Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 255

Chapter 255


Romandro, stepping out of the carriage, teared up with emotion. Although it was a commutable distance, it had been a long time since he’d left the palace, due to nonstop incidents from the civil war until now.

As he pushed open the gate and entered, Minnie came around from the back of the mansion, having heard the commotion. She had been watering the plants, wondering what the fuss was about.

“Who’s—gasp. Master?”

“Minnie! Have you been well?”

“Y-yes, I’ve been fine. But…”

Splash. Minnie couldn’t control the water flowing from the hose and just stared straight ahead. For good reason—an enormous crowd was bustling about, blocking the view across the street.

Aside from the massive carriages numbering well over ten, what were these burly, bronze-skinned men all about?

“Wh-what’s going on?”

Minnie had also ridden the special edition carriage with Viviana to the palace. But since they couldn’t leave the mansion empty, she had left the palace midway and had been managing the house alone ever since. She would occasionally bring clothes and such when Viviana said she needed them.

Romandro, delighted to see Minnie after so long, kept patting her shoulder.

“Mmm. These are the Cheonrye tribe! Didn’t you see them at the palace?”

“The Ch-Cheonrye tribe? The frontier people?”

“We’ve been connected with them since our time in Hielo Province. The tribe leader’s advisor is Ian’s stepfather.”


Minnie was so surprised that she turned her body towards Romandro, consequently soaking his pants with the water from the hose. Romandro whined and stepped back.


“Oh, I’m sorry!”

“It’s fine. I was going to change clothes anyway. You know about the seven central families facing trial for treason these days, right?”

“Of course. It’s tomorrow, isn’t it? There’d be something wrong with any central resident who didn’t know. Since it’s being held at the palace…”

Ah. Minnie, in the middle of her sentence, realized why the Cheonrye tribe had come here. It was the day when not just one or two, but seven families would be exterminated simultaneously for treason. Such a spectacle might happen once in a lifetime, if at all, so the imperial citizens were excited about entering the palace from the morning to watch.

Moreover, with rumors circulating about the deaths of Mariv, Gale, and Dilaina, voices of concern about the safety of the palace itself were not uncommon.

“We’ll be moving our residence to our house for the time being. We might be a bit short on rooms, but if it’s too uncomfortable, we can look for short-term rentals nearby. Also, some of the warriors will be heading down to Hielo first, so make sure to prepare thoroughly for the horses and other necessary items.”

“Yes, understood.”

They had been staying at that palace under the pretext of monitoring and guarding Gale, but now he was dead. Anyway, foreign envoys would soon be coming and going for Jin’s appointment ceremony. Before that, it was a convenient choice to move their residence entirely.

Viviana called out to Minnie while unloading luggage.

“Minnie. Could you come over here?”

“Yes, madam!”

As Minnie tossed aside the hose and ran to the carriage, a warrior appeared smoothly and lifted the luggage with ease.

Eek, up close they’re even bigger and more muscular. Minnie opened the gate wide and welcomed the guests.

“This is Lady Nersarn. And Lady Philea.”

“Wow, I can tell you’re Lord Ian’s mother even with my eyes closed.”

“We’ll be in your care from now on. Please take good care of us.”

“Please speak comfortably. I’ll serve you with all my heart!”

While they exchanged greetings, the warriors entered and looked around the mansion with interest. Decorations that were meticulous and cute, just like their nature, caught their eyes here and there.

“This is Lord Romandro’s house? Oh ho. Excuse me.”

“This kid’s become a real imperial citizen. Even using words like ‘excuse me’.”

“Hahaha! Where should we put the luggage?”

“Inside, go further inside! Yes! Put the luggage over there!”

Minnie, small like her name, bustled about between the warriors, busy organizing the front yard. Even in this chaos, the bright blonde hair caught her eye. She must have recognized Ian’s presence at once.

“Oh? Did Lord Ian come along too?”

Romandro just raised an eyebrow and ordered her to lower her voice. It was to move the Cheonrye tribe’s residence and to make contact with Melania.

Isn’t the trial tomorrow? The palace was on high alert, monitoring the main figures of the families. As soon as the verdict is announced, they would be arrested and executed.

Externally, he was out on a personal inspection after receiving reports that Melania’s whereabouts were unclear, but internally, it was intended to secretly meet with Melania.

“Lord Romandro. Can you go like that with your pants?”

“Ah, this, really. Just a moment.”

“Time is tight, so I’ll go ahead. Please follow slowly.”

“I will. You know the way?”

Instead of answering, Ian put on a robe. Then, concealing his presence as much as possible, he went across the street. Turning corner after corner, passing closed shops, he arrived at a nearby park.

In front of the clock tower. Two chairs were placed with their backs touching.


Ian chose a suitable spot among them and sat down. Then he looked up at the ticking second hand of the clock.

Perhaps because of the big event tomorrow, the surroundings were as quiet as before a holiday. When was the last time he enjoyed such peaceful silence? Ian closed his eyes for a moment, letting out a sigh.

“Are you alone?”

Just then, a familiar woman’s voice was heard from behind.

It was Melania. For a precious daughter of a duke’s family, her skill at concealing her presence was quite good. Had she learned it out of necessity to survive? Ian smiled faintly and responded.

“Yes. But Romandro will be here soon.”

