Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 256

Chapter 256

Although it was the time when the dawn moon was still out, an unusually large crowd had gathered in front of the imperial palace. It was a procession of people wanting to witness the end of the seven families up close. The guards looking down from atop the castle gates realized that the morning of a special day had begun.

“It’s almost time to open.”

“Get ready.”

“Are the nobles to be received through the side gate?”

“Yes. Open it wide enough for their carriages.”

Even now the end of the line couldn’t be seen, and when the sun rose, people would rush in like a tidal wave. The gatekeepers would likely die along with the seven families. Those who couldn’t get in on time would probably press as close to the castle gates as possible to eavesdrop on the magical devices’ echoes.

At the time when they were donning their armor, lights were brightly lit in the buildings of various departments, including the main palace building. Especially in the Department of Justice, and—

“Lord Ian.”

The mage felt a sense of déjà vu watching Ian being groomed. His sprawled posture on the sofa, his neat hair, the badge, the formal uniform, and even the leather gloves. It seemed he had looked like this on the morning of the magic confirmation ceremony too.

‘It seems someone always dies when the minister dresses up like this.’

“What’s the matter?”

“Ah, it’s nothing. You look splendid today as well.”

“You didn’t come here to joke around.”

“Here are the questions and inquiries to be raised at the trial. I’ve checked them one last time and there are no issues. I think you can proceed as planned.”

Ian gestured for him to wait and not leave, as he flipped through the papers.

It was an act closer to a ceremony than a trial, with the entire palace working together to break the necks of the families. It was a meticulously scripted play detailing what questions the judge would ask the Ministry of Magic that had filed the accusations, how they would be answered, and how those answers would be received. Just as the beginning was predetermined, so was the end.


“No problems.”

Even though he said there were no issues, he still checks everything to the very end like this. The mage smiled resignedly as he received the documents back.

“Ah, and about Lady Melania.”

“Have they found her?”

Ian asked nonchalantly. The Imperial Defense Department had even issued a wanted order to the guard, but they were in an uproar because they couldn’t find any trace of her. This was because the surveillance of the mansion and the subjects was an order that came down from the royal family. Due to the disappearance of just one person, Melania, they could be held responsible in the worst case.

“No. It’s quite strange. We used a truth potion on her second brother, but he genuinely seems not to know. Anyway, there’s talk of transferring the responsibility to the Imperial Guards. We’ve also requested help from the Ministry of Magic. Wouldn’t we be able to catch her immediately if we use magic?”

“That’s enough. Once the trial verdict is announced, a special pursuit team will be formed anyway, so why should we provide our manpower?”

“That’s true. We’re already short-handed as it is.”

“Tell them we refuse. The Imperial Guards will probably do the same.”

Of course, this too is one of the many reins Ian is handing over to Jin. Just as having a noble’s weakness in hand serves as a check, having a department’s flaw makes it easier to control them.

“What about the others?”

Whoo, Ian blew on his slightly disheveled bangs. A servant, noticing his signal, carefully rearranged his hair.

“I heard the second and third sons of the Kuwell family and their wives committed suicide by poison in the middle of the night. Other than that, everyone is waiting in their mansions without issue. They say they’ll relay the message and carry out the execution as soon as the verdict is announced.”

The heads of the seven families and their spouses, along with their heirs, would meet their deaths in the palace, but the other family members would have their final moments in their mansions.

Are they holding onto hope?

Or are they preparing for death?

Ian touched the Ministry of Magic Minister badge that the servant had pinned on him, then stood up.

“Let’s move.”

“Yes. They’re waiting outside.”

As the mage had said, everyone seemed to have finished their preparations early. Akorella, rarely seen in formal attire, particularly caught his eye. It was for her to personally testify about the Dragon Scales. Although her outfit didn’t match, she was even wearing protective goggles and a mask.

“Captain Akorella. I heard you’re not feeling well.”

“Yes. Well, I can walk. And I can talk too.”

“Why don’t you take a vacation after the trial ends today?”

“I might. The air in the basement must be stale or something, I feel like I’m dying. Ughhhh.”

The side effects of the magic amplifier she had taken for Ian seemed to last quite a long time. You could even feel the heat radiating from her if you stood close. Ian slowed his pace for her sake.

“And, um, about the Idgal you sent later.”

The half-amber raw stone that Melania had given him. Ian nodded, signaling her to speak quickly.

“There wasn’t anything special about it? When I analyzed the crystal, I could confirm it was Idgal. Is there a particular part you want me to analyze?”

“…No. That’s enough.”

The crystal is said to be the trace of the alchemist who made it. If Ian had made it himself as Melania said, shouldn’t there be traces of a different form than Idgal?

‘But it’s unlikely that Melania lied. She knows about the relationship between the merchant group and the illegitimate Ian, and above all, it’s unclear what memories the illegitimate Ian has. She couldn’t have easily fabricated a lie. It was a move to prevent the family’s extinction.’

Then, it might be a natural inference that rather than Ian directly performing alchemy, he gave crucial help to the alchemist Idgal. Even now, isn’t the illegitimate Ian considered a magic user?

I’m not sure how alchemy and magic influenced each other, but they’re both transcendent abilities in common. It didn’t seem impossible.

“Let’s depart. The rear guard, escort His Highness Jin.”

“Yes, Lord Ian. We’ll see you soon.”

Ian gave instructions for the aftermath as he boarded the carriage with Akorella. Akorella leaned against the window, constantly holding her head as if suffering from a hangover.

“Ugh, my skull is throbbing.”

It’s surprisingly she’s been cooped up in the basement all this time, given how clearly unwell she looks. Akorella flashed her protective goggles and retorted unnecessarily.

