspect the changes within her body as the clouds started rumbling and the next strike would come down at any momt.

She prepared herself but the healing pill hasn't ev started it's full effect before the next lightning came.

This time, it was far more violt and the power contained within it was immeasurable.

What happed next could only be described as bloody and gruesome which no normal cultivator would like to experice not ev dare to have any thoughts.


See you in the next chapter.






Bonus #

*A glimpse into the future*

Su Yubing:- Are my dimples sweet?

Mo Yuxin:- (after thoroughly tasting them) Mhmmm.. incredibly so.

Su Yubing:- *blusing hard* shameless~~

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