“You’ve heard, haven’t you?”

“Hmm. I’m not sure what you mean. The rumor that Sereau cooperated with Hayman in the rebellion? Or that your second brother and Lady Alenara were in that kind of relationship?”

How could he not know? These days, Ian started his morning routine by checking the letters presented by servants on golden trays. The nobles were all busy denouncing each other.

Like a snowball rolling downhill, the content deepened with each passing day. The letters grew thicker, and gossip about actual fistfights was not uncommon.

Everyone should stop at once, but they can’t, so this is truly a runaway of broken desires. Ian shook his head with a pale smile.

“Honestly, I’m surprised. The past they shared was quite intimate. They know things about each other that even the palace doesn’t know.”

Most of the information the nobles were tattling about was fabricated. But even among those, gems do exist.

Unexpectedly, no. In this case, “thanks to” might be more appropriate. Thanks to their slander, hidden assets could also be retrieved.

“…Is that so?”

“Especially in the case of Lord Eijein, it’s a bit precarious. At the time, Hayman provided half of the investment in Ruswena currency. We confirmed that there was an omission in the reported amount due to exchange rate differences.”

“What about the punishment?”

Melania asked cautiously. In this situation where everyone was at each other’s throats, the palace’s stance was important. If the palace took a hard-line approach here…

‘There could be a backlash effect. A cornered rat will bite the cat, and knowing that there’s more than just one or two rats cornered like me. They might gather the courage to rush in.’

If so, there would be at least some voices added to oppose the punishment of Hayman and the seven families. The nobles would realize that they are rats and understand that their opponent is a cat.

Rather than trying to win the cat’s heart, it might lead to the thought that it’s better for the rats to stick together. Then, then…

Wouldn’t they hope for the return of the great seven families?

Melania quietly crushed the tip of her fingernail hidden in her robe. It was a possibility and hope close to rock bottom, but the very existence of a chance was precious.

“Isn’t the whole country’s attention focused on the trial of the seven families? What punishment? What’s missing can be filled in, and if there’s no legal issue, we just note it down.”

But the answer that came from Ian’s mouth was airtight to the very end.

Melania lowered her head and held her forehead. Whoosh, a cool wind blew, but somehow she felt feverish. It might be a natural phenomenon, constantly keeping her senses on edge for survival.

“Do you wish for the palace to dance on a knife’s edge here?”

With everyone trying to kill each other, it was truly enjoyable for the palace watching them from above.

Instead of punishment, embracing them with leniency and gaining psychological and practical superiority was already a successful step. A step for Jin to advance to the throne.

“Showing their weaknesses, and the fact that the royal family knows about it. That’s enough.”

“…I sense satisfaction in your words. Then, as per your proposal, will you spare my life?”

“Yes. But the trial results are solemn. It’s a measure for past generations, future generations, and everyone. I will not leave any exceptions.”

Ian was telling her to leave Bariel. Melania, as if she had expected this, clenched her fist tightly and nodded.

“…Yes. I will leave.”

“Since you’ve disappeared, there will be pursuers. That’s beyond my jurisdiction, so do your best on your own.”

“I don’t expect anything.”

“Good. I’m glad you don’t expect anything.”

“Just, please help me cross the border smoothly.”

Ian didn’t accept, but he didn’t refuse either. They remained silent for a while, their backs touching. Melania was the first to break the silence.

“Ian. There’s something I’m curious about.”

“I allow it.”

“If I survive to the end, aren’t you afraid?”

A survivor of a family exterminated for treason. What if she succeeded in making a comeback and threatened Bariel? It was entirely possible, and Ian wouldn’t have missed it.

“Why should I be afraid?”


“I’ve shown you favor. So why should I be afraid?”

It’s an answer telling her to realize properly.

You shouldn’t harbor ill feelings towards me, or more precisely, towards Bariel. Surviving after committing treason is a grace and miracle that won’t happen twice. Gratitude, not revenge, is the right action.

And above all—

“Your goal was to save your family. If you had asked just to spare your life, I wouldn’t have made this kind of proposal. Your life means nothing to me, but a powerful family has meaning to Bariel.”

Family. It’s the glory that exists below the country.

Knowing that this was what Melania ultimately wanted, Ian gladly gave her the opportunity. Well, in fact, it was possible because various situations aligned well.

“…I see.”

“Melania. Engrave this deeply. The fact that you’re alive is thanks to Bariel.”

The Hayman family that existed even a hundred years later. Although the lineage was cut off in the middle, the future is unknowable because one breath survived.

They say you can’t go against fate no matter how much you struggle, so Ian could guess that Melania’s history wouldn’t end here.


Instead of an answer, only the sound of the wind was heard. Ian turned his head to look back, and soon confirmed that the chair was empty. She had disappeared.

Ian tilted his head back and raised his hand.


“Follow her closely.”

A man hidden in the shadow of the bushes. He was a special task agent specially selected by Romandro from the palace.

Where would Melania go if she survived alone, without wealth, without anyone to help her? Who would she seek out?

“Don’t forget to submit reports every fortnight.”


With a high probability, it’s the Rutherford merchant group. If Melania flows into that side, Ian just needs to follow those traces.

At Ian’s instruction, the knight disappeared like the wind.

In an instant, just as Melania had vanished.

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