“I-I didn’t drink, you know.”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“Give me paid leave for my vacation. This is all because I used up my lifespan to save you, Lord Ian.”

Ian just raised an eyebrow as if to say do as you please.

Clop clop, as the carriage drove vigorously, the crowds gathering in the distance came into view. Not just nobles, but imperial citizens were gathering in groups, flocking towards the vicinity of the courthouse.

“Everyone’s so enthusiastic from the morning, really. They can’t even enter the courtroom anyway, right?”

“Even if they’re not nobles, those who bought admission tickets can enter.”

“Admission tickets? Wow. That was Deputy Minister Quintana’s suggestion, right? I’m crazy, but she’s truly insane. Crazy about money. I can hear the sound of her excitedly tapping on her calculator from here. Someone who’s sold their soul for securing tax revenue. How can poor people live with such sorrow? Tsk tsk. Go on, get rich!”

“…It was my suggestion.”

“…As they say, national power comes from the national treasury. As expected of you, Lord Ian. May you become rich too. Ah, you’re already rich, aren’t you?”

“Even those who didn’t buy admission tickets can see inside from the outside. Akorella, I’m pretty sure we had meetings about this together.”

From the installation locations of the magical devices, several meetings were held regarding the Justice Department’s request for cooperation from the Ministry of Magic. Captain Akorella was present at each of those meetings, but she had been strangely quiet. It seems she hadn’t been paying attention at all. She coughed awkwardly and groaned.

“…My body, cough, ugh, feels like someone stuck a syringe in my head. To save you, Lord Ian, I, kuheck! Cough!”



Ian narrowed his eyes incredulously and shook his head. Just then, the carriage arrived in front of the courthouse, and Ian climbed the stairs, receiving reports from his subordinates.

“How’s the installation of the magical devices?”

“There’s less space than expected next to the third pillar on the left. We’re just adjusting that part. Everything else is fine.”

Akorella immediately understood the meaning of Ian’s words.

The trial was scheduled to take place not in the Department of Justice, but in the central banquet hall of the main building where the New Year’s party had been held, after some modifications. The hall was large enough to accommodate hundreds of people, could be viewed from the second floor, and above all, had perfect lighting to enhance the beauty of the banquet.

‘They’ve torn out all the windows connecting to the outside. It was already close to floor-to-ceiling windows, but without even that, you can see clearly inside even while climbing the stairs.’

With sound amplification magical devices installed on top of this, those who want to watch should be able to enjoy it without difficulty.

Akorella sat down in her designated seat and placed her relevant documents. Then, absentmindedly, she stared into space while holding her forehead.



“Captain Akorella!”


It wasn’t until a mage grabbed her shoulder and shook it. She had been sitting with her eyes open the whole time, but it felt like her sense of time had been chopped off and disappeared.

When did it get like this? Akorella frowned as she looked around at her surroundings, filled with palace officials, nobles, and spectators.

“It’s about to start. Is there anything you need?”

“…Bring me some cool water. With ice floating in it.”

“I’ll bring you a wet towel too. You look worse than usual. You know how bad that means you look, right?”

“Damn it! Don’t say unnecessary things.”

Ian was whispering something with the ministers from other departments, and Prince Jin was doing the same with Xiaoshi. Romandro was going around checking if there were any problems, and the nobles were unusually quiet.

Akorella noticed that most of the noise was coming from outside the wide-open windows.


The garden, which had seemed endlessly vast, didn’t show a speck of green. It was due to the countless crowd gathered, leaving no room to step.

They couldn’t hide their excitement at seeing the inside of the palace, the mages, and the prince for the first time. If it weren’t for the guards maintaining order, they probably would have rushed right up to the windows.

‘Hey, hey, hey. Pull yourself together.’

This is an important moment. Why are you losing your mind at this historic page that will mark the end of the seven central families? Even if you make a mistake, it won’t change the outcome of the trial, but this is the first official event where Prince Jin appears before the imperial citizens. There must not be even the slightest mistake, right.


Akorella reluctantly took out a pill from her pocket and bit into it. It was a medicine to alleviate the magic amplifier, which was also still in the experimental stage, but had been very effective over the past few days. Akorella chewed the inside of her cheek, feeling the bitterness on the tip of her tongue.

‘Damn it. I’m really only looking forward to that paid leave. I should rest for a while, maybe do some specimen collection. Sigh. I want to lick some Luron stones.’



It was just as she had swallowed the iced water. The doors at the front of the banquet hall swung open wide, and a resounding announcement was heard.

“The Chief Judge is entering! Please be quiet!”

Woong-! Woong!

Simultaneously, the resonance of the magical devices rang in their ears. Ian had used it several times during the civil war. But it was clear that it was a sensation that one could never get used to.

The noisy crowd, unable to overcome this strange sensation, involuntarily held their breath. Ian stood up, and following him, hundreds of spectators also rose.

At this solemn phenomenon, the chief judge who was walking ahead smiled tightly, seemingly nervous.

“Is it because it’s the seven families? All the judges from the Department of Justice have come out? It wasn’t like this even for the First Prince.”

“Well, there are so many of them.”

“Shh. Quiet.”

The judges wearing white wigs sat down in a row. The chief judge struck his gavel heavily, announcing the start of the trial.

“Case number 52398, the trial for treason and ten other charges against the seven families including the Hayman family is now in session. Will the subjects in question please enter.”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With each strike of the gavel, the shoulders of the crowd also flinched slightly. As the back right door slowly opened, everyone’s gaze turned in that direction.

The twenty-one criminals from the seven families who were to stand trial appeared, bound in chains.

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